Tools and facilities

Thermal cutting or cutting with hot scissors: the pros and cons of the method, the essence and nuances of the procedure


Hair cutting is a serious problem faced by owners of both thin and thick hair. If the strands are slightly loosened, they are stratified at the cut point and divided into two or more parts. A hair can be cut even after breaking off.

The hair gets untidy look, becomes dull. The tips of the hair are strongly furrowed (sometimes the dissection area reaches 10 cm or more, as the hairs break off to different lengths and are dissected in different ways).

Proper care

Among the main causes of the cross section, there are:

  1. Genetic predisposition
  2. Unsuitable care products, improper, inadequate care,
  3. Abuse of styling with the use of thermo - equipment.

Eliminate the tips can only be a haircut. Shampoos that promise to restore and glue split hairs give only a cosmetic effect and eventually stop helping. Haircut just removes damaged tips. But it can cause and increase the cross section, if the master used poorly sculpted scissors, which crushed and stratified hair even stronger. A good alternative that helps to fight even with a genetic predisposition for cutting hair is thermo-hairstyle-hair-cutting with hot scissors. This is a special device that can only be used in the cabin.

The procedure for hot haircut at home for short split ends

Hot hair cutting is done the same way as usual, that is, the hair is given the same shape that you usually choose. It takes as much time. But instead of ordinary scissors, a thermo - device is used. Visually, it looks like simple scissors, but has a cord that connects to the network. It is thanks to this that the shear blades heat up.

When cutting a hair with such a device, its tip is sealed. The cut point is rounded. This makes the tip more dense and resistant to dissection. In addition, the hair does not leave moisture and nutrients (as often, it happens through the cut-off area).

As a result, the hair does not split. The effect of the procedure is observed until the tips break off for one reason or another. With proper care, this does not occur, since after thermo shearing they become a little more dense and resistant to breakage. So, if you have long curls and cut your hair once every 3 to 4 months, then you will not have to perform a thermal cutting more often.

Cutting hair with hot scissors: the tips are perfectly cut

Washing + cutting with regular scissors at a barbershop usually takes about an hour (more or less depending on the length of the procedure). Thermal shearing does not take much longer. The only difference may be that the master is working a little slower with hot scissors (the wire is in the way, there is a risk to burn the client or your own hands, etc.).

  • The master examines the hair, sets their characteristics (in large salons this is done using computer diagnostics),
  • A suitable temperature is chosen for each type of curls,
  • Strands curled into strands,
  • The master cuts off the split ends,
  • The haircut is shaped by hot scissors,
  • The tool changes only when it is necessary to shave off a hundred, etc.

After that, the hair is dried and stacked in the traditional way. Assigned care products that will prolong the effect.

Reviews: is it true that then the hair does not grow?

Hot scissor hair cutting was first used in 2003 in Germany. Since then, it has spread around the world and won many fans. Users claim that after a year or two of regular cutting of long curls in a hot way, the hairs become more dense, less prone to breakage, do not split and do not exfoliate.

Visually the result is less noticeable on curly hair. But tactile, they feel softer and more alive. Curls shine and do not grow dull even with elementary home care.

Hot scissors haircut - what is it

This is a modern procedure that allows you to eliminate split ends with hot scissors. Outwardly, these are ordinary scissors, in which there is a thermal element and a wire for connecting electricity. Keratin is hardened by temperature. There is a soldering of the cut, it becomes smooth. The sealed tips do not allow harmful substances to pass through, and the hair itself retains its natural moisture and beneficial trace elements.

At the shears only the blades heat up, and they themselves remain cold. The temperature regime is set in accordance with the type and condition of the hair, individually for each. Before the procedure, many salons carry out hair diagnostics with the help of a special device, a bit like an ultrasound. Thanks to him, you can visually see what kind of hair structure.

Well, this technology is suitable for owners of wavy curls, as well as for lovers of pleyk and irons for straightening. It is also useful for women who grow hair. Usually long hair looks somewhat not groomed due to split ends. Thanks to the heat treatment with special scissors, the ends are soldered, giving the hairstyle to groom.

