
How to weave a fishtail? Correct spit scheme


The strange name of the hairstyle is explained simply: the original weave looks like the bizarre play of ornamental fish scales, and the elegant braid brings to mind the image of a beautiful mysterious mermaid. How to weave a fishtail so that the curls lie neatly and the hairstyle takes on an elegant look? It's simple, the technique is so simple that making a fishtail, looking in the mirror, on one side (or two on two) without difficulty can even be a first-grader, if mother has no time

Who is the fishtail hairstyle

A fish tail will decorate every girl regardless of the fullness of her face, figure, neck length, or height. In addition, the braid is suitable for women of any age category: babes, young girls, mature beauties, aged matrons.

Spit can start from the top of the head, or from the base of the head near the neck:

  • you can weave fishtail from the forehead, or from different sides of the temples, moving from top to bottom,
  • if you run a one-sided weave round the head or two from opposite sides, you get an incredible fancy basket,
  • fish tail is obtained even with relatively short hair, if their length reaches at least 15 cm.

Once you have mastered the initial version of weaving, you will immediately get bizarrely put a braid on the picture, which are countless on the Internet, even if you have never done hair styling. The main thing is to understand the essence of the process.

How to weave a beautiful braid on long and medium hair: step by step instructions and schemes

How to make a fish tail? Although it is said that the braid is intertwined from two strands, this is not quite the case. Two curls are available just translate among themselves, but the fish spit will not work. Two large strands participate in the process and new thin ones are gradually applied to them.

Make a pigtail from the forehead diagonally to the ears. However, let's start in stages, so that it becomes clear.

  1. Moisten the hair a little (so as not to fly apart) and comb it on 2 sides.
  2. On the left we take two adjacent upper strands, put the cross - crosswise.
  3. From the one left strand we separate the thin part, apply it on the palm to the right.
  4. From the same side, we take away the thicker strand that lies freely lying in the neighborhood, add to the thin one.
  5. We repeat the same movements on the right side - we separate the thin strand from the main one, put it in the arm,
  6. Add a thick strand of loose hair, not previously involved in weaving.
  7. To get a long fishtail braid, weave strands of chignon: fasten your hair and false ones with a ponytail.

How to make a beautiful fish tail on short curls step by step

Here are two options for the beginning: to braid from two loose strands, or fasten them in the tail (which is much easier) and divide it into equal two parts. Elastic in the finished hairstyle fish tail can be masked with a bow, flower, hairpin.

Technique of performance on the contrary, weaving:

  1. on the upper region of the head, we select a thin strand, divide by two, cross,
  2. from the left temple we take a thin strand, hold under the left main strand, connect with the right,
  3. We do the same on the right side, select the order, drag it under the right side, connect it to the left side.
  4. weaving is carried out until the moment when there will be no free strands, then you need to weave the tail in the usual way.

What is the point: the fishtail is woven with the attraction of loosely lying thick strands, they alternately weave into those that lie in the palm, that is, from which they began to weave. At the same time, thin ones (of the two main ones) are separated and woven in, and the adjacent neighbors are wide.

Weaving options for girls for school: spikelet, a fish tail

The fishtail looks delicately when changing the order of the plexus of curls, that is, the strands do not overlap over the braid, but are passed under it, it turns out the opposite.

If the hair is not thick, the fishtail should be made fluffy, the strands should not be tightened tightly, a slightly sloppy look will look at home cozy and will give volume.

During weaving, add curls with ribbons, colored patch strands, beads on threads, other long decorations.

Decorate the braid with a wreath of flowers, a diadem, and studs with precious stones.

You can combine different weaving, for example, weave two braids from the forehead into one at the back of the head.

Wrap a fish tail near the magnificent beam on the head of a graceful hat-like.

If weave to the side, it will give charming simplicity, and a strict smooth braid will fit the formal setting, released exactly in the middle of the back.

