
Henna hair coloring


If young girls in most cases do not even think about the quality of their hair, about the problems associated with their loss, and boldly go on various experiments with hairstyles and their colors, then with age, as a rule, you will think a million times before changing your image. These fears are associated with the risk of parting with the luxurious head of hair due to the pernicious influence of the chemical ingredients contained in the coloring agents. But what to do when you want to change so much?

On the shelves there is a rich selection of hair-dyes of different price categories in beautiful boxes, with magical shades and promising names. But somewhere on the lower shelves inconspicuous cheap henna packages for hair have found their refuge. Not a fancy color palette, nor fancy flakonchik, - just a powder.

Many, noticing them, contemptuously look away, not expecting any extravaganza of transfiguration. And in vain! By grasping a small number of tricks in the art of henna hair coloring, you can create a huge number of unique natural shades without harm to the health of hair.

Useful properties of henna

Henna is prepared from the dried leaves of Lawsonia nekoluchy collected during flowering. It is traditionally used in India, the Middle East and North Africa. There are also dye by origin:

  • Iranian. The best. A variety of shades allows you to create new combinations.
  • Indian

Vegetable powder is used not only as a body decoration. Henna has found wide application in traditional medicine:

  • The aroma of the substance relieves intense headaches.
  • Henna has excellent antiseptic properties.
  • It accelerates wound healing.
  • Improves potency.

When henna dyeing hair appears shine, increases their volume, density. Henna is extremely beneficial to the scalp. It improves blood circulation, which leads to intensive nutrition of the hair roots, normalizes the secretion of fat, preventing excessive fat and seborrhea, relieves dandruff.

Natural dye is hypoallergenic, so it can be used by pregnant and nursing moms, as well as children. Even at the same time will help get rid of some dermatological problems on the skin of the hairy part.

To all the benefits, you can add another advantage - it is an affordable price that averages 25 rubles per bag. For hair on the shoulders with more than two.

There are more expensive counterparts from famous manufacturers of natural cosmetics. For example, the company Lush produces ready-made mixes for healing and coloring curls. For the same hair length one cube will cost about 1000 rubles.

Owners of dry hair can not worry: there are all the additives that will save from drying and without that vulnerable curls.

Negative effects of staining

All negative responses after henna hair dyeing can be combined into one: did not like the resulting color. This happens if you allow a violation of the rules of staining, or caught low-quality product.

Another nuisance that can occur - hair, prone to dryness, can become even drier and even begin to split. This can be avoided by also following the rules of using the gift of nature.

Staining rules

First of all, you need to understand that the result depends largely on the type, structure and natural hair color. So, the thinner and lighter the curls, the more pronounced the shade of hair after henna. The darker the hair, the longer it will take to maintain the mixture for a noticeable discoloration. If chemical dyes have been used previously, you should wait at least three weeks. In any case, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is necessary to pre-test for a small strand, but otherwise henna hair coloring at home is quite simple. In order not to be upset because of irretrievably spoiled things, before starting the procedure you should wear something that is not a pity, because splashing cannot be avoided, and it is almost impossible to remove the stains from henna. The same applies to towels and nearby surfaces. You will also need gloves, a wide brush and a porcelain bowl for preparing the mixture.

On the face of the hairline is recommended to apply a greasy cream, as with any staining.

Before the procedure, you must wash your hair and dry for the best distribution and exposure to henna.

Proper preparation of the mixture

Everyone has their own perfect recipe. On the one hand, this type of coloring is completely unpredictable, and on the other hand, there are already proven recipes, tested not by one person. For example, henna for hair can be diluted with boiling water or warm water and brought to a boil in a water bath. Most likely, in the second case, the effect of pigments will be more intense.

In order for the manipulation to bring even more benefits, recommend various additives. Such oils as olive, jojoba, avocado, will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, moisturizing the skin, nourishing the roots.

By providing an acidic environment, for example, by adding lemon or orange juice, kefir, you can achieve a brighter, brighter honey shade.

Gently stirring, you need to bring the mass to homogeneity, kneading the lumps. Once the consistency of sour cream has been reached and the mixture has cooled, one yolk can be added to feed and viscosity, then proceed with the application.

