
Hair masks with moisturizing effect


Dry hair brings to its owner no less problems than oily. That's only in the latter case, the problem can be solved by a banal washing of the head and the use of drying balms, while scissors will be a real salvation from the dried ends.

Causes of Dryness

Experts say - the reasons for the mass. This is a hot summer sun, literally burning out of every hair a drop of moisture, and the regular use of hair dryers, irons, tongs and other styling tools. This also includes unbalanced nutrition. Lack of vitamins affects the condition of the hair. If the problem of dryness is established and professionally confirmed, it is advisable to use moisturizing and nourishing hair masks.

How to moisturize your hair?

Few people want to go out with a shapeless nest on the head of unbridled dry curls. To hairstyle has always been neat and well-groomed, it is necessary to provide proper care to hair.

Confidently deciding to overcome the problem of dry strands, the girl is faced with even more choice - to use professional or folk methods?

First of all, you need to answer the question, how much are you willing to spend on hair care? Professional products are not cheap. And the effect of a dubious grandmother's recipe may be radically opposite.

The principle of operation of professional masks

The active ingredients in the composition of professional moisturizing hair masks restore the damaged structure, seal and smooth the cuticle, imbue with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, stimulate growth, strengthen the bulbs. They act in a complex and radically change the hair in a short period of time.

Why precisely mask? In contrast to conditioners, balms and serums, a dense, dense composition is applied for a longer period, which allows beneficial active substances to penetrate deep into the hair structure and have the most effective effect.

Moisturizing mask for dry hair professional sample contains in its composition a high concentration of active ingredients, and harmful synthetic additives at least.

The best masks for moisturizing oily hair

Fatty strands also need to be moistened. Dry, dehydrated tips often coexist with oily scalp. Before going to the salon for expensive masks from brands with a world name, you can resort to the folk "medicine". Enough in a glass of warm water pour a tablespoon of mustard powder. Moisturizing mask for dry hair should be applied on the head and evenly distributed over the entire length, cover the treated area with a plastic bag and leave for 30 minutes.

There is a great "summer" recipe. To the finely chopped parsley add one tablespoon of vodka and twice the amount of castor oil. The tool is rubbed into the roots and left for 10-15 minutes.

Kaaral offer

Alternative professional moisturizing hair mask presented by the manufacturer Kaaral - Purify Hydra Deep Nourish Mask will provide an intensive recovery even of dry lifeless strands with signs of fatness at the roots in record time. The product has the strongest moisturizing, reconstructing, nourishing and regenerating characteristics. The pro-active formula has a memory effect and seals the moisture inside the hair capsule, which provides a long lasting effect.

Each curl will be effectively relaxed and pleasantly surprised elasticity. Suitable for colored hair. Artificial pigment inside will not be leached. Nourishing moisturizing mask from the famous cosmetic brand belongs to the category of Purify.

The indisputable advantage of the product described is its absolute ecological purity. There are no artificial components, preservatives, paraffin, chemical dyes, thickeners and flavors. They are successfully replaced by natural complexes of plant extracts with a healing effect, essential oils, amino acids, proteins, collagen, etc.

How to apply?

By ordering products on the official website or from a personal hairdresser, a woman can successfully apply it at home. So, a small amount of the mask should be evenly distributed on wet hair and stand for 5-8 minutes. After this time, the product should be washed off with water. The optimal frequency of use - 2-3 times a week.

Masks for moistening the tips

Dry whipped hair ends are perhaps the most common hair problem in the fair sex. Effective prevention is the systematic shortening of 1-2 cm length. Unfortunately, often resorting to this method, it will be extremely difficult to grow long hair. To help braids to the waist - a mask for the hair with olive oil. An alternative can be burdock and flax. Warm product should be applied to the tips, evenly distribute the comb and leave for half an hour. At the end of time, the oil should be thoroughly rinsed with shampoo and warm water.

Brelil Numero Hair Mask

To speed up and consolidate the effect of the use of oil will help cosmetic professional sample. Brelil Numero hair mask will provide a revolutionary restoration of dull damaged curls, nourish them with unique vitamins and minerals, protect against the problem of split ends. The product envelops each hair with an invisible film that protects it from negative environmental factors and prevents the removal of moisture. Vitamins of natural origin in the composition will have a therapeutic effect, restore vital functions, fill with beauty and health. The radiance and brilliance of each strand will be appreciated by everyone who sees you!

The product has a creamy texture, easy to apply, does not leave sticky and greasy residue after. A pleasant unobtrusive fragrance will give pleasure to the procedure of personal care.

The active ingredient in the composition of professional moisturizing hair mask - shea butter. The fatty acids with which the ingredient is rich have a unique ability to penetrate into the structure of the strands, providing a comprehensive nutrition and hydration from root to tip.

The use of the tool will not create problems even for a user without special skills. It is enough to put the cream on the hair washed and dried with a towel, spread over the entire length using a comb, to pay special attention to the tips. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with plenty of warm water.

Kerastase Nutritive

The described product is mast hev for owners of dry sensitive hair. Highly effective cosmetic product from the French beauty lab provides innovative nutrition to each strand and increases the endurance of sensitive hair.

At the heart of Kerastase Nutritive are active ingredients from environmentally friendly plantations, the synergistic combination of which gives a truly miraculous effect.

For example, a tandem of lipids, proteins and natural oils normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level, restarts the hydrolipid fullness, strengthens the internal structure, intensively moisturizes and nourishes, and prevents the loss of moisture in the future.

Silicone as one of the active substances has excellent strengthening properties, reliably protects hair from ultraviolet radiation.