Weaving scheme

  1. Gather all the hair in a ponytail. Depending on the idea, it can be high, in the middle of the head, or below. In case you want to braid two braids from the bottom, two tails are made, respectively. It is desirable to fasten the tail with an inconspicuous elastic (it can be transparent or very thin).
  2. Divide the tail into two parts. If you want to hide the gum that secures it, leave an additional third thin strand of hair to wind it onto the gum when you finish the braid.
  3. Separate the thin strand of hair from the extreme side of one of the two parts of the tail and grab it together with the common part of the other strand of the tail.
  4. After that, take a thin strand on the extreme side of the other part of the tail and shift it inside the first part. Important! For weaving it is necessary to take strands thinner in order not to end up with an ordinary braid. In this case, it will be correct to take strands exactly from the edges of both parts of the tail.
  5. At this stage of weaving, the volume of the future braid, its thickness and shape are regulated. Depending on this, the strands can be woven tight or left semi-loose, creating the desired volume.
  6. When you finish weaving a fishtail, you can wrap both hair bands (the one that holds the tail itself and the one that holds the braided braid) and strand the ends under the hair bands.
  7. You can add a bit of asymmetry by pulling a spike in several places.

To make the hairstyle look more daring and unique, you can weave threads, laces, scarves of different colors into the braid. To do this, at the second stage of weaving, when the tail was divided into two parts, you need to tie the threads to the hair roots or elastic band. You can also paint a small strand of colored tonic.

In a similar way, you can braid a fishtail without first collecting all the hair in a ponytail. In this case, loose hair is divided into two equal parts, and the process repeats. This method illustrates the popular technique of the French braid.

How to make a braid all over your head?

  1. Carefully comb hair, it should be perfectly smooth. We comb all the hair back, after which two thin, identical in thickness parts are separated from the right and left temples.
  2. Cross each other both strands so that the left was under the right. After that, they should be taken in the right hand, and another left thin strand from the left side should be picked up. To eliminate asymmetry, you need to make sure that the strands are the same.
  3. We cross the new strand from the right above, holding it by the head. Then we take a new strand of hair on the right side and impose on the left, which by this time will already be double. Depending on the thickness and length of the hair, such steps need to be done about five to six.
  4. After the fishtail is braided at the temples, we begin to weave from the remaining tail.

There is another option for weaving fish tail. You can start it as a normal French braid, on the contrary:

  1. We divide the hair into two strands: upper and lower. We separate the strand near the forehead and weave a small braid of three prolettes.
  2. We divide the remaining hair into pieces and connect the central strand with the right. From the edge of the resulting strand we separate another thin strand of hair and attach it to the left side under the scythe, after which we add to it a strand from the right side and lead to the left.
  3. We separate the thin strand from the left side, connect it with the right, placing it under the braid. Then, from the remaining free hair, we again grab the strands on the left side and lead it to the right.
  4. Similarly, weave a fishtail, ensuring that the strands are the same and symmetrical. Having reached the base of the neck, we separate the strand on the right and connect it under the left oblique, pick them up on the right and lead obliquely to the left.
  5. The remaining loose hair is woven into the usual “fishtail” and secured with a rubber band.

You can braid such a braid in any direction: diagonally, in a wave, on its side - the main criterion here will be fantasy and training.

What is necessary?

To create a hair does not require special tools and accessories.

The simplest items used in daily care will be useful:

  • several combings (with thin and large teeth, with an extended handle),
  • styling products, spray,
  • thermal water in the case of ironing,
  • a mirror (if the braid passes through the center of the crown and the back of the head, 2 mirrors are useful for quality control),
  • gum for fixing.

Additionally, you may need ribbons, hairpins, hairpins with decorations for a festive look.

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How to weave?


  1. Spray hair spray and gently comb, directing the strands to the back of the head.
  2. Assemble the tail on the back of the head and secure it with a rubber band. The level is chosen at will.
  3. Separate the thin strand from the bundle, wrap the gum with it, and fasten the ends with a pin. So be able to disguise the base of the spit.
  4. Divide the tail into two equal parts and separate a small bunch from the outer edge of the right curl, redirect it to the left curl.
  5. From the left strand on the side of the outer edge, once again separate the bundle, equal in thickness to the first, and redirect it to the right strand. To correct the resulting crossing, pulling bunches.
  6. Alternately, repeat the procedure for the redistribution of the beams, selecting them only from the outer edges. At the same time it is important to observe a uniform thickness.
  7. The end of weaving is fixed by an elastic band. The tail of the remaining hair can wrap the place of fixation and chop hairpin.

Mastering the technique is easy, you just need to understand the principle and consistency. You should first learn the classic weaving, it will help to quickly understand the difference between the options. The fish tail corrects the shape of the face, one has only to ask him the base in different parts of the hair.

For example, weaving made as high as possible will visually extend extra roundness. And to give more regular features to the triangular face by the strength of two pigtails, braided from the temporal part. Flight of fancy has no limitations in choosing the configuration of the braid.

