
Hair mask for the night


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Modern life and conditions have gained a fast pace. And girls, being flexible individuals, pour into an endless stream of affairs and problems. However, how can you achieve success and remain at the same time beautiful, well-groomed and loved at least for yourself? If during the day your time is limited, then a proper mask can provide a hair mask for the night - a useful and convenient way out of the situation.

Properties of night masks

These masks are quite convenient, because when they are used we save a lot of time. Regarding their quality is also not worth doubt. But you can feel the full result by trying one of them. No doubt: a night hair mask will surprise you.

The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on how long the mask is on the head. The night mask speaks for itself, so in the interval of sleep, the curls absorb all the necessary elements. Unlike daytime, when most girls can not withstand the necessary time and wash off, masks at night are in contact with hair for a long time, so that trace elements and vitamins have time to digest.

One of the main ingredients are oils. They form a protective film around each hair, due to which, when flushing the night masks for hair, shampoos, or rather the aggressive substances that make up them, cannot damage or adversely affect the hair.

Moreover, already after the second use you will feel the changes in the curls: they will become more obedient, will gain shine and well-groomed appearance. Such procedures for night hair restoration is recommended for owners of dry and damaged hair. However, they are no less useful for other types.

Rules for the use of night masks for hair

  • Regardless of the components that make up, the mask should be applied half an hour before bedtime. That is, you can not put it and go to bed in 2 minutes.
  • Most masks are applied to dry curls, so they need to be combed.
  • When applying a hair mask for the night, it is necessary to carefully treat problem areas. These can be fatty roots or split ends.
  • Rinse with warm water. In addition, if there were any oils in the composition, then it is necessary to rinse it off with shampoo.
  • At bedtime, it is recommended to wrap the pillow with an unnecessary cloth or towel, as it can get dirty.

Night Mask Recipes

  • For hair growth. In 1 cup of yogurt you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of mustard, and then 2 egg yolks. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly mixed and applied first to the roots, and then along the entire length. As soon as the mask dries, and it is 20-30 minutes, you can go to bed.

This mask for night hair care is not recommended for use more often than 2 times a week. In addition, it should be washed off several times, since mustard is quite difficult to wash out.

  • Summer mask For its preparation, you need to take equal amounts of mint leaves, mountain ash and dandelion, rinse them under running water and tear into small pieces in a bowl. Please note that it is to tear, not to cut, because in this way the leaves more intensively secrete their juice. Fill the leaves with a small amount of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. The resulting gruel should be applied to the curls and insulate with a hat.

Will provide night care for hair of any type. Night masks for hair are very convenient to do in summer, when you can easily find the necessary ingredients on the street.

  • Night mask for greasy and weak hair. For its preparation, you must mix 2 tablespoons of honey and pre-beaten egg yolk. This mixture is carefully rubbed into the roots and left to dry. After half an hour you can go to bed. In the morning, you should wash the night hair mask with warm water with a strong pressure.

Normalizes sebaceous secretions and helps restore curls. In addition, egg yolk gently cleanses the hair.

  • Oil mask for dry hair. In this case, we will need several types of oils: 2 tablespoons of burdock, the same amount of jojoba and almond oils, 1 teaspoon of rose oil. All components need to be mixed until smooth and put on curls, especially paying attention to the tips.

Since the hair mask for the night is very oily, it should be washed off several times with shampoo. With regular use, dry curls will regain their shine and become less brittle.

  • Ginger mask for all types. Take 1 small piece of ginger, chop and mix with 2 teaspoons of sesame oil. Apply the mixture to the roots, and then be sure to warm the hat.

It is a well-known fact that ginger has a positive effect on hair growth, therefore, using such a mask, growth and nightly hair restoration is guaranteed. Similar gruel is also able to refresh and tone the scalp.

  • Potato. This recipe is notable for its simplicity and accessibility. It is necessary to peel potatoes, grind with a grater and mix with the protein of one egg. Then a tablespoon of honey is added.