You must wear gloves. Otherwise, it will be impossible to wash your hands. We'll have to hide them from others for the next couple of days. And in general, henna hair coloring has an unpleasant side effect - splashes and crumbs that leave bright spots.

Using a wide brush, divide the hair into partings and apply the mixture evenly to the roots first, and then spread it over the entire length.

At this stage, it is important to take into account that if you do not cover your head with a film and let it dry out, then the shade will result in a more brown color, and wrapping your head in a film and warming it with a towel, you will get a bright red color.

The exposure time also depends on the desired color. The richer the shade is needed, the longer it will take. The minimum is 30 minutes. Sometimes women leave a remedy to affect the whole night.

How to flush?

There are several ways. If you wash off the paint with water without using shampoo, then for several days the coloring henna for hair continues to change the shade of the hair. Enhance this effect can be in the solarium or under sunlight. In the case of the use of shampoo to count on it is not necessary.

In conclusion, it will not be superfluous to rub a few drops of oil in your palms and apply it to the ends of your hair with gentle touches.


It should be immediately noted that henna lightening is impossible. A lightening product called “White Henna” is on sale, but it has a completely chemical composition and has nothing to do with natural dye. And he got his name precisely because it is also a powder, and the algorithm of actions is similar.

This substance affects the hair and scalp as detrimental as other chemical agents for bleaching.

Henna for dark hair

All brunettes dream of bright tints and brilliance of their curls. How to dye your hair with henna and get your dreams and health come true as an excellent bonus? The answer is obvious! You just need to know how to add this drug:

  • Strongly brewed coffee or tea. Provide dark chestnut shades.
  • Hot karkade or red wine. Will give burgundy shades.
  • Ground indigo ground (basma). Will bring a blue-black shade. In equal proportions with henna will turn out favorite "chocolate".
  • Beet juice for purple hue.

Henna for blonde hair

Blondes can also experiment with natural dyes:

  • If you combine henna and crushed chamomile in equal proportions, pour water and, slowly heating, bring to a boil, and then cool and add the yolk of one egg, you get a mixture to create a golden hue.
  • Ingredients in the form of turmeric, calendula, cinnamon can diversify the golden and honey tones.
  • Judging by the reviews, henna dyeing hair using saffron will give a shade of old gold hair.

Henna for men

Eastern men do not lag behind women and just as willingly monitor the health and appearance of their hairstyles. Bearing care is an even more important part of anti-aging programs. For these men, gray hair and signs of baldness are just as unacceptable and unpleasant as for the beautiful half.

Luxury hair and beards to old age delight their owners, subject to all the rules and features of the use of natural dye.

It is important to remember that deciding to take care of the beard, you will have to dye the hair on the head in the same color, otherwise there is a risk that the color of the beard will be very different, and it looks ridiculous. Too bright colors should be avoided. It is better to prefer natural - chestnut, blond.

The beard hair differs in its structure from that on the top of the head, and the same dye will appear on them with different intensity.

Unlike chemical dyes, the use of red henna for hair in tandem with other additives of natural origin will not cause burns and allergy effects in the form of redness, irritation, and then peeling. The skin of the face is very sensitive, so do not neglect the elementary tests of the reaction.

Fighting gray hair

It is no secret that chemical agents paint gray hair much more effectively, unlike the natural counterpart. But henna dyeing gray hair has a cumulative effect. On the other hand, on the main background, lighter red hairs flicker with bright highlights. It looks really beautiful! And the more gray hair, the more striking this effect.

Henna in healing masks for hair and skin

Colorless henna is used in healing masks. It is made from lavsonia stems that do not have coloring properties. But the healing qualities are beyond praise:

  • Vitamin B contributes to conditioning and easy combing.
  • Restores the water-fat balance.
  • Penetrating into the hair, it forms for him a barrier against aggressive effects.
  • It thickens, restores the structure of the hair shaft, makes it glossy and shiny with carotene.
  • Promotes the awakening of dormant bulbs.
  • It nourishes onions, moisturizes, cleanses the scalp.
  • It has anti-inflammatory, antifungal effects.

Classic mask

It will take one bag of colorless henna, and as a supplement you can take some of the healing herbs, previously ground. For example, chamomile, rosemary, nettle or calendula will make a wonderful pair. Then the mixture is boiled with boiling water and thoroughly mixed. Alternatively, use a decoction of these herbs, which are bred henna. To enhance the nutritional quality, it is advised to add vegetable oils, such as olive oil.