Hair should be washed and dried before styling. Curly curls better align with ironing. Mousse or foam in a small amount will help fix the hairstyle and make it resistant to prolonged wear and weather disasters.

For other types of hair, it is enough to use a spray to make the strands smooth.

Various options for weaving fishtail

Weaving variations differ in several ways:

  1. The hardness of weaving strands.
  2. Base, passing from the side (right / left).
  3. The base, passing through the middle of the crown and neck.
  4. Interlacing strands along the upper contour of the face contour or zigzag shape.
  5. One spikelet, two or three.

The most popular fishtail types are:

Tail from the top

Recommended for beginners:

  1. Collect the hair in a tight tail on the top of the head and secure it with a rubber band.
  2. Dividing into two parts, use the technique of weaving to the tips.
  3. The rubber on the base of the braid should be masked with a bunch of hair or a beautiful ribbon.
  4. Wrap the elastic at the bottom of the hair and pin it down.

This hairstyle is easy to transform into the evening version, using beautiful accessories.

Side braid

  1. Collect the combed hair on either side.
  2. Selecting two equal strands, weave.
  3. Secure the tips with a rubber band.
  4. Pull the dies out of the links to create a negligent effect.

Spit on the basis of the classic malvinki

  1. Carefully comb curls, spreading the hair back.
  2. Separate the side strands, collect them according to the type of malvinki and connect with an elastic band.
  3. Dividing the strands obtained into 2 equal parts, braid the braid.
  4. Straight from the base, mid-length or closer to the ends in a pigtail weave a ribbon.
  5. The end of the tail fix with a rubber band and tie a ribbon in the form of a beautiful bow.

Triple fish tail

  1. Separate along the sides by a strand about 2 cm thick, join them in the middle of the nape with a rubber band.
  2. To turn inside the formed tail, forming the base of the spit.
  3. The next two strands on the sides are connected in a similar way and turned out.
  4. Continue the process until the tips, then fix them with a rubber band.
  5. Bottom can be decorated with a beautiful hairpin or ribbon.

This option only mimics weaving. Even a newbie will be able to do it, and the originality of the hairstyle is not inferior even to the salon styling.

How to weave yourself?

Weaving is not difficult and, if desired, everyone can master the technique, having completed the sequence of directions of the strands. If the hair is curly by nature, to facilitate the process, you must first align them with a flat iron. Use thermal water to protect from high temperatures.

Instruction (braid on the side):

  1. Carefully comb your hair, after sprinkling it with a spray for ease of separation of the strands.
  2. Release the tail to one of the sides and divide it into 2 parts, equal in volume.
  3. Separate a small bundle from the outer edge of the left curl, redirect it through the center to the right curl.
  4. Repeat the process, but with the right strand. Detachable bundles should be the same volume for the formation of aesthetic weaving.
  5. Alternately twist the separated beams from the left and right edges.
  6. Fix hair ends with a rubber band.

The elongated hairs from the links will add volume and slight negligence, which is important in the new season.

Who is the hairstyle?

The most beautiful links of the weaving of fish tails are formed on a rigid thick head of hair from the shoulder blades and below. Dense structure and smooth hair create a picture of incredible beauty.

But this does not mean that others are limited in choosing a trendy hairstyle. Thin strands during weaving are not tightened, and after fixing the tip they stretch even more, forming the desired volume. The braid turns out to be gentle, like a real cone.

A very interesting result can be obtained on melirovannyh or colored strands. Curls of different shades will give extravagance weaving.

Variations on the spikelet are numerous, which makes it possible to braid the braid on almost any hair that is suitable in length.

The only limitation is the natural small curls, but this is fixable if you make the alignment with the ironing. It is worth noting that such a procedure can not be performed daily. Frequent heat treatment will weaken the hair structure, resulting in brittleness and a section of the tips.

Advantages of fish weaving

Hair can be woven with their own hands without the help of specialists.

In this way of creating braids, in addition to the amazing appearance, there are many advantages. Their list is as follows:

  • can be woven on almost any type of hair (wavy, straight, curly, thin, thick and so on),
  • harmoniously combines with many accessories adorning the head,
  • allows you to create completely different images in various styles, as it has many variations that expands the range of possibilities and fantasies,
  • It looks equally beautiful on any color, even the most fashionable and unusual,
  • suitable for any type of clothing (from classic to casual style),
  • can be combined with tails, other types of weaving, such as harnesses and other,
  • It helps if you wish to collect both part and the whole mass of hair.

