


Studying the top men's hairstyles of the new fashion season, we can note several original trends that will especially appeal to young people who prefer to look extraordinary and necessarily stylish.

The current year has firmly consolidated three main options for fashionable design of male hairstyles. We are talking about such types as underkat, male bundle and top knot, which combines the length of the upper strands, allowing you to collect hair in a knot.

Thus, if we briefly characterize such a haircut, we can note two main points - short side and long upper strands. This combination looks original and fashionable, and the haircut itself is performed very quickly and without any difficulties. Despite the simplicity, on the basis of the underkat you can do different styling, leaving hair free or gathering it into a popular top knot for men.

TOP Knot - men's hairstyle with a beam.

This version of the male styling, like the already mentioned male haircut top knot, goes beyond the traditional concept of hairstyles for a strong half. But fashion dictates its own rules, so you should take a closer look at such original and memorable images.

The male bun is formed from all hair, without shortening the strands from the sides. The hair is pulled back and tied in a knot. In this case, their twisting with a cord is welcomed.

Top knot for the most daring.

The male hairstyle of the top knot is an echo of Japan of the feudal era, where the dominant clan was represented by samurai. The characteristic distinction of warriors owning a pair of stoves at once was the original design of the hair, laid in the form of a bun, which in modern society is called Top Knot, which means “Node Above”.

Haircut top knot - this is necessarily a shortened length of hair at the back and sides, and long upper strands that can be stacked in several ways with the necessary length.
It is possible to determine if the hair is enough for the industry by putting a hand to the strands - if the hair covers it to the tip of the middle finger, creating a fashionable image will not be difficult.

Styles hairstyles.

Top Knot men's hairstyle is a few options borrowed from the trendsetters of the stylish image:

Chasen - Gami - the knot does not look complete, but crumbles in the form of tea panicles.
Mitsu - ori - first, a horse's tail is collected on the top of the head, after which the hair is oiled and folded forward, then turned in the opposite direction and fixed by means of an elastic band.
Fitatsu - Yori - a bunch of collect in front and make a visible border, shaving the hair from the bottom.

We create a fashionable image: how to make a hairstyle yourself.

The choice of the option in which the top-knot hairstyle is made depends on the initial haircut and the amount of free time. The easiest way to make a fashionable image, using the Chinese version of the installation, in which the horse's tail is tied at the top and folded back.

Small difficulties may arise if the Top Knot hairstyle is formed on curly locks. In this case, prior straightening strands.
To the final result was excellent, you should use the following recommendations:

The hair is pre-washed, rinsed with air conditioning and dried ,.
The head is tilted forward so that the strands hang loosely.
Hair is carefully combed, removing all the nodules.
After the knot has been formed on the crown of the horse's tail, the knot is fixed with a soft elastic, not too tight.
The assembled tail is twisted around two fingers and again fastened with a rubber band.

Undoubtedly, Top Knot men's haircut is a kind of challenge to strict classics, an opportunity to express yourself. At the same time, the hairstyle does not look vulgar, which is important for young people who care about their image.


2017 has prepared three main options for fashionable design of male hairstyles. We are talking about such types as Anderkat, Male bundle and Top Knot, which combines the length of the upper strands, which allows to collect hair in a knot.

If we briefly characterize such a haircut, we can note two main points - short side and long upper strands. This combination looks original and fashionable, and the haircut itself is performed very quickly and without any difficulties. Despite the simplicity, on the basis of Anderkat, you can make different styling, leaving hair free or gathering it into the popular Top Knot for young men.

TOP KNOT - MEN'S hairstyle with bundle

This version of the male styling, like the already mentioned male haircut Top Knot, goes beyond the traditional idea of ​​hairstyles for a strong half. But fashion dictates its own rules, so you should take a closer look at such original and memorable images.

The male bun is formed from all hair, without shortening the strands from the sides. The hair is pulled back and tied in a knot. In this case, their twisting with a cord is welcomed.


Men's hairstyle Top Knot is an echo of Japan of the feudal era, where the dominant clan was represented by samurai. The characteristic distinction of warriors owning a pair of ovens at once was the original design of the hair, laid in the form of a bun, called in modern society Top Knot, which means “knot above”.

Haircut Top Knot - this is necessarily a shortened length of hair behind and on the sides and long upper strands that can be stacked in several ways with the necessary length.
It is possible to determine if the hair is enough for the industry by putting a hand to the strands - if the hair covers it to the tip of the middle finger, creating a fashionable image will not be difficult.


