
The subtleties of hair coloring


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What paint to choose?

Not only the shade and durability of coloring, but also the condition of the hair structure will depend on the right choice. It is no secret that the chemical effect does not add to the health of the hair. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to such paints, which include the caring components: natural oils, extracts of organic substances.

How to apply paint?

The very first advice of a professional: you need to apply paint only from the back of the head, and then only move forward. A brush for work should not be distinguished by excessive rigidity. Hard brush badly holds paint on its surface, and injures the scalp.

If the hair has undergone keratin straightening (read more about keratin straightening here), then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult to dye. The protective coating formed on the hair, will not allow the paint to penetrate into the structure of the hair.

Hair must be prepared for coloring. All products that were previously applied to hair: varnishes, mousses and foams should be removed. Rinse them better using high-quality shampoo.

Thin and dry hair requires a special approach to the very process of their coloring. The exposure time of the dye must be reduced so as not to cause damage to the hair. It is useful to periodically apply medical masks from cosmetic oils. This will restore the hair and give it strength. Later you can polish your hair - read here about the procedure.

A few more important secrets:

  1. Do not rinse hair after dyeing with hot water. Chemical elements of the paint damage the hair, and hot water adds a portion of the negative impact.
  2. For lush, thick and long hair a single tube of paint will not be enough. It is necessary in this case to buy two boxes of paint, and both immediately use.
  3. If the paint has faded and is washed off, then the repainting process should be started from the very roots of the hair.
  4. You can alternate the use of paint and tinted shampoo. This option of maintaining the desired shade on the hair is more gentle.

Comments 2

Homemade hair coloring is quite common, because it is so nice to create an image yourself and select the appropriate hair color. And, of course, you always want to achieve the best results so that your hair looks like after a chic salon. Wella offers hair coloring advice from professionals to make dyeing and caring for dyed hair at home even more efficient and easier.

Be sure to use conditioner to care for dyed hair, so that they look healthy and shiny. For these purposes, the air conditioner that comes with the Wellaton dyeing kit is the best fit. These products will highlight the beauty of your hair and help to maintain color longer.

How to find your hairdresser?

If you are faced with the need to change your master hairdresser, do not trust the implementation of hair dyeing or cutting the "first comer" specialist. If you first came to the salon, watch the work of hairdressers. For example, sign up for a manicure and look at the work of masters. Even in a few minutes you can recognize the style of work of hairdressers and choose the best one for yourself.

Be prepared for the fact that the services of a good specialist will be expensive. But, if you find "your" master, the costs will be worth it. After all, the result will be a perfect hairstyle and a great mood.

At the first visit, ask the new master what hairstyle will suit you the most. A true professional in his field will necessarily react creatively to such “testing” and will offer you several reasoned options for cutting and styling. If the hairdresser offers you to choose a haircut model yourself, it is better not to trust him to do the work, because in order to get an excellent result it is important to find mutual understanding.

Do not blindly trust the recommendations of friends. All people have different requirements and preferences. Therefore, it is better to check the wizard in person. If the first pancake comes out lumpy, do not be upset. In the end, hair is not teeth - will grow.

Paints without ammonia

Modern dyes without ammonia are considered safer for hair and scalp. They do not overdry the curls, do not damage the structure. But a significant disadvantage of such compositions is low resistance. Coloring with non-ammonia paints lasts no more than two weeks, after each washing of the head the paint is washed off.

Ammonia paints

Modern persistent hair dyes contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, which, when interacting with each other, under the influence of air, cause staining of curls. Colors with ammonia perfectly paint over gray hair, allow you to drastically change the color of hair. Due to the numerous protective and emollient additives, modern compositions do not seriously injure the hair, do not damage their structure. But it is necessary to carry out staining with chemical compositions on an ammonia basis no more than once every two weeks.

Hair coloring at home

It doesn't matter why you decide to dye your hair yourself. It doesn't matter if you decide to save time or money, you spent highlighting or staining earlier. If you follow all the instructions and approach the painting procedure with full responsibility, you can get an excellent result even at home.