All components of a night hair mask are kneaded with a spoon and applied along the entire length. A prerequisite is a head wrap film or cap.

  • Firming fruit. It is necessary to mix the juice of carrots and fresh apples in equal amounts (for an average length it is about 2 tablespoons). Next to the mixture is added aloe juice in the amount of 1 tablespoon. It can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared at home. The resulting mixture should be rubbed predominantly in the roots, and the remains should be distributed throughout the length.

Night hair masks: 8 most successful recipes

Modern beauty industry provides women with a huge amount of hair care products, including masks - to improve the condition of hair. But it is unlikely that masks applied overnight and made by hand will become less in demand.

Masks can take care of your hair even at night.

  • Night hair masks at home: the benefits
  • General recommendations for applying night masks for hair: Lundenilona, ​​Tony moly, Estelle
  • Proven recipes night masks for hair
    • Burdock oil
    • Mix with yogurt and kefir
    • Mask with honey to strengthen hair
    • With raw potatoes
    • With fruits and vegetables: emergency repair mix
    • Coconut Oil Mask
    • With mustard for hair growth
    • With Iranian henna

Night hair masks at home: the benefits

Manufactured products designed to provide care for hair, imply short-term application. This is convenient - no need to specially prepare the tool, it is enough half an hour to make it affect the hair.

However, nightly hair masks, prepared at home, have their undeniable advantages:

  • easy preparation
  • low cost of ingredients, and as a result - the finished product,
  • availability of component parts
  • the ability to choose the quality of ingredients
  • naturalness of the components,
  • the duration of exposure and the achievement of maximum effect
  • saving time - you sleep, and the applied means works all the time,
  • a milder effect instead of aggressive agents designed to improve the condition of hair in a short time.

Each woman can choose only those ingredients that do not cause her an allergic reaction and show the highest possible result on her hair type and on a specific problem. For example, ginger-based hair masks for the night accelerate hair growth, while honey with yolk eggs make the hair shiny and well-groomed.

General recommendations for applying night masks for hair: Lundenilona, ​​Tony moly, Estelle

In addition to well-chosen composition, you need to properly apply the mask on the hair overnight. Otherwise, you will get the opposite result, and then you will treat your hair for a long time. Experts recommend:

  1. apply only freshly prepared product
  2. Before applying, you need to test the product - apply it on the skin area, which is located behind the ear for 0.5 hours. So you can avoid an allergic reaction, and also check whether the product has coloring properties.
  3. the coat should be clean and dry,
  4. do not impose a means in advance, but only 30-40 before going to bed - during this time, the surplus of the mask will drain, and the bulk will be absorbed,
  5. apply the tool should not only hair, but also on the scalp,
  6. after application, it is desirable to carefully comb all strands for better distribution of the product,
  7. in order not to spoil the pillow and bed linen, cover the head with a hat, preferably a cotton cloth, and place a towel on the pillow,
  8. Try not to use overnight products containing solids, such as bread. Otherwise in the morning you will be hard to comb and wash them,
  9. the mask is washed off with warm water, oil masks for hair at night - always with shampoo,
  10. it is enough to apply a hair mask 1 time for 7 or 10 days.

These simple recommendations will allow you to get the best result from the use of a night hair mask.

A warning! Never leave a mask on the hairline that has aggressive substances in its composition - such as ground pepper, mustard powder, onion or garlic gruel. Otherwise, you risk harming the scalp.

Burdock oil

Burdock oil for hair at night is the simplest and very productive mask for hair, allowing you to restore the internal structure of the hair, and makes your curls shiny and lush.

In addition to burdock oil, good results are given by such oils as coconut, almond, peach, castor. You can use the following composition: take 2 tablespoons of burdock oil and 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil and almond oil, as well as rose oil - 1 teaspoon. All this mix and apply for 8-9 hours.

