
Glass "boom in the field of hair coloring


Now you can dye your hair with glass! Such an unusual way came up Chiala marvisi colorist Redkenand called my method hand-pressed coloring. During the procedure, the master applies randomly wide strokes of paint of different shades to the surface of the plexiglass (organic glass), and then presses it to individual strands, simultaneously feathering the color transitions with a special brush.

Post by Chiala Marvici (@chialamarvici) Apr 5 2017 at 10:30 PDT

The result is an unusual holographic play. But, if you are not ready for shocking, you can ask a specialist to use natural tones to get spectacular color highlights.

Publication by Chiala Marvici (@chialamarvici) Mar 28 2017 at 2:43 am PDT

Another plus is that such staining lasts no more than 45 minutes (regardless of hair length), which, you see, is much less than a standard procedure.

Publication from Chiala Marvici (@chialamarvici) Mar 26 2017 at 11:40 PDT

But do not be in a hurry to rejoice - this method is suitable only for blondes (holographic coloring looks good on blond hair). So, if you want to be in trend, you will first have to lighten up and only then resort to a new technique. hand-pressed coloring.

Impact principle

The colorist mixes several shades of paint on organic glass (plexiglas), then presses the glass to the strands of hair and gently distributes the remnants of the coloring matter with a special spatula.

In this way, it blends the border between different color schemes, while achieving the most natural transition between shades. As a result, the colors, mixing with each other, give truly unusual color transitions.

Who will suit the new trend?

Hand Pressed Color, having already won an army of many thousands of fans, continues to beat itself to a leading position in the beauty industry.

Modern technology may be of interest to you if:

  • you are constantly experimenting with creating the perfect image,
  • you want to stand out from the crowd using ordinary hair dyes,
  • You want to achieve an extraordinary, but at the same time natural shade of your curls.

If at least one of the above points applies to you, you can safely find out which masters in your city are engaged in dyeing hair with the help of glass, and update your image qualitatively. At least, this is an unusual experience, as a maximum is a reason to boast to her friends with original equipment.

Options for changing the color of the hair

Let us examine in detail what are the techniques of color change and what are their differences:

  • Pixel hair dyeing technique - creating a geometrically regular contrasting pattern on the head. When coloring one or several shades can be used,
  • Coloring, brondirovanie and toning - these are modern varieties of classic highlighting. Their distinctive feature is that with the help of dyes close to the natural shade of hair, smooth color transitions are created,
  • 3D coloring is to create the effect of radiance, filling the strands with glare, due to which the hair seems to be voluminous, thick. This type of painting is optimal for both long and short hair,
  • babylites, the so-called “kiss of the sun” is a technique of coloring, carried out only on natural color. It consists in painting only 30% of the strands, giving the tint slightly faded in the sun to the curls,
  • Shatush is another technique for imparting a sunburned effect to a shag. The procedure begins on the side strands from the level of the auricles and gradually goes down, creating a smooth transition,
  • balayazh - is to stretch the color of the brush tip, creating a smooth transition. Most often performed at a distance of 10-12 centimeters from the roots,
  • ombre - consists of staining the dark color of the roots down to the chin line, and make a light shade from the chin line. Most often used on long and medium hair,
  • tortoiseshell hair looks spectacular on dark hair. As a rule, the technique consists of a combination of three colors: at the roots, the color is darker than your natural color, and then gradually light colors create an unusual, but interesting result of the transition,
  • Dual dyeing consists of applying two types of dyes: a permanent permanent dye is applied to the roots, and a regular dye is applied along the length of the strands. This type of painting is optimal when it is necessary to update the roots and refresh the color of the strands.

The ladies of our portal approve of the baby-hairs dyeing technique and tell what the difference is in degradation and ombra.

There are many other painting techniques curls, but they essentially complement the above, having minor differences in the combination of colors, but similar in method of implementation.

Performing the procedure at home

Changing the color of the strands in the beauty salon is the easiest way to get the desired result, but even the usual coloring options, which require the master to only apply color to the hair without using any specific techniques, are quite expensive.