Phased creation of a beautiful fashionable hairstyle for medium hair.

NOTE! Many people are wondering, is the fishtail braiding technique suitable for short hair? Yes, of course, this technique, like other methods, can be applied at this length. However, provided that the hair length is at least 10 cm. For more information on how to braid short hair, read in another article.

But one of the main advantages of this weaving is the ability to make it yourself with your own hands, without recourse to specialists in salons. This is especially important for those individuals who do not have a large amount of extra time or do not want to waste their budget.

After all, to learn this technique, just enough to practice a little. Well, the diagram below will help to observe the correct sequence of the location of the strands in this process.

Weaving "pike tail" even on the most extraordinary hair color looks great, bringing its zest to the image.

Tight option

Spit “pike tail”, created by the tight weaving technique.

A feature of this braid is the dense method of weaving the strands. Due to this, the picture is clear, textured and neat. But it provided that the working strands are selected strictly the same width. This is the key to creating such a beautiful pigtail.

Surround option

With the help of purl weaving, you can achieve volume even on very sparse hair.

In order to achieve greater volume, the fishtail is woven with the wrong method. That is, the steps in this process do not overlap each other, but, as it were, tuck under each work item. And the more spit will be braided, the more massive it will look. Even greater bulk can be obtained if weave not thick, but thicker strands.

In this case, it is not necessary to adhere to strict accuracy in such a technique, since careless parts will not spoil the appearance of the braid. In some styles, such as “Boho”, even deliberate disheveledness is specially used.

Openwork option

Option interesting hairstyle, created on the basis of openwork fish braid.

Such a spit can be created both in the traditional and in the wrong way. Its peculiarity lies in the beautifully drawn loops after the plexus. An openwork effect can also be achieved if, after completion, to seize the tips of the pigtails and tighten the entire structure upwards, and then gently straighten it.

ON A NOTE! Openwork fishtail is more suitable for evening and festive hairstyles. For everyday wear, they usually choose the traditional or voluminous version.

Beautiful hairstyle with elements of openwork weaving using the “pike tail” method.

It described the features and subtleties of various ways to create a "fish tail". Well, now came the moment to study directly how the fishtail spit braid. Read the instructions and go for it!

Description of the methods of weaving "fish tail"

If you disclose in detail the question of how a fishtail is braided, this is done by several technicians. The most time-consuming and more complex is the method of 4 strands. For beginners, 2 other methods are suitable.

ON A NOTE! It is easier to start learning to create fishtail pigtails if you pre-assemble hair with an elastic band. This will not allow the strands to crumble. When you gain a certain skill, you can already make braids on loose hair.

The process of creating pigtails from the tail.

As for the direction, the “fish tail”, regardless of the method, can trail:

  • upright
  • horizontally,
  • asymmetrically
  • diagonally,
  • zigzag
  • around the circumference.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to decide on this or that option of the direction in advance before weaving, because the final result and the appearance of the hairstyle as a whole will depend on this.

Weave from 2 strands

Step-by-step scheme of weaving a fish braid by dividing the hair into 2 strands.

This technique of creating a "fish tail" is considered the easiest to perform. Relative simplicity is achieved thanks to two guide strands that help in this process not to make mistakes.

As for the instructions, weaving the fishtail spit step by step using this method includes the following steps:

  1. Before the process of creating hairstyles curls can be treated with mousse. This will give them obedience and prevent scattering from the hands.
  2. Depending on obtaining the desired hairstyle (spit on the side, on the back of the head, on the top, around the circumference), you should select 2 (guides) basic uniform and fairly wide strands in the place where you plan to start weaving.
  3. Further, from each side from the outside of the remaining mass of hair is selected additional strand. It needs to be thrown to the opposite side, then connected to the guide element located in this area.
  4. After that, the strand is again taken from the outer area at the place where the additional curl has just occurred to the main guide part of the hair. Then in the same way it is added to the other opposite working guide.
  5. The whole weaving technique is performed by the above described actions until the braid is woven to the right place.
  6. The tips (again, depending on the hairstyle) are folded under the hair, fixed with an elastic band. Or, from them it is possible to make with the help of stealth, hairpins a beautiful pattern in the form of a flower.

The fishtail braid goes well with any weaving, for example, as in the photo - with the traditional option.