Mask with honey to strengthen hair

Honey is used in hair masks as a firming and nourishing agent. Moreover, the honey mask can be used for any type of hair. Preparation of such a tool is very simple - just whip the yolk from the 1st egg and add 2 tablespoons of honey, preferably light, to it. The yolk perfectly complements the beneficial properties of honey, as it contains provitamin B5. Honey mixed with olive oil in equal proportions gives a good effect for nourishing hair.

With raw potatoes

Raw potato mask: 2 recipes. The first recipe contains 1 grated medium-sized potato, protein from the 1st egg and 1 tablespoon of honey. The second recipe allows you to get a stunning shine of hair. It contains, like the first recipe, 1 grated raw potato, 1 grated raw carrot, 0.5 grated medium-sized apple and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

With fruits and vegetables: emergency repair mix

Vegetables and fruits can transmit to the body all their beneficial vitamins and trace elements not only as a diet, but also as ingredients for making masks. If with 1 tablespoon of aloe mixed with grated apple and carrots, you get an excellent regenerating mask. A grated pear, mixed with a raw chicken egg and 2 tablespoons of olive oil perfectly strengthens the structure of hair.

With mustard for hair growth

Masks for hair growth at night contain substances that help to activate the blood supply. Take off should be treated carefully, and apply only in cases where the scalp is healthy and the hair roots are strong. But even in this case one should not be carried away by means that can cause burns, and they should be washed off no later than 7-8 hours after the start of application. The proposed mask contains mustard powder - it causes a rush of blood to the hair follicles, activating their growth. To make it, you need to take 1 cup of a fermented milk product - kefir or yogurt. In the kefir is added 1 tablespoon of mustard powder and yolks of 2 eggs.

With Iranian henna

An Iranian henna mask is different in that it has a tinting effect, leaving a reddish tinge on the strands. It should be diluted with Iranian henna powder, purchased at a pharmacy, in hot water and applied to the hair overnight.

Henna is a natural product that effectively cares for your curls.

The effect of the use of masks can be further strengthened, if after washing them, apply a rinse. It can be as a conditioner of an industrial production, and prepared in house conditions. If you add the juice from half a lemon to the water and wash your hair, they will get a healthy shine and will comb well. In addition, if the mask had foreign smells that were transmitted to your curls, then the lemon will remove this undesirable effect.

Attention! Do not mix the ingredients intended for different masks, strictly follow the recipe. Otherwise, the effect will be unpredictable, opposite to the desired.

You can get beautiful hair even at a very small price - the main thing is not to be lazy, and then youth and beauty will become your companions for a long time.

Night hair mask for hair growth

Masks for the night have recently become more and more popular among the fair sex. Not all modern girls have the opportunity after work to devote time to care for themselves. At a minimum, there is time for cleansing the face, removing makeup, but here the hair recedes into the background. But there is a way out! These are nourishing masks for hair growth and hydration that can be done overnight. That is, before going to bed, you apply a mask, and in the morning - wash it off, and your hair pleases with beauty, strength, shine, and silkiness. Hair is easy enough to fit into any hairstyle, which can not but rejoice a woman.

Why precisely night masks?

Consider some of the benefits of night masks for hair growth. Why is it easier to make night masks than day masks? So, how much time you can keep a mask for hair growth during the day (meaning when you come home, tired). As a rule, a girl can allocate no more than half an hour of her time in order to apply a certain care for her hair.

Many experts say that 30 minutes or even 1 hour is not enough for all nutrients to penetrate the scalp. After all, all those vitamins and nutrients do not have time to do everything possible for nutrition and hair growth.

That is, if your hair falls out badly, grows poorly, then for masks it is recommended to use rather aggressive substances in the form of pepper tincture or mustard. As a rule, one hour is not enough for enhanced hair growth. So, we can say that in order to provide a more enhanced effect of essential oils, clay, as well as mustard and other beneficial substances on the skin of the head, it takes more than 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc.