When choosing a hair dye in the store, carefully read the instructions, which contain useful recommendations and instructions on the amount of funds needed to handle curls of different lengths. Each shade has its own number and labeling. Also be sure to offer photos of the original color and the expected result. This useful information will help you choose the optimal shade.

The subtleties of dyeing hair at home

So, the paint is purchased. We turn to staining at home. Be sure to use the tips from professionals:

• In no case do not add to the composition of additional components: oil, shampoo. The reaction of the ingredients to such an additive can be unpredictable.

• For dyeing hair use only freshly prepared composition.
• To protect the skin from staining, wear rubber gloves.

• Do not dye hair immediately after perm.
• It is better not to keep the paint on the curls for several minutes than to overdo it.

• After dyeing, be sure to use special hair care products.
• It is not recommended to wash your hair for several days. Then the pigments are better fixed in the structure of the hair.

How to paint over gray hair: step by step instructions

• The packaging of each hair dye contains detailed instructions for painting gray hair.
• Be sure to mix the paint thoroughly before applying: it is allowed to apply only a homogeneous mass to the hair.

• Before dyeing gray hair should not use hair styling products. But also to wash your hair is also not recommended.
• Brush well before staining.
• Paint is applied to dry curls.

• For even coloring, separate the hair into separate strands.
• Start staining with the roots. Movement should be directed from the neck to the temples.
• After applying paint to the roots, the remaining mass is distributed along the entire length of the strands.

• To dye gray hair enough to withstand the composition of 30-40 minutes, unless otherwise specified in the instructions.
• Wash off the paint with plenty of water, you can use shampoo for colored hair.

If after home hair dyeing the result did not suit you, do not try to correct the situation yourself. Ask for help from a master hairdresser who can reduce the effects of damage done to a hairstyle professionally.

In this case, we should not forget that you can re-dye your hair no earlier than in two weeks. Otherwise, you run the risk of irreparable damage to the curls, which will require lengthy manipulations to restore them.

Tips from star hairdressers

To exclude a negative result, before using the paint is subject to mandatory testing. For this procedure, take a strand located in the ear. This area of ​​the head is perfect, as in case of failure, it is easily hidden by the rest of the hair.

Choosing such a strand should be applied to it and withstand ½ of the recommended test time of the paint. Next, the paint is washed off the hair, and the strand is dried. The following procedure serves as the final stage of testing: a sheet of white paper is taken and in light (natural or from a fluorescent lamp), which color is obtained by the strand being painted. In the case when the result satisfies you, then all your hair can be dyed with this paint.

It is necessary to follow the recommendations that offer top stylists of the world:

• Do not dye hair on the head when there are wounds, scratches, itching and other injuries on the skin,
• Dyed hair should be washed using a balm suitable for your hair type and once a week make a mask for them,

• Clients with pale skin should not choose paint in red colors, and those who have dark skin will have shades of caramel and chocolate,
• Although black paint is the most popular among women, it should be remembered that it ages the aged women, and in young girls it gives the skin an unnaturally white tint,

• Light chestnut hair color will look harmonious with green and brown eyes.
If you want to drastically change the hair color and from a brunette to reincarnate as a blonde, then it is strongly recommended to do this procedure in several stages and carry it out with the help of a professional in the salon, as at home the result may be unexpected - the hair may become yellow or red.

Dignity of white hair

Blond to white hair looks extremely impressive. They completely change the appearance of a woman, making her more youthful, bright and fresh. All ashy, light-blond, golden and cold white tones fit gray hair well - unlike dark colors, even a 50% overlap of gray hair gives an amazing result.

Lightening dries and softens hair, but it becomes more docile when styled. In addition, a bright palette of hair colors has a great variety and you can choose the perfect tone, the most suitable for the eyes and skin tone.