The exposure time varies from 30 minutes and more, depending on the desire. The longer, the more pronounced the result.

Wash off with or without soft shampoo. Dry hair dryer is contraindicated.

Mask to strengthen hair

The mask should include: colorless henna, two yolks, a tablespoon of liquid honey, a tablespoon of black cumin oil, a tablespoon of burdock oil. First, dilute henna with boiling water, and then turn on the rest of the ingredients.

Apply evenly to the roots, and distribute the remaining mixture over the entire length of the hair. Hold for about 1.5 hours and then rinse using a mild shampoo.

Anti-dandruff hair mask

Colorless henna, a tablespoon of castor oil, a tablespoon of burdock oil and a couple of tablespoons of ripe avocado will be needed. Prepare a henna gruel using hot water and then add the remaining ingredients. Mix thoroughly, let stand for about 15 minutes. Spread the mixture on the hair and cover with a warm towel or scarf over the film. Wait 30 minutes and rinse with natural shampoo.

For many, the issue of hair loss and deterioration of their condition is very relevant. The appearance of gray hair, unfortunately, exacerbates the already deplorable situation. Therefore, the option of purchasing a chemical hair dye disappears automatically.

For those who are desperate, one thing remains: to dye their hair with henna, as the owners have now done luxurious curls. Let it be troublesome, let it take more time, but it's worth it, because every day the effect will be more pronounced.

In general, the beauty of the hair - the work of its owners!

What are the dyes, what is their difference?

Probably every woman at least once tried to dye or just shade her hair. Especially often this procedure is used to paint the gray hair that appears. To do this, use hair dye, the more fashion dictates its trends in modern shades.

However, almost all chemical dyes contain ammonia, which negatively affects the structure and condition of the hair. Some substances that are included in hair dyes are very dangerous, are strong carcinogens, can cause allergic dermatitis and even angioedema. There are no such chemical compounds that could be called completely safe for hair.

Dyed hair over time loses the brightness of colors, and re-processing them again has its negative effect. Here is such a vicious circle.

But all is not so bad. Do not forget about natural ingredients! They are produced by living organisms, these funds are also able to dye hair.

Dyes of plant origin can be obtained from herbs (basma and henna), fruits (lemon, walnut), flowers (chamomile, jasmine, rose). Henna is the leader among them - an ecological dye containing neither ammonia, nor peroxide, nor oxidants.

Is there any benefit to hair when painting them with henna?

The composition of the coloring powder is completely natural, therefore, the hair is not exposed to chemical attack. During dyeing, the shade changes, but the structure of the hair itself remains unchanged. The dye affects only the pigment, gently and carefully covers each hair, while creating a kind of protection. In addition, henna has an effect on the hair follicle, strengthening and nourishing it with useful substances.

All scales after such coloring are closed, which makes the curls smooth and silky, dandruff disappears. We list the main aesthetic properties of lawsuit:

  • creating a beautiful shade without negative (chemical) effects,
  • the pigment is not broken, the hair scales “solder”, as it were,
  • due to heavier strands become visually thicker, denser and more resilient, and this contributes to easy styling,
  • with proper staining, you can completely hide gray hair,
  • the color lasts a long time when compared to staining with chemical dyes.

The use of henna to change hair color is a great way to color hair during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. This method is allowed by doctors, because The composition is completely natural.

What shade can I get, what does it depend on?

As soon as we hear the phrase: I paint my hair with henna, then our imagination immediately draws a fiery reddish tint on the hair. But henna hair coloring can give any color, of course, except white.

Henna can be called a natural stylist and hairdresser, since it gives you the opportunity to get amazing shades of its saturation. It all depends on the choice of organic ingredients that you will use as additives. It can be herbal infusions, oils, extracts from plants, whey, coffee, etc. Any of the additions will only enhance the already healing properties of henna, and you will also have the opportunity to saturate the color shade of the hair.