Top Knot men's hairstyle is a few options borrowed from the trendsetters of the stylish image:

  1. Chasen-gami - the knot does not look complete, but crumbles in the form of tea panicles.
  2. Mitsu-ori - first a horse's tail is collected on the top of the head, after which the hair is oiled and folded forward, then turned in the opposite direction and fixed by means of an elastic band.
  3. Fitatsu-yori - a bunch of collect in front and make a visible border, shaving the hair from the bottom.


The choice of the option in which the Top Knot hairstyle is made depends on the initial haircut and the amount of free time. The easiest way to make a fashionable image, using the Chinese version of the installation, in which the horse's tail is tied at the top and folded back.

Small difficulties may arise if the Top Knot hairstyle is formed on curly locks. In this case, prior straightening strands.

To the final result was excellent, you should use the following recommendations:

  • The hair is pre-washed, rinsed with air conditioning and dried,
  • Tilt the head forward so that the strands hang loosely
  • Hair is carefully combed, removing all the nodules,
  • After the knot has been formed on the crown of the horse's tail, the knot is fixed with the help of a soft elastic band, without too much tightening,
  • The assembled tail is twisted around two fingers and again fastened with a rubber band.

Undoubtedly, Top Knot men's haircut is a kind of challenge to strict classics, an opportunity to express yourself. At the same time, the hairstyle does not look vulgar, which is important for young people who care about their image.

New season trends

2016 has prepared three main options for fashionable design of male hairstyles. We are talking about such types as Anderkat, Male bundle and Top Knot, which combines the length of the upper strands, which allows to collect hair in a knot.

If we briefly characterize such a haircut, we can note two main points - short side and long upper strands. This combination looks original and fashionable, and the haircut itself is performed very quickly and without any difficulties. Despite the simplicity, on the basis of Anderkat, you can make different styling, leaving hair free or gathering it into the popular Top Knot for young men.

Top knot - men's hairstyle with a beam

This version of the male styling, like the already mentioned male haircut Top Knot, goes beyond the traditional idea of ​​hairstyles for a strong half. But fashion dictates its own rules, so you should take a closer look at such original and memorable images.

The male bun is formed from all hair, without shortening the strands from the sides. The hair is pulled back and tied in a knot. In this case, their twisting with a cord is welcomed.

Top Knot for the most daring

Men's hairstyle Top Knot is an echo of Japan of the feudal era, where the dominant clan was represented by samurai. The characteristic distinction of warriors owning a pair of ovens at once was the original design of the hair, laid in the form of a bun, called in modern society Top Knot, which means “knot above”.

Haircut Top Knot - this is necessarily a shortened length of hair behind and on the sides and long upper strands that can be stacked in several ways with the necessary length.
It is possible to determine if the hair is enough for the industry by putting a hand to the strands - if the hair covers it to the tip of the middle finger, creating a fashionable image will not be difficult.


Top Knot men's hairstyle is a few options borrowed from the trendsetters of the stylish image:

  1. Chasen-gami - the knot does not look complete, but crumbles in the form of tea panicles.
  2. Mitsu-ori - first a horse's tail is collected on the top of the head, after which the hair is oiled and folded forward, then turned in the opposite direction and fixed by means of an elastic band.
  3. Fitatsu-yori - a bunch of collect in front and make a visible border, shaving the hair from the bottom.

Create a fashionable image: how to make your own hair

The choice of the option in which the Top Knot hairstyle is made depends on the initial haircut and the amount of free time. The easiest way to make a fashionable image, using the Chinese version of the installation, in which the horse's tail is tied at the top and folded back.

Small difficulties may arise if the Top Knot hairstyle is formed on curly locks. In this case, prior straightening strands.

To the final result was excellent, you should use the following recommendations:

  • The hair is pre-washed, rinsed with air conditioning and dried,
  • Tilt the head forward so that the strands hang loosely
  • Hair is carefully combed, removing all the nodules,
  • After the knot has been formed on the crown of the horse's tail, the knot is fixed with the help of a soft elastic band, without too much tightening,
  • The assembled tail is twisted around two fingers and again fastened with a rubber band.

Undoubtedly, Top Knot men's haircut is a kind of challenge to strict classics, an opportunity to express yourself. At the same time, the hairstyle does not look vulgar, which is important for young people who care about their image.