But before you figure out how to dye your hair white, you need to think about the disadvantages of this color. Lightening is a traumatic procedure for hair, it can be more or less dangerous, but the negative effects will be felt. Brittleness, dryness, damage to the structure, loss - this is not a complete list of possible consequences.

The high price in the cabin scares away many clients, which is also a drawback. But the master at least does not cause irreparable harm, while amateur lighting at home can turn into a disaster.

Another disadvantage is the length of the process. In order to get the perfect color, you need several stages of coloring, especially if you change from a brunette to a blonde.

Also, the disadvantages include the fact that it is often necessary to tint the regrown dark roots, and each new portion of the paint affects both the strands and the scalp, causing irritation.

Ideal candidate

Before you dye your hair white, you need to know if this color is suitable for your type of appearance. The ideal candidate should have the following characteristics:

  1. Porcelain, white or light skin, you can with a little blush or a light natural tan.
  2. The correct person without flaws, as the bright hair will emphasize any flaw.
  3. Light eyes - gray, blue, gray-green. It is with them that cool white hair color goes well. Green and blue eyes also harmonize well with it.
  4. Own blond hair color. It is easy to work with it, less staining steps are required and the structure of the strands is almost not damaged.

Black-haired beauties repainted in white is very difficult. In addition, if they have dark skin and brown eyes, they are not always harmoniously combined with a light shade of hair. For such a character it is best to apply not full coloring, but straightening of strands using the technique of balajaz or shatush.

Paint selection

The choice of white hair dye - responsible event. A master will pick her up in the cabin, and for lightening at home you will have to find a suitable option in the store.

Initially, you need to know that there is paint for lightening, and there is powder for bleaching. And the difference between them is colossal. Dye brightens the natural pigment that is contained in the hair. And the powder completely washes it.

The choice of the two options depends on several factors, namely:

  1. Natural or dyed strands. The paint does not fall on the paint - it is the commandment of all hairdressers. Therefore, colored hair must be discolored or washed off.
  2. The original color. Girls with naturally light curls can easily change the tone with blonde hair dye, while brunettes will have to fade.
  3. The desired result. Cold white tones are obtained only after preliminary discoloration. While the bright warm "blond" can be achieved by a simple clarification.

You also need to pay attention to the state of the hair. Already "dead" hair is better not to discolor, otherwise they will fall out.

What paint to dye your hair white? According to experts, the best in durability and compliance with a given tone are the brands “Londa”, “Estel”, “Vella”, “Goldwell”, “Revlon” and “L'real”. On a single international scale, you can choose one of the desired colors:

  • 12 - platinum blond,
  • 11 - very light blond,
  • 10 - light blond,
  • 9 - blond,
  • 8 - light blond.

Blond hair dye brightens hair by 3, maximum 5 tones. If it is necessary to make the curls lighter by 5-7 tones, then a bleaching powder is pre-used. In order to obtain the maximum possible clarification, it is necessary to choose a paint with a “superlond” mark, using 9 or 12% oxidizer.

Discoloration is performed using a special powder - it is called Blondor, supra or powder. It is diluted with an oxidizing agent in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 1.5.

The oxidizing agent varies in percentage concentration:

  • 6% - standard, for most cases,
  • 3% - sparing, for damaged hair,
  • 9% and 12% - strong alkaline product, which can be used only with open appliances (without foil and without contact with the skin).

There is also a special white hair dye, which does not brighten the curls, but simply masks the natural hair color. She is temporary, easily washed off, and with its help it is easy to understand whether you are going to be a blonde.

Washing and bleaching

How to dye black hair white? This is not easy to do - staining will have to be done in several stages. Initially, you will have to do bleaching, or in other words, discoloration. Without him, the brunette in the blonde can not repaint. And it will be necessary to bleach several times, and after each stage to walk with the color obtained. Exposure time between treatments will give your hair a rest from aggressive chemistry.Brunettes easiest to paint the ends of the hair in white - it refreshes the face, and not so traumatic for the hair. And in case of failure, you can simply cut the ends.