In the current market, 5 basic shades of coloring powder are considered to be the main ones, which allow to achieve a certain result:

  1. Brown. Effective when used for chestnut-colored hair, it is recommended to use brown-haired women.
  2. Golden. Ideal for reviving hair light brown color.
  3. Mahogany. Suitable for brown hair, fills the strands with an "electric" shade.
  4. Burgundy Underline the beauty of dark hair, fill them with a touch of seasoned and expensive wine.
  5. The black. Using Indian henna will create a deep black color in your hair, flavored with chocolate.

To create a more interesting and fashionable shade in henna add decoctions of herbs. The proportion of components is determined by the desire to get a strongly or poorly saturated hair tone. For example:

  1. By combining henna and basma, you get a deep black color.
  2. When the walnut leaves are added to the henna, the result will be the color of dark chocolate.
  3. If you combine henna and cocoa (enough 4 tablespoons), the color will be "mahogany".
  4. When added to the natural dye decoction of dried chamomile flowers and turmeric, your shade will be the color of amber honey.
  5. If the coloring powder is combined with broth of the carcade and additionally add 2 tbsp. beet juice, your shade will be called "ripe cherry."
  6. To create a dark chestnut hair color, you need to take ground coffee (1 tbsp) and chopped walnut shells (1 handful). These proportions are calculated per 100 g of henna.
  7. The shade of dark chocolate will delight you if you grind 10 g of dried cloves in a coffee grinder and mix it with 100 g of henna.
  8. If your favorite color is "eggplant", heat up beet juice (3 tbsp) to 50-600С and mix with henna.
  9. It is clear to everyone that it is easy to get a red tint when dyeing with henna, but if you want to add some shine to the shine, add 1 tsp to the composition. lemon juice.

As you can see, such a simple powder, but how many possibilities! The main secret when dyeing with the use of natural dye - saturation of hair color occurs gradually. With the new coloring the depth of the color only increases.

Are there any specific requirements for henna dyeing?

Henna hair dyeing is a simple procedure that is easy to do on your own. But most importantly, first make sure that you have a good quality powder. According to its consistency, it should look like powder (fine-grained) without admixtures of various debris.

You should also take the required amount of coloring powder. Consider the length, thickness of hair. For a short hairstyle, 70 g of henna powder will suffice; medium-length hair will squeeze well with 250-260 g of natural dye. In order to dye thick and very long hair, you will need 500 g of coloring powder.

Henna hair coloring is carried out in the following way:

  1. Wash hair with shampoo, dry.
  2. Add powder to the ceramic container to boil with boiling water. The amount of fluid is determined by eye. The consistency of the mixture should resemble sour cream, but not too liquid. Put the resulting composition into a water bath (7-10 minutes is enough) so that the mixture warms up thoroughly and all useful substances “open up”.
  3. Lubricate with cream (petroleum jelly) open areas on the face, neck, to prevent their staining.
  4. To fill the hair with glitter, add vinegar to the composition (it is better to take apple juice) or juice from fresh lemon (1 tsp). You can add a little oil (olive or burdock).
  5. Distribute the composition in length. This should be done quickly so that the mass does not cool.
  6. Cover your hair with a plastic bag or wear a shower cap. Tie a towel on top.
  7. The duration of the aging composition depends on the selected shade. The longer you keep the coloring composition, the better the pigment will be absorbed into the hair, and the shade will become more saturated. To give the strands a light and unobtrusive tone, leave the henna on your hair for 35-45 minutes. To achieve the effect with dark hair, keep the mixture for at least 2 hours; blond hair will be colored in 10-15 minutes.

Wash off the composition with water, but only without the use of shampoo.

Features of hair coloring using natural dyes

The basic rule is that these dyes are suitable only for the treatment of natural hair, i.e. no perm, previous staining. Vegetable colors will not harm the hair, on the contrary, they will add silkiness and return the lost shine.

In order for the coloring to turn out to be uniform, it is necessary to take into account the presence of gray hair, the natural shade of the hair and their individual structure. If the strands are heavy, thick, long, then you should increase the duration of exposure to the coloring composition and its quantity when applied.

Before the procedure, do not forget to cover your shoulders with a polyethylene cloth or with a towel, you should wear rubber gloves on your hands.

Is there any harm to henna hair?

For henna treatment, there are certain cautions to keep in mind:

  • hair dyed using chemical dyes,
  • gray hair more than 30-40%,
  • damaged hair (split ends, burned strands),
  • blonde hair. Henna with this hair color can color the strands in an unpredictable color.