Professional moisturizing hair mask from Kerastase is a real chance to give your hair the desired silkiness and smoothness, and curls - enviable elasticity and lightness!

Recommendations for use: after washing the head, a small amount of the mask (depending on the length and volume of the hair) should be distributed among the hands, grabbing the hair from the roots, smoothly passing between the fingers to the tips. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times. Wash off with water.

Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure

The mask to restore the structure of the hair and their complex moisturizing from the company with a world name "Schwarzkopf" managed to catch the fancy of thousands of women for democratic cost and instant results.

Deeply penetrating professional hair mask with olive oil is ideal for dehydrated hair that needs restructuring after a systematic mechanical or chemical adverse effects.

The adaptive creamy consistency of the product provides easy application, comprehensive care and intensive restoration. It is proven that Chwarzkopf Professional Bonacure hair mask delivers 35% more nutrients to the cell than balms or conditioners. Thus, mask care is more intense and effective. The strength of damaged and brittle hair is increased by 27%.

The Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure hair mask contains the following components:

  1. Protein complex CURA + reconstructs and strengthens hair.
  2. Panthenol provides basic moisturizing, disinfection and soothing scalp.
  3. The QCA grooming complex helps to smooth the uneven hair structure.
  4. Proteolipids complexly moisturize, "seal" the moisture inside the cell, keeping the result for a long time.
  5. Amine technology restores damaged areas, promotes timely cell repair.
  6. Olive oil gives elasticity and healthy shine.

As in the previous cases, there will be no problems with using the mask. Thick composition will need to be applied to wetted hair, evenly distributed over the entire surface. Part of the mask gently massage into the roots. Leave on for 10-15 minutes for high-quality penetration of the operating components. Wash off with warm water. The optimal frequency of use - every second shampooing.

Progressive departure from L'Oreal Professionnel

The product is intended for thick, dry hair, suffering daily not only from the lack of proper care, but also from the wrong lifestyle of their owner - abuse of fast food, smoking, stress, failure to comply with sleep patterns, etc. Hair mask "L'Oreal" envelops each strand, giving it food and reliable protection from negative environmental factors. Cationic polymers strengthen the structure, reducing hair loss and breakage of hair by half. The result of regular use of a cosmetic is the return of natural elasticity, elasticity and brilliant shine.

Absalut Repair Lipidium Loreal hair mask is enriched with plant keratins and ceramides that regenerate the hair structure and strengthen the fibers from the inside. Lactic acid is responsible for increasing the strength and elasticity of curls.

The uniqueness of the product lies in the high efficiency of interaction with curly dry hair. A special lipid formula will improve their condition, transform, give flowing silkiness.

The result of applying the mask will be noticeable after the first use. After taking a bath or shower, apply a little thick composition to your hair, distribute as follows, put on a cellophane cap and leave for half an hour. After rinse with water. The effect will exceed all your highest expectations.

What ingredients can moisten hair?

Among the many folk remedies used in the home, the following are especially good at retaining moisture:

1. Fermented milk products. Hair mask with kefir, natural yoghurt or yogurt provides the correct hydro-balance in the strands, strengthens them and prevents the cross-section of the tips. It is important to choose a product with a small percentage of fat.

2. Natural oils. There are many options - almond and apricot, wheat germ oil, olive, castor and sea buckthorn, and many others. The use of moisturizing and firming masks provides lipid balance of the scalp, intensively saturates the cells with fatty acids and vitamins. It is good to add jojoba extract, essential essences to the base product. Recipes moisturizing masks for dry hair suggest that the main ingredient should be heated to a warm state in a water bath and only then applied to the hair.

3. Arnica. This plant includes a variety of amino acids and oils, vegetable protein, minerals and tannins. Strengthening the hair in the composition of the moisturizing mask, it simultaneously moisturizes them.

4. Honey It has a number of important properties: it is a soft natural immunomodulator, it increases defenses and optimizes cell metabolism, nourishes them with vitamins. Using this natural delicacy as part of homemade masks, do not forget about the following precautions: firstly, check if you have an allergic reaction to the product, secondly, by heating the honey, do not overdo it: in this case it will release carcinogenic substances.

5. Egg yolk. The most important natural remedy: inexpensive, affordable and very useful. Contains lycetin, vitamins, trace elements, fights dandruff, gives shine, well retains moisture in the cells. The use of moisturizing and nourishing masks with yolk at home suggests careful separation of the product from the protein: the latter will be curtailed under the influence of warm water, and combing it out of the strands after washing will not be immediately.

Rules for the use of moisturizing masks at home

Natural recipes require preparation immediately before applying the composition to the hair. It’s better not to cook for future use, keep the mixture in the refrigerator: they quickly deteriorate and lose their useful properties. Home masks are applied only to the hair, if the scalp is not dry. Otherwise, they need to be rubbed into the roots with light massage movements for 3-5 minutes.

Most users, according to reviews, keep moisturizing and restoring masks on the strands before washing them. This is convenient, but the beneficial substances will be much more intense if the mixture is applied to wet hair after washing. Of course, this will take more time, since you will have to wash your head, however, the result will be much more impressive.

Moisturizing hair mask is best applied at home once a week. It is recommended to keep the composition under a plastic cap and a warm towel, which is periodically heated by a hairdryer.

Recipes Masks with a moisturizing effect

  • Nourishing and firming mask.

Castor oil and glycerin in a 2: 1 ratio are mixed, a little fruit vinegar and slightly beaten yolk are added. The mixture is applied to strands and roots, insulated with polyethylene and a terry towel, aged for about 40 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly.