What to do if your hair is blond, but it is already colored? We'll have to use the remover - an emulsion that will wash foreign pigment from the head of hair. This procedure is called decoupling.

Wash emulsions are divided into:

  • Natural - sparing, careful, but with a multiple cycle to obtain the desired result.
  • Bleaching - hydrogen peroxide and analogs that destroy both artificial and natural pigment. It is possible to lighten hair after their application in 2 weeks.
  • Acid - professional emulsions for decapsing. Manufacturers claim that they are safe, but recommend keeping time between washes according to the instructions.

The result of the wash is always unpredictable - hair may discolor, rust or yellow. It must be remembered that this is a temporary effect that is corrected by staining or tinting.

Staining technology

You can dye your hair white without yellowness if you adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Two months before the procedure, you need to forget about the hair dryer, curling, tinting agents and other traumatic factors.
  2. Styling cosmetics should be avoided - temporarily do not use lacquers and styling foams.
  3. Use only sulfate-free detergents, otherwise it will affect the result.
  4. We do not lighten hair during menstruation and during pregnancy.
  5. We prepare everything you need: powder for lightening, hair dye “blond” of the desired shade, toner for getting rid of yellowness, pink or purple mikston, which will enhance the saturation of the tone and eliminate unnecessary shades, inventory for dyeing.
  6. We carry out standard coloring - according to the instructions on the package. Different manufacturers may have different exposure times, so you need to carefully read all the recommendations.
  7. If the result is unsatisfactory, repeat it, but not earlier than in two weeks.

Tip: if the financial capabilities allow, it is better to choose the lighting in the cabin.


How to dye your hair white is already known. But what if the intermediate result leaves much to be desired? In these cases, the wizard recommends toning - as the second stage after blonding or washing. So you can disguise poorly clarified areas and yellowness. The disadvantages of toning - fragility and the risk of dyeing light clothes and underwear.

For the procedure using any toning means. Colors - ashy blond, smoky blond, honey, dark blond and light blonde. Darker colors on bleached and bleached curls can not be used.

Recommendations and advice of professionals in hair coloring in white

Many girls dream of having perfectly white hair, but they can only boast with ashy or light brown shades of their own strands. Natural milky color curls are very rare, besides not suitable for everyone. The problem can be corrected by clarification, but experts do not recommend changing the tone on their own. The effect can be unpredictable, and it will also be very difficult to get rid of the yellowness that appeared during lightening.

Who is suitable white curls

Girls with beautiful white hair always look elegant and feminine. However, this statement is true only when there is no nondescript yellow, dark parting from regrown roots on the strands. To achieve when coloring the desired shade is not enough. One must also be able to care for the bleached curls in order to maintain a spectacular milky color for a long time.

White curls should be chosen for skin tone and face shape. Be sure to take into account the shade of the tan, the existing shortcomings or flaws.

Experts give the following recommendations:

  • The milky shade of a pryadok without yellowness and ashy tint is suitable only for girls with very fair skin. The skin should be porcelain, without a bright blush and a trace of artificial tan.
  • Eyes should be blue, gray or gray-blue (choose hair color for blue eyes). White-eyed or black-eyed girls will look unnaturally.
  • If the skin has flaws, ugly freckles or pimples, they will look even more noticeable.
  • Ideal for this hairstyle is considered an oval face shape. It will be possible to achieve a spectacular image with any haircut. The bright-faced girls do not walk round-faced girls; they make the face even fuller.
  • It is necessary to do uniform coloring only in salon at the skilled master. At home, a good result is not achieved.

Painting harms even healthy curls, weakened will have to recover with the help of masks. Care after brightening should be regular, so that the hairstyle does not lose its bright milky color and remains well-groomed.

Tips before dyeing hair white

Before recording in the salon for the procedure of clarification, you must carefully consider your future image. Painting into a rich milky color requires an ideal skin of the face, a healthy structure of curls. In advance, you should choose and make a haircut, remove split ends, regrown fringe and ends. It is advisable to study the paints recommended by the specialists, the chemical compositions, read the customer reviews about the selected salon.