If you plan to use chemical hair dyes in the future, henna is not recommended.

How to dye your hair with henna?

When using henna, certain skills will be required. It would also be helpful to learn some secrets before starting the procedure:

  1. To make the mixture easier to apply, you can add raw yolk, herbal infusion or decoction, oil, dairy products.
  2. After staining can not wash your hair for several days. When treating hair with natural formulations, it takes time for them to consolidate.
  3. When dyeing the roots, it is recommended to apply the mixture to the roots so that the hair does not have a different color.
  4. To check the quality of henna, pour into the water in a little powder, the composition should acquire a red color.
  5. Henna contains in its composition tannins, so a little dry strands. It is not recommended to use the powder often so that the hair does not fade. The best option is 1 time per month. If your strands are brittle and overdried, add kefir, coffee or olive oil to the henna in order to heal the hairs simultaneously with dyeing. When brewing, henna can be poured not with water, but with warm milk or kefir.
  6. Paint should be diluted only in pottery. Do not use metal containers for this purpose.

After the procedure, do not wash off the paint with shampoo, just wash the hair with water, apply conditioner, hold for 5 minutes and wash it off. Coloring is complete after 3 days, then you can use the shampoo. There is an exception: if henna gruel is applied for treatment, the shampoo can be used immediately.

How to wash henna from hair?

Sometimes it happens that the color disappointed us or did not fit. To learn how to wash the henna from the hair or make the color less saturated, use the simple recommendations:

  1. Saturate the strands with slightly heated oil (olive or burdock will do). Leave the oil mask on for 2 hours. Wash off with shampoo water.
  2. Lubricate the locks with alcohol, leave for 5-10 minutes. Top with warm olive oil. Now use a hair dryer and dry the hair (15-20 minutes), thoroughly wash the remnants of the funds.
  3. Wash strands with laundry soap, then treat them with heated oil. After half an hour, thoroughly wash the composition with soap.
  4. To remove the natural dye from the hair, you can use the serum, ryazhenka, kefir. With the selected composition, treat the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Wash with shampoo or use soap.
  5. Treat the hair with a mixture of water and vinegar. To do this, in 1 liter of water, dilute 45ml of apple cider vinegar.

The selected procedure is carried out several times a week to slightly wash off the resulting color and leave the most appropriate shade.

Vegetable paints are a “gift” from nature itself, you just need to learn how to use them correctly. Then your hair will have a beautiful shade, keep a healthy look, and will not be exposed to chemical compounds.

How to dye hair with henna

Depending on the color of your hair and the desired result, you should follow some rules when dyeing hair.

The shade that comes after dyeing depends on how bright your hair is. In blondes, when using henna, the shade will be very bright. Some just want to add a copper sheen.

To do this, rinse the hair with a solution of henna. We will need 1 tablespoon of henna and 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes, then filter and add to water. Hue may vary as the amount of henna increases.

For dyeing the entire head, you will need from 50 to 100 grams of henna, it all depends on the length of the hair. Usually, on the package indicated the required amount and method of preparation of the solution.

Before proceeding to dyeing the entire head, try to apply a little henna on a separate strand. The longer the henna remains on the hair, the richer the color. If the resulting color satisfies you, proceed to complete coloring.

Get rid of broken ends beforehand, because they will become brighter when dyed than healthy hair.

Hair should be clean and wet, and henna solution should be warm. Carefully paint over the roots and strands.
Henna is not easily washed off the skin. Be sure to use gloves, and grease the skin on the contour of hair growth with a greasy cream.

After applying the paint, wrap the head in plastic and wrap it in a towel.

Upon completion of the procedure, wash the henna with warm water. Do not use shampoo for this! Hair from this will fade and lose the desired shade. Shampoo can be used only 1 - 2 days after dyeing.

To maintain a bright shade, especially when painting gray hair, repeat the procedure every week, adding yolk or kefir to the solution.

How to get other colors with henna

In order to get a golden brown shade of hair, you can add basma to henna. This herb also has coloring properties. The ratio of henna in the solution should be 2: 1.

When basma is used as a separate coloring agent, dark hair becomes black with a greenish tint. Blondes will get a bright green color.

