
Italian haircut


Female Italian haircut comes from the sultry Italy, famous for its fashionable women and admirers of high style. Hairstyle appeared more than 30 years ago, immediately gained popularity among women of all ages. Its basis is considered a cascade, and the second name sounds like an aurora. Italian women's haircut for short, wavy medium or straight long hair in the photo and in fact looks charming, luxurious, modern. It gives girls individuality, allows you to emphasize a romantic or seductive image.

Types depending on length

Fashionable Italian haircut is performed with mandatory finishing of the ends, implies the presence of straight, oblique or torn bangs. The trimming scheme is similar to a cascade, but it has its differences. From above, the wizard creates a lush cap of short strands by layering them over, the remaining curls remain elongated and descend to the shoulders.

Thanks to this method, the styling remains voluminous for a long time, does not lose its shape.

Haircut Italian subdivided into 3 types:

  • On short hair. It combines style, convenience, femininity, looks magnificent in all weather conditions. Underlines the contours of the face, a long beautiful neck.

  • On medium hair. The option is considered classic, it is easy to fit, suitable for women of any age. This length allows you to create a fluffy cap, emphasize the oval of the face.
  • For long hair. Suitable for owners of wavy or thin strands, looks great thanks to the multi-layered. It requires more time for styling, but it looks spectacular, stylish.

An important nuance of aurora hairstyle is the presence of bangs of various forms. Its classic version is the curved shape of a horseshoe, but it is allowed to choose oblique, torn, straight bangs with obligatory thinning of the tips.

Recommendations for the selection of hairstyles

Haircut Italian is suitable for many girls, but still when choosing, it will not be superfluous to study the advice of stylists, to determine their own face shape and lack of appearance. There are no restrictions on the texture of the strands, they can be thin, wavy or straight. To create a styling, it is advisable to use a hair dryer, a round comb, a mousse or a gel of weak fixation.

Stylist tips:

  • short-faced girls with round faces are not suitable, especially if the bangs are straight, thick,
  • for women with a triangular face, it is better to choose a thin line in the area of ​​the cheekbones, chin, leave the middle strands up to the shoulder line,
  • short hair is suitable for those who have an oval, rectangular face, while the fringe should be torn,

  • medium strands make it possible to emphasize the volume of styling, but they are not suitable for owners of an elongated, rectangular face with pronounced cheekbones,
  • long curls go all, especially if the cap is lush, neat, complemented by beautiful bangs,
  • if the strands are thick, the length can be left below the shoulders, for the wavy curls, the middle version with milled tips is more suitable.

Technique perform haircut

Haircut Italian performed by masters of any salon, is not difficult for a specialist. Its scheme is a bit like a cascade, but the differences are visible to the professional at a glance. Starting from the neckline, the strands are milled, which creates a multi-layered effect. Length is the type of ladder from the face to the side and rear strands. Charm hairstyle is achieved by visible careless styling, easy beating fingers from the roots.

Technique haircut Aurora:

  1. Use shampoo to dry hair, leaving it slightly moist. Carefully combing, following the direction of natural growth.
  2. In the middle of the head, we separate the parting from one ear lobe to the other, fasten the upper part with clamps.
  3. Select the sides of the temporal zones, fasten them with clips so as not to interfere.
  4. Haircut Italian begins from the back of the head, so we cut the strands along the horizontal parting. Pull each strand, cut the desired length.
  5. We create layering using the “strand superimposed on the strand” technique. We leave long curls in front and on the back of the head, on the back of the head we make them shorter.
  6. We equal the temporal zone on the very first control strand, then we cut the hair on the back of the head. To check, we collect a hand beam closer to the back of the head, check the length. It should be the same.
  7. Combing strands, perform a smooth edging milled scissors, highlighting the bangs. Dry hair with a hair dryer, styled with mousse.

The scheme for medium and long curls is slightly different from cutting short strands. Below are both schematic options with detailed clear pictures.

In order for the Italian haircut to please its owner and others, it is necessary to stack it with a hairdryer, brushing, curl the ends with a curling iron. If desired, we perform a pile at the roots, creating the effect of light artistic negligence.

Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan, Charlize Theron, Eva Longoria are famous celebrities who prefer such a hairstyle. Easy styling can give any girl charm, more grace and femininity.

