Dandruff Treatment

How to cure seborrhea on the head 31366 1


Seborrhea is a dermatosis resulting from excessive sebaceous gland activity. Sebum is fatty acids, fats, and proteins secreted by the glands. Pathology is often the result of dysfunction of the neuroendocrine system. Our article will discuss the main points concerning this pathology - the form, causes, diagnosis and treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home and medication (under the guidance of specialists).

Sebum - the secret of the sebaceous glands

The sebaceous glands serve as generators of sebum, necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

  • Saves the skin from infections.
  • Softens and protects the skin - thanks to the sebum the skin does not peel off or crack.
  • Protects skin from drying out.

The sebaceous glands are dispersed in the thickness of the skin of the human body. The structure of the location of the glands is branched, resembling a tree. However, their distribution is uneven. There is the concept of "seborrheic zones" - areas in which the sebaceous glands are densely concentrated relative to other parts of the body. The forehead, the T-zone of the face, the ears, the scalp, the shoulders, the chest are all seborrheic zones that are more susceptible to the disease. Not all sebaceous glands are in an active state, their number depends on:

  • gender sign
  • the age of the person
  • hormonal status,
  • climate.

In children, almost all the sebaceous glands are not active until the moment when the body enters the stage of puberty. With increasing volume of sex hormones, the action of the sebaceous glands is activated. In an adult healthy person, the activity of the sebaceous glands is stable for a long time, and begins to decrease only with age. If, for any reason, functional impairment occurs in the body, a favorable soil is formed for the occurrence of the "scalp seborrhea" disease. Home treatment is not a sufficient measure, and in the event of the onset of disease symptoms, it is imperative that you seek medical help from a specialist.

Forms of seborrhea

As noted above, seborrhea is a dermatosis, which leads to a violation of the sebaceous glands. Depending on the causes of the disease, as well as signs of manifestation, there are:

  • oily seborrhea,
  • dry seborrhea,
  • combined form of seborrhea.

Oily seborrhea is a pathology that often occurs during a transitional period, so to speak, during hormonal "chaos." Young women are more susceptible to this disease, however, men also suffer from oily seborrhea, a long course of which leads to pathological hair loss.

The occurrence of dry seborrhea due to reduced allotment. Dry seborrhea is the result of a decrease in the barrier functions of the body as a result of many reasons - hard physical labor, unbalanced nutrition, and psycho-emotional stress. In a healthy state, the life cycle of skin cells takes a certain period of time. In case of malfunctions in the body, the period of cell renewal becomes less, dandruff is formed. In this case, the health of the hair is impaired - they split, thin, break, can actively fall out.

Mixed seborrhea combines the manifestations of dry and oily forms in one area of ​​the skin.

Children, as well as adults, are subject to this pathology. The disease can manifest itself in the first months of the life of a small person. As a rule, the disease has two forms - children's seborrheic dermatitis and “adult” seborrhea of ​​the scalp in children. Treatment mainly depends on which form of the disease prevails.Sometimes therapy is not required, the symptoms of the disease disappear as the child matures.

Symptoms of the disease

It is known that the disease not only leads to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, but also to a change in the qualitative structure of sebaceous secretions of the skin. The main manifestations of the disease in humans can be called:

  • itching with hair loss
  • heavy dandruff
  • oily shine and peeling of the skin.

It should be noted that the peeling of the skin with seborrhea is accompanied by an inflammatory process. First, the disease occurs in the back of the head, and then affects the boundaries of hair growth.

In addition to the appearance of white scales at the hair roots, another sign of dry seborrhea is itching. A protracted course of the disease leads to the appearance of foci of inflammation - red spots, covered with a crust. When combing these formations there is bleeding. Damage to the formations is fraught with the accession of a secondary infection. Treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp usually does not cause difficulties. However, if the disease is not treated, the neglected form of seborrhea of ​​the scalp can also affect the skin of the body. Irregular hygiene leads to the progression of pathology. In approximately 10% of cases, the region of the eyelashes, eyebrows, and scalp of the face — a mustache or beard — is affected.

A pronounced sign of oily seborrhea is the appearance of large yellow scales covering the scalp. Exfoliation of such formations does not lead to painful sensations. However, after the removal of the scales, after a short time, the skin becomes covered with them again. Increased salivation results in hair sticking together and, as a result, an untidy appearance. Even regular shampooing does not solve this problem.

What causes hormonal disorders in the body

Among the main causes leading to the occurrence of the disease, can be identified:

  • hormonal disorders,
  • effects of other diseases
  • long-term medication,
  • yeast-like fungi activity.

Hormonal disorders are the main cause against which dermatitis occurs. In a healthy male body, the ratio of androgens and estrogens is in a balanced state. If the balance is disturbed in the direction of increasing the number of androgens, an active generation of sebum occurs. An increase in the level of the hormone androgen is inextricably linked with the acceleration of its metabolic processes, which can be caused by both hereditary factors and the presence of tumors that are triggered by the growth of androgens in the body (testicular tumor).

In women, the ratio between androgens and progesterone is decisive. Seborrhea occurs at any age, but mainly manifests itself in a transitional period. This form of pathology is called physiological and usually passes after the completion of a specified period.

Causes of Seborrhea

The trigger mechanism for the occurrence of seborrhea can be various kinds of serious diseases, such as Parkinson's disease. Mental disorders - schizophrenia, manic-depressive or infectious psychosis, epilepsy can also trigger the onset of pathology. Violation of the process of sebum secretion is also observed after a long-term intake of medical drugs - progesterone, glucocorticosteroids, testosterone.

Another important cause causing the formation of pathology is a decrease in the barrier functions of the body. The fact is that yeast-like fungi (Pityrosporum ovale) are constantly present on human skin, the number of which in a healthy state is limited, and with increased production of sebum increases dramatically. This is due to the fact that microorganisms form conditionally pathogenic microflora. For their livelihoods they use the secret of the sebaceous glands. In violation of the protective functions of the skin the body is not able to control the growth of fungal microflora.Mushrooms begin to multiply actively, causing the development of skin pathology.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp: treatment (photo before and after)

It is known that many diseases are the result of disorders occurring in the body. Malfunction of the endocrine system, frequent stresses and constant psycho-emotional stress - a complex of factors contributing to the development of pathological conditions. No exception and seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Medical treatment, physiotherapy, recipes of traditional medicine - a set of measures aimed primarily at normalizing the patient's nervous system, restoring the balance of hormones in the blood, increasing the barrier functions.

In the treatment regimen, the prescription of antifungal agents is mandatory. However, the drug is selected only after laboratory studies - bacterial seeding and microscopy, allowing to determine the type of fungus and the sensitivity of the organism to it. As a rule, drugs for the azoles are prescribed to control seborrhea. This may be "Dermazole", "Keto Plus", "Nizoral", "Bifon". Left photo - skin condition after treatment.

Women, in order to adjust the hormones and restore ovarian function, prescribed contraceptives.

Among the fortifying drugs can be distinguished medicines, which include vitamins A, B, D, E, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, dietary supplements, biogenic stimulants.

Oily skin requires constant special care, compliance with all standards of hygiene. Pharmaceutical dandruff shampoos, such as Sebozol, are recommended for topical use.


In the treatment of dermatosis, physiotherapeutic procedures have a good therapeutic effect - in combination with drug therapy they have a stimulating effect on the hair follicles to which the sebaceous glands are attached. The main treatment procedures include:

  • Cryomassage of the scalp is a complex procedure, with the help of which massage and cold therapy are applied to the hair. Under the action of cold, the vessels constrict, thanks to which the work of the sebaceous glands returns to normal, and the inflammation process is removed.
  • Magnetotherapy is an alternative medicine method that is based on the use of a magnetic field for therapeutic purposes.
  • Electroporation - effect on the skin of electropulse currents.
  • Darsonvalization is a procedure that, through exposure of the skin to high-frequency pulsed current, increases its tone, enhances blood circulation and lymph flow, affects the nerve processes.
  • Laser puncture - a procedure for exposing the body points to a low-energy laser beam. This is a fairly new physiotherapeutic method used in the treatment of seborrhea.

In addition, UV has a positive effect on the restoration of the scalp after seborrhea.

Diagnostic methods of seborrhea. Recommendations for nutrition and lifestyle

Seborrhea is a disease that arises due to the whole complex of functional disorders of the body. Therefore, in the diagnosis of pathology, it is necessary to resort to a set of techniques, including:

  • The study of the history of the patient, the study of past diseases.
  • Laboratory studies - biochemical blood analysis and blood analysis for hormones.
  • Examination of the scalp and hair.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, thyroid gland.

For seborrhea, it is recommended to eat fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, microelements and fiber. But from spicy and fatty foods, canned foods should be abandoned. It is recommended to limit the intake of salt and flour.