To give the henna even more therapeutic properties, you can use various decoctions in the preparation of the solution or rinse their hair.

If you want to get a chocolate shade, add cocoa powder or ground coffee to henna. 100 g henna - 8 tablespoons.

Useful qualities of henna for hair

The practice of dyeing hair with henna in various shades enjoys a growing popularity.

Henna is a powder from the leaves of lausonia. Since henna is an herbal remedy, it contains ingredients that are good for the hair. The dominant amount is group B vitamins, henna constructs, strengthens hairs, antibacterial properties predominate, deeply nourishes with pigment.

Regular use of henna will help hair:

  • Strengthen hair roots
  • Eliminate dandruff when adding other components to the composition (henna dyeing is pigmentation + components that, in addition to color, make up the mask),
  • Clear, normalize moderate sebum,
  • Hide gray hair,
  • Give your hair a charming oriental shine.

How to paint with henna in brown-chestnut color

Paint with henna in dark color will be added to the following components:

  • Cropive decoction - 0.5l
  • Half a cup of strong tea (tablespoon)
  • Half a cup of strong coffee (1.5 tablespoons)
  • 3 drops of tangerine essential oil
  • 10 drops of jojoba oil
  • Egg yolk

Brew a sprinkling broth, coffee and tea. Take henna (calculated for the length) and 2 spoons of each broth mix together. If the mixture is too liquid, add more tea. Add yolk and butter.

Spread the mask through the hair from the root to the ends. Soak a dyeing mask for 1.5 hours under a hat and towel. Wash off once with shampoo and water.

The result of staining with henna in dark chestnut color photo:

The result of staining with henna dyed hair in a chestnut color photo:

The result of henna staining in chestnut color photo:

How to paint with henna black

Paint with henna and basma black in need to take the ratio of henna and basma 2 to 1 (calculate the length of the hair). With the addition of the following components:

  • 1 protein
  • 10 drops of jojoba oil
  • Black tea
  • Henna and Basma

Mix the henna and Basma in dry form, mix it with barely warm tea and mix in the protein and oil. Apply to hair so that they are as if lubricated and leave on the hair under a towel for 2 hours. After wash off with shampoo, once is enough.

Apply the mixture to clean, dry hair, then put on a shower cap and top with a towel to warm the head. This paint should be kept for at least two hours. The more, the richer the shade will be.

Dyeing hair with henna, Basma or coffee is suitable for all those who love dark shades.

The result of dyeing hair with henna and basma in almost black color photo:

How to paint with henna chocolate color

To paint with henna chocolate color you need to use the following ingredients:

  • henna powder (lengthwise)
  • tablespoon basma
  • half a cup of red wine
  • cocoa 3 tsp
  • 80 grams of buckthorn berries for half a glass of water

For this berries (about 100 g per glass of water) you need to boil for half an hour and then add to henna. If necessary, add some hot water. The consistency of the paint should be like thick sour cream.

Apply the gruel evenly on the hair, then put on the shower cap and wrap up with a towel. Keep paint for at least 2 hours.

The result of home dyeing brown hair with henna chocolate:

We offer another simple recipe if you want to dye it in henna color. To do this, you can use red henna in combination with basma. Means must be mixed in equal parts (1: 1) and diluted with extract of chamomile or onion peel. As with the traditional recipe, the mixture should be creamy. Then apply gruel with henna on your hair and put on a shower cap. You can warm with a towel. Wait at least 1 hour.

Dyeing dark brown hair with henna chocolate color at home photo:

How often do henna?

How much hair to dye with henna depends on the type of hair. Normal and oily hair can be painted no more than twice a month. Dry hair is not more than once a month, as this dye tends to dry hair. If there is a tendency to allergies, then you can apply the procedure every two months. Too frequent use of henna can lead to tarnishing of hair, therefore, when answering the question of how much henna can dye your hair, we recommend no more than there is a need for it.

Does henna hair dye?

In some cases, the use of henna can lead to dryness, tarnishing of the hair, as well as loss of elasticity. Especially, this result is possible if you get carried away with the paint too often. With repeated use of henna, hair is often unruly and tough.

The use of such paint requires experience, as it is necessary to know how to dye it with henna in order to get the desired result. You may have to experiment several times.

