
Fashion is back! Top 5 hairstyles 50 years relevant today


Today it is fashionable at parties to do retro hairstyles. These haircuts are perfect for stylish and self-confident women who follow fashion. These are long and thick bangs, lush curls and bouffants, headbands and flowers in hair, bunches and curls. Next, we offer a selection of hairstyles in the style of the 50s.

Light curls on long hair.

Smooth hairstyle for blonde.

Dressing with flower, playful curls.

A pile, a hoop with a flower, long curls.

Evening styling in the style of the 50s.

Bandage, thick bangs, raised to the top.

Volume bundle, bandage.

Thick bangs, low tail, a flower in her hair.

Classic: large curls

Classic: large curls

large curls

To the classic hairstyle 50 years can be attributed to large curls. It was once done by Marilyn Monroe and Marlene Dietrich. Such a hairstyle is characterized by a side parting and a smooth wave of hair on one side. With this hairstyle, hair falls gently, like a waterfall, they look voluminous, fluffy and make a woman even more feminine.

Wrapped bangs

wrapped bangs

Hairstyles of 50 years with wrapped bangs are very popular. The emergence of pin-up style has led to a tendency to put bangs on this method. First, it should be screwed on large curlers and laid in the form of a roller, securing a means of strong fixation. It is very desirable that the diameter of the roller had a perfectly round shape.


It was in the 50s that women begin to do the first experiments with a pile. The hair was usually pinned up from behind in the form of a French bun, carefully combing the frontal part of the hair.

Laying with a veil

Laying with a veil

Very popular hairstyles of the 50s were sophisticated smooth styling with a veil. Of course, it is difficult to afford such a hairstyle for everyday wear, but a hairstyle of the 50s with a veil can be an ideal option for a modern bride.

Wavy square

Wavy square

The style icon of the 50s is considered to be Gray Kelly. That it is considered the personification of the fashion hair salon 50s. Grace Kelly wore a medium long wavy square, combing her hair either back or sideways. The so-called “banana bun” has also become a very popular hairstyle from Grace Kelly.

In the late 50s, the fashion for hairstyles began to change rapidly. On the threshold of the 60s, many women made a choice in favor of universality and returned to short haircuts “like a boy”, who tried to find their niche in the 20s of the twentieth century.

Retro hairstyle with fleece

Hairstyle with fleece in the style of 50-60s

Bouffant - This is a specific method of hair styling, in which each strand is whipped towards the root of the hair along the entire length of this strand. The meaning of a fleece is that it creates additional volume, so a retro hairstyle with a fleece will especially suit those girls and women who have straight and not very thick hair.

You can make your own hairstyle with retro stylehowever, we immediately warn you that it is not so simple to execute it: you will need to comb almost every strand back (to the root of the hair). To keep the volume, use styling spray, and the more - the better.

Hairstyle "shell with pile"

Hairdress "Cockleshell with a pile"

Cockleshell with velvet will look great with a dress with a neckline. Shell with a pile (it is also called the French shell) exposes the back of the head, lengthens the neck and looks elegant in combination with clothing and makeup in retro style.

60s Style Shell can not only make the owners of long hair, but also those girls and women who have medium-length hair.

To make a retro-style shell with a pile, you will need foam for fixing, hairpins, invisibility, a hairbrush and hairspray - to fix the result.

Short retro haircuts: short garcon

Short garcon: feminine and sensual

Short haircuts for a boy (or a short retro style garson) became popular in the late 50s after the movie Roman holidaywhere Audrey Hepburn played her first movie role.

Frame from the movie "Roman Holiday"

Due to its external elegance and convenience (the maximum you need for styling is a little gel), short retro haircuts from the 60s liked the stylish beauties so much that millions of women have been doing this for more than 50 years.

If you decide to cut your hair under short garrison in the style of the 60s, then, putting a make-up, focus on the eyes.

Hairstyle in the style of the 50s "under the boy"

Legendary hairstyle in the style of the 50-60s - "like Marilyn Monroe"

Hairstyle of merlin monroe

Another truly legendary retro hairstyle in the style of the 50-60s is, of course, a hairstyle in the style of Merlin Monroe. To feel one hundred percent blonde in the best sense of the word - sexy, soft, mysterious, gentle and incredibly charismatic, be sure to make yourself somehow such a haircut, even if for this you have to dye your hair (of course, our advice applies only to those girls to whom a hairstyle in the style of Merlin Monroe in combination with blond hair would theoretically fit)!

How to make a hairstyle of Marilyn Monroe?