Advantages and disadvantages

This technology of cutting is suitable for hair restoration after exposure to chemicals, heat treatment, as well as for protection against aggressive external factors.

Advantages of the method:

  • The therapeutic effect on the hair is noticeable after the first procedure. And after 2–3 such haircuts you can completely get rid of split ends.
  • The hair becomes more magnificent. After 5 procedures, the volume of hair visually increases by 2 times. The fact is that when exposed to a hot tool, the internal pressure of the hair increases, their thickness becomes the same along the entire length.
  • With regular cutting with hot scissors, you can strengthen the hair, accelerate growth, they will become more obedient.
  • Only 3-4 months after the procedure, the tips begin to split again. With a normal haircut, this happens in a month.
  • The device for a hairstyle does not harm hair, and is suitable for creating any forms of hairstyles.
  • Temperature affects only the point of cutting hair. Due to the fact that in addition to the blade the rest of the scissors does not heat up, they are easy to hold. You can not be afraid to burn yourself.

The tool makes hair neater, without cutting off a great length. When shearing with regular scissors, it is sometimes necessary to trim the ends 5 cm long and more, instead of the desired 1 cm.

Look at the trendy options for short haircuts for fine hair.

About children's effective shampoos for lice and nits read on this page.

But hot haircut has its drawbacks:

  • Long duration of the procedure. If everything is done correctly, then one haircut should last at least 1 hour. If the hairdresser copes in 20 minutes, then there is reason to distrust the professionalism of the master.
  • The high cost of haircuts.

Technology and nuances of execution in the cabin

Thermal shearing conventionally performed in several stages. First, the master must assess the state of the curls, be diagnosed. This is required in order to choose the optimum temperature for scissors. After that, a thermal protective agent is applied to the hair. The master can proceed directly to the haircut.

The procedure should be carried out on dry unwashed hair. They need to be combed well, divided into strands, each twisted into flagella. Then polish the tips that are knocked out with a hot tool. The strand should be well tensioned so that it is flat. Then the flagella unwind, the length is trimmed, the hair is given the desired shape.

The next stage is hair washing and styling. After the head is washed with shampoo and balm, and the remnants of the cropped hairs are removed, it is necessary to dry the hair slightly with a towel. The keratin composition is applied to the wet strands to fix the result. Then they need to comb and check the length. Irregularities need to be removed with a warm tool. Further drying takes place and blow-dry.

This method of care is better not to use if:

  • hair painted in different shades in a short time
  • if you often have to blow-dry your hair,
  • the curls are lightened,
  • cross section of the tips occurs due to the characteristics of the body, even when the hair care is correct.

See options for haircuts for obese girls and women.

About the pixie long haircut is written in this article.

At, read about the use and benefits of pumpkin oil for hair.

If you want to make a haircut with hot scissors at home, you should weigh the pros and cons. A quality tool for work is quite expensive. You need to have certain skills to work with him. You can call the master to the house so that he would make a thermal cut. But you need to be confident in his professionalism.

Procedure cost

An important factor when choosing a master and salon is the cost of the procedure. It depends on the location of the salon, its class, the complexity of the haircut. The average price of hot scissors is 1.5-2 times higher than regular scissors. It starts from 1500 rubles. On average in the country it will cost 2-3 thousand rubles. But if you only need to slightly refresh the tips, in some salons you can do it for 1000 rubles.

It is possible to buy the device for a hot hairstyle both for 5000, and for 40,000 rubles. It all depends on the quality of the device and the reputation of the manufacturer. Good scissors cost about 30 thousand. This may explain the high cost of the procedure in the salon. If you offer a suspiciously low price for a thermal cut, you should think. Perhaps the tool is cheap and poor quality. It can damage your hair. Jaguar thermal shears are very popular.

Next, a video in which you can visually see the technology of cutting hot scissors:

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What is hot scissors haircut?