Useful with seborrhea, and in general for health, walking, sports, healthy sleep. Often, patients with a disease of the scalp are prescribed sulfur and mineral baths, taking sedatives.

Shampoos against seborrheic dermatitis

Form release Tsinovit

The composition of the drug includes such active ingredients as pyrithione zinc and climbazole. The simultaneous effects of these substances can significantly improve the function of the sebaceous gland, which to establish the production of the required amount of sebum to protect the epidermis and hair from drying out or heavy pollution due to increased fat content. It is required to use Tsinovit only twice a week, at the same time it is necessary to rub foam in roots within one minute. After that, zinc pyrithione and climbazole must be kept on the head for 2 minutes and washed off. The duration of therapy with Zinovit lasts 4 weeks, after which the agent can be used weekly for preventive measures.

Keto Plus refers to antifungal shampoos that can eliminate the appearance of fungus.

This drug belongs to antifungal shampoos that can eliminate the manifestations of the fungus, which begins to multiply actively in case of disturbances in the sebaceous glands. If you have seborrheic dermatitis, you should gently massage the skin for a few minutes, after which you will need to leave the foam on your head for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. A similar procedure is carried out twice a week, preferably at the same time. The recommended course of therapy is 30 days. It is used for preventive measures needed 1 time in two weeks.

911 shampoo

A series of shampoos 911 against seborrhea

Medical brand, which received its respect from patients, thanks to high efficiency and mild effects. It is required to apply medicinal shampoo once every three days for 4 weeks, until the desired result is achieved. In the future, it is allowed to use the drug once every 7-14 days in the future for preventive measures.

Attention!Simultaneously with the treatment of seborrhea, these shampoos restore the structure of the hair, which makes it possible to make them more beautiful, shiny and silky.

Creams against seborrhea

Nizoral cream refers to antifungal agents that quickly stop the reproduction of pathogenic fungi

The drug is available in several pharmacological forms. Nizoral cream belongs to antifungal agents that quickly stop the reproduction of pathogenic fungi. Use of medication should be daily. At the same time, it is required to apply it on the affected areas 1-2 times a day at regular intervals. Treatment continues as directed by the attending physician and is usually a one-month course. For preventive measures it is better to use shampoo of the same name in the future.

Antifungal agent Sebosol

The drug eliminates the increased sensitivity of the scalp, kills pathogenic fungi, restores blood circulation in the head and hair structure. To achieve the desired result, it will be necessary to apply Sebozol cream on diseased skin areas twice a day for 4 weeks, a more accurate course of therapy should be clarified with your doctor, as it may be adjusted upwards or downwards.

Mycozoal ointment

Mycozoral allows eliminating problems with seborrheic dermatitis within a month.

A good antifungal drug that allows to eliminate problems with seborrheic dermatitis within a month. To obtain the desired result, apply the cream only on the affected skin, healthy should be avoided as much as possible to prevent the development of urticaria and strong burning sensation. During the day Mycozoral ointment is used no more than twice. Therapy lasts for 4-8 weeks, a more precise treatment should be determined by the attending physician.

Skin-up allows you to quickly restore the integrity of the skin, improve the function of the sebaceous gland and relieve irritation

An expensive drug that allows you to quickly restore the integrity of the skin, improve the function of the sebaceous gland and relieve irritation. Apply a thin layer of cream on the affected epidermis, rubbing the active substance with soft massage movements. The treatment continues for 2-6 weeks, it all depends on the severity of the skin lesion. In some cases, due to the use of ointment, patients complained of a strong trial and swelling of tissues.

Attention!Particularly good efficacy medicinal creams against seborrheic dermatitis show in combination with shampoos and other means.

Balms against seborrheic dermatitis

An expensive remedy that shows excellent results in the treatment of seborrhea and at the same time significantly improves the elasticity of the hair, nourishes the hair follicle and promotes microcirculation of the lymph and blood in the scalp. Use balm 2-3 times a week for 15 minutes, with a mild degree of illness, you can use the tool for 5 minutes. Apply the drug only on wet clean hair. You can use the product for an unlimited amount of time, even after completing the course of therapy.

Balsam with red pepper Belita-Viteks

This tool is a complex of active substances that are aimed not only at suppressing increased sebaceous balance, but also at the rapid growth of hair. Apply a cosmetic product three times a week for 10-25 minutes. Treatment with red pepper balm can last an unlimited amount of time.

Tavitin Balsam

Tavitin well helps in violation of the sebaceous glands

A therapeutic product that helps well in the disruption of the sebaceous gland. Apply Tavitin Balsam with severe itching, increased oily hair due to the effects of seborrheic fungi. To do this, you will need to distribute the required amount of the product over the entire root zone and along the length of the curls on wet hair. Maintain the product for five minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for 4-8 weeks.

Attention!These cosmetic products should be used at the same time as any medical shampoo. With monotherapy, the result of treatment will appear much later.


Antifungal agent Ketoconazole

Take this medication should be strictly separate from hormonal drugs of any form of release. Ketoconazole should be postponed for two weeks from the last dose of corticosteroids. Prescribed medication in the classical dosage for adults 1-2 tablets, which is equal to 200-400 mg of the active substance. The exact duration of treatment is determined solely by the dermatologist and can be 1-2 months.

Mycozoral is able to quickly eliminate the activity of the fungus

It is also a good drug that can quickly eliminate the activity of the fungus, which greatly improves the condition of the skin and improves the sebaceous balance of the epidermis. Begin treatment with one tablet per day immediately after meals. If the minimum dosage does not give the desired result, the amount of the active substance is doubled. Mikozoral take individually selected time. Usually, to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, you will need to drink tablets for 4-8 weeks, taking into account the severity of the disease.

Attention!Antifungal drugs for internal use should be used only after consulting a doctor and adjusting the dose. This will make it possible to avoid serious problems with the liver and kidneys, which can be a side effect of the illiterate use of drugs in this group.


This drug can also be used in monotherapy, as the lotion is quite fast and effective effects.To obtain the necessary therapeutic effect, it will be necessary to apply Diprosalic only on diseased skin areas in the morning and evening. At the same time, in the first two days, itching and discomfort completely disappeared with seborrheic dermatitis. Treatment with lotion can be continued for 14-30 days.

A modern drug that can eliminate seborrheic dermatitis in two weeks. Losterin is applied 2-3 times a day at regular intervals, avoiding healthy skin areas. The drug starts the process of skin regeneration, improves blood circulation, relieves itching and improves the sebaceous glands. Therapy with the use of Losterin can last for two weeks, in severe cases, the treatment is increased to one month.

The cost of drugs against seborrhea

Price in Ukraine in UAH

Attention!All prices are informational and may differ slightly from those offered to customers in a particular pharmacy chain.

Tar soap

Tar soap can cure even severe forms of seborrheic dermatitis

Tar is an excellent drying component that can cure even severe forms of seborrheic dermatitis. Use tar soap should be no more than three times a week, in case of severe disease it is allowed to wash your hair with the product every other day for two weeks. At first, the hair should be washed with any shampoo suitable for the type of hair; The formed foam is kept on the head for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water. To remove the unpleasant smell and rinse the hair well from greasiness, you can once again wash the locks with a suitable shampoo. It can be treated in this way until the patient is completely cured.

Herbal Blend

For treatment, it will be necessary to mix calendula medicinal, chamomile field and plantain in equal amounts. It is better to take a tablespoon of each vegetable mixture. Once the herbs are well mixed, they are poured over 300 ml of boiling water and infused for 10 hours in a thermos. After infusion, the resulting solution will need to be rubbed into the scalp in the morning and evening until the desired effect is achieved. Flush tincture is not required. Instead of these herbs, you can take a mixture of Hypericum, roots of elecampane and plantain. Preparing a solution with them on the same principle, also does not require rinsing.


Eggshell - effective remedy for seborrhea treatment

To prepare the solution should be taken only homemade chicken eggs that have not yet washed. Used to treat the raw shell. It is necessary to obtain about 10-20 g of chicken shell, which is finely ground, it is better to make a powder. The resulting substance is mixed with unrefined vegetable oil to get a solution resembling fat sour cream. The resulting drug is applied to the affected areas of the skin and carefully rubbed. The mask is kept on the head for 20 minutes and washed thoroughly. Repeat the procedure daily until the desired therapeutic effect is achieved.

Onion and garlic

To prepare the drug, you will need to take one large onion and turn it into a puree. To it is added mashed potatoes of one garlic head of medium size. For greater efficiency, 5 ml of burdock oil will also need to be added to the vegetables and mixed thoroughly. The resulting drug is applied to the entire head immediately after washing the head, after which it is necessary to wear a hat. Maintain a mask on the head for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a week until the desired result is obtained.