In addition, the salon procedure takes time, which you must spend with the master in a static pose. Home painting of curls will save money for a hairdresser's services, will give you the opportunity to do any household chores while waiting for the dye to work.

Among the huge number of dyeing techniques, 3D dyeing, balayazh, shatush, ombre, drawn on light and dark hair of various lengths are most popular. To learn about these and other painting techniques, you can look at photos with diagrams and video lessons for their implementation.

Modern technology is difficult to perform, which can not always cope even professionals.

Performing 3D painting requires the following accessories:

  • dyes close to the natural color of the curls (3 shades, one of which will be the main, and the other two - side),
  • a hard surface on which it will be possible to place strands of hair and paint (an unnecessary plastic folder will do),
  • brush,
  • protective apron (cellophane cut),
  • hairdressing clips with,
  • polyethylene cap.

So, you are fully prepared, let's proceed to the procedure:

  1. With the help of an apron, close the neckline and shoulders from accidental paint.
  2. Divide the hair into sectors, securing the clips.
  3. Start dyeing from the back of the head, separating thin strands 5-6 centimeters wide. Putting a hard surface under the strand, arrange the coloring first by applying the main color to the whole strand, then complementing it with side colors, applying them along the edges of the strand with thin lines. Repeat this manipulation over the entire head.
  4. Withstand the paint in accordance with the instructions, then wash off in a way advised by the manufacturer.
  5. Pack in the usual way to ensure that the result of the painting meets your expectations.

24 hours before the procedure, test the paint for allergic reactions to it. Remember that pregnant, lactating and women with hypersensitivity are not recommended to use artificial colors.

Before you buy, read the contraindications to the use of paint placed on the package. If you are in a risk group, choose another dye option.

This type of coloring gives the hair a beautiful showy color due to smooth transitions and color combinations.

However, it is difficult to achieve a good result on your own. We recommend that you use someone else's help to carry out the staining procedure.

Before you begin to dye your hair, no matter what technique you choose (balayazh, amber, 3D), read the photo and video instructions in Russian to try them out in practice.

Depending on the length, density, dye brand, the cost of highlighting curls in a beauty salon varies. The variant of classical highlighting looks optimal on short haircuts decorated with light brown and light brown hair.

In the presence of hair and haircuts of another plan, we recommend choosing interesting options for dyeing. To select the appropriate coloring option - use online applications with the function of changing hair shades.

When choosing a color palette, consider your color type, selecting the colors included in the range, not forgetting to take into account the subtone (warm or cold).

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How it works

The paint of several shades is applied with wide free strokes on the surface of the plexus (the same organic glass), after the master presses it to the individual strands, parallel to feathering the color transitions with a special brush.

As Chiala Marvichi herself says:

I draw wavy lines and drops of different shades on the 6-inch plexiglass, then put a strand of hair on the glass with paint and then “Hand Pressed” part - with a plastic spatula I spend along the surface of the glass smoothly washing away the colors.

(How it happens - on VIDEO)

Thus, an impressive effect is achieved - the client receives iridescent and natural curls.

Why it is worth trying

The reasons for the popularity of coloring with the help of glass are explainable:

›Convenience - Plexiglas, unlike foil, is hard, which helps to make smooth color transitions between colors of different shades.

›Ability to experiment - The advantage of Hand Pressed Color. You can try to apply paint on plexiglass not with ordinary brushstrokes, but with geometric patterns, or randomly, without fear that unpleasant divorces will remain on the client's hair.

> It's faster - Depending on the desired result and color saturation, dyeing with the help of glass even long hair will take no more than 45 minutes.

Another example: Hand Pressed Color on platinum hair. Golden with blue. The color is multidimensional, almost holographic

Photo posted by Chiala Marvici (@chialamarvici) Sep 5 2015 at 8:34 PDT

The new method is an intriguing novelty for fashionistas who have already tried out the ombre (Read the ombre for blondes, creative ombre) or balancing. And for the masters there was a chance to feel like a master of the brush. Only instead of canvas glass and the client's hair, open for experiments.


Watch the video: Glass - Official Trailer HD (July 2024).