Mask for growth and nutrition of hair need to stand on the skin of the head for 5 hours. This is usually the minimum night sleep for an average girl. During this time, all the beneficial substances can fully penetrate the skin of the head, nourish it, moisturize.And in the morning you only need to rinse your hair with warm water and shampoo - the result will not keep you waiting long. It can be seen immediately!

Masks for the night - we save time and increase efficiency

We mentioned above that night masks save every girl's time significantly. And indeed it is! It often happens that we do not have enough time for the masks (meaning day masks). We always save it, where we hurry, we do our many business, and as a result we get - hair loss, section of curl ends, dull, lifeless hair, which is not very pleasant to look at. Such hair, as a rule, is difficult to comb (it creates the feeling that you tear out the hair), and also beautiful styling becomes something beyond the limits of fiction.

The undoubted advantage of the night masks is that they act on the skin of the head very quickly and effectively. And besides, since you will make a mask of natural ingredients, it will minimize all side effects.

Absolutely all night masks have a very mild effect on the skin of the head, do not injure it and do not irritate. Even allergies and girls with sensitive scalp can use night masks for growth, nutrition and hair strengthening.

Night masks, assuming a long time of action, do not contain irritating components. On the contrary, they all have a mild effect not only on the hair structure, but also on the scalp. They are completely safe and not allergenic.

Important rules when applying masks

Consider some very important rules for the use and application of night masks on the scalp. To mask for hair growth had the appropriate effect, you need to follow some rules, which are described below:

  • It is not recommended for initial use to apply sufficiently aggressive substances in the form of red pepper, mustard and other alcohol-containing substances. Also, it is not recommended to use those components that then (in the morning) will be badly combed out of the scalp. It's about bread. If you use aggressive ingredients, you can burn the skin, if you apply a bread mask, you can be late for work, as you have to comb it for a long time from the scalp.
  • After you make the mask (meaning mixing the components), do a little allergic test - apply the mask to the area behind the ear. If redness does not appear, it means that you do not have an allergic reaction - you can safely apply a mask for hair growth.
  • Masks are applied to clean, dry hair.
  • Do not go to bed immediately after applying the mask (wait 5-10 minutes). You must allow all oils to soak, and the watery ingredients must drain.
  • When splitting brittle hair, you first need to put a mask on the ends of the hair, and then make the time to the scalp.
  • After applying the mask, put a plastic bag on your scalp. And then wrap the scalp with a warm scarf on top to create a vapor effect.
  • The mask is washed off with warm water and a small amount of shampoo.
  • Mask should be done 1 time per week.

Recipes hair masks at night

The most common and effective mask for the scalp is oil. You can use any vegetable oil that you have. Burdock oil, castor oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, grape seed, peach, sea buckthorn, etc. are ideal for masks. All these oils can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.

All of these oils stimulate hair growth, nourish, care for curls, make them very smooth and incredibly shiny. The result - the hair no longer falls out, filled with a healthy shine.

All you need to do is put 2-3 tablespoons of oil (preheated in a microwave to a warm comfortable temperature) on the scalp and apply massage movements on the head.

For intensive nutrition and hair growth is well suited to the usual kefir high fat. This dairy product contains a large amount of vitamin E, C, as well as folic acid and retinol, which are very useful substances. Warm kefir is applied to the scalp and is distributed to the curls. Left overnight and washed off in the morning without the use of shampoo, that is, with ordinary warm water.

If the hair is very dry, brittle and bitten, then take a bag of gelatin, dissolve it in warm water (250 ml) and then leave to swell for 20 minutes. After that, add 3 tbsp. ordinary hair masks or conditioner and apply this mixture on your hair. The effect of this mask is compared with lamination at home - therefore, you should definitely try.