Attention!In the treatment of seborrhea, folk recipes in many patients show excellent results even without the use of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. But it is best to conduct only combination therapy.

Diet for seborrheic dermatitis

For the treatment of seborrhea to be as quick and successful as possible, you should immediately remove from your diet a number of allergenic products that may indirectly cause skin problems. These products include:

  • any bee products, especially natural honey,
  • citrus fruits, including baked or juiced
  • nuts, especially this rule applies to almonds and peanuts,
  • mushroom products, including a small amount in salads and other dishes,
  • fish caviar, and also fish in large quantities,
  • dairy products, but only if they are intolerant.

It is also recommended to reduce the amount of high-carbohydrate foods in the diet, replacing simple carbohydrates with complex ones. It will be useful to eat porridge, especially oatmeal and buckwheat. Be sure to exclude any fatty types of meat and fish, completely prohibited to use alcohol.

Nutrition with seborrheic dermatitis

Be sure to saturate your body with useful amino acids that can be found in low-fat proteins, turkey, beef, veal and chicken, as well as in green vegetables. It is also recommended to drink homemade juices and compotes, which are capable of removing allergens and toxins. Especially useful cranberry juice.

Attention!If the patient has a tendency to seborrhea, it is desirable to adhere to the described nutritional rules for the rest of his life, as well as to monitor his psycho-emotional level. With increased nervousness and apathy, be sure to drink vitamins, especially vitaminD.

Treatment of seborrhea should begin from the first days of the manifestation of the disease, since it simply cannot be cured in one day. For greater efficacy, a combination of various methods and preparations is always required to quickly eliminate dryness or increased oily skin. When using folk remedies, it is better to choose the softest and most gentle effects, since the affected skin may unpredictably respond to the therapy being performed. Usually for complete cure of seborrheic dermatitis in compliance with all recommendations, patients need 4-8 weeks.

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Types and features

Any seborrhea is associated with disruption of the sebaceous glands. If they begin to excrete too much sebum, a fatty type of malady develops. If the sebaceous secret is not enough - fit to talk about a dry variety. This difference in disease generates different symptoms.

The disease almost always has a fungal nature. In favorable conditions, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly, causing itching, dandruff on the hair and desquamation. The fungus changes not only the amount of sebum, but also its composition. The greasy secret consists of proteins, fats, acids and protects the dermis, covers it with a film, softens and moisturizes. In addition, it has antibacterial properties. With dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, fat becomes more viscous and poorly excreted.

Most of the sebaceous glands are on the face, neck, back, scalp. These sites suffer from pathology in the first place. Seborrheic dermatitis can occur at any age. But if in infants and adolescents, he is considered a feature of the development of the organism and usually passes without consequences, in other cases the patient requires treatment. Medicines, folk remedies, physiotherapeutic procedures and special care cosmetics will come to the rescue.

By the way. Also distinguish a mixed variety (when symptoms of dry and oily seborrhea can appear at the same time) and purulent. The latter type is characterized by ulcers and boils, due to excessive work of the sebaceous glands. Most often, such a disease is a consequence of fat or mixed type.


A fungus that causes hair problems and unpleasant symptoms is considered conditionally pathogenic. That is, he lives in the skin and eats sebaceous secretions, not showing itself. This happens until the pathogenic microbe receives an impetus for active reproduction.

In favorable conditions, the fungus grows rapidly, violates the local microflora of the dermis, reduces the amount of fat secreted (or strengthens it if we are talking about a fatty type of ailment).

Various reasons can provoke a stormy vital activity of a pathogenic microorganism., among which:

  • oncological problems
  • obesity,
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland,
  • diabetes,
  • reduced immunity - not only in the case of HIV or AIDS, but also in chronic diseases, long-term antibiotics and in other situations,
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases
  • avitaminosis,
  • mental disorders
  • stressful situations
  • weather effects
  • wrong cosmetic products for hair,
  • errors of care for the hair.

Dry dandruff often appears in women who like to constantly lay curls with a styler, ironing or curling, or often dye, curl their hair with the help of chemicals. Sometimes it is believed that the tendency to dry seborrheic dermatitis is transmitted at the genetic level. It should be understood that this is not about the disease itself, but about the features of the sebaceous glands, in this case - their hypofunction. The disease itself is not considered contagious, since it is associated with the nuances of the functioning of a particular organism.

The main feature by which you can determine the development of the disease - fine dry dandruff, covering the hair and crumbling on the shoulders, back. These are keratinized skin scales that lack moisture. In addition, due to insufficient moisture, the dermis may crack.

Patients usually complain of a feeling of tightness, itching and burning. Hair ceases to shine, become thin and fragile, tips split.

Attention! In advanced cases and with severe illness, the hair begins to fall out intensively, red-pink spots appear on the skin.

Any treatment of dry seborrhea begins with the diagnosis of the disease and the identification of its causes. Most likely, you will need to be examined by a trichologist, a dermatologist, an endocrinologist, a gynecologist, and a neuropathologist. Usually, in such cases, doctors prescribe various tests, ultrasound and other types of examinations that will help you understand the source of the hair problem and determine how to treat dry seborrhea on the head. This can be done with the help of pharmaceuticals, popular recipes, as well as alternative methods.


To relieve the symptoms and fight the disease, the patient is usually they prescribe antifungal, antibacterial, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, and sometimes hormonal medicines. Such properties are not only tablets, capsules or ointments, but also lotions, shampoos, hair balms, which are sold in the pharmacy. This is the difference of therapeutic agents from prophylactic anti-dandruff products. Products from the second category you can easily find on the shelves of cosmetic stores.

Some drugs for dry seborrheic dermatitis on the head:

  • Anti-Pelliculaire Lotion by Yves Rocher. Universal remedy against different types of seborrhea. Contains pomegranate peel extract that cleanses the skin and soothes itching, restores the balance of the dermis and cares for the hair. The cost is about 550 rubles per 150 milliliters.

  • Sulfuric ointment. One of the cheapest remedies for dry skin and white flakes on hair: only 35 rubles per 25 grams. However, it must be applied carefully. Usually, the ointment is prescribed in the case when other drugs are powerless.

  • Serum Emey (Siberian Health). Suitable for eliminating dandruff and itching, normalizes the sebaceous glands, gives a feeling of freshness. It costs about 300 rubles for 0.25 liters.

Shampoos for dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp:

  • Naftalan losterin. Struggles with itching, dryness and irritation of the skin, dandruff. Contains Japanese Sophora extract and burdock, almond, sunflower and linseed oils, which additionally care for hair, soften and moisturize the dermis. Shampoo has antifungal and antimicrobial effects. A bottle of 150 milliliters costs about 730 rubles.

  • Psoryl Salicylic and Zinc Balance shampoos are suitable for the treatment of dry dandruff. In their composition there are natural extracts of chamomile, burdock root, which care for hair, strengthen and eliminate white flakes. Also, depending on the product, you will find in the list of ingredients salicylic acid, zinc, climbazole, menthol, citric acid and other components that eliminate fungi and have a peeling effect. Shampoos soothe the scalp, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The price is about 300 rubles for Zinc Balance and about 470 for Salicylic. The volume of the bottles is the same: 150 milliliters.

  • Sebosol The main active ingredient is ketoconazole - an active antifungal component that destroys pathogenic microorganisms and blocks their further reproduction. Suitable for any type of hair. Helps to eliminate dandruff, itching, well peels the dermis. Also Sebozol makes hair more docile, softer due to the content of citric acid and glycerin. Available in bottles of 0.1 liters (310–330 rubles) and 0.2 liters (440–470 rubles). There are also sets of 5 bags, each with 5 milliliters of shampoo. The cost is about 140 rubles.

  • SKIN-CAP 1%. Among the indications for use - dry and oily seborrhea. The main component is zinc, which has a complex effect on the skin and hair: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal. Eliminates itching, dandruff. It costs about 1300 rubles for 150 milliliters.

  • Sulsena. There is the usual shampoo, hair paste and peeling, the cost of which varies in the region of 80-300 rubles and depends on the volume (40-150 milliliters). Pharmacies sell Amalgam Lux and Mirolla sulsen preparations, but so far the first ones have earned more positive reviews. This product contains selenium disulfide for hair. This compound normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, destroys harmful microbes, contributes to the rapid exfoliation of the skin.

  • Compliment Zinc +. Universal remedy for different types of seborrhea. In its composition - ketoconazole and zinc, which have antifungal effect, reduce the amount of dandruff in the hair. Also, the formula of the shampoo is supplemented with salicylic acid (disinfects, eliminates irritation and itching), plant extracts (exfoliate and relieve inflammation). The approximate price is 130–140 rubles per 0.2 liters.