Wash your hair, then dry your hair lightly and apply styling spray on them. Wind up the curlers or make the curls of Merlin using ordinary curling. After your retro hairstyle in the style of Merlin Monroe is ready, fasten curls with strong hold hairspray.

Horsetail hairstyle in retro style

Instead of telling you how to do this hairstyle, we will show you a series of photos with step-by-step instructions. By the way, the ponytail hairstyle is perfect for celebrating the New Year 2014, the year of the Blue Wooden Horse!

Hairstyle "Horsetail in the style of the 50s-60s

How to make hair "horse tail"

We make boules

We pin hair

We continue to work on the hair.

"Horsetail" in the style of the 50's and 60's is ready!

We wish you extremely successful experiments!

Female hairstyles in the style of the 50s with their own hands

Images in the style of "retro" - this is not just a fad. The standards of classical femininity and sophistication of the image returns to today's trends, and hairstyles in the style of the 50s help to create them. Modern versions of fashionable styles in that decade today are at the peak of their popularity.

The main style of the fifties was New Look, his idea was entirely owned by the legendary Christian Dior, who created a new image, which he himself called "woman-flower". Not only fashion and standards of female beauty changed, but also hairstyles, in the 50s complex, beautiful styling appeared, which were not considered evening or festive. Elegant and very sophisticated hairstyles have become part of the everyday look.

Prior to the appearance in the trends of free, informal and slightly rebellious hairstyles and very short haircuts was still far away. And with curls loose on the shoulders to appear on the street was simply not accepted. The Fifties are the times of complicated styling that required high hairdressing skills. Most of them were created by combing or merciless curling, in this decade, by the way, perm was first introduced and dazzling “blond” unconditionally entered fashion.

How to make a hairstyle of the 50s in the style of Marilyn Monroe (with photo)

The main blonde of that decade, Marilyn Monroe, introduced styling that today most accurately reflects the style of that era. Careful, very neat and professionally made perm on medium-sized bleached hair created a soft, mysterious and very sexy look. It is readily reproduced by today's stars, and the styling itself is great for both evening and daytime images. Moreover, to make a haircut of the 50s like Marilyn Monroe today is quite simple with your own hands without the services of a professional hairdresser.

The basis of this hairstyle is a classic semi-long haircut "square" with a long bangs. To create this feminine hairstyle of the 50s, you will need heated hair rollers or a curling iron, a comb and a lacquer of strong fixation - the curls should turn out to be elastic and large. On washed and dried hair, apply a little styling that suits your hair type, this will help styling last longer.

Pay attention to how fashionable hairstyles of the 50s on these photos are carefully selected for the images:

To make such a set, separate the small strand above your forehead and place it, curling the curl inward, you also need to lay all the strands, putting them from the face to the back of the head. The resulting curls should not be combed, they must first be disassembled into separate strands, slightly fixed with a light fixing varnish and only then give the desired contour to the styling.

Pay special attention to the bangs - it is worth adding in addition, it is a long, falling on the eyes and neatly twisted bangs gave Marilyn the image of languor and intrigue.

Hairstyles in the style of the 50s for long hair: step by step description

Just like now in the fifties, luxurious long curls and beautiful styling were in fashion, hairstyles in the style of the 50s with long hair are distinguished by their elegant design and grace. For that decade, high, smooth and three-dimensional beams located at the crown of the head became a revelation. They not only allowed to demonstrate the beauty of long curls, but also very elegantly opened the neckline and emphasized the oval of the face - in the fashion of that decade there were dresses of the “princess” style, complicated necklines and collars that look great in this combination.

Pay attention to women's hairstyles of the 50s in these photos - today they are again in fashion:

In order to create such styling, the women of those times had to torture their curls with their hair, and to add volume, use chignons. The current capabilities of the beauty industry make it possible to make such a set without any special difficulties, rather a step-by-step description of how to make a haircut in the style of the 50s for long hair.

You will need styling for hair, giving smoothness to curls, a pair of rubber bands, hairpins, lacquer, and if you want to make a bunch more voluminous, a foam styling hairdressing roller, matched to the hair.

Washed and dried hair should be carefully combed and, with the head down, gather them in a ponytail at the crown, trying to create as neat a contour as possible. Make the hair first in the tail, and to give extra volume with a roller. Spread the bundle and fasten it with the help of pins.