The main advantages of haircuts Italian

This haircut originated from the last century, covered with its attention almost the entire territory of Europe and today does not lose its former fame. In the current period, the Italian haircut has undergone a series of changes and because of this it has become the most fashionable and elegant.

It strongly resembles the classic avalanche or traditional haircut cascade. The difference among the haircuts is only in the size of the step haircut. That is why only a true master of hairdressing can notice its difference.

Haircut Italian will be an unsurpassed decoration for any woman of the fairest sex, no matter what type of face she has.
If a woman has a round face type, the bang should not be allowed on the forehead. It is better to keep the forehead open, and make the hair fluffy and fall down on the shoulders. When exposed to this hairstyle, the face will become oval. Strands in a chaotic manner will cover the face and fall down in even curls. Thus, you can successfully disguise bulging cheekbones.
If the girl has a narrow type of face, this haircut will visually help to get an oval-shaped face.

Italian style haircut is multifunctional and looks perfect on any type of hair. This haircut on wavy curls looks very original. Hairstyle is improved by the method of hair extension, so each curl is located in its place, does not tangle and looks neat and well-groomed style. For even and straight hair, cutting an Italian will help you achieve the right amount.

Haircut Italian long hair

Even for an experienced hairdresser to cut long hair and achieve the appropriate length for the hair is not always easy, and sometimes even problematic. This haircut will help solve the problem of creating a stylish image. It will give the opportunity to adjust the length of the hair and become an unusual creation of style and image.
Let's take a look at how an Italian haircut looks like in a photo with owners of long hair, perhaps one of the options will appeal to you.

Italian haircut for long hair

Italian haircut for long hair

Italian haircut for long hair

Italian haircut for long hair

Italian haircut for long hair

Italian haircut for long hair

Haircut Italian long hair

Haircut Italian long hair

Haircut Italian long hair

Haircut Italian long hair

Haircut Italian long hair

For girls who have long loose hair in everyday life, an Italian haircut has become an ideal option. It looks great on any length of hair, both long and short. Due to the correct adjustment of the layers, the hair turns out the desired volume and thickness.

Haircut Italian on medium hair

Italian style haircut looks great on medium-length hair and is perfect for everyday use. The descending and light cascade of hair on the shoulders along its entire length will be poured in separate curls when walking.
And now let's look at what an Italian haircut looks like in the photo of the owners of medium hair and you can choose any version you like to make it happen.

Italian haircut for medium hair

Italian haircut for medium hair

Italian haircut for medium hair

Italian haircut for medium hair

Italian haircut for medium hair

Italian haircut for medium hair

Italian haircut for medium hair

Italian haircut for medium hair

Italian haircut for medium hair

Italian haircut for medium hair

Italian haircut for medium hair

In order for the hair in this haircut to get an air form, and the image acquired mystery, it is best to wind them on large heated hair rollers. Lightening individual strands will give your hair an unusual romantic look.

Haircut Italian short hair

This type of haircut will emphasize the extraordinary style of the girl. It will originally create the desired volume, give lightness to the hair and does not require additional funds for hair styling. If you wish, complementing your style, you can either twist your hair a little with hair curlers, or even smooth it with an iron.
Well and, of course, let's see together what the Italian haircut looks like in the photo of the owners of short hair, perhaps one of the options will please you and tomorrow you will contact your hairdresser with a request to make an Italian haircut.

Italian haircut for short hair

Italian haircut for short hair

Italian haircut for short hair

Italian haircut for short hair

Italian haircut for short hair

Italian haircut for short hair

Italian haircut for short hair

Italian haircut for short hair

Italian haircut for short hair

A good option for modeling a new style and combining it with different color schemes will be the experimental method.

How to make haircut styling Italian?

In the traditional version, the hairstyle should be done in the following way: with the help of a hair dryer, dry the curls along the entire length and give them the necessary volume when exposed to a round comb. Next, with a spray, slightly moisten the hair and curl over the entire length. As an option, you get a real haircut "Italian".

To give your hair a more stylish look, you can use various hair accessories (read on our website how to choose the right hair accessories), gels and mousses for styling, and ironing for straightening hair.