Haircut with hot scissors is a kind of medical procedure, it helps to get rid of split ends, heals hair.

Hot scissors look like ordinary, only they are connected to the mains, and the hairdresser has the ability to set the temperature necessary for a certain type of hair.

These scissors don't just cut their hair: some sort of tip sealing so that he no longer cut, and the haircut takes on a neat and well-groomed appearance.

Who is hot scissors cut for?

It is worth paying attention to the procedure to girls who:

The owners long hair will be able to keep the length due to the hot hair cut, and thus get rid of split ends.

Curly and wavy hair - ideal "clients" of hot scissors. After a haircut, this type of hair is easier to style and less push.

Short hair Such a procedure will be able to give volume and beautiful styling.

Information on strengthening the hair with a decoction of oak bark can be found here. Also with its help you can dye your hair in darker shades.

How much does hot scissors haircut cost?

The price of hot scissors haircut is slightly higher than normal.

At the same time, the cost varies between salons in the same city, in different cities, and it also depends on the type of haircut and hair length.

Simply trim hair will cost about 1000 rubles.
But if required model haircut, you need to prepare for the amount of 1500 rubles.

The fact is that if used improperly, you can seriously damage your hair.

Hair diagnostics

Diagnosis is needed to correctly determine the temperature of the scissors.

This stage can be compared with ultrasound - the image of the hair structure is displayed on the screen.

There are masters who can independently determine the condition of the hair.

In any case, this is an important stage, because the wrong temperature can cause severe damage to the hair and they are not something that does not stop cutting, but also stratify even more.

Thin blonde hair shear at low temperatures, and thick thick dark - at high.

Twisting in flagella

Cutting with hot scissors begins with twisting the hair with flagella. The hair is divided into strands, twisted, and those tips of the hair that bristle to the side, trimmed.

Advantages of the procedure:

  1. Protect hair from split ends. Hair is sheared and soldered at the same time, as a result of which there will be no re-stratification.
  2. Hair longer maintain their health. Through the sealed end there is no leakage of useful substances, which can not be said about the hair cut with ordinary scissors.
  3. Revitalizing hair growth. After 4–5 treatments with hot scissors, intensive hair growth is observed.

This is due to the fact that the sealed ends do not allow useful substances to leave. Hair not only grow in length, but also become thicker, volume appears.

  • Protect hair from the harmful effects of the environment. When sheared with regular scissors, cut hair acquires a porous structure, as a result of which dirt and chemicals are absorbed from the air. In the end, the hair weakens and begins to split.
  • Disadvantages of the procedure:

    1. Duration The procedure for cutting hair with hot scissors has many advantages. However, it takes a longer time than usual. You need to be ready to spend up to two hours in the chair.
    2. The high cost of haircuts. For a similar procedure will have to pay a fairly large amount.
    3. Lack of instant effect. This means that after the first visit to the hairdresser, the result of cutting with hot scissors can hardly be seen, as in the photo.

    Often it takes two, or even more repetitions.

    This is due to the fact that hair grows unevenly, and in one step you can simply not see all the damaged tips.

    So you can get rid of all split ends.

    The exception is a short haircut from the originally long hair, in this case all the ends will be sealed from the first time.

    On the healing power of hair brandy can be found in our article: as part of the masks, it has a great effect on the hair.

    Excellent product for hair and scalp - tar soap: However, even it has its contraindications.

    Required choose a master carefully, because an inexperienced hairdresser can incorrectly make a haircut with hot scissors and spoil the hair, instead of improving their condition.

    Therefore, you should carefully study the reviews, look at the reputation of both the master and the salon as a whole.

    What when cutting hot scissors is impossible to do:

    • wet your hair before you start cutting
    • to cut the hair with regular scissors,
    • finish the procedure too quickly (for example, the length of the haircut for hair just below the shoulder blades lasts at least one and a half hours).

    If a person picks up ordinary scissors, it means that the entire previous procedure was carried out in vain - all the sealed ends will be cut.