Hairstyles of the 50s for long hair are notable for smoothness and elegance of styling, so all the strands, side and back of the head should be carefully hidden in the styling, as well as the ends of the strands of the bundle itself. Styling styling tinged and accentuated wide velvet ribbons or tiaras for the evening option, worn at the base of the beam. In the everyday version with this role of spectacular decor will cope wide rims or neckerchiefs, tied like a ribbon.

By the way, the characteristic decor, which used spectacular hairpins, bright hair bands and veils - is also a sign of that decade.

How to make a haircut in the style of the 50s for short hair

Hairstyles of the 50s for short hair are also distinguished by the graphic quality and clarity of the pattern, the most popular, as well as today in that decade were the hairstyles of the cut elongated “square”. Laying such haircuts, keeping the style of "retro" can be different. A very elegant pattern gives the classic “cold wave” styling, which is not the first time back in trends - it first appeared in the 20s of the last century.

In order to create such a styling, the entire volume of hair must be curled into large curlers, moving from the face to the back of the head and placing the curls inside. After removing the curlers, you must carefully brush your hair, forming smooth, flowing soft waves. Particular attention is paid to the side strands, if necessary, they should be additionally rolled up in neat curls. Such styling can also be supplemented with a wide beautiful hoop, pulling the hair away from the forehead and forming a small neat roller above the forehead. Open faces, emphasizing the oval contours of laying - these are also signs of the style of that era.

See how elegantly styled classic hairstyles in the style of the 50s in these photos:

The second way to make a hairstyle in the style of the 50s, as for short and short hair, will require the creation of additional volume at the top of the head and clear, graphic curls at the ends of the strands. To create volume, it’s not at all necessary to do bouffant as the women of the fifties did. On washed and slightly dried hair, apply a little styling medium fixation, distributing it from root to tip of the strands. The volume can be created with the help of large curlers or a hair dryer with a brushing nozzle - it is also important to take the hair away from the face as in the first styling variant, forming a volume at the crown or at the cheekbones. The choice of such a pattern depends only on the type of your face and where you want to place accents. Such styling is also perfectly complemented by a ribbon, a scarf or a wide hair band. The ends of the strands must be gently pushed out using curlers or forceps, forming a smooth wave, emphasizing the pattern of the "square" haircut.

The appearance of bangs was a real sensation in the women's fashion of that era, until that time only small girls wore them, and in the fifties they were worn by the most stylish women of all ages. The bangs in the spirit of the 50s — rather short, thick, and trimmed strictly in a straight line — were still far from asymmetrical and complex variants.

The emergence of a new trend, as often happens, has contributed to the cinema, or rather the image of the movie star Audrey Hepburn. In the movie "Roman Holiday", in which she played the role of a princess, Audrey cut her long, gorgeous hair right in the frame. A short "square" with a neat bangs surprisingly exactly fit the image of a modern princess. Laying such a haircut in the spirit of "retro" also has its own characteristics, but to make such hairstyles of the 50s with your own hands is a snap.

Straight bangs in such styling are combined with curls laid in neat curls at the back of the head. You can curl them in any way, achieving a clear, regular curls. Carefully comb the curls and secure them just below the ears with invisible hairpins.

Fashion is back! Top 5 hairstyles 50 years relevant today

hairstyles 50 years

The 50s of the twentieth century - the post-war period, when Europe was finally able to sigh with relief and enjoy peaceful times. The 50s are famous for their hairstyles, which still inspire hairdressers, fashionistas and Hollywood stars. We imitate the images of the actresses of that time, inspired by them and in fact return themselves long past fashion trends.

5 most popular hairstyles in the style of the 50s and 60s

Retro-style clothing (of course, in combination with appropriate make-up and hairstyle) became the hallmark of good taste and sophistication of a real lady. To create 50s look or 60s, not enough to wear a fluffy skirt or a dress in the peas: you also need to make up as they were painted in the 50s. Then you have to decide which hairstyle in the style of the 60s (50s) suits you best.

What hairstyles in the style of the 50s and 60s are most relevant today and how to make them yourself?

Hairstyle “shell with pile”

Hairdress "Cockleshell with a pile"

Cockleshell with velvet will look great with a dress with a neckline. Shell with a pile (it is also called the French shell) exposes the back of the head, lengthens the neck and looks elegant in combination with clothing and makeup in retro style.

60s Style Shell can not only make the owners of long hair, but also those girls and women who have medium-length hair.

To make a retro-style shell with a pile, you will need foam for fixing, hairpins, invisibility, a hairbrush and hairspray - to fix the result.