  • Ducray Squanorm. Sèches shampoo is suitable for people suffering from dry dandruff. It contains selenium sulfide, soothes and moisturizes the irritated dermis, normalizes its balance. Sold in bottles of 125 and 200 milliliters (700–840 rubles).

  • Greenpharma, Anti Dandruff Shampoo Pharma Sylic. Indications for use - dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, weak and damaged hair. Salicylic acid promotes more rapid exfoliation of cornified scales, incense restores and moisturizes. Tea tree has an antibacterial effect, and cypress oil - astringent. The manufacturer positions the product as organic cosmetics. Such shampoo costs about 300 rubles per 0.5 liter.

  • Klorane with nasturtium. The plant extract has an antibacterial effect, eliminates inflammation, heals the skin and hair, removes dandruff. Shampoo exfoliates the dermis, disinfects it, has a positive effect on the growth of the strands. The cost is about 550 rubles per 0.2 liter.

  • Librederm Zinc. Suitable for owners of any hair type, but more recommended for increased dryness of the skin. Zinc fights dandruff, restores the structure of curls, prevents their loss. Allantoin heals the skin. The price for 0.25 liters is about 450 rubles.

Tips. Often, to determine the brand of shampoo help detailed reviews containing photos before and after applying the tool.

Folk remedies

1. Oak bark decoction against dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp:

  • take 4–5 tablespoons of chopped raw material,
  • fill with purified water (350 milliliters),
  • boil for 10–15 minutes,
  • leave for 5-6 hours,
  • add 3-4 teaspoons of natural honey if you wish,
  • abundantly wetting a cotton pad, spread the decoction over the skin,
  • 20-30 minutes rinse the skin and hair with warm water
  • This procedure can be performed 4–5 times a week.

2. Hypericum Ointment for the treatment of dry seborrheic dermatitis on the head:

  • chop leaves and flowers with a blender,
  • squeeze the juice through cheesecloth,
  • put on fire and evaporate the liquid to a volume reduction of 2 times,
  • add butter (50 grams to a glass of the resulting ointment),
  • mix and leave for a couple of hours
  • rub into the skin 2-3 times a week.

3. Lemon and Egg Hair Maskcovered with dry dandruff:

  • Take a medium-sized citrus and squeeze the juice out of its half,
  • add 2 chicken yolks,
  • there pour a teaspoon of burdock oil,
  • after mixing all the ingredients, distribute the mask on the scalp,
  • warm with a plastic cap or bag, on top - with a towel,
  • an hour later, rinse your hair with warm water.

4. Chamomile rinse to combat dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp:

  • You will need 2 tablespoons of both ingredients. Pour a mixture of dry lime and chamomile with a liter of boiling water,
  • leave to infuse until the decoction becomes warm, comfortable to use (about 30 minutes),
  • filter out
  • rinse hair.

5. Violet Lotion, which will help to cope with the manifestations of dry seborrhea on the skin and hair:

  • fill the grass with vegetable oil, respecting the proportions 1: 5,
  • leave for a couple of hours
  • then warm the mixture in a water bath for half an hour,
  • filter out
  • Spread warm lotion over your scalp several times a week.

Attention! Before practicing the treatment of dry dandruff folk remedies, make sure that you are not allergic to herbal ingredients.

Alternative methods

  1. Vitamin therapy. When dry seborrhea is especially useful vitamins D, E, A, as well as group B. If the doctor determines that the cause of the disease is a deficiency of these substances in the body, he will prescribe the appropriate vitamin complex. In addition, adjust your diet and include more beef liver, milk, vegetable oil, fish, herbs, carrots and other products containing the necessary elements.
  2. Hormone therapy. Appointed solely by the doctor, if the disease proceeds with complications.
  3. Cryomassage - exposure to cold on the skin. As a result, the sebaceous glands work better, the hair looks healthier.
  4. MIL-therapy. This treatment is dry seborrhea with magnetic and laser beams. The method has a positive effect on blood microcirculation, has anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Mesotherapy - injections of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements necessary for healthy skin and hair.
  6. Ozone therapy. It normalizes metabolic processes, has a bactericidal effect. Improves the structure of curls, nourishes the roots and prevents hair loss.
  7. Other physiotherapeutic methods: electrophoresis, ultraviolet radiation, darsonvalization.

Attention! Such treatment options for dry seborrhea will be more effective if you simultaneously spend more time in the fresh air and temper, improving immunity.


To minimize the risk of disease, it is necessary to adhere to the correct lifestyle, eat fully and properly care for your hair. If you do not want to provoke the development of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, follow these rules:

  • keep personal hygiene regularly
  • especially carefully wash off the remnants of styling products from hair
  • select products that match your type of curls,
  • do not use too often foams, varnishes, mousses, gels,
  • making laying hot tools, do not forget about thermal protection,
  • try at least sometimes to dry your hair naturally, without a hair dryer,
  • do not abuse the use of curling, ironing,
  • if you have a tendency to dry seborrhea, periodically do prophylaxis: change your usual shampoo for medicinal, against dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp,
  • don't ignore hair rinses,
  • cover the hair with a hat for the weather so that your hair does not suffer from ultraviolet radiation or precipitation, extreme cold or heat,
  • in the room do not forget to take off your hat,
  • Avoid stress, and if you can not handle them yourself, consult with a neurologist. He will give you sedatives,
  • take time for sports, do not forget about physical activity,
  • be sure to walk in the fresh air
  • take enough time to sleep (7.5–9 hours). Lack of sleep also affects the health of hair,
  • take vitamin complexes a couple of times a year,
  • give up bad habits
  • monitor the state of health in general, once a year do an examination and take tests,
  • eat right

The issue of food quality is one of the most important for the prevention and treatment of dry seborrhea. and many other ailments, including those associated with skin and hair. Diet for dry seborrhea does not have any features, but is based on the principles of healthy eating. In the priority - dairy products, fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, fish. Refuse from salty, sweet, fatty, flour, spicy, as well as canned foods. This is especially true for acute periods of the disease. At other times, you can treat yourself to the so-called junk food, but in moderation.

Treatment of dry seborrhea is always an integrated approach. You are unlikely to get rid of white flakes and itching, if you continue to worry a lot, smoke, or run any serious illness. No wonder they say that health comes from within. Hair is a reflection of your body condition. The more carefully you respond to changes associated with curls, the more healthy, beautiful and well-groomed they will be.

Useful videos

How to get rid of seborrhea on the head.

We get rid of seborrhea.

General information about seborrhea

Violation of sebum secretion of sebaceous glands causes a disease that has received the name of seborrhea. Literally translated from Latin, the term means salotache. The disease is associated with the proliferation of yeast-like fungi on the skin. They live with each person in the sebaceous ducts. In pathological conditions of the body, the activity of the sebaceous glands is enhanced or inhibited. Sebum loses its bactericidal properties, which provokes the reproduction of parasites.

There are two types of seborrhea. It is dry and oily. In case of a fatty seborrhea, the skin is covered with thick, moist yellowish-brown flakes, the hair constantly looks greasy, even after washing. Dry dermatitis is manifested by white powdered dandruff. Seborrhea is accompanied by itching, sometimes inflammation of the skin.

Seborrheic dermatitis develops in people of any gender and age. Fat type of dermatitis usually appears during adolescence due to hormonal disruptions. Dry seborrhea on the face and under the scalp has its own special symptoms.

Dry seborrhea. Provoking factors

Dry seborrhea occurs due to the fact that sebum becomes more viscous and dense. Its exit from the ducts is difficult, the skin does not get moisturized because of this. Localization of dry seborrhea - the scalp under the hair, face (cheeks), the upper portion of the chest and neck. The causes of the development of dry seborrhea are diverse.

  • Heredity.
  • Wrong skin care. The use of strongly alkaline detergents (foam for washing, shampoos, etc.).
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Weakening of immunity.
  • Hormonal adjustment and failures.Seborrhea occurs when the balance between male and female hormones is disturbed. The female hormone estrogen inhibits the activity of the sebaceous glands, and the male androgen vice versa.
  • Pathology of internal organs and endocrine glands.
  • Eating disorders. Insufficient use of unsaturated fats, milk, plant foods rich in vitamins.

These factors entail a change in the activity of the sebaceous glands and the composition of their secret.

Dry seborrhea appears due to disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Symptoms of dry seborrhea on the scalp

Dry seborrhea on the scalp develops when fat secretion and its bactericidal properties decrease. Fungi begin to actively proliferate. The main symptoms of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp:

  • dandruff (small or large, dry white flakes),
  • itchy skin
  • stiffness and brittle hair,
  • intense hair loss.

Seborrhea of ​​the head is seasonal, appears in the autumn-winter period. It causes temperature drops in the street and in the room. Also at this time, reduced overall immunity.