Top-knot - male and female options for fashionable hairstyles

For those who know English, it is not difficult to imagine such a fashionable male hairstyle, like top-knot. The words constituting its name are translated respectively as “top” and “knot”. In other words, this hairstyle is relevant for long-haired men who can make a knot at the crown. However, here, oddly enough, there are some subtleties.

Description and history of top-knot

For the classic version of the top-knot hairstyle, whose history goes back to the days of feudal Japan (such knots were made on samurai’s head), a hair length of about 20 cm is needed. heads.

It should be noted that modern men are increasingly making top knots of shorter hair lengths (see video at the end of the article). The knot turns out to be small, but in general this hairstyle looks no less stylish (just look at some photos of the famous Leonardo DiCaprio, the British singer Harry Stiles, the Danish footballer Nicklas Bendtner, etc.).

Top knot is a favorite hairstyle of hipsters who like to combine it with a carelessly laid beard. Fashionable hipster version of top-knot - a combination of a small knot of hair on the back of the head, a curved horizontal parting, and a thick beard.

Indeed, a bunch of hair tied at the crown of the head favorably emphasizes short-cut temples and the back of the head. This is not a mandatory requirement for hairstyle, but stylists recommend just such a combination.

The advantages of the top-knot include a variety of stylistic combinations: this hairstyle can be worn with both jeans and pullovers casual, and with formal wear a la Jared Leto.

Female hairstyle

Women have long won back from men not only originally men's wardrobe items (trousers are perhaps the most vivid example), but also certain elements of style. So, a high beam at the top of the long-haired ladies are often chosen as the decoration of their daytime image. There are many variants of the female top-knot: the knot can be made carelessly or carefully, it is moved to the back of the head or pulled closer to the forehead.

Fashion trends

In the spring of 2014, street photographer Nathalie McMullen did a sort of photo-study of the prevalence of top knots in New York. She photographed many long-haired men who preferred this hairstyle in its different versions. It turned out that the bundled hair on the top was not less frequent than the haircuts that were fashionable that season. We offer you to see a few photos taken by Natalie.

In Russia, the fashion for top knots spread more slowly, but more and more young people are breaking the stereotype that a bunch of hair on a head is a man’s careless attitude to his masculinity. On the contrary, many women consider wearing beards and top knots to be more sexual and attractive than repulsive or old-fashioned.

Information for lovers of top knots

Those who prefer a top note almost every day should pay attention to the warnings of doctors. The abuse of this hairstyle can cause brittle hair and even baldness (especially well marked on the hairline). These problems can occur in men and women after several years of wearing top-knots frequently. Regular tension of the hair leads to damage to the follicle, which is subsequently not restored.

However, the fact that you sometimes make a knot of hair does not mean the inevitability of baldness. The degree of risk in this case depends on how often you make top-knots and how tightly you tighten the hair.

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The presented idea is known among young guys under the definition of "top knot". To create a classic full-fledged bundle will allow hair to grow to about 25 cm. Features of care.

Samurai hairstyle: features of creation, variety

Long male hairstyles with a tail have been in trend for the past few years. At the same time, few representatives of the stronger sex dare to form such a style. Someone samurai hairstyle in the form of a tail on the back of his head seems tasteless. Others are confident that neatly braided long curls give the image of romance.

Whatever it was, before making a final decision about a fundamental change in your own appearance, it is worth considering who suits the samurai hairstyle, how to properly care for your hair when implementing such an idea.We will try to answer these and other questions in the presented material.

A brief history excursion

In antiquity, Japanese men paid special attention to their own hairstyle. The length, condition of the hair and the nature of the styling suggest what status the representative of the stronger sex possessed. At that time, people did not have to modish, since the discrepancy between the hairstyle and the class to which the man belonged entailed a whole host of unpleasant consequences.

In general, there are several versions of the ancient Japanese male hairstyles:

  1. The hairstyle of a warrior was somewhat simple, as people who were in the army associated themselves with the general population. The basis of the form consisted of hair, collected in the tail or twisted in a knot at the back of the head. In this case, the length was removed from the temples.
  2. Sakayaki - samurai hairstyle in the form of a tail on the back of his head, whose name translates as "shaved forehead." The creation of a kind of bald patch in the frontal part of the head was part of the initiation rite, which took place every young man. This samurai hairstyle was not so much decorative as practical value. The hair collected on the back of my head did not fall over my eyes and softened blows to the head under the helmet.
  3. "The fruit of the ginkgo tree." From the above options, a hairstyle with such an original name was distinguished by the presence of a small shred of hair on shaved forehead. He twisted into a tube in the middle of the head and was connected to the tail, which was left on the back of his head.