And if you go to a haircut to your master, take just in case a photo of your chosen Italian haircut and show him what you want to see as a result. In visual aid, a hairdresser will orient much faster and create the desired style for you.

Italian haircut. Video

In this video, hairdresser Yevgeny Gribov will show you how to create an Italian haircut that not only pleases all girls, but is also used by models of world catwalks.

We hope you have a quick overview of the Italian haircut. Choose, create, be the most beautiful!

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Pluses haircut Italian

  • Incredible ease of installation (for the desired photo)
  • Gives volume and fluff to thin hair
  • Solves the problem of disobedient curly hair
  • Looks great with evening dress
  • Gives ease everyday look.
  • The age of the owner of a haircut does not matter
  • Does not require constant correction from the master

Types of haircuts Italian (Aurora)

Italian on long hair Helps at the same time to maintain a luxurious length and refresh your hair. Ideal for lovers wearing loose curls

Aurora on medium hair perfect for owners of round and square faces, contributing to its visual lengthening.

Italian for short hair. The mischievous and lush look of the haircut instantly emphasizes the strong-willed character and ease of the owner. The hairstyle is incredibly voluminous and embossed.

Italian with bangs. It is important to remember that girls with a round or square face type should not get carried away with thick straight bangs, but slanting and torn bangs are a win-win option suitable for everyone.

Hair styling Aurora

Italian haircut is done using a large round comb (brushing), a hair dryer and a photo of the desired result. On your own you can do the following styling:

  • The classic way. When drying the hair, lifting the hair at the roots, twist the tips inward. This will give your hair extra volume.
  • Evening option. Using a curling iron or a round iron, wind the entire volume of hair. You will need to fix the styling varnish.
  • Laying the iron will give your hair a mirror smoothness and flawlessness. You just need to straighten the hair along the entire length. As a highlight, you can decorate your hair with a barrette.
  • Fast styling. Simply blow dry your hair, tilting your head to the right then to the left. The result will be a natural, lush hairstyle.

Ideas for you

Haircut Italian long hair - another type of Aurora. Italian for long.

Haircut "Aurora" or "Italian" is not the first year on the hearing of fashionistas. This one.

Haircut Aurora for short hair is a shortened version of the classic haircut.

A bit of history

Italian origin reveals its name. She came in the 80s of the 20th century from the Sanremo festival. The master Arlando Tossi at that time probably could not have thought that his hairstyle, appearing once at the show, would become so popular. Slightly modified, haircut Italian not only remains relevant in our time, but is gaining increasing momentum of popularity.

Good side hairstyles

For a non-professional, it is difficult to distinguish a conventional classic cascade from an Italian. But the small difference between them, nevertheless, is - this is the width of the step. For the similarity of haircuts, Italian is often called the Italian cascade. She is familiar in the fashion world under the name Aurora.

Often the Italian cascade is called the universal option due to the large number of its advantages:

  • No need to wait until the hair reaches a certain length - the haircut of the Italian goes well with both long and short hair,
  • You can hide some of the flaws of the oval face. For the correction using different forms of bangs and the length of the strands,
  • Suitable for both curly and straight curls. The former are pacified with the help of deep steps, the latter - acquire volume with the help of filler tips,
  • Easy to create different hairstyles. To make the hair shape, it is enough to wash them first, and then put a hair dryer using a round comb. A new look can be created at least every day, curling strands, collecting them into a tail or creating a chaotic shape with a hairdryer,
  • Universality in terms of creating different images. Having made a bun, you can go to a business meeting, and having curled curls, it is easy to get an image for a romantic date,
  • Special technique adds volume to curls, which for many girls is an important factor
  • Does not require frequent correction. It is enough to periodically cut off the tips to refresh the appearance.

Haircut Italian becomes so popular that even men do not bypass it.

Canonical haircut Italian on medium hair

Hair of medium length is the most successful initial data for creating such a hairstyle. The canonical style, which remained unchanged, allows you to very beautifully and elegantly shape the curls up to the shoulders. The hairstyle is great for hair of any texture - thick and not very wavy and absolutely straight. The secret of her success lies in the technique of its execution.

The silhouette of an Italian haircut on medium hair is created thanks to a neat “cap” and loose strands loose on the shoulders. Beautifully contour contour allows in each case individually arrange the hair and at the same time maintain their length.