Symptoms of dry seborrhea on the face

Dry seborrhea of ​​the face has one sign - dryness and the appearance of crusts on the cheeks, brow arch and nose bridge. Develops independently and together with seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Redness and itching appear on the affected areas, sometimes a burning sensation.

Dry seborrhea on the skin of the face develops with frequent use of inappropriate skin, abrasive cleansers.

Dry seborrhea of ​​the face appears peeling and crusts

How to get rid of dry seborrhea on the head and face

Diagnosis of skin diseases is carried out by a dermatologist. Treatment of dry seborrhea includes several areas.

  1. Fight against pathogenic fungi.
  2. Getting rid of problems that provoked the development of seborrhea (hormonal changes, reduced immunity, diseases of internal organs).
  3. Stabilization of skin and hair health.

To achieve the goals, complex therapy with medications, vitamins, and apparatus procedures is used.

With dry seborrhea, doctors prescribe a special diet. Refined carbohydrates (pastries, sweets, jams, etc.), saturated solid fats, and table salt are completely excluded from the diet. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products and vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, flax).

Preserves and jams aggravate the course of the disease

Types and characteristic symptoms

There are three types of seborrheic dermatitis: dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, oily, mixed. Differentiation of types of the disease is carried out according to characteristic signs. Common manifestations in adults include itching, dandruff. Peeling differs in appearance depending on the type of disease. Symptoms of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, signs of dry and mixed features are presented in the table below.

Table - Symptoms of dry, oily and mixed seborrhea

Risk factors

The exact causes of seborrheic dermatitis have not been established. But there are risk factors that trigger the development of the disease.

  • Genetics. Features of the protective function of the dermis can be inherited. Patients with dermatitis in the genus often have relatives with the same diagnosis. But not the fact that the "inheritance" necessarily manifest.
  • Hormones. When hormonal imbalance disrupts the sebaceous glands, which provokes the development of the disease. Hormonal background due to oily seborrhea that occurs in transitional age. In adolescents experiencing puberty, hormones "rage", which leads to active secretion.
  • Fungus. Conditionally pathogenic fungus “lives” on any dermis. Under certain conditions, which lead to the creation of an ideal microflora on the dermis (for example, allergies, weak immunity), it begins to actively proliferate. As a result - dermatitis.
  • Disease.Immunodeficiency, diabetes, endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, neurological diseases - all this leads to malfunction of the glands.
  • Weakened immunity. If the body's defensive reactions are reduced, the sebaceous glands may malfunction. This leads to the development of pathogenic microflora. Immunosuppression is observed after illness, with a lack of vitamins.
  • Stress. Strong experiences weaken the body, provoke a violation of secretory function. Much more dangerous than "one-time" stress - prolonged depression.
  • Unbalanced nutrition. A poor diet leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals. This affects the work of the whole organism and the state of the dermis as well.
  • Environment. Temperature extremes are especially dangerous. Refusal of headgear in the heat or cold can cause the development of dermatitis.

What is the danger

Seborrheic dermatitis should be treated. The sooner you see a doctor, the better. The disease causes discomfort: the scalp itches, peels off. Suffer and psycho-emotional state. Dandruff, crusts on the head, lifeless hair - seeing such a picture in the mirror, it is easy to lose self-confidence and get depressed. The disease is dangerous complications. Most often there is one of the three.

  1. Baldness. Ailment leads to hair loss. Usually the hair falls out in the fronto-parietal zone. If you react in time to the "hair fall" and start treatment, then the curls will grow back. However, in advanced cases, hair follicles die - “bald spots” remain for life.
  2. Infections. Through the combed skin in the body penetrate infection. This is fraught with the appearance of ulcers. If the inflammatory process takes place in the deep balls of the dermis, then acne scars remain. Lymph nodes and blood vessels may be involved in infectious processes.
  3. Allergy. Seborrheic dermatitis leads to increased skin sensitivity. Against the background of the disease may develop allergies to shampoos, synthetics.

Diagnosis: what doctor to contact, what tests to take

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. If you have problems with the scalp, you need to contact a dermatologist. The doctor collects anamnesis, examines the patient, assesses the presence of risk factors and identifies diseases, of which seborrheic dermatitis may be a concomitant manifestation. We will have to pass a series of tests, in addition, you may need to consult an endocrinologist, a gynecologist, a neuropathologist. Diagnostic methods that allow the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis are presented in the table.

Table - Studies to identify seborrheic dermatitis

When diagnosis is difficult, refer to a biopsy. To do this, take a small sample of the skin and examine the material under a microscope. A biopsy allows you to accurately determine the nature of skin damage, and make a differential diagnosis (exclude or confirm another dermatological disease).

Conservative treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp

Effective treatment of the dermis of the head is possible only with a comprehensive approach to the problem. Therapy depends on the type and stage of the disease, the presence of complications. Only a doctor can prescribe a complex of therapeutic measures; it is impossible to cope with the problem on your own. Treatment includes:

  • treatment of diseases that provoke hyper- / hyposecretion,
  • taking drugs that have an effect on the psycho-emotional state,
  • physiotherapy,
  • use of antifungal ointments,
  • therapeutic shampoos,
  • taking vitamin complexes and drugs to improve immunity,
  • diet


Drug therapy of seborrheic dermatitis is carried out in a complex. Drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor: self-treatment is prohibited, otherwise you can harm your body and aggravate the problem. The groups of drugs that the dermatologist usually prescribes are listed in the table below.

Table - Preparations for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.

Drug treatment regimen can be supplemented if there are complications. With intensive inflammatory process, the use of systemic glucocorticosteroids is shown: "Dexomethasone", "Diprospan", "Prednisolone". If a bacterial infection has joined, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics (Erythromycin, Macropen).

Without eliminating the factors that provoked the development of dermatitis, effective treatment is impossible. The root cause makes its own adjustments to the treatment plan. For example, if seborrheic dermatitis is caused by a hormonal imbalance, then hormone pills are prescribed. If the development of the disease caused stress - sedative drugs.


Physiotherapy procedures will help to achieve results in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the head. Reviews of people suffering from the disease indicate the effectiveness of such treatment. Procedures are selected by the doctor individually. They are aimed at eliminating inflammation, normalization of sebum production. Can be applied:

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is impossible without topical therapy. Medical shampoos will help to eliminate the problem. Be sure to use antifungal pharmaceutical compositions. Options from the mass market, even the most publicized, are not able to overcome the problem: they have an exclusively cosmetic effect. If the manifestations of dermatitis are minor, then with the help of store shampoos you can remove dandruff, but the effect will be a one-time. The problem will be exacerbated if you do not use pharmaceuticals. Their composition is rich in active ingredients. Chemical compounds fight the fungus, lead to normal glands.

Treatment shampoo for seborrhea of ​​the scalp is recommended to apply two or three times a week. The course ranges from one month to two, depending on the stage of the disease. The table will help you to get acquainted with the shampoos that are effective in the treatment of dermatological disease.

Table - Shampoos for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis

When dry seborrhea can not use alkaline shampoos. They have a drying effect, which exacerbates the situation. Neutral pH products will help to cope with the problem. With oily seborrhea, it is important to reduce the production of fat, so shampoos, which include acids, are suitable. There are tools that can be used for any type of seborrhea, for example, Nizoral, Sulsena. At the end of treatment, you should do hair restoration: regularly make nourishing and moisturizing masks, undergo a course of beauty treatments in the salon. Therapeutic shampoos (especially with ketoconazole in the composition) dry curls.

You can supplement the action of the shampoo with ointment for seborrheic dermatitis. The remedy relieves the symptoms of the disease. Ointments soften "crusts", relieve irritation, heal. But they should be used only after consulting with a specialist, so as not to aggravate the problem. The list of available effective ointments is presented in the table.

Table - Ointments from seborrheic dermatitis

Home methods

There are many traditional treatments for seborrheic dermatitis. They do work, but if you include them in the overall treatment regimen. Only with the help of hand-made dermatitis remedies is impossible to get rid of, especially if the disease progresses. But popular wisdom will help reduce the manifestations of the disease. Before using prescriptions it is important to consult with your doctor.

It is necessary to choose national methods correctly - with an eye to the appearance of seborrhea. Otherwise, you can aggravate the situation. For the treatment of dry seborrheic dermatitis use different oils - castor, fir, olive, sunflower, linseed. They moisturize and nourish the scalp, help get rid of peeling, start regenerating processes in the skin. In seborrhea, it is important to stop excessive fat production. Acetic acid, lemon, soda copes well with this.Find a suitable recipe to help table.

Table - Folk remedies for seborrheic dermatitis

- Mix the components,
- rub every other day

To overcome seborrheic dermatitis, you need to adjust nutrition. It must be balanced. There is no single diet for seborrheic dermatitis, but the general rules must be followed.