  • Moisturizing express hair mask.

This recipe is easy to apply at home, especially if the acquisition and mixing of a large number of ingredients do not have time. Take any natural oil, best castor, almond, olive or burdock. Preheat it to a comfortable temperature. After that, the oil should be applied to the strands, rub into the roots and hold under the cap and towel for about an hour. Wash off the hair mask with shampoo several times.

  • Moisturizing mask for dry and dyed hair with yogurt.

The recipe includes a fermented milk product (the use of kefir or yogurt is permissible, but it is better to take yogurt). Mix it with a pair of tablespoons of heated olive oil and one - liquid honey. The hair mask is aged for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Especially intensely affects damaged and overdried strands. Half a cup of natural yoghurt at room temperature should be mixed with aloe juice and coconut oil (1 tbsp), add the yolk, slightly warm the mixture. The use of such a hair mask is most effective on wet and clean hair. Aged for about an hour, then washed off.

  • Moisturizing mask for damaged hair with arnica.

Give strands strength and elasticity, restore the integrity of keratin scales, saturate the roots with vitamins, using tincture of arnica, yolk and castor oil in approximately the same proportion (arnica sometimes take a little more). A heated hair mask is applied to the head and strands an hour before washing.

  • Moisturizing mask for colored hair.

Take a little cognac and aloe juice, add any natural oil, mix and heat. Apply such a moisturizing mask on the hair is about an hour. According to reviews, the composition with brandy refreshes the color and makes it more expressive.

  • Moisturizing mask for greasy hair.

This type of scalp has its own nuances. It is better not to use oils in moisturizing masks, you can add protein to the yolk (it will be necessary to rinse with cool water), a little lemon juice is good to drip. The ideal mixture would be arnica, aloe, egg, honey. When washing away such a hair mask, pour a little lemon juice into the shampoo and conditioner.

“Moisturizing and restoring masks in my beauty ration for more than 10 years. I can say with certainty: I have no problems with hair. I buy the simplest shampoos, but in masks I use good honey, fresh eggs and natural oils. The result makes me happy. I would not trade it for a single salon. "

“Every week I need a moisturizing mask - my hair is very dry. I understand that at home doing such procedures is cheap and effective, a lot of good reviews. But it is uncomfortable for me! A lot of time and effort is spent, and I come home from work at night. I prefer to go to the salon once a week, specialists make me a mask. ”

Marianna, Nizhny Novgorod.

“When I went on maternity leave, I wanted to take care of myself, without spending extra money. I read reviews and popular recipes. I realized that it is easy to make firming masks at home: you need a little self-organization, that's all. I use yolk, honey, sometimes brandy, arnica, almond oil. The result is great! Now all my friends use my moisturizing mask. ”

“I have dry dandruff, and no drugs from the pharmacy helped me. On the advice of a beautician, she started making weekly masks for dry hair with oils and eggs. A month later, dandruff almost disappeared. I'm just happy! Now such procedures are an obligatory ritual twice a week. The most interesting thing is that at a cost price a moisturizing mask is several times more profitable than purchased products. ”

“I am a specialist myself, I have been working with hair for a decade and a half. I never recommend customers to buy masks for dry hair. Yolk, oil, herbs - this is the recipe for real beauty! I indulge myself with such a thing about once a week. ”

Why does hair need moisturizing?

For healthy growth and development of hair they need nutrients and moisture. If the curls lack these substances, they become dry, brittle and lifeless, often fall out, become naughty and get confused when combing. Such problems arise because of frequent staining, clarification, or the use of a hair dryer, curling iron, or other heating devices.

Individual features of the body (impaired metabolism, hormonal changes, avitaminosis, etc.) or external factors (exposure to UV rays, excessive dryness or temperature changes) also lead to deterioration of the hair.

There is a huge range of such products on the cosmetics market, but not all are satisfied with such masks: they are not suitable for someone due to the presence of allergy to components, others simply don’t trust manufacturers, and still others want to use only natural masks. In this article we will tell you how to prepare a moisturizing hair mask on your own.

Moisturizing hair mask: what is it, what are its features?

Such a cosmetic product is a product containing organic oils that can perfectly moisturize the scalp and hair. Along with this, it should contain vitamins, trace elements and minerals that are vital for the healthy growth and development of curls.

These funds are used not only in summerwhen curls are exposed to direct sunlight, a strong dry wind and temperature, but also in winter - when drying by the hair dryer, laying, use of headdresses, hair also lose their moisture and become lifeless.

The lack of moisture in the upper layer of the epidermis disrupts blood circulation, metabolism, and can lead to dandruff. Therefore, it is important that the hair and skin adequately receive the hydration and nourishment that a moisturizing hair mask can give.

The following are the most popular and effective moisturizing hair masks that can be prepared independently from natural foods and plants. The main thing is to properly observe the dosage, recommendations and procedures described in recipes.

Anti-dry mask for porous (curly and curly) hair based on honey and olive oil

Olive fruit oil is a natural product that perfectly moisturizes the skin and scalp, as well as gives shine and shine to energy. In combination with honey, which has in its composition a huge amount of nutrients and minerals, these two components perfectly cope with dry and lifeless hairstyles. After applying such a mask, the hair gain energy, smoothness and obedience.

Ingredients for making masks:

  • White honey (or buckwheat) - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Quail eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Olive oil (first extraction) - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Vitamins "A" and "E" - 1 ampoule (can be purchased at any pharmacy).

