
Yesterday - bad taste, today


Right - bad taste. The spelling is dictated by the rule about spelling consoles ending in letters fh: the same prefix may have different consonants at the end: H or WITHdepending on which sound follows next. If voiced or vowel - we write Hif deaf - we write WITH.

In this word after the console should be ringing AT (root-taste begins with it), and it explains the presence of a ringing H in the prefix without.

In order to correctly write the word "without * taste", let us recall the rule that determines the spelling of the prefixes "without -" / "bes -". The rule says that in the prefix you need to write the letter "-Z", if it stands before vowels or voiced consonants. In our case, the prefix will end in "-z", because after the letter is ringing "at". Therefore, our word is written like this: "tasteless".

The prefix "bes-" is written in cases where after the last letter is a deaf consonant. By the way, this rule is valid not only for the prefixes "without -" / "devil-", but also for such prefixes as "voz-" / "vos-", "from -" / "is-", "raz-" / "ras-", "through-" / "chres-" and for some others.

Socks in combination with sandals and shoes

More recently, this combination was a real sign of bad taste, but now - one of the most relevant trends (in spring and summer, of course - walking in snow sandals in our country is still not fashionable).

Signs of provincialism in the image.

So why looking at some girls, you can immediately say that she looks like a provincial (although she may have absolutely no relation to the province)?

-bright gum

Have you seen at least one truly stylish woman who would make a tail with a light green eraser? Hardly. And how many women with uncertain styles have seen, in the hair of which are these elastic bands? Make a conclusion yourself!

- old-style haircuts, hairstyles and dyes

Even long hair can look old-fashioned. The terrible color, the whipped ends are about to you and the sign of a woman who is still looking at herself and even more so at some style. Or another situation: hairstyle, which is 15-20 years old, went out of fashion, but Vasya, a classmate, said that she really suits her and the woman does not change her hairstyle for years. And well, if such a hairstyle fits. It happens that no. I have such a friend, she always has a high comb on top of her head. As much as I remember her, I remember her so much.

-long nails

Forget about the fact that long and sharp nails are a super-duper! There are women who wear their long nails at will. But in most cases, women and girls do this build-up themselves.

- bright design

What are rhinestones on nails? Or bright color on long nails? Go to a wedding or other celebration? Agree! But to do this manicure over and over again, a complete lack of taste.

-Message mismatch setting

In the afternoon-day, in the evening-evening. And not to be confused. Daylight inconspicuous, slightly emphasizing your facial features. The evening is bright and attractive.

- complete lack of makeup

No one forces to paint or buy cosmetics, no. I write about a certain category, which invariably is not painted, but would be worth it. For example, cover acne, or tint pale lips, draw eyes. It will only benefit the appearance. Well, I have not seen stylish women who would not be painted at all.


- lack of personal care

Hair, skin, nails, clothes. Everything must be clean and well maintained. Not everyone has money for brands, expensive skin care creams, but here's the time to wash your dirty head, get a manicure, and wash everyone’s clothes. But alas, there are no fewer women with greasy hair on the streets (and here you just need to change the shampoo, at least for the same tar), in worn out T-shirts, old shoes. Lack of money does not always mean a lack of personal style and neatness.

- inability to combine

Sometimes you look like everything is of good quality on a girl, but everything together does not look at all. And here provinciality is present in many large cities. There is money, there is no taste or style.

trends and trends

Everything is exclusively trendy, everything is exclusively according to the latest fashion. Interestingly, and the wallet at this time does not emit its last squeak? Basic wardrobe + several trendy gizmos and you are a stylish lady always!


Cheap prints flooded the shops and wardrobes of women. And remember, wherever you put this blouse with a strange print on, it will give you a provincial everywhere.

- one style

As you started dressing at 18, you still dress. Believe me, every year there are interesting new items in the fashion world that you will surely enjoy!

- ridiculous ornaments on clothes

Rhinestones, rivets and other cheap accessories are absolutely not conjugated with the word "style." Cheap, they always look cheap.


-a lot of gold

One has only to leave the big city in the towns and villages, as there are women who wear gold, in my opinion even in the times of the USSR. And all at once. Swollen fingers, matted gold chains around their necks. Maybe already enough?

-bag and shoes of the same color

They wrote about it all and sundry. But they all continue to combine in one color. Well, if it only concerned one bag and one pair of shoes. So sometimes they buy a bag, or shoes for a combination, and wear them exclusively in pairs.