This hairstyle perfectly combines with any kind of fashionable bangs, the choice of their style depends only on the type of person. But the most stylish look long - below the eyebrows bangs, trimmed arch.

Lightness is added to the image by thinned, straightened bangs, bangs, they also allow to simulate an oval face. This combination is considered unique by stylists and is recommended to owners of any type of person.

The hairstyle is done in the cascade haircut technique - hair along the entire length is cut off by steps. Their length and depth depends only on the structure of the hair and the silhouette that you want as a result.

Thanks to the cascade technique, it is easy to choose an absolutely individual, ideally suited to the type of appearance. Suffice it to confide in the hands of this master professional.

Look above, how in this video the Italian makes a haircut a real pro.

Haircut Italian long and short hair

Not less successful result gives haircut Italian long hair. It allows you to create an elegant and versatile design for the longest curls. This is especially important for those who prefer to wear loose hair and create fashionable, but at the same time simple hairstyles.

What is worth considering when doing this hairstyle for long curls. In the first place - the condition of the hair itself, the technique of making the hair makes it possible to perfectly adjust their volume.

Frequent and deep steps will pacify hard and unruly curls, and thinning hair into a beautiful and well-controlled volume will allow filing of the tips of all the strands.

Just like on medium hair, on long hair this hairstyle looks great with bangs of any style. When choosing a bang it is worthwhile only to correctly take into account the proportions of one’s own face and silhouette of the hairstyle as a whole.

Short bangs in combination with a wave of curls below the shoulders - one of the most avant-garde decisions of the silhouette. It allows you to give the look of sophistication and make it more elegant.

Pay attention to the uniqueness of the Italian haircut styles on these photos:

Short haircut Italian appeared in trends recently and gained popularity thanks to a very stylish and dynamic silhouette solution. The length to the chin line and beautifully designed volume is exactly the option that lovers of fashionable, extravagant and at the same time universal images are looking for.

Haircut Italian short hair will look perfect on any curls, as thick and thin, curly and absolutely straight. The technique of its execution allows you to create an additional and manageable volume that does not require much effort during installation.

Stylists consider it a universal option for a very different type of person. Step design of the strands and the various options for the combination of the length of the bangs and side strands in each case are selected personally.

Look at the photo, a short Italian haircut looks impeccably elegant:

This hairstyle is perfect as a face of the correct oval shape, and to the rounded and angular. Long side strands and bangs allow you to simulate the perfect proportions and sophisticated and elegant forms.

Women's haircut Italian: beautiful styling on the photo and video

Multi-level textured technique of execution of this hairstyle allows you to make simple and effective styling in a variety of styles. So, literally every day to create a new fashionable image.

Romantic and gentle image can be created by putting bangs and side strands into beautiful large curls or curled with the help of forceps inside. But the most original and fashionable solutions gives styling, which can be done literally with your hands.

Reach sufficiently washed and slightly dried hair with a hairdryer and a round brush, giving shape to the strands with the help of hands.

But the hairstyle opens up special opportunities for owners of long hair. They will look impeccable, both in loose form and in elegant casual bunches.

Italian allows you to embody one of the most spectacular ways of styling, which combines curled, carelessly ruffled and absolutely straight strands. Show your own talent of the stylist, thanks to her, you can literally in 15 minutes.

Pay attention to how stylish Italian women’s haircut looks in these photos with simple styling:

Like any hairstyle with a spectacular silhouette, style and elegance will add fashionable coloring. Pick up a few shades that blend well with the natural color of your hair - and you enhance the impression of natural volume. To bring the idea of ​​hair to perfection fit any current techniques of highlighting or brondirovaniya.

Features haircuts

The appearance of the haircut Italian (or, as it is also called, aurora) is obliged to the stylist Orlando Tossi. In 1983, a music festival was held in San Remo, where the new hairstyle of the singer Titian Rivale, which Tossi had recently cut, attracted the attention of the public.

The maximum peak of the popularity of the haircut came in the 80s and the first half of the 90s, after which the haircut was undeservedly forgotten. However, over the past few years, it has again become popular.

Italian and cascade: what are their differences?

