
6 vitamins in the diet that will provide you with healthy hair


Our hair grows by about 1 centimeter per month, and the most important for the growth of new healthy and strong hair - those vitamins and nutrients that we get from food, say trichologists and nutritionists. Proper food helps strengthen hair, prevent and even reduce hair loss. What products for the health of hair worth eating every day, read our article.

The best diet for healthy hair - foods rich in calcium and iron, a lot of green and leafy vegetables, sea kale and other sources of vitamins and minerals.

In this case, doctors advise caution to take dietary supplements, which promise that your hair will immediately become thicker and will grow faster. It is possible that they can give the opposite effect.

The fact is that in some cases, an excess of certain nutrients, such as vitamin A, can cause hair loss. Therefore, experts recommend, if possible, to provide the hair with a diet in which all the substances they need will be present in sufficient quantities and give preference not to dietary supplements, but to the already proven vitamin-mineral complexes with a balanced composition.

Diet to strengthen hair - the most useful products

Here are 10 foods that are the basis of an effective diet to strengthen hair.

Salmon and other fatty fish. Salmon is saturated with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for healthy scalp. Lack of fatty acids can lead to dry scalp, and hair will look drained. Salmon is also a great source of protein. It contains a lot of vitamin B12 and iron, which also nourish and strengthen hair. If you stick to a vegetarian diet, in order to strengthen your hair, include in the diet one or two tablespoons of flaxseed oil - a plant source of fatty acids.

Green vegetables. Healthy hair needs substances that are found in green and leafy vegetables. So, spinach, broccoli and leaf beets are very rich in vitamins A and C, which are necessary for the body to produce a sufficient amount of sebum, which is a natural conditioner for hair. Dark green vegetables also help provide iron and calcium for your hair.

Legumes Beans, beans and lentils are also very important for strengthening hair. They are not only a great source of protein that is essential for hair growth. Legumes are rich in iron, zinc and biotin. Sometimes the fragility and brittleness of the hair is caused precisely by a lack of biotin. Nutritionists recommend eating three or more cups of beans or lentils each week.

Nuts Do you eat nuts? If you want to have strong and healthy hair, you need to eat it regularly. Brazil nut is one of the best natural sources of selenium, a substance that is important for strengthening hair and scalp health. Walnut contains alpha-linolenic acid - one of the omega-3 fatty acids, which improves the condition of the hair. Cashews, pecans and almonds have a lot of zinc. Zinc deficiency often leads to hair loss. That is why it is worth including nuts in your menu to strengthen the hair.

Poultry meat Chicken and turkey meat is an excellent source of protein for hair growth and strengthening. With a lack of protein in the diet, the hair becomes weak and brittle, and a strong permanent deficiency of proteins will eventually lead to the fact that the hair will become dull and colorless. Poultry meat is valuable because it is a source of iron with a high degree of bioavailability, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Eggs To strengthen the hair is completely unimportant, what kind of eggs do you like - hard boiled, soft-boiled or scrambled eggs. Eggs are a super-source of protein. In addition, they contain a lot of biotin and vitamin B12 - the most important beauty-nutrients.

Whole grain. Whole grain bread and whole grain cereals, enriched with vitamins and minerals, also make a significant contribution to strengthening hair. First of all, due to the significant content of zinc, iron and vitamins of group B.

Oysters They are better known as aphrodisiacs, but they not only increase sexual desire, but also beautifully strengthen and nourish hair. Their main secret is zinc, a powerful antioxidant. If you do not have the opportunity to include oysters in your daily menu, do not be afraid. Sufficient zinc can be obtained not only from whole grains and nuts, but also from beef and lamb.

Milk products. Milk and yoghurt are excellent sources of calcium, a very important mineral for hair growth and strengthening. Dairy products also contain whey and casein - very valuable sources of protein. In addition, yogurt or cottage cheese is ideal for snacking throughout the day. You can add a few nuts in them, and this combination will bring double benefit to your hair.

Carrot. Carrots are very rich in vitamin A, which is very important for healthy scalp and good vision. The better your scalp feels, the more healthy, shiny and strong your hair will be. So feel free to include carrots in your daily menu, both by itself and in salads.

Diet to strengthen hair - keep balance

When it comes to products for strengthening hair and preserving beauty, the most important thing is their diversity. A balanced diet that includes proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, oily fish and dairy products is what dermatologists will make your hair strong, beautiful and healthy. If you often try to deal with extra pounds with the help of express diets and limit your body in some of these products, it will not benefit either the stomach or the hair. Low-calorie diets often require the exclusion of certain nutrients that are vital for healthy and strong hair. For example, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamin A. At the same time, hair not only grows worse and becomes brittle, colorless, dull. A constant lack of vitamins and micronutrients that are necessary for hair often leads to severe hair loss.

Strict diets affect the life cycle of hair. Significant weight loss in a short period of time disrupts the normal rhythm of hair replacement. Two to three months after losing weight, you may notice that hair loss has increased significantly. This is a temporary phenomenon, but it is possible to restore the healthy condition of the hair and strengthen it only with the help of a balanced and harmonious diet and good care.

1. Protein for healthy hair

Hair is made up of protein. Therefore, it is very important to eat foods that are sources of protein, then curls will become thick and healthy, says Alyssa Ramsey, a representative of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She recommends that fish, poultry, beef, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds and dairy products (Greek yogurt and homemade cheese) be regularly included in the menu.