Samurai hairstyle: what should be the length of the hair?

The main condition for creating a hairstyle with a tail on the back of the head is the presence of curls of suitable length. It is not necessary to wait a long time while they grow back. In order to form a samurai hairstyle in the form of a tail on the nape of a man, there is enough hair about 15 cm in the back of the head.

Samurai hairstyle with shaved temples

The presented idea is known among young guys under the definition of "top knot". In fact, the hairstyle is an elongated version of the underrun style popular by today's standards. The temples have a minimum length. If desired, the side areas can even be shaved bald. The main focus here is on the top of the head, where the curls are woven into a tight tail.

Peculiarities of care

Samurai hairstyle needs the right care. To maintain a neat look, your hair should be washed, combed and carefully laid. For combing it is recommended to use combs that have an average thickness of teeth.

If we talk about care products, here it is worth resorting to the use of shampoos that correspond to the level of oily hair. For laying allowed the use of gels and mousses. At the same time, special attention is paid to conditioners, since it is they that allow to avoid rattling of individual hairs.

Where to tie a tail?

Samurai hairstyle allows the creation of a tail or a beam on the back of the head and in the area of ​​the crown. Whatever it was, the latest fashion trends require the formation of such styling higher. Otherwise, the hairstyle will turn into a normal low tail. To understand the features of the correct implementation of the idea, it is enough to use as an example the photo of the actual solutions presented in this material.

Who is the hairstyle?

Men's hairstyle with a tail on the back of the head is able to deliver some discomfort in everyday life. For example, it is not recommended to resort to the implementation of the idea of ​​guys who need to follow a business dress code at work. In this situation, this option can not play in favor of men.

Samurai hairstyle is not suitable for every member of the stronger sex. You should not give preference to this option to the owners of an elongated, thin face, because here the tail on the back of your head will once again emphasize the wrong oval.

It is recommended to refuse a samurai hairstyle to those men who have a large, prominent forehead, bulging ears, a large nose. The release of a person from freely flowing curls will only draw attention to the indicated defects in appearance.

It is very necessary by the way such a hairstyle to the owners of a square and round face. Competent implementation of the idea will visually lengthen the oval, and in some cases, soften its angularity.


Samurai hairstyle in the form of a tail on the nape of the female and male - an extremely simple, practical option that contributes to the formation of the original, cutting-edge everyday style. Make it without help is quite simple. The main thing is to have a sufficient length of curls in the neck.

Features of male haircut bun

The most common version of Top Knot hairstyles is the Bun haircut, which is completely different from the stereotypes regarding men's hairstyles. It would seem, how can a man's long hair be turned into a brutal and courageous image? The men's hairstyle bundle has demonstrated that this is quite possible, as are such world-famous personalities like Jareth Leto, Keith Harington, Colin Farrell, Leonardo DiCaprio and many stars of the domestic show business.

The distinctive features of the Man Bun haircut are as follows:

  • medium length hair in the temples, parietal head and neck,
  • elongated curls in the bangs and crown,
  • combing back hair
  • formation of a beam at the border between the crown and parietal part of the head,
  • The combination of a haircut with a mustache and beard.

Due to the additionally grown beard in the complex, the image of a man will look quite sharp and brutal, demonstrating to society his most advantageous features in appearance and character. Modern interpretations of Bun hairstyles may suggest a gradual change in length or a sharp line between the long top and shaved temples. Visually, the haircut is very similar to the style of Japanese samurai.

Top knot - upgraded classic man bun hairstyle

Top Knot is almost identical to the Man Bun haircut, that is, imitation of a Japanese samurai hairstyle. But in this case, stylists allow different lengths of hair at the crown and the back of the head, as well as the possibility of collecting hair not only in a bun, but also in a tail. In addition to braid hair in a bun can be not only on the top of the crown, but slightly lower.

In the boom haircut, shortened temples and nape are assumed, while Top Knot accepts elongated curls on the sides of the head as well. Previously, Man Bun style haircuts were associated with hipsters and representatives of informal movements, but today the haircut has been widely used among men of different views on life, preferences and characters. Top Knot and similar haircuts on this subject today are the ability to demonstrate originality without sacrificing masculinity.

Who chooses this style?