The principle of creating these haircuts is similar: they are cut by layers, the ends of the hair in both cases are milled. But there are some differences: for example, the Italian looks more voluminous, with a cap on the “top of the head” and more pronounced “feathers”.


Among the advantages of haircuts Italian distinguish the following:

  • Can be made on hair of any length.
  • It is combined with different types of bangs.
  • It has several styling options and takes a minimum of time.
  • Allows you to adjust the shape of the face.
  • Gives extra volume to hair.
  • Haircut is suitable for women of any age and style.


  • Haircut is not suitable for curly hair.
  • Need to often adjust the regrown strands.
  • If you have a large head and relatively narrow shoulders, it is better to give up the Italian because it will further emphasize this feature of the figure.
  • Some hairdressers do not distinguish the Italian haircut from the cascade, so you can not get what you expected. It is recommended to contact an experienced master, after showing him a photo of the chosen haircut.
  • Haircut has a complicated technique of execution, so it is very difficult to get a haircut at home.

On medium hair

Depending on your wishes, the master can create two versions of Italian - bold or feminine.

In the first case, the hair is very milled, make torn or shortened bangs. The second option assumes a smaller volume at the top and a less pronounced thinning.

For men

There are two options for haircuts - for short and medium hair. Men's haircut Italian complemented by a long shaped bangs. Whiskey can be short or elongated.

Especially popular is styling, in which the hair in the region of the parietal area and the top of the head casually combed back and up and fixed with wax or gel.

Hair structure

  • Curly. This is not the best option for creating an Italian haircut, as its shape can be lost in an abundance of curls.
  • Wavy. If the hair is slightly curled, it will give haircut even more volume and playfulness. But you need to understand that laying it more difficult.
  • Straight lines Since Italian is made in layers, it looks volumetric and stylish on straight hair.
  • Thin and rare. Haircut gives the hair a visual volume, so it is well suited for thin and rare curls.
  • Thick. If the hair is too thick and poorly styled, when performing a haircut, you can properly shape the bottom layer of hair.
  • Oval. The owner of such an oval face will suit any version of the haircut.
  • Round. We'll have to abandon the short haircut in favor of medium and long. An additional volume is made on the top of the head, visually pulling a round face. You fit bangs - oblique, elongated, slightly profiled. It is better to refuse very short and straight bangs.
  • Square. To soften the features of the face, filleting of the side strands is used. Fringe is better to choose - oblique or elongated.
  • Rectangular (elongated). A shoulder-length haircut with voluminous profiled strands at the level of the temples is suitable. Excessive volume at the crown should be avoided.
  • Triangular. It is necessary to abandon hairstyles with excessive volume at the crown. A ragged haircut just below the chin and a long, milled bang help to brighten up a miniature chin and a wide line of cheekbones.
  • Straight. Not suitable for women with a round, square, elongated face.
  • Side. It gives asymmetry to the hairstyle, due to which it makes it more dynamic, corrects the shape of the face.

Technique and scheme of the haircut

To make an Italian haircut, you will need scissors (regular and thinning), a thin comb and hairdressing clips. Need to cut wet hair.

  • Split the hair into two halves, then divide each of them into two parts.
  • In the left and right temporo-parietal zones, separate two symmetric strands about 3 cm wide by a horseshoe-shaped parting. Make an edging along the oval line.
  • The hair of the facial area is divided by arcuate partings about 2 -3 cm wide, then combing them towards the face and cutting with a “strand by strand” method.
  • Separate the hair of the parietal region, select the control strand and pull it at a 90 degree angle to the surface of the head. Trim the control strand in an arcuate manner so that its central part is slightly shorter than the lateral ones.
  • Similarly, process the remaining hair of the temporal-parietal region, pulling the strands at a right angle and focusing on the length of the control strand.
  • Separate the hair in the occipital zone with parallel round partings, which become diagonal (parting width is about 2-3 cm). Cut the hair, focusing on the last strand of the frontal parietal area and gradually increasing the length.
  • Run behind the oval edging.
  • Make a thinning of the hair along the entire length.
  • Dry and style hair.

Styling options

The choice of styling for Italian depends on your mood and reason:

  • Classic. Hair is dried with a hair dryer, slightly lifting at the roots using brushing of a suitable diameter. The tips are laid towards or away from the face.