    If you need to do model haircut, the barber should use a hot razor specifically designed for this purpose.

    To make sure that you are in the hands of a person who has been cutting hot scissors, do not hesitate to ask him to show his certificates and other documents that can confirm his qualifications.

    If the master is not just ready to cut you, but told about the procedure, explained all the stages, why it is needed and what results should be expected, then he can most likely be trusted.

    Reviews hot haircut:

    Diana, 26 years old, Voronezh: When I was looking for a salon in which they could cut my hair with hot scissors, I was constantly discouraged from the procedure. But I am persistent, and as a result I received a long-awaited haircut. The result exceeded expectations, hair became better than from lamination. Three months after the haircut, I do not think about hairdressing. Yes, minus hair cutting with hot scissors is that it lasted an hour and a half. But it's worth it.

    Varvara, 22, Moscow: I used hot scissors to cut the tips once and now I go to the procedure once a month. Hair after it, as in advertising - crumble, shiny and smooth. After all that I did with my hair (dyeing, curling) it became a real salvation. The only negative - the cost of cutting hot scissors is quite high. It is also very important to just get to a good master, otherwise you can ruin the hair so that it will not be possible to restore them.

    Karina, 34, Smolensk: I have always loved long hair, but mine, unfortunately, did not grow below the shoulder blades. I do not know what hindered - split ends, or the general condition of the hair. I found out about cutting with hot scissors and went for a procedure. The effect did not immediately notice, but went again and again - only 4 haircuts. My hair is beautiful now! They have grown to the waist, the tips do not split, the overall look is amazing. If you compare the condition of my hair before and after cutting with hot scissors, you can see a great result! Highly recommend.

    Hot haircut helps to get rid of many problems with hair.

    With proper hair care, regular haircuts from a good master hair gain unprecedented strength and beauty.

    What is hot scissors haircut

    This is a simultaneous removal of the tip of the hair and sealing of the slice, due to which further dissection stops.

    What gives and how useful haircut hot scissors? Burning seals the hair flask, so keratin stays inside. But only on condition of the integrity of the flaky layer along the entire length, otherwise the building materials will exit through its damaged areas.

    Hot scissors cutting is best combined with other procedures against trichoptilose.

    Types of hot scissors haircuts

    There are several ways to eliminate sections:

    What is the difference?

    1. Cutting with hot scissors flagella is a way to remove sections along the entire length of the hair. Freshly washed, wet strands are twisted into a bundle, then lightly blown with hot air from the dryer so that the tips begin to bristle on the surface of the rolled roller. Protruding sliced ​​hairs are removed with a heated instrument.
    2. In form - it is giving the hair a certain style of haircut. For example, cut under "Kare", make a "Cascade" or "Medusa", etc. That is, when they use all the hair, creating a hairstyle.
    3. Contouring hot scissors is a fringing. She cut only in length. The removal of the tips along the contour can be semi-circular - “Rhapsody”, or even cut. Bangs are separated and processed separately.

    The principle of working with hot scissors is the same as with conventional ones.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    This mechanical method of treating trichoptilose has a large number of positive qualities.

    1. Suitable for all hair types.
    2. Seals the tip.
    3. Prevents leaching of keratin.
    4. Can be combined with other procedures.
    5. Professional hairdressing preparations are not required.
    6. No extra tools needed.
    7. You can cut your hair with nodular disease.

    photo before and after

    For curly, wavy or thin hair there are no technological departures.

    Who is hot scissors cut for? - for long and medium hair, if there is damage only on the tips, as well as for nodular disease, when other methods of eliminating trichotilose are contraindicated.

    However, in addition to the positive qualities, this procedure also has several disadvantages.

    1. There are restrictions on the length.
    2. Does not protect the surface of the hair from damage.
    3. Stops dissection only at the cut point.

    In addition, you need the skill of working with hot tools and professional skill, as the cutting blades heat up to 230 ° C, so you can burn yourself and the client.