  • Dairy products. They lead to normal digestion. This is an important condition for restoring the normal operation of the secretory function.
  • Vegetables and fruits. They are rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on the digestive tract. Fruits and vegetables in the diet are needed to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals. This is an aid to immunity.
  • Sources of vitamins B2, A, E. Products containing these vitamins are especially important for dry seborrhea. Vitamins provide regeneration of the epidermis, are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and curls. The menu must include liver, broccoli, sea fish, spinach, carrots, oatmeal.
  • "Harm." Spicy, salty, fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. It is recommended to significantly reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates: control how many sweets and buns you eat per day. Fast food, coffee, smoked meats, sodas, alcohol - taboo.

8 rules of prevention

To cure seborrheic dermatitis is not easy. But if you pay attention to prevention, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing the disease. Remember the eight simple rules, and the problem will bypass.

  1. Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Seborrheic dermatitis is not contagious, but using someone else’s comb or headgear can be a nuisance. So you can move the fungus. For a long time, it may not manifest itself, but when the body fails, it will actively multiply.
  2. Take care of your hair. Frequent staining with aggressive formulations, ignoring curls' defenses, curling weakened strands - all this affects the hair follicles. When the follicle is weakened, the secretion of the scalp may change, leading to the appearance of dandruff.
  3. Wear a hat in the cold. As soon as it gets colder outside, wear a hat. Under the influence of low temperatures, the process of sebum production changes and the qualitative component of the secret can even change.
  4. Do not exclude ultraviolet light. The rays of the sun - the worst enemies of hair. All beauties know this axiom. Ultraviolet dries curls, makes them lifeless. But you can not completely abandon the sun. Moderate "sunbathing" is good for the scalp. Under ultraviolet fungus can not be activated and multiply.
  5. Avoid stress. Experiences do not have the best effect on the condition of the hair and dermis. As a result of the shocks, the sebaceous glands may even change. Try to be less nervous and there will be no problems with hair.
  6. Eat right. Diet affects health and appearance. Good nutrition, only healthy food - and you can forget about dermatological problems. If the menu will provide a complex of vitamins and minerals, the body will work "like a clock." Including sebaceous glands will return to normal. As a bonus - the hair shine, the rapid growth of hair, the absence of fragility.
  7. Do sports. Moderate exercise is necessary to strengthen the immune system. With high protective functions, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms will not be able to actively proliferate and provoke inflammatory processes. Physical culture has a positive effect on the work of all organs and systems, improves blood circulation and metabolism.
  8. Annually undergo scheduled inspections. Regular visits to the doctor - a pledge that diseases that can provoke seborrheic dermatitis will be identified and eliminated in time. Medical examination must be held annually.

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp is a long process. A simple massage will help speed it up.Do a massaging circular motion with your fingertips each time you apply ointment, use shampoo or medical hand-made tools. Massage improves blood circulation, thanks to which the sebaceous glands return to normal, hair growth is activated.

Reviews: "The main thing - do not be nervous"

A couple of years ago, my mom really helped Keto Plus shampoo to get rid of seborrhea. and we noticed the effect almost after a couple of uses of this capmunem. he and antifungal, and all symptoms relieves. complex effect, noticeable almost from the first application)

I also suffer from this nonsense (on the line of hair on the forehead and on the temples, and sometimes on the eyebrows) for 15 years for sure. My dad had it, too, so about genetics is true. During periods of aggravation this itching and flakes are flying from the head ... I feel like a leper.
To keep the situation under control, do not change shampoos, do not abuse everyday washing, periodically I drink through a course of absorbents, which helps very well, if it’s completely unbearable, I apply tea tree oil to my pockets (although I’m not quite sure whether it is toxic, but it’s not rarely). And most importantly - do not be nervous - during periods of sessions and lack of sleep, this thing becomes very active.

And I have diabetes on the scalp for 10 years already, my hair has noticeably thinned. And even young hairs fall out. I started using 2.5 weeks ago System 4. There is a mask, shampoo and serum. Itching, dandruff immediately passed, many new hair sticking out tiny. while you like it. I will see what happens next) from nizoral, sebozol, etc. it was only itching more (

At the expense of "folk remedies": I tried to make onion masks here. The impression still burns as if the scalp was removed from you, just like hell. Then the entire scalp is red and inflamed. BUT really becomes much less this rubbish, at times.

Causes of dry seborrhea

Psoriasis and seborrhea dry - these are two different diseases that should not be confused with each other. The difference is in the cause of the disease. In psoriasis, the sebaceous glands exhibit hypersecretion. As a result, the hair, scalp becomes greasy, dandruff falls into lumps, slips through the hair, visible spots. Dry dermatitis is a skin disease in which there is a lack of activity of the sebaceous glands, and the skin and hair of the body suffers.

The causes of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp are varied. Physical factors may contribute to dandruff. These include improper skin care, too tight unventilated hats not in the shape of the head. Weakened immunity promotes reproduction and exposure to the fungus. The occurrence of seborrheic dermatitis may indicate that there was a hormonal failure in the body. Nervous shocks, feelings, stress, eating disorders can lead to a breakdown of the sebaceous glands.

Symptoms of dry seborrhea

The disease is more common in adolescents, the elderly, but also manifests itself in adulthood. Patients have decreased activity of the sebaceous glands. The disease has two forms: it can affect the skin of the face, neck or scalp. Dermatitis can be cured. It is observed in 90% of the world's population, in 20% of cases it becomes chronic. Symptoms of dry seborrhea may vary, depending on the form of the disease. A common symptom is increased dryness, peeling.

Dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Unpleasant signs of this disease make a person complex and quickly look for measures that prevent visible manifestations of the disease. It is necessary to seek help from a doctor who deals with hair treatment - a trichologist. Only a doctor can say how to treat dry seborrhea on your head in your particular case. The method of therapy will depend on the cause. Dry seborrhea of ​​the head is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • appearance of fine dandruff
  • hair becomes thin, lose shine,
  • there is an increased loss and breakage of hair,
  • itching, burning of the scalp.

Dry seborrhea on the face

An unpleasant phenomenon - dry skin of seborrhea. It is diagnosed in all categories of the population. It is exacerbated in the spring, in the autumn in chronic patients. Photo of symptoms can be seen on the Internet. It has the following main features:

  • skin cracks, peels off,
  • visible scales appear,
  • itching, burning sensation of tightness appears.

Visible lesions appear in the form of red and pink spots, which produces a negative cosmetic effect. Most of the tools that mask only exacerbate the situation, so it is undesirable to use them in the treatment. Set aside:

  1. powder
  2. tonal cream
  3. concealers,
  4. pencils masking acne.

Diagnosis of seborrheic dermatitis

An experienced specialist (trichologist or dermatologist) is responsible for identifying the exact disease. The sooner this happens - the easier it is to cure dermatitis. Diagnosis of dry seborrhea includes the following measures:

  • Medical examination.
  • Laboratory research methods. General blood test, deployed, for hormones and urine analysis.
  • Computer diagnostics of hair.
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid and pancreas, liver.

How to get rid of dry seborrhea

Any doctor will tell you that seborrhea is dry - not a sentence. A comprehensive wellness course of therapy and many effective ways to help you quickly eliminate the disease. Ozone therapy, physiotherapy, mesotherapy showed themselves well. Gymnastics, medicinal and folk remedies are shown. In half of cases, dermatitis is caused by other diseases that need urgent treatment.

Dry Dandruff Shampoo

Medicinal shampoo for dry seborrhea will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and cure the disease. It will effectively remove dandruff, help to cure dermatitis. The main thing is not to wash your hair often, but in the manner indicated in the instructions. Shampoos for treatment are:

  • With antifungal substance - ketoconazole, bifonazole, terbinafine (Nizoral, Dermazole, Keto Plus, Ketozoral). Shampoos effectively prevent the growth of the fungus, reduce its population, as a result of the disease retreats.
  • With zinc (Friederm Zinc, Tsinovit, Zincon). This chemical element is an antiseptic, removes bacterial infection of the skin.
  • With urea (Qeluela DS, Vichy, Ducrey). Urea is a natural emollient component, it effectively removes itching, burning of the scalp.
  • With sulfur (Sulsen). The line includes prophylactic, therapeutic shampoo-peeling, gently peeling dandruff and has a regenerating effect on the scalp. Thanks to sulfur has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Shampoos can be assigned to several items. Photos will help you not to buy a fake. Your task is to alternate means, for example:

  1. Urea for daily use will help relieve itching.
  2. You use antifungal shampoo twice a week, it fights the cause of the disease.

