Dandruff treatment

Burdock oil for dandruff


Dandruff is considered a syndrome that is characterized by an increased rate of exfoliation of a large number of skin particles in the form of white scales. The disease is very common and leads to the fact that it brings discomfort, weakens the hair roots, blocks the access of air and is accompanied by severe itching of the skin of the head, the appearance of red spots, irritability, rapid hair loss and their fragility.

Dandruff is not an independent disease, but is regarded as a signal of the manifestation of certain disorders in the body and an alarming symptom of hair problems.

The most effective, and most importantly affordable and natural remedy for this problem is burdock oil, which has been actively used for many years for cosmetic and medical purposes.

Useful properties of miracle burdock oil

Burdock oil is a valuable natural product for the production of which burdock roots are used. All the advantages of this tool have not yet been studied. Scientists argue that this tool benefits not only the hair, but the entire body as a whole. Here are some useful properties of burdock oil:

  • apply from itching and dandruff,
  • fights dry scalp, moisturizes and nourishes it,
  • prevents hair loss,
  • enhances the protective function of the skin,
  • actively used to strengthen nails
  • promotes the absorption of vitamins by the skin,
  • improves lipid metabolism
  • accelerates the growth of eyelashes and strengthens them,
  • used as a food product.

Burdock oil - the perfect solution

This is the fastest and indispensable anti-dandruff remedy. There are many other drugs and face masks, but none of them can save a person from dandruff as quickly as burdock oil.

Most people refuse to try burdock oil for dandruff, as they are sure that a lot of effort is needed. In fact, there are no complicated procedures and techniques. Everything is extremely simple!

In the pharmacy, you can purchase a product not only in its pure form, but also with impurities from various useful substances. But in the fight against dandruff remedy is applied in its pure form. The procedure can be safely carried out at home, if you know a few tips:

  1. Burdock oil against dandruff does not cause allergies, but still before use, like any other mask should be tested on a small area of ​​skin. If after 20 minutes no allergic reactions have appeared, you can safely use this mask.
  2. To be effective and easy to apply and wash off the mask, it should be preheated slightly.
  3. You should not impose a means of a thick layer, so as not to create a problem when flushing. For these purposes, you can use a syringe (without a needle), which will help to qualitatively distribute the product among the strands.
  4. Oil should be rubbed into the scalp with the help of fingertips and, using a comb, spread over the entire length. This will not only relieve dandruff, but also strengthen the strands.
  5. To valuable substances better and faster absorbed, you can wrap hair with polyethylene.
  6. After 30 minutes the product can be washed off, but it is advisable to wait one hour for effective action. If this mask contains only one burdock oil, then it will not harm, even if left overnight. But if the mask contains other additional components, then it is worthwhile to study the recommendations in detail when using this tool.
  7. The procedure is recommended to carry out for one month 2 times a week.

A collection of the best recipes for masks

Burdock oil for dandruff will act effectively both in pure form and with various impurities. Especially, if in order not to just remove dandruff, but also to improve the overall condition of the hair, it is better to purchase complex products or prepare them yourself.

  1. Coconut Oil Mask. For cooking means you want to take a spoonful of coconut oil and soften it in a water bath. After adding olive oil and burdock to a melted mass to a teaspoon. Carefully rub and gently spread over the entire length of the hair. Wrap your head in a towel, or use a special cap. Wash off after an hour.
  2. Egg Mask. Take 30 ml of burdock oil and heat in a water bath and grind it with yolk. After adding seven drops of ether of Australian tea tree. Apply to hair and necessarily wrap your head. After half an hour, the product should be thoroughly rinsed.
  3. Egg Honey Mask. To prepare this mask should heat a tablespoon of butter from a burdock in a water bath and grind with egg yolk. Add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. Give the mass for half an hour infuse and cool. Then apply and rinse off after 45 minutes.

Burdock oil is a great way to eliminate dandruff, but do not wait for the result immediately after the first use. After about three weeks of regularly performed procedures, the hair will get a healthy appearance, beautiful shine, elasticity, soak up with beneficial vitamins, and also clear the head of dandruff and relieve itching.