Style 90s. On wet hair, apply a small amount of foam, beat with hands, lifting in the root zone and dry with a hairdryer.

Curls. Individual strands are wound with a curling iron so that the curls are located away from the face.

Straightened ironing. To lay hair, pulling them with the help of an iron and slightly tucking inwards, to the face.

Festive option. Dissolve and slightly twist hair, decorate them with decorative elements - satin ribbon, miniature hair clip with rhinestones.

Hair Care Tips

  • If you do not have time for styling, simply dry your hair upside down, ruffling at the roots.
  • To obtain additional volume, you can use curlers of different diameters or basal corrugation.
  • To keep the haircut from losing its shape, regularly update it - about once a month, cut and mill the strands.
  • Since filing can lead to a section of hair, it is recommended to make masks with oils for the tips of the strands.

Italian - modern hairstyle comes from the 80s, which won the hearts of fashionistas of all ages. If you can not afford to spend a lot of time on daily styling, but at the same time want to look dynamic and stylish - this hairstyle is for you!

To suit

"Italian", which is also called "Aurora" has no restrictions in performance. It fits any oval face, moreover, with the help of a haircut it can be adjusted. The hairstyle looks great with bangs of any shape and length.

Haircut in the style of "Italian" is done on the hair of different lengths. In this case, those who do not want to shorten the strands, can get a stylish silhouette by cascading and stepped hair processing. The most optimal length for Aurora hair is considered to be of medium length.

"Italian" is suitable wavy, curly and straight hair. Thick hair will give it lightness and airiness, and thin hair the necessary volume and pomp. This haircut will decorate a lady of solid age and a young girl.

Another plus of this hairstyle is the ability to combine it with an infinite number of outfits. With it, you will always look well-groomed and stylish in the office, at a social event, a friendly party and even a morning jog.

"Italian" for short hair

This is a practical hairstyle that always keeps the desired shape and does not require frequent correction. The main silhouette of the “Italian” on short hair is the length to the chin line. Hair can be with bangs or without. Depending on the structure of the strands, it can be given any texture.

She can smoothly lie on her forehead and cheeks, and can be perky thanks to artistically sticking curls. This “mess” is created using milled tips and small styling. Yes, and that may not be necessary if the haircut is done correctly. Most often it is enough to dry the hair and the strands themselves will fall in the right order.

"Italian" on medium hair gives plenty of imagination and rich opportunities for different styles. Its advantages include the fact that it:

  • suitable for all face types
  • for a long time does not require correction
  • suitable for any age
  • creates an unusual femininity hairstyle,
  • easy to fit.

On medium hair with such a haircut, it is easy to make a hairstyle yourself even for a solemn occasion. Used cascade technology allows you to make any silhouette. Appropriate in this version and bangs of any length and shape.

Those who do not want to part with the length, but wants the hairstyle to be fashionable and stylish, perfect haircut "Italian" for long hair. Many girls today love to wear loose hair. Unfortunately, it does not always look beautiful because of the lack of shape. They should pay attention to the "Italian".

The owners of curly locks haircut will help make them more obedient and "manageable." If the hair is thin, the locks are cut in a special way will become larger. Wavy strands will be easier to lay in a feminine flowing hair.

How to make styling?

Some haircuts do not need daily styling. It can be done at will or need. The same hairstyle using styling is able to create a variety of images. For laying you can use mousse, foam or spray.

Styling a short hairstyle

Actually, short hair styling is not required. It is enough to wash your hair and blow-dry them, throwing strands from one side of your head to the other. This method will give hair volume.Straight hair can be simply dried and combed, putting the strands with your hands in the right direction and order.

Medium and long hairstyle

For her need a hairdryer and buff. Hairstyle do better on washed hair. If you have a wavy hair, it is enough to dry it with a hair dryer, lifting it at the roots for a larger volume. If you want to emphasize individual strands or steps of a haircut, use the buff to twist them in or out.

For daily styling fit iron, with which you can straighten hair and lay unruly curly strands. If you want to get a romantic image, use a curler or curling iron, which you can slightly curl the side strands inside, creating gentle curls.

An excellent option for the appearance of "in the light" would be the hair laid on the back of the head in a bun or roller and the side strands freely flowing to the chin.