Cooking method: separate the yolks from the proteins and mix them with 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice and olive oil. Honey is heated in a microwave to form a viscous consistency, then add it to the mixture and bring everything to a homogeneous mass.

Moisturizing oil mask for hair, with a quick effect, based on egg yolk

Masks, containing in their composition egg yolks, proved to be very positive. The yolk is rich in vitamins and trace elements that perfectly nourish and restore the structure of damaged strands.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Glycerin - 1 tbsp. spoon (purchased at the pharmacy).
  • Chicken Egg - 1 pc.
  • Burdock (or castor) oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method: separate the yolk, whisk it in a blender, adding glycerin and butter. Combine the mixture with apple cider vinegar and bring to a uniform consistency.

This mask gives instant results after its use. It covers each hair with a protective film, thereby creating the effect of lamination on the curls, protecting them from the aggressive effects of external factors.

Mask for lifeless and badly damaged hair based on kefir and oatmeal

Kefir is a fermented milk product containing in its composition antioxidants and protein constituents, which perfectly moisturize and saturate the hair and skin of the head with various beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Oatmeal is rich in nutrients and fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the structure of the curls.

Ingredients for making masks:

  • Kefir 3-5% (for oily hair - non-fat or 1%) - 100 ml.
  • Oatmeal - 30 grams (about 3 tablespoons).

Cooking method: grind flakes to a powdery state and fill them with kefir. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes, after which the agent can be applied to the curls, preheating it in a microwave to 45-50 degrees.

Mode of application

To achieve the desired result, the tool must be applied to wet hair, immediately after shampooing.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. After shampooing, dry your hair so that it stays a little wet. Carefully comb them with a soft comb (it is best to use a wooden or glass comb).
  2. Apply the composition to the hair and skin, evenly distributing it across their surface. If the texture of the mask turned out to be fluid, then it is convenient to apply the mask with a cosmetic brush.
  3. After application, collect the hair in a bun on the back of the head and warm it with polyethylene, and on top of it with a towel or any warm cloth. Wait 25-30 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, rinse the mask from the hair with warm water using any balsam-conditioner.
  5. Dry your hair with a towel and let it dry on its own.

If the problem with dryness has arisen only in the scalp, then the mask should be applied only to the curls, avoiding its contact with the skin.


  • Damage to the skin (viral, fungal, mechanical).
  • Allergy to a specific ingredient.
  • Individual intolerance.

Similar products described in this article are excellent moisturizers for hair and skin of the head. This tool eliminates the hair from the problems of dryness and lifeless condition, fills it with useful trace elements and vitamins. It is important to remember one thing - in the presence of internal pathologies of the body, which cause problems with hair, first of all you need to eliminate these problems, and apply moisturizing masks as an aid to the main treatment.

Who needs moisturizers?

Who needs homemade masks to moisturize hair? This tool will help preserve or restore the beauty of the curls:

  • if they have undergone chemical dyeing, straightening or curling,
  • if the strands become dull, have lost their luster and elasticity,
  • if it is not possible to dry the strands naturally and often have to use a hairdryer,
  • if you neglect the need to wear a headdress in the summer,
  • if you are swimming or swimming in the sea,
  • in the cold season.

Probably, many have seen in advertising shampoo what hair looks like under magnification. The structure of the hair resembles a fir cone. In healthy hair, “scales” fit snugly to the core, but if there is a lack of moisture, the scales move away from the base, as a result, the strands look dull, tangled and broken.

Thus, moisturizing hair masks are a strand care product that absolutely everyone needs. Regardless of color, structure and type of hair. Hair that is not moisture deficient looks healthier, they are elastic, easier to stack.

Rules of the procedure

When planning to use at home, masks and other popular recipes for moisturizing the strands, you must first get acquainted with the rules of their implementation. They are simple, but if they are not followed, the effectiveness of the procedures will be reduced.

  • Choosing recipes hair moisturizing masks should consider your hair type. So, if the strands are fat, you should include in the compositions products containing acid - fermented milk products, juice of citrus or sour berries, apple cider vinegar. If there is an increased dryness of the hair, then the prerequisite is the presence of fatty components - vegetable oil, egg yolk. Nutrition hair will provide the presence of components such as aloe juice, honey, herbal extracts.
  • Prepare the composition you need immediately before applying, it is not possible to store formulations (unless specifically stated in the recipe) for more than three hours.
  • Wash your hair before applying and let them dry a little naturally. If the strands are clean and slightly wet, then the active ingredients of the moisturizing masks will be absorbed better.
  • Apply to the entire volume of the hair. In this case, if the strands are combined, that is too fat at the roots and dried at the ends, you will have to prepare two types of masks of different composition.
  • A prerequisite for the procedure is insulation. It is necessary to wrap the hair with a film (it is convenient to use a plastic cap for a shower or a regular plastic bag that needs to be cut for ease of use), and then put something warm on top. You can simply wrap your head with a towel on a heated towel rail or wear a wool cap.
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the recipe.So, oil masks for restoring overdried strands can be held up to 8 hours, it is convenient to do them at night. But the compositions, which include drying additives, too long to hold should not be enough to keep the composition for about an hour.
  • Flush with or without shampoo (depending on the composition), but the water in any case should not be too hot.
  • You need to do the procedures regularly. As a prevention, it is enough to carry them out once a week. And if the hair has undergone a negative impact (for example, dyeing), then you need to moisturize it more often, every three days.

We present the time-tested recipes that will help to nourish hair with moisture and restore their natural beauty.