ON A NOTE! If weaving is made on a tail gathered in a rubber band, it is divided into 2 guiding elements. Additional locks are selected directly from each of them.

Weave without dividing the hair into parts

Without dividing the strands into working elements, the fishtail spit (weaving scheme with a photo is shown below) is braided like the previous technique. However, this method is suitable for those who already have the skill. After all, without having clear guides, from the first time it is not easy to create a beautiful braid, each time evenly selecting the strands woven around.

How to make a braid without splitting hair into strands.

The instruction and the technique of weaving a fishtail spit directly consists of the following steps:

  1. First, the whole mass of hair combed on themselves.
  2. Then a working strand is taken from each side, and then they intersect with each other. It should be ensured that they were the same width.
  3. Then, holding the hair with one hand by pressing them to the head, for example, on the right, the opposite is selected again on the same side.
  4. Next, you need to throw it to the right, capturing and attaching the same hand to the total mass of hair.
  5. A similar technique braids the whole fishtail pigtail by alternately grabbing the strands with their further flinging and attaching to the hair located in opposite parts of the head. The direction of weaving in this case is chosen any. It directly depends on what hairstyle on the basis of “fish tail” I want to get.
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Examples of hairstyles based on "fish tail"

Another option is an attractive hairstyle based on a fishtail weave.

Using this weaving, you can create a huge variety of hairstyles. It has no restrictions, unless its own fantasy just runs out. And if this happens, taking the following options as a basis, it will be easier to re-invent some masterpiece on your head, emphasizing your delicate and harmonious taste and image as a whole.

Side option

If you weave the side braid a little carelessly, you get an interesting hairstyle.

This styling is suitable for all occasions, because it goes well with any clothing and makeup. It is distinguished by its accuracy and attractiveness, therefore it will become relevant for holidays and for everyday life.

"Fish" braid from the forehead

Spit "fish tail" with the scheme of weaving from the forehead.

This styling is very conservative. It is the perfect choice for everyday work or business meetings. It is also comfortable to wear for girls of both kindergarten and school age.

Hair "malvinka" on the basis of "fish" weaving.

This is the best option for romantic natures. It is ideal for a youth party, corporate event or, for example, a birthday. Such weaving is beautifully combined with ribbons, and then you can achieve even more original image.

"Fish" braids on two low tails

Hairstyle from weaving "fishtail" on two low tails.

Owners of a luxurious head of hair can take note of this option. This hairstyle perfectly gives the image of femininity and looks truly gorgeous and stylish. Yes, and it combines harmoniously with almost any clothing: from jeans to evening dresses.

Fish Tail Headbands

The rims of the fishtail braid look great and come back into fashion again.

This is another beautiful romantic example for lovers of something unusual and extraordinary. Such a fishtail styling looks not only feminine, but also very stylish. Her variations are back in fashion.

Laying of fishnet braids

Step-by-step creation of fashionable hairstyle from openwork fishtails.

If you want to get an elegant, extraordinarily beautiful image, then this hairstyle is the best choice. It can even be used for one of the most significant events in life - an anniversary or a wedding.

To do this, just after its creation, you just need to decorate your hair with an elegant hair clip or other similar accessory. Well, she herself is done very simply and quickly. This can be seen in the above attached step-by-step photo.

At last

If you still haven't quite figured out how a fishtail is being woven, the video in this article surely should help. After all, for some, visual aid in action is more effective than written instructions with photos.

Or maybe our readers have their own secrets for weaving fish tails? We offer to share them in the comments.

Hairstyles secrets

In order to braid the braid beautifully and correctly, you need to know some important secrets.

Spit Fishtail itself - video:

  • The strands that you take on both sides to create a braid should be the same in thickness. On this depends on the harmonious appearance of hair.
  • In addition, the thinner the strands, the more refined and luxurious the braid will look. This is especially true for long and straight hair. For comparison, braid the braid with thick strands, and then with thin strands: you will immediately see the difference.
  • The use of fixatives such as mousse or foam before weaving is especially important for wavy and curly hair. If you do not want the braid to look like a fluffy dandelion, be sure to tame the strands.
  • To make the braid more expressive, braid it as tight as possible. Give it a slight negligence and carelessness, you can always, a little fluff up strands. By the way, this technique also has an advantage: the fluff spit looks wider.
  • If possible, before weaving curly hair straighten the iron with a thermal protective agent, the braid will be just gorgeous.