Hair mask for the night # 8212, a minimum of time spent, maximum benefit

Modern life and conditions have gained a fast pace. And girls, being flexible individuals, pour into an endless stream of affairs and problems. However, how can you achieve success and remain at the same time beautiful, well-groomed and loved at least for yourself? If during the day your time is limited, then a proper mask can provide a hair mask for the night - a useful and convenient way out of the situation.

Night firming hair masks

Hair masks for the night

If during the day you can’t set aside at least an hour for self-care and you don’t make firming homemade masks for hair restoration, then surely their condition does not suit you. But what if there really is no free time? The ideal option for you would be a hair mask for the night.

What is the difference between night and day masks?

So, what can a night hair mask give you, and why, in general, is it needed? First of all, this is a great option for those who cannot even take half an hour to take care of themselves, as they spend a lot of time at work. Homemade night masks are usually applied before bedtime, and application will not take more than five minutes. Secondly, if you decide to make a mask before going to bed, then your curls will have time to get much more nutrients, because the exposure time will not be an hour, as usual, but at least 6-8 hours.

Several options for night masks

We offer the most effective firming homemade hair masks:

  1. If your scalp is not damaged, you can use mustard composition for application. Prepare half a cup of slightly heated kefir, dissolve half a teaspoon of mustard in it (use only natural), then add one egg yolk and mix everything actively and thoroughly. After about 15 or 20 minutes, you can feel a slight burning sensation, because mustard will irritate the skin locally. If the discomfort does not stop, but only intensifies, then it is better to wash off the mass. If you do not feel strong discomfort, then you can safely go to bed. By the way, such a folk remedy will not only strengthen your hair, but also literally “wake up” hair follicles.

There are many recipes for night masks.

  • Fruity hair mask for the night is perfect for oily hair, as it will help remove excess sebum. For cooking you will need carrot, aloe and apple juices. Mix two tablespoons of carrot and apple juice and add a teaspoon of aloe juice. Use the mixture immediately, it is not stored for a long time.
  • For weakened hair, an ideal product based on natural honey, which contains an incredible amount of nutrients. To make such a mask, first prepare all that you need: two tablespoons of honey (not candied, but rather liquid), one teaspoon of burdock oil and one yolk. Just mix all the ingredients and use the finished mass.
  • Listing home remedies, you can not forget about herbs and their unique properties. Prepare dandelion stalks, rowan leaves, and mint greens (a couple of tablespoons). It is advisable to use fresh raw materials, but you can buy it at the pharmacy (in dried form). All herbs fill with half a glass of boiling water, and then insist two hours in a tightly closed container. Slightly cool the composition and grind, and then feel free to use.
  • Use raw potatoes, it will help to moisturize and hair and make them healthy. Half a large tuber rub on a fine grater. Mix mush with a spoon of honey and one egg white. Beat everything and apply immediately.
  • Dry curls need moisturizing, and in this case oils and vitamins will come to the rescue. Here's what you need: liquid vitamins E, B6, D and E (in ampoules), castor, almond (it can be replaced with olive), as well as burdock oil. Mix all ingredients and use.
  • Feedback on the use of one of the night masks:

    Review of the mask at night

    And the result of its application:

    Before and after use

    How to apply night masks?

    A few general guidelines on how to apply homemade hair masks correctly:

    • The composition is better to apply for half an hour before bedtime, and not immediately in front of him, so that the mass has time to dry slightly.
    • It is desirable to warm up the composition.
    • Apply the product to dry hair, and comb it well before applying.
    • Wrap a plastic bag or film over your head, but leave a lumen so that your scalp can breathe.
    • Lay a towel on the pillow to avoid contamination.
    • If you have a tendency to allergies, you will certainly appreciate the reaction, and then go to bed.
    • Sutra wash the entire composition with warm water from the curls. Shampoo is better not to use, but the oil should be washed off with it.
    • Do homemade night masks regularly, at least twice a week.


    Watch the video: How To Grow Your Hair OVERNIGHT! DIY Hair Mask For GROWTH (July 2024).