For dried hair strands

To moisturize and restore dry hair should be prepared with the composition of oils. It is necessary to mix in equal quantities three types of vegetable oils - burdock, olive, castor. The number of ingredients is determined by the length of the hair.

Oil is heated to the composition became warm, and gently distribute the strands. We carry out warming and keep from one to eight hours. Wash off with shampoo.

Universal composition with kefir

Universal mask for moisturizing hair from kefir suitable for any type of strands. It perfectly restores, smoothes scales, fills with moisture.

Kefir should be slightly warmed (not overheating, as fermented milk products roll up when heated to 50 degrees and above) and apply to the strands. If the hair is very dry, then you can add a spoonful of vegetable oil (any unrefined) to a half cup of kefir.

Regenerating composition

If the strands not only need to be moisturized, but also damaged, a mask to moisturize the hair with honey, aloe and yolk will help solve the problem.

Preparing this composition on the basis of any fermented milk product. You can take sour milk, yogurt or sour cream. For half a cup of product you need to add one yolk, beat. Pour melted honey (10 grams) and juice obtained from aloe leaves (20 ml).

If you need emergency help

If the appearance of the hair does not please, and today you need to look stunning, a mask for intensive moisturizing hair with gelatin and vitamins will help. You need to purchase in a pharmacy oil solutions of vitamins A and E. In addition, you will need coconut oil.

First of all, let's do gelatin. Fill the spoon with this product with warm water (100 ml) and leave to swell. Then we heat up to complete dissolution of gelatin (it is convenient to do this in the microwave, but it is possible and on the stove, the main thing is not to let the solution boil). Add to the solution a spoonful of melted coconut oil, and ten drops of each of the vitamins. Apply the length, trying to ensure that the composition does not fall on the scalp, hold for forty minutes.

Express composition with instant effect

Another version of the mask, which gives an instant result, is prepared on the basis of olive oil. A couple of spoons of oil (for longer hair may need more) to warm up, so that it becomes warm. Add a beaten egg, a teaspoon of glycerin and as much apple cider vinegar. Keep the composition for forty minutes.

For strands prone to fat

Oily hair needs to be moisturized no less than dry. To maintain the water balance strands prone to fat, you should use a tomato mask. It will take two tomatoes. They need to be dipped in boiling water for a minute to make it easier to remove the skin. Shred the fruit in a blender and rub through a colander or sieve to remove the seeds.

To the obtained tomato mass, you need to add freshly squeezed carrot juice (half a cup) and a spoonful of unrefined vegetable oil. Keep such a composition on the hair should be no more than twenty minutes.

For moisturizing and anti-greasiness

Another composition for strands prone to fat, is prepared on the basis of blue cosmetic clay and brandy. Four tablespoons of clay should be poured with warm water so that a mass resembles the consistency of homemade sour cream. Then pour into the mass two tablespoons of brandy and mix. The duration of the procedure using this mask is thirty minutes.

Indelible mask for hair ends

An effective mask for moisturizing the ends of the hair is applied to the ends after washing and drying the hair; it is not necessary to wash it off. The composition is prepared from a decoction of herbs. If the hair is dark, then nettle, St. John's wort, sage and wormwood should be used. Blondes in this collection should be replaced with nettle chamomile.

The collection is prepared from dry herbs, they are mixed in equal quantities. Spoon the finished collection pour half a glass of boiling water, warm up, putting the dishes in the water bath for five minutes, cool the infusion is filtered. In the cooled solution add five drops of oil solutions of vitamins E and A. Shake. It is convenient to place the cooked in the composition in a bottle with a spray, you can store in the refrigerator no more than a week.

Fruit composition

The life-giving power of the fruit will help to restore colored hair. It will take half a banana, about 150 grams of peeled melon, half the fruit of an avocado. Peeled fruits are whipped in a blender until mashed. In mashed potatoes add a spoonful of almond oil and the same amount of kefir or natural yogurt. Beat and distribute by strands. Keep the composition on the hair for about an hour.

Berry composition

Fresh berries of red rowan will not only moisten the strands, but also provide the roots with vitamins and minerals. Mash half a cup of fresh berries, squeeze the juice out of them, filter it through a strainer. Mix the juice with the yolk and a spoon of melted honey. All whisk and distribute the strands, rubbing into the roots. Keep about an hour.

Which masks are better - professional or home?

Definitely answer this question is difficult. The structure and type of hair is different for everyone. A high-quality mask, acquired in a professional store, can ideally work on the hair of a single girl and give a completely different result on the hair that is similar in type and structure to the other. The same can be said about homework.

Advantages of home masks:

  • Availability,
  • Cheapness
  • Natural composition.

  • Have to tinker a little with the making,
  • Possible allergies to any component, such as honey.

The advantages of professional masks:

  • Ease of use,
  • The speed of exposure.

  • Expensive price
  • Not the most natural composition.

It is difficult to predict what will suit your hair. Here it is necessary to try different options, because there are worthy representatives among professional and homemade masks.

Homemade moisturizing hair masks are highly desirable for all girls once a month. for prophylaxis regardless of hair type, and owners of dry curls from nature, as well as girls who abuse coloring and thermal types of styling will not interfere with the use of moisturizing masks 1-2 times a week.

Today we will look at the recipes of some of the best moisturizing hair masks at home, which you can make from scrap at hand.

The simplicity and convenience of their use will save time and money on going to the salon, and the resulting effect can surpass the salon result.

Moisturizing mask for hair tips based on carrot juice

In carrot juice a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.. Its healing properties are good for regeneration of the hair structure. This recipe enlivens the dry ends of the curls, making them smooth, shiny and docile.