Legendary hairstyle in the style of the 50-60s - “like Marilyn Monroe”

Hairstyle of merlin monroe

Another truly legendary retro hairstyle in the style of the 50-60s is, of course, a hairstyle in the style of Merlin Monroe. To feel one hundred percent blonde in the best sense of the word - sexy, soft, mysterious, gentle and incredibly charismatic, be sure to make yourself somehow such a haircut, even if for this you have to dye your hair (of course, our advice applies only to those girls to whom a hairstyle in the style of Merlin Monroe in combination with blond hair would theoretically fit)!

How to make a hairstyle of Marilyn Monroe?

Wash your hair, then dry your hair lightly and apply styling spray on them. Wind up the curlers or make the curls of Merlin using ordinary curling. After your retro hairstyle in the style of Merlin Monroe is ready, fasten curls with strong hold hairspray.

Horsetail hairstyle in retro style

Instead of telling you how to do this hairstyle, we will show you a series of photos with step-by-step instructions. By the way, the “ponytail” hairstyle is perfect for celebrating the New Year 2014, the year of the Blue Wooden Horse!

Hairstyle "Horsetail in the style of the 50s-60s

How to make hair "horse tail"

We make boules

We pin hair

We continue to work on the hair.

"Horsetail" in the style of the 50's and 60's is ready!

We wish you extremely successful experiments!

Hairstyles 50 years: step by step instructions

Can retro be modern? Is it possible to learn something from the fashion for laying the times of our grandmothers? Hairstyles 50 years of the last century entered the history of singing female beauty and sophistication of real lady. The elegance of the image was characteristic of Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Bridget Bardot and many other contemporaries of the middle of the last century.

Features laying 50s

Starting from the Dior fashion collection presented at the end of the 40s, world fashion began to focus on the sophisticated and very feminine image of a contemporary, emphasizing outfits, make-up and hairstyles.

There are several milestones characteristic of fashionable hairstyles of the time:

  • bouffant,
  • wrapped bangs
  • large curls,
  • complex styling
  • decor with veil, ribbons,
  • high styling
  • clear design bangs.

Being like Marilyn Monroe

What is not a dream of many girls over several generations? What is needed for this? The basis of styling is shoulder-length cutting and a light shade of hair to match the image.

1. Wash your hair.

2. On still wet strands put mousse for styling.

3. Separate the strands and wind them into curlers (It is advisable to choose a sufficiently large size).

5. We disassemble hands into separate strands without the use of a comb and slightly beat them with our hands.

6. Finishes the image fixing varnish.

Hairstyle in the rhythm of rock and roll

Music lovers and just admirers of this direction will like the hairstyle, which will immediately distinguish its owner among the crowd.

1. Wash your hair.

2. Dry hair and apply mousse.

3. The strand is laid, forming a horseshoe at the crown.

4. The remaining mass of hair is combed, opening the temples and ears.

5. Dissolve the fixed hair and divide it into 3 parts.

6. Dry them so that the roots create volume.

7. The side strands are fixed in the tail.

8. Long strands in front of the head are placed with a visor and sprayed with varnish.

Hairstyles 50 years: horse tail

Hairstyles 50 years - it is not only careful styling, but also as simple as a horse's tail. The tails of the 50s were made quite high, very often the hair was coiled large, creating the effect of elegant curls in the tail.

If the density of their own hair was not enough, then the girls used hairpieces. The tail could be decorated with ribbons or flowers.

His majesty bouffant: what you do not know

In the 50s, bouffanting started to become a rather massive hobby among not only young girls, but also respectable ladies. In most cases, women of fashion trusted creation of such masterpieces to hairdressers in beauty salons.

For large bouffant, additional fixation with studs and varnish was required. What did you do if your hair volume was sorely lacking? Fashionable ladies wore not only hairpieces on their heads, but also fixed additional designs to add volume. You will be surprised, but even stockings were used.

Beehives hairstyle was covered with a large number of varnish, but still tried to wear it very carefully. Without dismantling the structure, they even went to bed. And the design could last a whole week!

This styling is performed on the basis of the pile at the top. There are several variants of hairstyle - with hair gathered at the top or with curls.

1. All hair mass is combed.

2. Comb a strand on the top and front.

3. The front of the hair is combed back smoothly, but without removing the volume.

4. Bundling collected, give it a neat look.

5. Hair tucked under the pile.

6. Fastening - studs.

7. For full compliance with the style of the 50s, you can tie a ribbon.

Hipsters - this is a whole direction, which is subject to styling and long and short hair. The use of bouffant and hair decoration ribbon in tone to the along will help make the image organic.


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