It is undesirable to use henna for colored hair, as the result is unpredictable. If you still want to try, then resort to such a procedure should be no earlier than 2 weeks after the chemical paint. Lighten hair after henna is extremely difficult.

As my friend, I hardly married a Turk ...

A year ago, a friend of mine told the following story: one Turk was courting her, everyone was trying to acquaint her parents, but she wasn’t. I wanted to roll it into the carpet and go to Istanbul, but then I went to the trick. He brought a bag of powder, asked him to open it and pour it on his palm. A friend laughed and refused, the Turk lost his temper and did not bother anymore. What was the matter?

It turns out that in some countries the bride, as a sign of loyalty to the bridegroom, was supposed to spend the night with henna in his hand. In the morning, the dye would leave a stain on the palm of the hand, which meant almost a rejected marriage. The Turk hoped that henna would help him hold the union together, you see?

And yet henna, or the ground leaves of the indestructible lawsonia, Russian women are known more as a means of dyeing hair at home, but has anyone ever thought about its harm?

To be or not to be henna on your hair?

I don’t know about you, but me, who was standing in front of the counter many years ago, was most likely bought off by cheap henna. Less than anything in the world I thought about the effect and further use - I wanted to change my appearance myself (it is never too late for any “aunt for 25”) and do it with minimal damage to the family budget. Then I appreciated all her healing properties, the splitting of split ends and the ability to create volume by thickening the hair.

Henna acts as a film for the hair, aligns its scales, resists aggressive environments such as salty sea water or hot sun. It even improves the water-fat balance, which can contribute to the growth of new hair and the destruction of dandruff. Apply this powder and in the health of the hair.

What effect do you want to get after applying henna?

  • Make hair shine (half a cup of henna, a quarter of water, raw egg. The mixture will be prepared in 30 minutes)
  • To overcome dry and brittle hair (as in the previous recipe, instead of eggs, use 2 tablespoons of yogurt)
  • Achieve flavor (add a quarter of a teaspoon of ginger, cinnamon, black pepper and nutmeg to henna and water)
  • Strengthen hair (colorless henna suitable for use)

Interesting! Colorless henna was known as early as the 16th century BC. It does not change hair color and has an antiseptic effect. It is rumored that the substance can even eliminate headaches and establish blood circulation.

There is another side to our product - negative, and I must warn you about it. It is better not to use it for dyeing dry hair, because it contains tannins and some acids. Hair pretty quickly can become dull, tough and start to fall out.

In addition, you should understand that while you are painting with henna, it is better not to use chemical dyes - there is a risk of becoming green or violet. And if the transition is inevitable, then it is necessary to first prepare the hair for it, for example, make 3-4 regenerating masks on kefir. This same magic recipe is useful to you if you had chemical waving or highlighting before using henna on your hair, and now you have decided to start using natural dye.

But if you all weighed and decided to take a chance, then my advice to you: choose Iranian henna. In its palette, when mixed with other components, you will find many more shades than in Indian.

I paint brown hair I ...

And so you started the process of staining. Pre-washed hair, freeing them from excess fat. Put on gloves, because henna can stain hands and it will be problematic to wash it off. Treated the scalp, neck, ears fat cream.

Start to breeding the mixture. Do it in glass or plastic dishes. Can I take ceramic? Can. The main thing - not from metal that can react with paint.

You add warm water to the powder, but not boiling water, you do not need to “brew” the mixture for several hours. Add oils or substances that contribute to the appearance of an acidic environment, such as lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or the same kefir.

Start to apply the composition on the hair. Usually the first to dye the hair on the crown or the back of the head, and at last - on the temples, behind the ears and at the forehead, since here they are usually thinner. Between the partings leave 1-1.5 centimeters.

Simple rules

  • Apply henna to the roots, and then distribute the dye over the entire length of the hair using a comb.
  • Wrap your head with a towel. Henna loves heat (and the head too!).
  • It is necessary to wash off powder from a hair with a large amount of water without addition of detergents.
  • Hair dryer then do not dry.
  • Do not wash your hair after painting for three days. The longer you do not wash - the brighter and richer the color will be.

How much to keep our powder on hair? It all depends on what you want to get as a result.