  • A scythe will acquire a completely different look if the strands are symmetrically pulled out over a certain distance from each other. This should be done as carefully as possible. So on the sides you will get air loops of hair.

Fluffy, voluminous spit Fishtail - video:

How to braid a fish tail with a ribbon?

If you are going to a party and you have a bright outfit on hand, supplement it with a mermaid oblique with a satin ribbon of the corresponding color. The tape is better to choose a narrow, but long enough.

  • Asymmetric weave pattern fishtail with satin ribbon step by step:
  1. Comb your hair and divide it into two parts.
  2. From the right side, separate the strand from the outer edge and shift it to the inner edge of the left side.
  3. Now from the left side from the outer edge, separate the strand and shift it to the inner edge of the right side.
  4. Braid the braid by 2 cm.
  5. Attach the tape to the outer edge of the right side.
  6. Move the ribbon to the inside edge of the left side.
  7. Take a strand from the left side and shift it to the inner edge of the right side.
  8. Hold the tape and the left part of the hair at this time in your hand.
  9. Now separate the strand on the right side and attach to the left.
  10. Take the ribbon to the outer edge of the left side.
  11. Now shift the tape from the outer edge of the left side to the hair of the right side.
  12. Then repeat the weaving until the hair runs out.
  13. At the end, fix the braid with a ribbon (it should have enough length left).

This technique involves interweaving the ribbon on one side and then transfer it to the other side. Due to the fact that the transfer can be performed at any time at will, the weaving of the ribbon on the braid will be asymmetric.

Quick way to braid Fishtail braid with ribbon:

  • If you are more attracted symmetry, weave with ribbon as follows:
  1. Start weaving braids by traditional technology.
  2. Fold the satin ribbon in half and roll over the braid at the very base.
  3. Place one end of the tape on the right side of the hair and the other on the left.
  4. In the course of further weaving along with the strand, always grab and move the tape.
  5. In the end, just tie a bow with two ribbons.

  • Another curious move: take 2 ribbons different color and tie them together. Now they can be used for weaving. Place the nodule behind the scythe. So it absolutely will not be visible.

Horsetail braid

There are many different hairstyles with a fishtail. For example, piketail tail.

  1. First, collect the hair high on the crown and secure it with a rubber band.
  2. Then divide the strands into two parts and braid the braid.
  3. If you are doing a festive styling, disguise the base of the tail with a ribbon tied in a large bow.

This hairstyle is suitable for fashionable and modern style baby dollars.

Fishtail at the crown

  • The hairstyle will be very expressive if you manage to braid a fishtail all over your head. For this weaving should be started from the side, dividing the hair into two strands. Gradually, the braid can be rotated in any direction, picking up the strands from different sides.

Hair Spikelet Spike all over the head - video:

  • If this seems difficult to you, braid the fishtail on the side, and then wrap it around your head like a wreath. It will be especially beautiful if you twist the braid in a spiral. To fix it in a certain position, you will need studs and stealth.

  1. First comb the hair back.
  2. Then collect the locks from the sides and secure them with a rubber band.
  3. From the resulting tail it is necessary to braid the fishtail according to the classical scheme or with the addition of a ribbon.

2 fish tails connected to one

  1. First you need to braid 2 fish braids on the sides. Their length should be medium.
  2. At the top, connect the braids with a rubber band, and dissolve the remaining hair. Let them fall down freely.
  3. To make a more original hairstyle, weave one piketail of two braids. It is quite easy to do this: the strands are on the sides, so they will not be very confused while weaving.

Gum braid

This is an option for those who really love creative solutions.

Gum braid (in fishtail style) - video:

  • Second option
  1. Make the tail on the back of the head and divide it in two: one strand is the top and the other is the bottom.
  2. Wear a rubber band on the upper strand, slightly retreating from above.
  3. Now pass the lower strand through the hair and tighten the elastic. So you get a heart.
  4. Reattach the elastic to the hair and repeat all the steps again.
  5. The hearts that came out of the hair are well straightened so that they look luxurious.

Modern fashion offers owners of medium and long hair various types of weaving: braids, on the contrary, French braids, spikelet, and so on. Spit fish tail looks unusual and very beautiful, but make it yourself is not so difficult.


Watch the video: Необычное Красивое плетение волос,плетение 2х цветков из волос. Unusual Beautiful Hair Weaving (July 2024).