  • Fresh carrot juice
  • Any vegetable oil.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and massage the solution into the hair tips. Soak the composition from half an hour to an hour and wash your hair with warm water.

Based on colorless henna

Colorless henna is known for its beneficial effects on hair. She is possesses firming properties, gives the hair a shining look and shine, “tips up” hair tips. This recipe is suitable for owners of dry and layered tips.

  • Colorless henna
  • 2-3 tsp a liquid solution of vitamins A and E,
  • 2 tbsp. almond oil.

Colorless henna fill with boiling water until a thick consistency. Cover with something and wait a quarter of an hour. Heat the oil a little and pour in the resulting solution.

As a result, a liquid paste should be formed, in which it is necessary to add vitamins. The product is stored in a dark place, tightly clogged. Use once a week, keeping at the ends for 2-3 hours.

With brandy

Cognac adds shine and radiance to the curls and can even enhance the color of the colored strands, while the yolk intensively nourishes the curls, moisturizing them.

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • 100 ml of brandy,
  • one egg yolk.

Mix all ingredients and distribute the mixture into strands. Leave the mask on your head for 20-30 minutes and wash your head with warm water.

Nourishing mask

This option will be a lifesaver for girls experimenting with frequent staining. Its components nourish and care for the hair.

You will need:

  • a piece of ripe banana,
  • part of ripe avocado
  • egg yolk.

Combine all the ingredients, rubbing them carefully, and massage them evenly into strands. Wrap a towel. Keep the mixture on the head for about 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Gelatin based

  • 1 tbsp gelatin,
  • 1 tbsp. coconut or castor oil,
  • 20 drops of a mixture of vitamins A and E,
  • Half a cup of warm water.

Soak gelatin in water and let it swell completely. Next, heat it until the lumps disappear. Pour the rest of the mask into the cooled mass. Lubricate all hair. Wrap the head with the applied mixture with plastic wrap and pull on a warm cap from above. Sit with a mask from half an hour to an hour, and then wash it off from the head.

Based on fermented milk products

Required components:

  • Half a cup of any dairy product,
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 1 tbsp. melted honey.

Combine the components together and brush the entire length of hair. Wrap the head with the applied mixture with plastic wrap and pull on a warm cap from above. Sit with a mask from half an hour to an hour, and then wash it off from the head.

Moisturizing hair mask with aloe juice

  • Half a cup sour cream,
  • 1 tbsp. l coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp. fresh aloe juice
  • 1 egg yolk.

Melt the coconut oil to a liquid state and pour the remaining ingredients into it. Massage the resulting mass into strands. Wrap the head with the applied mixture with plastic wrap and pull on a warm cap from above. Sit with a mask from half an hour to an hour, and then wash it off from the head.

A few more options for masks:

  • fresh onion juice,
  • liquid honey
  • any vegetable oil
  • and the yolk of one egg.

Combine all the components together and massage into strands. Sit for 30-40 minutes with a mask on your head and wash it off.

Highly moisturizing oil based hair mask

The most moisturizing and nourishing hair masks are made from oils. For example, this saturates the hair with useful substances and gives it shine and radiance.

  • 2 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 2 tbsp. castor oil
  • 10 capsules of vitamin A,
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E,
  • one egg yolk,
  • 2 tbsp. liquid honey
  • Fresh juice of half a lemon.

All components combine and lubricate.
hair length Wrap a head with the applied mixture with cling film and pull on a warm hat from above. Sit with a mask for half an hour, and then wash it off from the head.

Based on arnica tincture

The mask of arnica tincture has an active moisturizing effect due to the content in it of a large number of biologically active substances.. This option helps even overdried tattered curls.

  • 3 tbsp. Arnica tinctures,
  • 2 tbsp. any vegetable oil
  • yolks of two eggs.

Combine all the components of the mask and grease the entire length of hair. Wrap the head with the applied mixture with plastic wrap and pull on a warm cap from above. Sit with a mask for half an hour, and then wash it off from the head.

Express mask

The recipe for this mask is simple, but very effective. Oils and yolk nourish dry curls, and mayonnaise enhances the moisturizing effect.

You will need:
1 tbsp

  • olive oil,
  • castor oil
  • mayonnaise,
  • and the yolk of one egg.

Mix components and massage the mixture into strands. Wrap your head in plastic and warm with warm material. Leave it to work for 20 minutes and then rinse the composition with shampoo.

On the basis of kefir

Kefir perfectly moisturizes curls and struggles with their fragility due to the content of yeast, vitamins and lactic acid sticks.

  • 300-500 ml of kefir,
  • egg yolk,
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Mix the products together and distribute over the scalp. Leave 30-40 minutes on the head and then wash them with warm water.

Super Moisturizing Avocado Hair Mask

Avocados work wonders with hair. Due to the high content of fatty acids, it intensively nourishes and moisturizes the strands, giving them perfect smoothness and silkiness. The mask is able to revive even the sheared locks.

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • 1 half of ripe avocado fruit,
  • 1 half of ripe banana,
  • 1 tbsp. l any vegetable oil (preferably olive or coconut),
  • 1 tbsp. l sour cream or homemade mayonnaise.

Finely chop the fruit to a puree consistency to facilitate further rinsing of the mixture. Add the remaining components and gently spread the mask across the strands. Wrap the head with the applied mixture in polyethylene and warm with warm material.

Mask must be kept from half an hour to an hour and then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse.