Coloring "Italian"

It is limited only by your imagination. On the “Italian” it will be very advantageous to look at the coloring of a shatush or balajaz. Smooth color transitions emphasize the gradation of the haircut. You can select individual strands or emphasize bangs. The main thing is that these types of dyeing will give more naturalness to your hairstyle and will effectively emphasize the complexion.

We select the option to cut the face oval

Each face contour will have its own haircut. The round face can be made elongated with the help of strands laid inward. The master knows how to cut them properly, you will only need to slightly guide them during laying.

  • Densely framed face strands of strands will help hide the angularity of the cheekbones and chin.
  • An elongated oval takes any shape of a haircut, with the exception of a hairstyle with a clipped top and a lack of side strands. Lush curly side curls will help to visually expand the face.
  • Do not be afraid to try different haircuts and hairstyles, perhaps a new image can drastically change your life for the better.

"Italian" features

Hair "Italian" is unique. Its distinguishing features are:

  • - suitable for ladies of any age
  • - goes to owners of different types of faces,
  • - fits well both on thick, naughty hair, and on thin and fragile ones that need to be created in volume.

It is performed in several variations, which makes it possible to experiment, emphasizing the advantages and carefully hiding the flaws of the face. So, if a teenage girl chooses such a haircut, it will look best, harmoniously fitting into the image, the haircut “Italian” for short hair (or even ultrashort).

An adult lady of a romantic warehouse will have a long haircut, when the curls come down in soft waves, giving their hostess a mystery and charm. The heart of any man will begin to tremble when he sees such a beautiful stranger somewhere in the theater or in the park for a walk.

Ladies who are in the bloom of “golden autumn” also love “Italian”. They prefer a haircut "Italian" on medium hair or short, up to the chin: this hairstyle rejuvenates, refreshes the face.

"Italian" is a stepped haircut - a sort of Italian cascade, when the hair strands beautifully frame the face. Why cascade? Just for the basis of this haircut taken familiar to all the "cascade", somewhat improved.

Laying "Italian" is simple: you can even do nothing at all, just wash your hair and dry them, combing, for example, a fringe to the side. This hairstyle provides both the presence and absence of bangs, and the most different lengths and shapes - depending on the shape of the face of the ladies. It does not require careful care and regular visits to the barbershop: the hairstyle retains all its charm even on slightly regrown hair. Well, of course, sometimes you still have to cut the ends so that they do not split.

The versatility of the “Italian” underlines the fact that not only women, but also men, fell in love with her. They make themselves a super-short version of this hairstyle and go in search of lonely beautiful strangers.

Are there any drawbacks to this hairstyle (by the way, it has a second, less common name - “Aurora”)?

Another important point: if you have a large head compared to the volume of your body, look for other models of haircuts, too: “Italian” will increase the head even more.

That's all: there are no more restrictions for those who want to try this hairstyle.

"Italian" and your face type

Is your face definitely round? Surely you are very careful when choosing a hairstyle. Try this version of the shortened “Italian”: very short cut the hair on the top of the head to create a “cap” - this is what will make the face visually stretch.

This is not the whole secret: you can add a “peppercorn” to the image by making a little bang, less than to the middle of the forehead. This haircut "Italian" with a bang will turn you into a mischievous, fun person who loves life and in a hurry to enjoy all her joys.

Now consider the opposite option: the face is narrow, significantly elongated. The task of the stylist is to slightly round the lines, to achieve their smoothness. Choose “Italian” for short hair and complement it with thick long bangs.

A triangular face will look most advantageous if you make an Aurora up to the chin and profile the ends of your hair, paying particular attention to the strands that lie along the cheekbones.

Square face: here it is also optimal to dwell on the hairstyle of medium-length hair.

An oval face does not require correction. His owner was lucky:

All these haircuts can be safely practiced at least alternately. In addition, you can grow bangs or abandon it - as you like.

Perform "Italian" at home

In principle, with a strong desire, you can try to make a haircut yourself, standing in front of a mirror. This requires a certain courage and confidence in their abilities, but how much money and time can be saved if you learn the method of performing "Italian" at home!

So what is needed? The list is small:

  1. - frequent wooden comb,
  2. - scissors,
  3. - hairpins "crab" or clips for hair,
  4. - a piece of cloth to cover up the clothes.