If you want to heal your hair with henna, then you need to wait only 15-10 minutes. If your desire is to acquire a red or red color, then leave it at 40. Are you a brunette? Then you can hold for two hours. If you have blond hair, then in the third minute you will be able to get a golden shade, and on the sixth - light red hair.

The color will be stronger, if, while you wait for the effect, you drink a cup of coffee - it will increase blood circulation in the hairline.

What color to choose?

The brightness of the color may depend on the shelf life of henna. If the powder has a gray-green color, then it is fresh, if it has already acquired a brown tint, then, most likely, it is no longer suitable.

Thanks to the coloring matter contained in henna, you can get any shade, ranging from gold and ending to blue-black. Everything will depend on the concentration and the addition of additional substances.

  1. To get the copper color you need 200 grams of rhubarb and a bottle of dry white wine. Put the mixture on the fire and "boil" until it remains exactly half. Then lower the contents of the bag of henna and hold the mixture for half an hour on the hair. Instead of wine, of course, you can take just water. And for darker golden shades saffron (2 grams) or chamomile (2 tablespoons) will do.
  2. Red-cherry color is achieved by adding beet juice. They say it can even turn a mauve tint.
  3. Mahogany color will appear when mixing henna with cocoa (3-4 tablespoons). A chestnut - with ground coffee (4 teaspoons per glass of water) and walnut shells (2 tablespoons).
  4. Chocolate-colored hair will help you recolour a packet of henna with the addition of a tablespoon of hops. In red with a copper shade - four bags of the substance and two tablespoons of floral honey with a spoon of cloves.
  5. If you want to add a red shade to your natural black color, you should better lighten your hair with hydrogen peroxide (30-40 g).

Remember! None of the henna you meet on the shelves is able to lighten your hair. Is henna in front of you? It means that a clarifier is being shoved at you, moreover, it is very cheap. You can lose your hair with him forever.

Henna and a million shades of gray

No less popular natural dye is Basma. You have probably heard that sometimes they dye their hair with henna and basma at the same time.

Basma is a green-gray powder resulting from the grinding of indigo lower leaves. The relevant literature suggests that even the Prophet Muhammad himself did not disdain to use it!

The powder is taken in equal proportions with henna in order to recolour to a chestnut color. If you want to get blue-black hair in the end, then you need to put basma in the dish twice as much. Bronze shades? - twice smaller.

I want another!

It happens that the resulting color is not pleasant and then the question “what to do?” Appears. With regard to henna, everything is both simple and difficult at the same time.

The reasons for obtaining the “wrong color” can be the strong porosity of the hair, its structure, as a whole, as well as the natural color.

If during the first day after painting you understood that the use of henna is still not about you, then there is no point in waiting for the third day when the color becomes intense and deep, when it finally appears under the influence of oxygen. Rinse hair thoroughly several times with shampoo.

If the color seems beautiful to you, but you need to make it less bright, then you can neutralize it by rubbing heated vegetable oil into your hair. As soon as the procedure is completed, begin to work with a hairdryer, then wash with shampoo. You repeat everything until your wishes come true.

On the contrary, it seems to you that there is not enough juiciness, what then? Then in the course you need to put essential oils, for example, tea tree, incense or eucalyptus. If you add a few drops of lavender, then at the same time and save your skin from irritation - it is considered hypoallergenic and suitable for use even for pregnant women and young children. Recipes with geranium or rosemary oil are also known.

I like the color, but it would not hurt to remove the redness ... they will save you: a decoction of chamomile or nettle, fragrant turmeric, ginger (which, however, can create a burning effect), lemon juice.

No red, but you want darker hair? Use strong tea or infusion on oak bark. Try to achieve the desired shade with coffee or cocoa.

What is the result

As you understand, henna is not such a harmless tool, as it seems, you need to be on your guard with it. It can lighten your hair and then your volume will only dream of you. But it can add an additional, coloring, highlight to your beautiful female image. Try to change yourself, your appearance, while you are young with your soul and feel the strength in yourself!

Today I have everything. I can only say that I myself am a big fan of Iranian henna, and for many years now I have been strengthening my hair with it. Often people ask me about various secrets of appearance, I say: - read my blog, with its help you will learn all my secrets. Share with friends, subscribe to updates. See you in the next article!