And here is another moisturizing mask for long hair:

Tips for eliminating excessive dryness

  • Do not subject your hair to frequent coloring. Wait at least 3 months before the next painting,
  • Use special moisturizing shampoos and rinses of the same series that complement each other,
  • After shampooing, it is necessary to apply an air conditioner or a balm, designed to “solder” the hair scales and protect its structure. For the same purpose, after washing, they are rinsed with a weak solution of vinegar diluted in cool water,
  • Minimize the use of hair dryers, tongs and other thermal devices. Using a hair dryer, use a cool or warm stream of air or let the hair dry naturally
  • Keep your hair from cold, heat, strong wind and ultraviolet radiation,
  • Eat properly and fully. The daily diet poor in protein and vitamins will adversely affect the quality of your hair,
  • Drink daily intake of water. Lack of fluid in the body will also affect the condition of the hair.

Perfectly smooth moisturized hair is not a dream, but the result of a little effort and patience. Beauty hair in your hands. The main thing is not to be lazy and the result will not take long!

The benefits of homemade moisturizing masks

  • Moisturizing hair mask at home will help to restore the hair, moisturize them, make it alive and shiny. Regular use of such procedures will make your curls look no worse than after salon procedures, and it will be much cheaper.
  • The challenge posed to homemade moisturizing compositions is to eliminate dryness, excessive fragility and dullness. They are designed to make the hair from the inside better along the length, reduce the number of split ends, make the hair long and docile and easily fit into any hairstyle.
  • Homemade moisturizing masks eliminate excessive dryness and excess oily skin of the scalp (if there is such a problem), strengthen the roots of the hair follicles and reduce the loss. Of course, there are special lotions, masks, emulsions for moisturizing the scalp and the very length, different procedures in beauty salons, but at home in the bathroom, subject to certain rules, it is easy to get an excellent result.

The composition of moisturizing masks

For masks with the effect of moisturizing hair there are a large number of ingredients:

  • Vegetable oils (often used castor, sea buckthorn, burdock and olive oils),
  • Broths, infusions, herbal hydrolates,
  • All dairy products (better suited yogurt or kefir). To reduce the smell, after the procedure, rinse the head with water with a small amount of lemon (lime and lime) juice (citric acid) or vinegar.,
  • Eggs (whole or just yolk),
  • Essential oils,
  • Honey (best used on the scalp slightly warmed),
  • Onion juice
  • Aloe juice
  • Gelatin and glycerin,
  • Mustard (in a very small amount to strengthen the hair follicles. Be sure to add fermented milk products, yolk, oils, so as not to overdry the scalp).
  • Vitamins in ampoules

These are products that are more often used to make homemade masks for the face, but not all. On the basis of these ingredients, which can be interconnected to achieve an optimal result, you will get wonderful compositions for moisturizing problem hair.

Basic rules when using moisturizing masks

In order for a homemade mask to moisturize your hair and bring a tangible effect, you need to follow some rules:

  • All products in the mask should be fresh, the shelf life should not be over, and she just cooked. All products should not cause allergic reactions.,
  • It is necessary to pre-select a suitable composition for moisture. If the hair is greasy, you do not need to use vegetable oils on the scalp , you can only tips. For dry it is irrelevant.,
  • All products for use must be warm, approximately 35-37 degrees Celsius. So they will have a positive effect faster and better. The mixture of consistency should look like sour cream, not have lumps,
  • Hair should be clean before using the moisturizing composition, unlike self-made blends with a different effect, slightly moist. Oily hair should be washed with a shampoo with a neutral composition, dry ones can be not washed, but only well combed with a brush with frequent teeth to remove dust.,
  • The mixture should be applied with a comb or by hand, with particular attention to the last 10 cm of hair. Do not pull them between the palms, trying to rub the composition. This way they only get damaged.,
  • After the moistening mixture has been applied, the head should be wrapped with cellophane and then with a warm towel. You can use a hair dryer for periodic warming.,
  • It is necessary to keep the mixture prepared by yourself on the head longer than the usual purchased masks: at least 20 minutes, and preferably about an hour. Natural products in the composition begin to act after the purchase of hair moisturizing products.,

Important to remember

  • Wash off the mixture using neutral,
    without sulfates, or baby shampoo, and then use for rinsing water at room temperature with decoction of herbs or 2-3 tbsp. quality table (9%) vinegar per liter of water. Such water will enhance the shine of the hair, closing the scales along the entire length.,
  • Apply moisturizing mixtures, personally prepared at home, should be once a week or 10 days for oily hair, or once every 4 days for dry hair. As a treatment, such procedures are done 2 times more often.,
  • It is possible to do treatments with the moisturizing effect of home cooking all year round, and not only in summer. In summer, the sun dries hair, and in winter, dry air in apartments, various styling products, have a harmful effect.,

The course of moisturizing treatments for treatment is approximately 8 weeks and 10-12 procedures. The result after home procedures will surely please. During the entire period, it is not necessary to dye or lighten the hair, otherwise the process of hair restoration will go very slowly or there will be no effect at all.

Moisturizing mask for dry hair

Moisturizing mask for dry hair should contain more fatty components (oils, fatty dairy products). It is better to do the procedures often, each time before washing the hair.