Diet with dry seborrhea

The restoration of the nutritional system for skin diseases is an important factor. A diet with dry seborrhea should exclude fatty, fried spicy foods from the diet. Eat more green vegetables, fruits rich in trace elements. Suitable: cabbage of different types, apples, citrus fruits, leeks, salads. Do not forget about the use of protein, necessary for the hair bulb: these are eggs, fish, lean meat, buckwheat. A nutritionist will help you create a nutrition system that will make your body healthy.

How to treat dry seborrhea

Mandatory treatment requires even not too disturbing you seborrhea. The doctor may recommend that you take internal and external medications. Treatment of dry seborrhea is to prevent the development of a chronic form and identify the initial causes of the disease. If it is a violation of the hormonal background, initially it will be necessary to restore it.When neurosis need to drink a course of sedatives.

Treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the head at home

Seborrhea is almost always treated at home. This is a common practice. It is possible to use medicines in comfortable conditions. The main thing - to adhere to appointments of the doctor and to observe a diet. Home treatment includes:

  • taking medication inside
  • use of outdoor products
  • folk methods allowed by the attending physician.

Treatment of dry seborrhea folk remedies

The disease is well treated and folk remedies. Apply their own production of shampoos based on decoctions of herbs: burdock, celandine, rosehip, valerian roots. Well helps rubbing into the scalp of various oils. The leaders are burdock, castor, flax. Folk remedies for dry seborrhea are used for prevention. They are used because they are valid and tested by many generations.

Recipes of folk remedies for dry dermatitis:

  1. Take burdock root, chamomile flowers, marigold and boil in a water bath. Broth strain and rinse your head after each wash.
  2. In equal proportions mix coconut oil, grape, peach. Add a few drops of vitamin A and E. Wipe the affected skin with this solution with this solution. The tool can be added in a small amount to the cream.
  3. Take 100 g of burdock oil, add 3 drops of tea tree oil, rub into the skin with massage movements an hour before washing.

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp folk remedies

In addition to physiotherapeutic methods and medical treatment, the secrets of traditional medicine help in the fight against seborrhea. They are quite diverse and suggest an external therapeutic effect on the affected areas of the scalp. For example, a very common recipe for combating oily seborrhea is to use a weak solution of baking soda - 20 minutes before washing your hair, the prepared remedy is applied to the scalp.

But with dry seborrhea, a 10% sulfur ointment is successfully used, which is also rubbed into the scalp. Manipulation is done for eight days, then the hair is allowed to rest. After the course, the head should be washed with boiled water using therapeutic shampoos, which include selenium or tar.

Even our ancestors prepared herbal raw materials from ointments, tinctures, decoctions, masks. However, in the treatment of dry and oily seborrhea, differentiated methods are used.

It is also important to remember that the recipes of alternative medicine are only additional methods of treatment that are used in conjunction with medicines. Using only herbal therapy does not exclude the possibility of recurrence of the disease. It is important to periodically change the recipes used in order to avoid the body getting used to any of the components.

Broths in the treatment of oily seborrhea

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home can be performed using herbal decoctions. A good remedy is a burdock, popularly known as burdock. For medicinal purposes, use the roots of the plant. The multicomponent chemical composition of burdock root has a positive effect on the activity of the sebaceous glands, regulating their activity and restraining the spread of fungal flora, preventing the spread of inflammatory processes. To prepare the broth, you need to mix a few tablespoons of the roots with a small amount of boiling water (1 cup) and stir over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Cool the broth and apply to the hair roots. Therapy is usually carried out for several weeks. In parallel with these, you can use a mixture of equal parts of burdock broth, nettle and wormwood (2 tablespoons) three times a day for oral administration.

Effective and simple treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home is performed using infusion of nettle leaves.

It is useful in case of seborrhea for several months to wash your hair with a decoction of oak bark.To prepare the medicine, you will need to pour two tablespoons of oak bark with hot water, boil, insist for about half an hour.

As a hair rinse after washing, you can use birch leaves. Broths from Hypericum, chamomile, sage also have healing powers.

Masks for the treatment of oily seborrhea

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home is also the use of various hair masks, the main component of which is egg yolk in combination with alcohol, yeast. The yolk has the ability to dry the skin, which is important for inflammatory processes of the epidermis. Consider a few examples of popular hair masks.

Mask based on honey, aloe juice and castor oil. For the preparation of a therapeutic agent, you will need castor oil, honey and aloe juice in equal proportions (one teaspoon each). Components must be mixed to a uniform consistency and applied to the scalp, to create a bath effect wrap for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with warm water.

Mask based on badyagi and boric acid. According to the recipe, you need to mix a teaspoon of badyagi and a previously prepared solution of boric acid (half a teaspoon of acid, half a glass of water). Rub into the hair in the form of heat until a slight tingling. After 30 minutes, wash off.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dry seborrhea

A small amount of fat on the skin and hair - this is characterized by dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Treatment with folk remedies is aimed at replenishing the sebum deficiency by rubbing oils and fat creams into the scalp. Here it is important to remember that the oil is rubbed very carefully and thoroughly, as with such manipulations the hair may break. In addition, an excess of oil leads to clogging of the pores of the skin, and as a result - a violation of its thermoregulation.

Therapies use flax, sea buckthorn, parsley, black poplar, tricolor violet oils. Sea buckthorn oil is combined with olive oil - one part of sea buckthorn oil and nine parts of olive oil. Therapeutic mixture is recommended to apply to the scalp. The course of treatment is a month. It is not excluded the use of sea buckthorn fruit instead of oil.

For therapeutic purposes, you can use pure burdock oil. The recommended procedure time is two hours no more than two times a week. The procedure is carried out during the month. Then the course is repeated after six months.

Local darsonvalization

On the skin of the face or head acting high frequency currents. The current is conducted through a special glass electrode. Darsonvalization helps to improve the blood circulation of the skin and speed up metabolic processes.

The procedures have contraindications. Cryomassage can not be used in case of hypersensitivity of the skin to cold. Darsonvalization is contraindicated in people with benign and malignant tumors.

Darsonvalization - the impact of high-frequency currents

Shampoos for dry seborrhea

Treatment of dry seborrhea on the scalp will not be effective without proper hygiene. Dandruff shampoos today there are a lot, advertised and not very much. When seborrhea use detergents of several types.

  1. Antifungal (contain ketoconazole, ciclopirox, zinc pyrithione).
  2. Keratolytic (contain salicylic acid, ichthyol and sulfur).
  3. Antibacterial (contain oktopriroks and krimbazol).
  4. Anti-inflammatory (contain zinc pyrithione, extracts of mint or menthol).

Medical dandruff shampoo needs to be bought in a pharmacy. The concentration of the active compound in it should not be less than 2%. The most famous effective shampoos against seborrhea:

  1. "Nizoral" and "Dermazole" with ketoconazole.
  2. "Sebipiroks" with ciclopirox.
  3. Keto-plus with ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione.
  4. "Sulsen" with selenium sulfide. This component affects the processes of cell regeneration.

To achieve a positive effect, detergent is used at least twice a week for two months.

Means it is not obligatory to put on all length of hair. Healing shampoo is important to thoroughly wash the scalp and roots. The rest of the hair can be treated with a regular soft shampoo.

Keto-plus contains ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione

Folk remedies for seborrhea

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is treated with traditional medicine. They are used alone or in combination with therapeutic shampoos. Most effective in combating seborrhea remedies:

It is better to use large sea salt. After shampooing make salt peeling. Salt is wiped in circular motions on the skin and hair roots for several minutes. Massage improves blood circulation, gently removes the layer of dead cells. The procedure is repeated after each wash until the dandruff passes.

Apple Cider Vinegar (6%)

It is rich in vitamins B and C, carotene and pectin, and this is his strong point. It has the ability to heal skin microtrauma, clean it and get rid of pesticides. A hair rinse is prepared from vinegar, more suitable as a remedy for a woman. To do this, pour 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of clean water. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Rinse after washing several times treat the hair roots and scalp. Then wash it off with running water. Vinegar leads the acid-base balance to normal, and dandruff disappears.

Natural oils - castor, olive, burdock

Any of these oils can be used in the fight against dry seborrhea. They moisturize the skin and accelerate its renewal. Before washing the scalp, a small amount of oil is evenly applied to the skin and hair roots with massage movements. The mask is covered with a heated towel and left for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to thoroughly wash your head with a mild shampoo.

Rubbing procedure for dry seborrhea

"Rubbing" is a manipulation that is often used in the diagnosis of "dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp." Home treatment involves a procedure similar to rubbing oils, but extracts of various herbs are used as a remedy. Consider a few simple, but fairly effective recipes.

Massaging nourishing cream with henna. For the preparation of therapeutic composition will need one part of henna powder, two parts of warm water and seven parts of nourishing cream. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, apply the mixture to the scalp twice a week. It is important to perform ten treatments to achieve a therapeutic effect. For the treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the head is often used ointment with a sulfur content, salicylic acid.