    Contraindications and restrictions to use

    The result of the procedure does not depend on the hormonal background, age, or damage to the skin of the head. It is possible to cut hot scissors for children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as during the critical days. This method does not affect the hair follicle and can not affect the intensity of loss.

    However, there are restrictions on the use of length. A hot tool should not touch the skin during work, so cutting with hot scissors is not done on short hair.

    On the "Caret" and "Bob-Caret" lower occipital zone is shortened with ordinary scissors, and the rest of the areas are cut hot.

    Scissors for hot haircut

    It is an electric tool with heated cutting blades and a thermostat having a range of 130–230 ° C.

    Experience with this device has shown that for all types of hair, you need to set the maximum heating temperature for better sealing of the cut.

    On the market of professional hairdressing tools are hot scissors of two world famous brands - the Japanese concern Jaguar, as well as the Italian company Hair Shop. There are cheaper analogues made in China, which are much inferior in quality, so cutting them does not guarantee a positive effect.

    Performance technique

    It is very easy to make this medical procedure - its stages are the same as when working with an ordinary cold tool. No special preparation for cutting with hot scissors is required. Enough to pre-wash your hair with shampoo according to the type of hair and skin.

    photo before and after

    How is hot scissors being cut? - step by step instructions, as follows:

    • wash your hair with shampoo, if you need to treat with balm,
    • blot excess moisture with a towel
    • heat the instrument
    • to cut the necessary style,
    • treat hair styling or thermal protection to make styling.

    After the procedure, all kinds of hairstyles or styling are allowed, except for permanent curls and straightenings.

    The technique of cutting hot scissors in beauty salons is no different from its holding at home. However, calling the master to the house there is a risk of running into an unqualified hairdresser, who works with a poor-quality tool. Before you entrust your hair to someone, read the reviews of the master, and also ask what company scissors he works.

    Do I need follow-up care?

    The procedure for eliminating the cut ends and sealing the cut-off site does not require additional care after its implementation. Hair does not require special means to maintain the effect. The sealed tip will no longer be cut at the cut point with a hot tool. However, this does not protect the hair from the appearance of damage on its length.

    In order for the scaly layer not to peel off with repeated staining or other chemical influences, it is necessary to combine the cutting with hot scissors with the preparation methods of treatment and protection of the hair.

    Frequently asked questions

    Despite the fact that cutting with hot scissors in the list of hairdressing services for more than ten years, interest in it does not dry out. There are a lot of questions about this procedure. Of these, the most frequent were selected, to which we gave detailed detailed answers.