  1. Vinegar and glycerin. Glycerin with vinegar in an approximate ratio of 1: 1 shake with yolks of 2 chicken eggs. Mix and distribute through hair. Wrap and hold on the head for about 2 hours, warming periodically with a hairdryer.
  2. Banana and onion juice. The juice from one bulb mixed with the pulp of one ripe banana, add essential oils. Keep on the head for about an hour under a warm towel.
  3. Sour cream and onion juice. The composition is applied in 2 stages: first, a mixture of aloe juice and one onion in the same proportions, after 20 minutes, add a mixture of several spoons of sour cream and a pair of teaspoons of vodka. Leave for another hour. From the smell of onions will save water acidified with vinegar.
  4. Aloe and oil. Squeeze the juice of one leaf of aloe mixed with vegetable oil (any of your choice), add onion pulp. Spread the mixture through the hair and keep under a warm towel for at least 40 minutes. For rinsing, take water with vinegar added to it.
  5. Honey and butter. Beat the same amount of olive oil and honey, add yolk and chopped garlic as desired. The mixture can be left under a towel overnight.
  6. Gelatin and butter. A tablespoon of gelatin soaked in water (half a glass) and allow to swell. Then slightly heat the water bath until the lumps completely dissolve, pour a tablespoon of any oil and, if desired, oil solutions of vitamins from the pharmacy. The time of application of this recipe is 1 hour. Rinse the mixture with a mild shampoo.

Moisturizing mask for oily hair

This mask for hair, as well as moisturizing face mask at home for oily skin should contain more dairy products. No need to add oil, so as not to overload the hair.

  1. Rye flour and yolk. 100 gr. Flour rye flour or crumb of rye bread with water and leave to cool to a comfortable temperature, add 2 yolks of eggs, and if you wish, add a tablespoon of burdock oil to the mixture. Leave under the towel for an hour, rinse with warm water and use a suitable shampoo. Replace the water for rinsing infusion based nettle, calendula.
  2. Kefir. Take a small amount of kefir or yogurt, heat it up and apply a comb to all hair with a comb, and keep it under an warm towel for 1 hour. This simple composition will moisturize and give shine and obedience to the entire length of the hair.
  3. Egg and lemon. One fork beaten up with lemon juice. Keep the mixture under the towel for half an hour, periodically warming it up with a hairdryer. After washing your hair with a suitable shampoo.
  4. Yogurt and flour. Shake half a cup of yogurt with a tablespoon of rye or oatmeal. Rinse the mixture out of the hair in an hour with clean, warm water without using a shampoo.
  5. Cucumber. Squeeze out the cucumber juice and rub it around the scalp in a circular motion. You need cucumber juice comb with small teeth to pull down from the roots along the entire length of the tips. Wrap your hair in a warm towel for about half an hour.
  6. Kefir and yolk. Mix yolks from 2 eggs with ½ cup of kefir. Keep under a warm towel for about an hour and rinse with clean water, skipping shampooing.

for normal hair

  1. Cucumber and banana. Mix cucumber juice with the pulp of one banana. Add 2 tbsp. olive oil. Keep the mixture on the hair for 40-50 minutes. Rinse the remnants of the composition with a shampoo with a neutral effect and comb well, as the banana is difficult to remove.
  2. Aloe and cognac. Aloe pulp mixed with kefir, yogurt or yogurt in the ratio 1: 2 (1 part aloe and 2 parts fermented milk product) and add 10 ml of brandy. Apply this liquid mixture to the hair roots and leave for an hour, periodically warming up with a hairdryer.
  3. Burdock and gelatin. 1st.l. dried burdock root pour ½ cup of hot water and leave for half an hour, covered with a lid. Apply the mixture and keep it on the head under a warm towel for one hour.
  4. Honey and avocado. Chop half of ripe avocado with a fork to a slurry and mix it with a tablespoon of good liquid honey. Heat to a warm state and distribute the mixture over all the hair to the tips and walk with your head covered with a towel for at least half an hour. Rinse your head well with warm (not hot!) Water.

Masks for damaged hair

Mixtures with a moisturizing effect for damaged hair or other hair treatments are doubly needed than even curls that are naturally dry. Frequency of use is better to add. You can use any of the above recipes according to the type (normal, oily or dry hair), but it is recommended to add different solutions of vitamins in ampoules purchased at the pharmacy. Due to this curls recover faster, will be more healthy and will be pleasant to the eye. There are several special masks:

  1. Cognac, yolk and honey. 2 tbsp natural good honey and sunflower oil mixed with yolks 2 eggs and 10 grams of brandy. It is good to rub liquid gruel into the roots of the hair and along the length of the hair and along the tips. Walk with a mask on your head for about an hour and rinse with a suitable shampoo.
  2. Coconut oil and yolk. Combine half a cup of yoghurt with a tablespoon of coconut oil heated to a liquid state and a tablespoon of the juice of one leaf of aloe, add the yolk from one chicken egg. Leave the mixture on the head under the towel for about one hour.
  3. Sour milk and butter. Half a glass of yogurt, preferably homemade, mix honey and vegetable oil of choice. Distribute the length and leave for half an hour or 40 minutes.
  4. Oil and oil only. Damaged hair should be made a simple oil mask with any oil of choice. Optionally add oil solutions of vitamins. Keep the mask for about an hour and rinse with neutral shampoo.

All home treatments for a month of regular use will help restore the hair vitality and obedience. They will be shiny and healthy in appearance and silky to the touch. The benefits of using home masks instead of buying masks are obvious. You can be sure of what quality products were in the composition of their own cooking. It is worth noting the cost of home masks: purchased moisturizers with the same effect will cost much more than the domestic counterpart. And most importantly, a professional moisturizing hair mask should be a quality and well-proven brand in the cosmetic market. Doubtful means should not be taken, because you can only harm the hair.


Watch the video: Priyanka Chopra's All-Natural, DIY Skin Secrets. Beauty Secrets. Vogue (June 2024).