Stylists note that the hairstyle with a beam in the style of Top Knot is a choice of brave young men with thick, smooth and silky hair. Echoes of feudal Japan came to Russia; this season, hairstyles of such a plan use the best recommendations from stylists. The main characteristic of hairstyles is hair with a length of 15 cm or more, not only at the crown, but also on the sides, which are assembled in a knot.

Ideally, this style looks on owners of a round and oval-shaped face. If we are talking about the angular shape of the face, hairdressers recommend combining a haircut with a thick beard and mustache. Haircut and styling in such a performance is contraindicated for men with an elongated and slim face shape, since the accents will fall on the length of the forehead and cheekbones. For curly and curly hair styling will not always look beneficial, the hair needs to be straightened.

Different hairstyles

As soon as the length of the hair reaches the length of the male palm, you can safely consider yourself the owner of Top Knot hair style. While modern haircutters and stylists practice different versions of Japanese styling, some have long hair all over their head, while others combine an elongated crown with shaved temples and the back of the head.


Ideal on thick and luxurious curls looks like a type of styling Chasen-gami, that is, when a man collects not a thick bundle, but a voluminous, crumbling bundle of hair. At the same time, the length of the hair should be longer than in the case of the classic Top Knot, in order to allow slightly careless styling. On the sparse hair, this haircut option will look scant, so you should not try on such an image to yourself if there is not enough natural volume of hair.

Much also depends on the method of fixing the beam and its direction, so the stylists have developed another version of Top Knot hairstyle - Mitsu-ori. In this case, the hair should be braided in a normal tail, after that a little cosmetic oil is applied to the length, folded in the forward direction twice, once again turned back and fixed with an elastic band. Haircut looks in the most favorable light on long straight hair.


The main difference between the Fitatsu-yori hairstyle is the clear difference between the hair lengths. At the crown and closer to the crown, the man leaves the elongated strands for gathering in a bun or a taut tail. But on the temples and the back of the head, zones are shaved from below, forming a bright contrast between the lengths. Hair is worn only in the form of a knot to demonstrate this feature of hair.

With shaved temples

Another modern interpretation of Top Knot haircuts is the grown curls on the top of the head, which must be placed in a tight bun, as well as shaved temples. If we talk about the representatives of young people, stylists offer options figured cut out at the temples, complementing the image of the Japanese samurai. Most often, this innovation is used by adolescents, older men combine a bun, shaved temples and a thick beard.

How to make this hairstyle at home?

On how to make the right hairstyle in the style of Top Knot everyone should know such a shocking and at the same time courageous, brutal haircut. Much depends on the initial length of the hair at the crown, which the man has to create the original style. The easiest option is to tighten the curls in the horse's tail at the back of the head, as well as folding the hair back with a rubber band.

In general, styling is performed in the following way:

  • hair should be washed and rinsed so that they are smooth and shiny,
  • then you need to tilt your head forward to make hair easier to collect,
  • in this position, the hair is combed and gathered into a ponytail with a rubber band,
  • it is necessary to comb the hair thoroughly so that after the formation of the tail there are no knots left,
  • Further, the assembled tail must be twisted around two fingers on the hand and once again tightened with a rubber band.

The hairstyle does not require any means for fixing, which significantly saves the man’s expenses and protects the hair from excessive contact with the chemical compositions of the products. The main condition is that the hair is always clean and straight, gathered in a bun at the top of the head. Haircut will not look vulgar if you follow all the rules of styling, and adding vegetation on your face to it, you can emphasize the brutality.

Fashionable men's hairstyle Top Knot: photo gallery

To get acquainted with the main advantages of the male image in the Top Knot style, it is enough to look at photos of men with such haircuts of various types of appearance and ages.

Russian men adopted the Top Knot style from Asians, where model and stylish haircuts and styling are appreciated. Haircut Top Knot involves several options for design and styling to meet the different requirements and preferences of men. Most often, this image is preferred by young guys and creative personalities, showing their unique and original taste to their surroundings. And in combination with a beard and mustache haircut takes on a bold and brutal look.

Top knot - men's hairstyle with a beam

This version of the male styling, like the already mentioned male haircut Top Knot, goes beyond the traditional idea of ​​hairstyles for a strong half. But fashion dictates its own rules, so you should take a closer look at such original and memorable images.

The male bun is formed from all hair, without shortening the strands from the sides. The hair is pulled back and tied in a knot. In this case, their twisting with a cord is welcomed.


Watch the video: 5 Easy Topknot Buns! Tasha Farsaci (July 2024).