    1. What is better, cutting hot scissors or polishing hair? Both of these methods are the mechanical elimination of split ends. Polishing removes irregularities across the entire surface of the bulb, but does not seal the cut points. Hot scissors remove only the edge and at the same time solder it. If the dissection is not only at the end, then both procedures can be combined. First, polish the surface, and then perform the edging with hot scissors to prevent keratin from washing out of the medula.
    2. Hot scissors do haircut on wet or dry hair? The procedure is performed only on wet strands, because the high temperature of the tool causes the fast boiling of water inside the hair, due to which clogging of the cut occurs. The resulting microburn closes the access of harmful substances, leaving nutrients inside.
    3. How does a hot haircut scissor differ from the usual? Visually there is no difference, but if you look at the cut under a microscope, it will be clearly visible that ordinary scissors, even the sharpest ones, push the flask, so it becomes oval and stratifies. A hot tool because of the high temperature does not have time to push through the hair. The heated cutting blades cut off the damaged area when they are closed and immediately burn it. The flask remains round with a smooth sealed end.
    4. How long does it take to cut hot scissors? The duration of the procedure depends on the style, thickness and confusion of the hair. The amount of time taken is the same as when performing a similar operation with a conventional tool.
    5. When to wash your hair after cutting with hot scissors? The procedure does not provide a certain period of exposure to washing hair. This can be done at the first signs of contamination at the roots. Use shampoo is not contraindicated even immediately after the completion of the procedure.
    6. How long does the scissors effect hold? The place of heat treatment and cutting off the damaged tip will no longer be stratified, however, there is no guarantee against the appearance of defects along the entire length. The duration of the effect depends on how the hair is exposed. Discoloration and chemical curls or straightening reduce the effect of mechanical elimination of trichoptilose.
    7. Before or after dyeing, is it better to cut with hot scissors? All types of long-term styling and staining should be performed prior to the procedure. Chemicals spoil the hair, and a thermal haircut will remove all the damage, old and new, that appeared during exposure to harmful substances.
    8. How often do you need to cut hot hair with scissors? There is no clear interval through which the procedure can be repeated. You need to get a haircut immediately, as the new split tips became noticeable. If the damage does not appear, then for the prevention you can do the procedure every two months.
    9. What is better, cutting with hot scissors or lamination? These are two completely different methods of dealing with damage. Lamination hides all the irregularities of the structure under a protective microfilm, and hot scissors cut off split ends. These procedures can be combined to enhance the therapeutic effect. A silicone lamination film will protect the length from washing out keratin, and hot scissors solder the tip.
    10. Do I need to wash my hair before cutting with hot scissors? This is always a prerequisite, regardless of whether the tool is cut hot or cold. Dirty hair is badly combed, so you can leave uncut areas, which after washing will be visible. All the flaws are then revealed on clean, not stuck together hair.
    11. Why does hair cut after hot scissors after shearing? This happens when they are spoiled not only at the ends. Microdamages of the structure are invisible to the naked eye, they can be seen only under a microscope. If the hair is often exposed to various chemicals, then cutting with hot scissors should be combined with other treatments. Otherwise, further dissection can not be avoided. As well as re-stratification at the ends may appear due to insufficient heating of the tool.

    Cutting with hot scissors is a technique for mechanical elimination of chipped ends with their simultaneous sealing in the place of the cut. Despite the protection of the cut area, the procedure does not guarantee against the appearance of damage on the length. In order to maximize the effect of treating hair with hot scissors, the procedure should be combined with remedial methods of treating trichoptilose. However, as an independent hair treatment, cutting with hot scissors is ineffective.

    Meet the hot haircut

    Cutting with the use of thermal scissors is carried out, as a rule, in the case when the client wants to get rid of the split ends.

    The structure of a human hair is easy to imagine as a thick rod that is covered with countless scales. In a healthy state, all the particles fit snugly together, outwardly it manifests itself in brilliance.

    However, afterwards, permanent blow-drying, curling, aggressive coloring or improperly selected shampoo, the scales begin to bristle and no longer adhere to the base.

    For healing the hair, a haircut with scissors' blades is applied. As a result, cut under a high degree cut "Soldered". This effect allows you to retain moisture and nutrients inside the rod. Thereby we prolong the healthy shine and well-groomed appearance.

    At first glance, the tool is a little different from the usual hairdresser scissors. However, there is a significant difference - this is a power supply wire. This design allows the metal plates, the blades to heat up in a certain temperature range.

    The master selects the appropriate temperature based on the condition of the hair, and then trim the ends. The technology for performing trimming in this case differs from the usual one in that the master works with tightly twisted flagella from individual strands. It is them that he mows.

    This feature is necessary to understand where the damage is, because single hairs begin to crawl in different directions.

    Main hot haircut advantages Compared with the usual are the following:

    1. Inside stored beneficial substances that are necessary for their beauty and health.
    2. You will forget about what are bitten and brittle tips.
    3. Now you will not need to go to the salon every month, because the effect of the use of thermal scissors 3-4 months.

    Indications for hot haircut

    In general, cutting with hot scissors can be done for everyone. However, professionals especially Recommend this procedure to those who:

    • hair is long and brittle,
    • Perm was produced,
    • the hair is permanently dyed.

    After a few treatments, your curls will become noticeably more shiny and healthy.

    The difference between polishing hair and hot haircut

    First, let's look at what hair polishing is. Polishing is another kind of structure restoration procedure. For its implementation, a machine with special nozzles is used. Alternately, strands are passed through one of these attachments to cut the protruding scales.