4. Omega-3 fatty acids for healthy hair

“Fats are important for a healthy scalp. If a person follows a low-calorie diet and avoids fat, the scalp becomes dry and inflamed. As a result, the hair begins to thin,” says Karen Ansel, a nutritionist and co-author of the book “Calendar Diet: month ". In particular, Omega-3 fats moisturize the scalp and hair follicles, says a nutritionist. Ancel recommends including fatty fish varieties, including salmon and trout, in your menu. If you are not a fish lover, purchase flax seeds and chia seeds, canola oil and walnuts.

5. Zinc for hair health

Zinc is important for the formation of keratin, the main component in hair. When you don't get enough zinc, your hair is dry, dull and brittle, says Ansel. Unfortunately, many women lack zinc in their diet, especially if they do not eat red meat. Therefore, the expert insists on eating red meat, pumpkin seeds and chickpeas.

Unfortunately, many women lack zinc in their diet, especially if they do not eat red meat.

6. Vitamin A for healthy hair

Do you want shiny hair? Stock up on the table and in the fridge with foods high in vitamin A. "It helps the scalp glands produce sebum and protects hair from excessive dryness," explains Ramsey. Sweet potatoes, mangoes, carrots and pumpkins are an excellent choice in this case, the expert says.

While the vitamins for the hair are made up by the shelves of pharmacies, Cording calls for a consultation with a doctor first. “If you eat all the foods listed above, I think this is enough for well-groomed hair,” she says.

Recently, more and more often in the press are statements about the dubious benefits of diets. Diet is prescribed only by a doctor, and it is necessary to stipulate with him how to replace certain prohibited foods. Strong healthy hair is always relevant and always in fashion. If something is wrong with the curls, you can try to restore the beauty of your hair with the help of simple recommendations.

Vitamins necessary for hair:

  • B vitamins. Promote rapid hair growth, make them strong and thick, reduce fat, give elasticity and shine (cereals, grains, nuts, eggs, brewer's yeast).
  • Vitamin E. It nourishes the hair follicles, heals the hair, protects against ultraviolet rays, restores blood circulation to the scalp (nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables, eggs).
  • Vitamin A. Improves the structure of the hair, making them soft and silky. Dry and split hair will be especially useful (liver, eggs, butter, cottage cheese. Good sources of carotene: carrots, sea buckthorn and apricots).
  • Vitamin C - activates blood circulation, accelerates hair growth, promotes the absorption of iron (citrus, Japanese quince, dog rose, sea buckthorn, currant, kiwi).

Trace elements:

  • Magnesium - gives elasticity to hair. Contained in fresh herbs, nuts, dried apricots.
  • Silicon - makes hair strong and strong (cucumbers, zucchini, root vegetables),
  • Zinc - prevents the appearance of gray hair and hair loss (garlic, onions, cabbage),
  • Selenium - protects against ultraviolet radiation and other harmful effects (meat, milk, rye bread),
  • Phosphorus - provides hair with rich color and elasticity (fish, beans),
  • Calcium - it is necessary for a structure of hair (dairy products, greens, vegetables of dark green color.)
  • Iron - strengthens hair, prevents early gray hair (liver, buckwheat, pomegranate),
  • Sulfur - provides strength and shine (fish, liver, garlic, legumes),
  • Iodine - gives hair a healthy look, participates in metabolic processes (seafood, persimmon, champignons),
  • Copper - protects hair from premature aging (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, apricots, pumpkin),
  • Amino Acid Tyrosine also necessary for hair, protecting them from early gray hair.

Top 10. Most Healthy Hair Products

  1. 1 Fish and seafood - rich in phosphorus, zinc, iodine and healthy fats.
  2. 2 Greens and leafy vegetables contain a lot of calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins C, A.
  3. 3 Nuts and seeds - the most valuable source of vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids, contain zinc, selenium.
  4. 4 Cereals (sprouted grains, cereals, bread, bran) - the main source of B vitamins
  5. 5 Bird - contains easy-to-digest protein, without which hair becomes dull and colorless. In addition, poultry meat is rich in iron, essential for the body.
  6. 6 Eggs - source of protein. In addition, they contain essential for the body vitamins of group B.
  7. 7 Vegetable oils contain polyunsaturated acids and vitamins A, D, E.
  8. 8 Vegetables (carrots, beets) are rich in B vitamins, vitamin A, as well as magnesium and potassium.
  9. 9 Dairy products - sources of organic calcium, responsible for the growth and strengthening of hair
  10. 10 Legumes - rich in iron, zinc and biotin, responsible for the strength of the hair.

Folk remedies for hair treatment

In order for the hair to be healthy, in some cases, only the correction of nutrition is not enough. In this case, natural remedies will help.

For active growth and beauty of hair, Dr. Walker advises taking 0.5 liters of carrot juice, lettuce and alfalfa juice every day during the month.

Preparation: Mix 9 parts of freshly squeezed carrot juice with four parts of lettuce juice and add 3 parts of alfalfa juice to this cocktail.

If you can not make such a composition - it does not matter! It can be replaced by a simpler cocktail. Carrot and cucumber juice will help hair regain their strength and shine, and accelerate growth. Juice is taken in a 1: 1 ratio.

With strong hair loss, herbalist Rome Akhmetov advises using this recipe: Pour 2 cups of oats with 6 cups of boiling milk. Boil for 2 minutes on low heat and cool. To accept 3 times a day on 1 glass throughout a month. A month later, repeat the course.

The table below describes the causes of some hair problems.


Watch the video: 5 Superfoods to Grow Your Hair Thicker and Stronger Naturally (July 2024).