Here are the main recommendations of experts:

  • To white hair color pleased you with its saturation and brilliance, you need to use expensive high quality dyes. The perfect milky tone is obtained by mixing several shades. Houses such a composition is difficult to pick up.
  • When choosing a shade you need to take into account the structure, volume and length of the strand. Soft curls are painted faster, bright ones are easier to lighten. For longer it takes more paint and time to apply the composition.
  • If the curls are dark, almost black, it will be difficult to lighten them (masks for lightening hair). The same goes for bright red and copper hair. It will take several procedures with intervals of several weeks between each staining. Moreover, there is a high probability of a strong yellowness, red glow (How to remove the yellow hair after lightening).
  • In the absence of proper care, white strands will turn yellow and dark. Blond requires regular application of masks, proper washing and drying. When washing, it is necessary to use a toning compound so that the white color of the hair remains saturated and light.
  • It is not recommended to wash your hair after clarification often, because hard water adds yellowness to the strands. You can soften it by boiling or freezing. It is advisable to rinse strands with mineral water or water acidified with lemon juice.

If the desire to have a milky hue outweighs all the difficulties, you need to contact the salon and sign up for the clarification procedure. Before that, you should treat weakened strands, make a haircut or trim the ends.

The most popular brands are:

  • Schwarzkopf,
  • "L'oreal",
  • "Estelle",
  • "Garnier".

The lightening procedure includes preparing the strands for dyeing, applying paint and washing it out. All stages should be done only by an experienced master, using high-quality preparations. After rinsing, toning is done to eliminate the yellowness so that the white hair color becomes milky, shiny.

Stages lightening pryadok in the cabin:

  1. The study of the type and structure of hair master to determine the dosage of the coloring composition. If prior to contacting the salon a perm was done, the procedure is not recommended. The expert will give the same advice if the strands are over-dried with paint, discolored to a state of straw, burned at the ends with a curling iron. White in these cases will be difficult to achieve.
  2. Preparation of tools and dye composition. Milky shade can be obtained only by mixing the bleaching powder, developer and toner. Toner is a powder that allows you to achieve the perfect whiteness of bleached strands. Additionally, the master uses a red gold corrector of the desired shade, a special purple shampoo. The composition is applied with a brush, the master also needs gloves, a paint bowl, towels and an apron to protect the clothes.
  3. Application of the prepared composition to dry strands. Hair should be dirty, it is better not to wash them for 2-3 days. Paint should be applied from the roots to the ends, starting from the back of the head. After that, the head must be warmed with a hat, a towel. After 30 minutes, the master checks the effect of the dye. The head may burn slightly due to the active components of the paint, this is normal. Keep the mixture on the hair for more than 50 minutes is impossible, otherwise they will then start to fall out, become brittle and dry.
  4. Flushing clarifier. First, wash your hair with cool water, then - with warm shampoo. If necessary, you must use a tinting agent to get rid of yellowness. Tonic is applied according to the instructions, washed off with balm and shampoo.

If the hair was initially too dark, you will need to brighten again after 1-2 weeks. Milky shade should be similar to natural. All strands must be dyed the entire length.

Recommendations after staining:

  • tonic to give the perfect milk whiteness should be applied when washing once a week,
  • You can use special tinting balms, shampoos,
  • wash curls should be no more than 2-3 times a week, as the shampoo dries the strands, spoils the resulting color,
  • It is not recommended to use curling iron and forceps, it is often not necessary to apply styling products and varnishes, too,
  • regularly every 3-4 weeks you need to contact the salon to tint the grown roots, so that the hairstyle looks well-groomed,
  • one should choose a nourishing or regenerating mask for colored locks to use it constantly.

If there is no time to care for white hair, it is better to refuse to lighten in favor of highlighting or coloring. Burning brunettes and brown-haired women are not recommended to perform the procedure either.


Watch the video: How to create #freehandpainting hair colour (July 2024).