    For durability of results is important:

    • permanent application of oil masks,
    • use balm after washing hair,
    • rubbing the roots of vitamin solutions.

    Difference of procedures

    Consider the features of the procedures in relation to each other. Key difference polishing off hot scissors is that the latter seals the ends with a temperature, and the polisher only shears split hair.

    However, polishing is not used for all hair types, for example, it is necessary for owners of long and thick hair, but for owners of thin and curly hair it is contraindicated. The effect depends entirely on the care of curls in the future and proper nutrition.

    Moreover, an important factor for each of us when going to the salon is the cost of services. In this also hot haircut and polish are significantly different. Polishing price varies from 700 to 1200 rubles depending on the length. As for cutting with hot scissors, here the budget will be within 1600-2500 rubles.


    Each of the procedures we have analyzed is carried out with one goal - the restoration of damaged curls. It is impossible to unequivocally say the choice of which of the procedures should be given. The effect of cutting with hot scissors does not appear instantly. Moreover, to maintain it, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure over time.

    The effect of polishing hair will be visible immediately after the procedure and will last longer. However, for long-term enjoyment of a healthy look and shine of hair it is necessary to put a number of efforts. Also the decisive factor for many is the price, where the advantage is on the side of the polishing procedure.

    Hot Shears Cutting Technique

    Technique haircut hot scissors is quite complicated. First of all, with the help of computer diagnostics, individual characteristics of the hair are determined - structure, thickness, and other indicators. For this, their enlarged image is displayed on the screen. According to the results of such a study, the master will also be able to advise optimal cosmetic care products.

    Depending on the type of hair, the necessary temperature of the blades is selected, which can reach 180 ° C. Accidental burns are excluded, as the tool has a border protector, and only its cutting surface is heated. Therefore, it is possible to carry out hairstyles with hot scissors of any complexity.

    The work itself lasts 1-4 hours. Each strand is twisted with a cord and cut off split ends. Then the hairstyle is shaped, changing the tool only when it is intended to shave some area. Then, instead of scissors take a hot razor.

    Careful selection of a salon and a hot-shearing specialist is crucial for the success of the procedure and a good external result. Due to the high popularity, this service is provided almost everywhere, but professionals are not always taken to work. If the haircut is wrong, you can seriously harm the hair.

    Refer to a more professional hairdresser with the following signs:

    • Wetting the hair in the process
    • Denial of model haircut,
    • Using ordinary scissors to shape the hair,
    • Evasion of the harness technique
    • Too quick completion of work.

    It should always be clarified whether the master was trained in cutting hot scissors and how he can confirm the qualification.

    In order for the hair not to be cut off, it is necessary to get rid of the original cause of this defect, otherwise thermal cutting will be only a temporary solution to the problem.

    Drying and brittle hair are caused by many adverse factors:

    • Improper care,
    • Unbalanced nutrition
    • Lack of vitamins and trace elements,
    • Lack of fluid
    • Bad habits
    • Psycho-emotional upheaval
    • Genetic predisposition
    • Bad environmental conditions.

    With a permanent detrimental effect on the health of the hair, cutting with hot scissors will produce a short-term effect, since damage to the internal structure of the hair will be repeated.

    Hair care after thermo sheathing

    Curls after shearing with hot scissors require careful maintenance. Carefully consider the choice of shampoo and other cosmetics. In addition, it is not recommended to rub the hair with a towel and constantly use a hairdryer - it is better to prefer natural drying. If you can not do without a hair dryer, you need to choose a gentle mode - cold air.

    Flatirons, curling irons and other appliances that exert high temperatures on the entire surface, help to preserve the fragility of the hair, so it’s also undesirable to use them. For laying more suitable tools with a ceramic heating element.

    Experts advise to drink more fluids, take vitamins and not to neglect hats.


    Watch the video: Hot Scissors - Thermo Cut by Walter Stojash OFFICIAL VIDEO (July 2024).