Massaging oil infusion of black poplar buds. Black poplar buds are mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 5. The resulting mixture is kept in a water bath for about an hour, then filtered.

In addition to rubbing, for the treatment of dry seborrhea, you can prepare a variety of herbal infusions and use them for washing the head. As raw materials used onion peel, oregano, and coltsfoot.

Summarizing all the above, we can distinguish the main theses. From the materials of this article, the reader can learn that the disease caused by the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands is called "seborrhea of ​​the scalp." Symptoms and treatment of the disease are interrelated things, since the tactics of therapy directly depends on the form of the disease, that is, on what signs are characteristic of it. In medicine, pathology is divided into dry, oily, and combined seborrhea. Mixed seborrhea combines the signs of oily and dry forms. Oily seborrhea is manifested by the formation of yellow-colored scales on the scalp, untidy hair appearance, their high fat content, which is not eliminated even by frequent washing. Itching and white scales at the roots of hair suggest that a person is likely to have dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

Treatment (shampoos, alternative medicine prescriptions, medicines) should be carried out only after consultation with a qualified specialist. In general, seborrhea is quite well treatable. As a rule, therapy is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also at increasing the barrier functions of the patient’s body, stabilizing its hormonal background. This is understandable, because the main cause of the appearance of the disease is abnormal secretion of the sebaceous glands, which, in turn, is caused by functional impairments in the body. A good addition to the traditional methods of treatment is physiotherapy.

Age changes

They always happen with a natural violation of the hormonal background of a reversible order.

At the end of puberty or at the expiration of the hormonal recovery period, after age-related changes in mature women, the hormonal level changes, but becomes stable relative to age.


Hormonal background is naturally restored after the birth of a baby and the cessation of lactation.

It is worth noting that a significant increase in body weight not only adversely affects the condition of the joints, spine and internal organs, but also causes:

  • endocrine diseases
  • hormonal disorders caused by disruption of the body systems.

The cause of seborrheic rash in the dry form does not differ from the cause of fat or mixed type. The instability of the hormonal level is the main cause of seborrhea of ​​any form.

With dry seborrhea, the symptoms of skin inflammation change somewhat:

  • rashes appear on the skin of the face, but the secretion of the sebaceous glands secretion is reduced,
  • skin has a state of tightness, a mask on the face, particular discomfort is observed after washing with water,
  • strong peeling develops in some places, which nourishing creams do not remove.

Dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp is characterized by increased exfoliation of cornified fragments of the scalp, which strews the scalp, hair, shoulders. Sometimes itching may occur.

Symptoms of dry seborrhea are as follows:

  • dry dandruff
  • split hair
  • hardening of the stratum corneum,
  • tightness of the skin of the face and head,
  • itching, rapid keratinization of the upper layer of the skin,
  • the occurrence of occlusion of skin pores with excess of sebaceous secretions and dead epithelium.

The overall picture of the inflammatory process on the skin:

Treatment methods

Therapy for seborrhea on the head, face or body is:

  • in eliminating the root cause
  • in parallel treatment of external irritating symptoms of the disease.

Seborrhea on the face is an uncomfortable and little aesthetic inflammation of the epithelium, the successful treatment of which is impossible without a well-defined root cause.

To cure dry seborrhea can be, for this use:

  • drug antiseptics,
  • anti-inflammatory outdoor remedies
  • antimycotic creams.

Treatment of seborrhea should be carried out comprehensively, with the intake of drugs to eliminate the underlying cause and external symptoms.

If the violation of the regulation of the sebaceous glands is caused by age-related hormonal changes or pregnancy, the treatment is carried out by external means, sometimes combined with alternative therapies.

Supportive treatment of skin disorders spend the entire period necessary to restore hormonal stability.

  1. Treatment of dry seborrhea begins with the treatment of the skin with drugs, preferably a dual action - antiseptic and antifungal.
    The purpose of such therapy is to suppress the reproduction of the fungal flora, which, with hormonal disorders, tends to multiply rapidly on the skin, creating a deterioration in its condition.
  2. The second stage of therapy will be the elimination of the inflammatory process. For the procedure, you can apply salicylic ointment with such an effect.

Seborrhea on the face is successfully treated with an antiseptic drug - Fucorcin, which has antifungal properties.
For treatment, use a colorless solution, which wipe the skin of the face and at the border of hair growth, behind the ears, in the morning, after waking up.
More than once a day, it is undesirable to use an external agent, since it dries the skin even more.

Pathogenesis of the disease

Seborrheic dermatitis exists not only in the dry form. There are also fat and mixed. This classification depends on the consistency of sebum, its quantity and visible signs of disease.

With dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, sebum becomes very thick and viscous. Because of this, its appearance on the skin surface is complicated. Congestion may occur in the sebaceous glands, resulting in inflammation. It goes to the surface of the skin, spreading there. Peeling and redness can appear on the face, neck and affect all large areas of the body.

Important! Many people think that the skin is peeling from a lack of moisture, so they begin to use products to moisturize the scalp and hair. As a result, the situation is only getting worse.

Visually, it seems that the sebaceous glands produce an insufficient amount of fat. In fact, its consistency becomes too thick, so it cannot come out in sufficient quantities, the glands become clogged.

Treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp should begin with determining the cause of the disease. Therefore, it is imperative to contact a qualified dermatologist.

Symptoms and manifestations

Dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp has characteristic symptoms that are different from other types of seborrheic dermatitis.

  1. Heavy peeling. Since the skin does not get enough fat, the scalp dries out and begins to peel off. If at first the symptoms may resemble dandruff, then as the disease progresses, dead cells cover the head with a thin layer of white-yellow color. Peel not only the scalp, but also the neck, face.
  2. Itching. The skin on the head is constantly itchy. Severe itching prevents a person from living normally, causes discomfort, self-doubt. Because of scratching, small cracks and wounds form, areas of inflammation spread further and further. Peeling places surrounded by inflamed ring. The sores themselves do not heal..
  3. Impairment of hair. Due to the inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the hair follicles and the hair in general do not receive enough nutrition. They become dry, brittle, loss increases.

When dry seborrhea suffers not only the scalp, but also the hair: they become dull, lifeless, they are actively falling out

Consequences of the disease

Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp should be treated by a qualified specialist. Although the disease is not life threatening, it has many consequences:

  1. Uncertainty of the person in itself. Any skin diseases provoke complexes, and slanting eyes of those around you force a person to hide his face and body.
  2. Mental disorders. This is a consequence of the first paragraph.. An unsure person can become depressed, psychosomatic disorders develop. Severe forms of seborrheic dermatitis require not only the assistance of a dermatologist, but also psychological counseling.
  3. Baldness. Extensive hair loss can provoke the appearance of local bald spots and a complete loss of hair.

The aesthetic side of seborrhea is very important: any skin diseases are very stressful for a person, since the appearance can repel others. The longer the disease develops, the worse becomes the condition of the skin and hair.

Treatment by a dermatologist

Treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp should be carried out under the supervision of a physician using complex methods. To begin with, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease and the pathogen. For this purpose, general tests are assigned. Consultation with an endocrinologist, gynecologist or gastroenterologist may be required.

After the causes of the development of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp are determined, the dermatologist prescribes the necessary therapy. It includes preparations for internal use, as well as special shampoos, which need to replace the usual means of hygiene.

Read also the article "Treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp" on our portal.

Physiotherapy is an excellent tool for restoring hair condition in complex therapy. Blood circulation improves, hair gets healthy shine and beauty. Massage, darsonval, mesotherapy, ultrasound, laser can be used.

Be sure to use antimycotics, which are aimed at the destruction of fungi (ketoconazole, fluconazole, etc.). In parallel with the drugs that block reproduction of pathogenic microflora, it is important to restore normal bowel function, as well as hormonal balance. To combat pruritus, antihistamines are used (Cetrin, Loratadine, Claritin, etc.).

A person needs to adhere to a special diet, to be more in the open air, to harden the body. Such preventive measures will help avoid recurrence.

Tip! You should always have on the shelf in the bathroom shampoo against seborrheic dermatitis (Nizoral, Sulsen, Friderm zinc, etc.) and use it once a month to prevent recurrence of the disease.

To combat seborrhea are actively used folk remedies. Even experienced doctors recommend washing with tar soap, zinc and sulfur ointment. These tools improve the condition of the skin and hair, they can be used without harm to health as a prophylactic agent.

In order that seborrheic dermatitis never bothers you and your family members, it is necessary to regularly conduct a full examination of the body, monitor the state of hormonal levels, avoid stress.


Watch the video: Treating scalp psoriasis (July 2024).