Your hair should be slightly wet - this is necessary in order not to be mistaken with the length, since dry hair can curl and tangle. Well comb your hair, throw a cloth over yourself so that when working with scissors the hair does not fall on your dress.

  • Now you need to make a parting. It will pass from ear to ear, affecting the highest point of the head. Hair fasten clips.
  • Next, carefully separate the lateral and temporal zones, also fastened with hairpins.
  • The lateral and temporal regions should be separated by a pair of partings on the back of the head.
  • On the parietal zone, grab one strand and shorten it to the desired length. When we then take the remaining strands, then we will equalize their length by this first. All strands when cutting sent to the face. The partings should be parallel to each other.
  • The turn of the temporal divisions came: with their cutting steps, after which we proceed to the lateral and occipital zones.

To check whether the haircut is done sufficiently carefully, we collect all the hair on the top of the head. Their length should be the same. If it turned out not quite exactly, you will have to work a little more on the image.

Short and medium hair: Italian haircuts

If you are the owner of straight or slightly curly hair, then experiment with a short haircut "Italian." It will be necessary to take into account that all lines of hair should have a clear graduation.

Perhaps you will like a short "Italian" with an interesting bang, made in the form of an arch. In this case, the length of the bangs is not much different from the total length of the hair, and an unusual, very soft and romantic image is obtained.

Very good in this case, bangs, laid on its side. Just make an "Italian" and in the morning before leaving the house, bang on one side. Note that the bangs should be quite long and thick.

What hair fit the definition of "average length"? Usually, hairdressers talk about haircuts for medium hair, meaning the length of the shoulders.

Here we add volume to the hair on the top of the head, then they go down the “ladder” downwards, and bangs may not be at all. If it is, then let it be easy, as it should be processed with thinning scissors. By the way, the option with thick long bangs is not bad for a narrow face.

It looks great "Italian" with bangs perfectly smooth length. At the same time, the hairs along the main length lie slightly carelessly, giving the image some playfulness.

Italian long hair

Haircut Italian long hair - for those who like to emphasize their femininity. Curls cascade, flying up with each movement of its owner. The spring breeze plays with light strands, playing them, throwing them away from the face ...

You can do without bangs, especially if you have an oval face or close to an oval face.

If the choice is made in favor of the bang, cut it smoothly, neatly. Slightly curly long curls look great in combination with perfectly straight bangs, the line of which runs just above the eyebrow line.

How to lay?

"Italian" lay just on the hair of any length. Most often, to create the desired image they use brushing (this is a round comb), as well as a hairdryer.

We brush the washed hair, adding necessary volume at the top with the help of brushing, then sprinkle it with varnish. If you lay the side strands so that they “look” in the direction of the face, the image will be provocative, youthful.

Now we will do everything exactly the opposite: just lift the hair on the top of the head, giving it volume, and then we will lay it, sending the tips out. You can’t call such a strict haircut too, but why do we need excessive severity?

You can simply comb your hair, you can dye individual strands, you can curl your hair on curlers, giving them even more volume - for the “Italian” any options are acceptable. You need to focus on your taste, on those circumstances that require styling, as well as on the shape of your face and hair type. Everything is in your hands - experiment!

Cascade and Italian: find the seven differences

Well, you probably shouldn’t look for all seven differences, but these two similar haircuts are really different. Both of them are performed by a ladder, as a result, the necessary volume appears.

But sometimes only an experienced stylist will say with confidence that his client has “Italian”. Her technique is based on the techniques of "cascade", but the lines are not so rigid and strict. “Italian” is distinguished by the obligatory presence of a lush “cap” at the top of the head, as well as softness and not so strictly defined aliasing.

If you have a question: what to choose, “cascade” or “Italian”, proceed from what would you prefer: severity and completeness of lines or slight negligence, “understatement”? Experienced temptresses, versed in the intricacies of male psychology, often choose the second option and make “Italian”. It is interesting, always fresh, provides a lot of opportunities for experimentation, so with it you can go, as they say, "and in the feast, and in the world, and in good people."

Thanks to the Milan master, who gave us, women, such a wonderful haircut!


Watch the video: Antica Barberia Giacalone - Genova, Italy Haircut Experience (July 2024).