- lack of accessories

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Hats and prints: Vyacheslav Zaitsev showed that it will be fashionable in the spring of 2019

The show "Phantasmagoria", presented in St. Petersburg, impressed even the most sophisticated audience

Hats and prints: Vyacheslav Zaitsev showed that it will be fashionable in the spring of 2019

The show "Phantasmagoria", presented in St. Petersburg, impressed even the most sophisticated audience

Only gold, only hardcore

Costume jewelery is not serious and is suitable only for 10-year-old girls, and silver looks “poor”. Therefore, the owner of a typical provincial wardrobe buys gold, no matter what is cheap and “samovar”. Another indicator of status is the golden ring on each finger. So that everyone there would not think that you have no money for jewelry!


Sneakers under the dress? Ugh! Sweatshirt with lace skirt? Nightmare! A provincially dressed girl is most afraid to look different than “necessary” (“like normal people”, “as usual”, “like mom taught” - the list goes on and on).

Black shoes for any outfit

Black pumps are a must-have for any provincial. Of course, objectively in this basic shoe there is nothing wrong, but the distinctive feature of the provincial wardrobe is the “cramming” of these shoes into each look. It does not matter that with a white summer dress or shorts and a simple T-shirt, the shoes look just awful: our lyrical heroine will put them on even with a tracksuit. Why? Boat shoes are suitable "for everything"!

Lack of stylistic diversity

Most of these fashionistas, there are two main "style" - "decent" (to work) and "relaxed" (outside of work). Often, these “styles” are mixed in a creepy way, giving rise to images a la “corporate in the office,” when something is worn under a gray suit, complementing it with a “festive make-up” and tightly covered with lacquer curls. Casual, eclectic, boho-chic - all this is alien to the adherents of the provincial style and, in their opinion, looks "strange."

"Sweatshirts" and "blouses"

Tops, body, cardigans, turtlenecks, sweaters, sweatshirts, blouses - no, no, and again no! The provincial wardrobe recognizes only “sweaters” and “blouses” - knitted creations by unknown Chinese manufacturers. Distinctive signs - poor-quality material, quickly stretched and overgrown with pellets, often decorated with ruffles, lace inserts or rhinestones. This "blouse" is worn in a feast, and in the world, and with black office pants.

“Gorgeous” lingerie even in the gym

Simple bras with a smooth and thin cup? Never! You never know where the prince on a white horse is waiting for you: he can meet both in the office and in the gym or in the grocery market. Therefore, exclusively lace superpush-ups are used, richly decorated with the same rhinestones, feathers, and sometimes artificial fur (it pleases only that no animal suffers for the sake of such “beauty”). It does not matter that under the smooth and thin clothes the whole “decor” sticks out tastelessly, and the “sexually raised” chest presses on the chin: the main thing is that now you will impress both the prince and even his horse!

Tights in summer

Another fear (besides the above fear of looking “not like everyone else”) is to show your bare legs. Especially pale at the beginning of summer. Therefore, an important part of the provincial wardrobe - tights, which their hostess does not take off all year round. Special squeak - "invisible" with brilliance, able to dazzle, in a large mesh, "tan colors". The latter are especially "chic" in contrast with the rest of the unburned parts of the body.

Fear of experimenting with color

Difficult color combinations and, in principle, any work with color is not about fans of a provincial style. Why reinvent the wheel, they think, when there are simple and time-tested mixes - black and white, black and red, black and black. And no need to suffer and think about how to combine in one image lilac top and pistachio pants.

Inability to wear accessories

Even seemingly such a simple and widespread accessory, like a hat, causes representatives of the provincial style to be perplexed: “Who wears hats and where?”, “Show me these people!”, “Something I haven't seen anyone on the street in a hat ... "- they say with an" ironic "grin. All other accessories are also perceived as “brute force” - why do you need something that does not have special functionality?

Love for fakes

It is impossible to prove to the representative of the provincial fashion that fakes are a shame. Because “I am a trembling creature, or I can afford to buy a bag of lacquered oilcloth Dolce & Gabbana in the transition” ?! In their minds, a parody of a well-known brand will always be better by default and “more fashionable” than a quality leather bag of an unknown brand for the same money.


Watch the video: Yesterday, di Danny Boyle. RECENSIONE (July 2024).