Burdock oil for dandruff - an effective tool or wasted time? Advantages and disadvantages

If seborrhea has become chronic, its symptoms began to appear regularly, and the usual shampoo does not work, do not despair. You can solve the problem - it is only important to choose the right tool.

We will not go into the causes of this unpleasant problem, but go straight to the ways to eliminate it.

Burdock Dandruff Oil: Pros and Cons

This oil is a frequent component of hair masks from the category of popular recipes. It nourishes the hair, improves their growth, makes it smoother and more docile. It has many vitamins, the lack of which is one of the causes of loss, loss of shine and elasticity of hair.

The undoubted advantages of its use for the treatment of seborrhea:

  • Natural composition. Oil is a natural product, without fragrances, chemicals and silicones.
  • Restorative effect. No wonder our grandmothers used burdock oil for the scalp and hair.
  • It is cheap. Especially in comparison with professional means.
  • Softens dry scalp, moisturizes and nourishes it. But one of the causes of seborrhea - insufficient nutrition of the skin.

And now a little tar in a barrel of honey. The disadvantages of burdock oil:

  • It is not easy to wash it off, especially with thick hair.
  • Not a universal remedy. Not effective in the treatment of certain types of seborrhea, not suitable for scalp prone to fat.
  • Improvements are not immediately noticeable. You need to properly “nourish” the scalp with useful ingredients to get the expected effect. As a rule, dandruff is reduced after 5-7 sessions of rubbing oil.

Does burdock oil dandruff?

This is the main question that interests lovers of folk remedies who have problems with the skin of the head. Considering that we are all unique, it would be more correct to state it differently: “Does burdock oil always help with dandruff, and to whom is it contraindicated?”

First of all, dandruff is a fungus that multiplies on the skin under the influence of a number of reasons. This may be a lack of vitamins, the use of aggressive shampoos, poor hygiene, imbalance in the body, hormonal disorders and improper diet.

What substances contained in burdock oil help with dandruff:

  1. Tannins (tannins). They are also found in tea and tree bark. They kill the fungus, have bactericidal properties, relieve inflammation and itching.
  2. Omega 3. These acids nourish hair and skin, make them more resistant to external factors, increase the immune properties of tissues, trigger the fight against fungus.
  3. Vitamins and trace elements. If the cause of seborrhea in their deficiency, burdock oil really helps.

Vitamins, fatty acids, tannins - for which the hair will surely thank you, though not immediately. However, with some types of seborrhea, burdock oil cannot help.

In total, two types of dandruff are distinguished - oily and dry. The first is formed by increased work of the sebaceous glands, looks like scales at the very roots. Dry dandruff appears when the skin is not sufficiently hydrated. It is more noticeable on the hair and clothing: light scales, spread over the entire length of the hair. The effect of oil masks - nutrition and hydration. If we are dealing with seborrhea fat type, the use of oil can exacerbate the problem. But with dry dandruff method is very good.

  • The use of burdock oil for dandruff makes sense only after identifying the cause of seborrhea.
  • Oil, like external agents, does not solve the problem of hormonal disorders, metabolic failures and other causes that can lead to seborrhea.
  • Burdock oil is advisable to use in the fight against dry dandruff.
  • To achieve the effect, regular use of oil is necessary (7-10 sessions).

How to use burdock oil for dandruff hair

There are many recipes, but the basic rules are similar. Before applying the oil should be heated in a water bath. So it is better absorbed into the skin and hair, it will be easier to wash off. Apply to dry hair roots, rubbing the roots, before washing. To use the entire area, pre-divide the hair into partings. Keep the oil for 0.5-1.5 hours.

Now we will get acquainted with the best recipes of medical masks.

Honey burdock mask

Not bad reviews on burdock dandruff oil with honey. An additional ingredient is a spirit infusion of calendula, which is sold in a pharmacy. Proportions: 2 tbsp. oils, 1 tbsp of tincture, 1 tbsp. liquid honey. Honey and butter are heated in a water bath and mixed. Add calendula, rub into hair. An additional thermal effect is created, honey nourishes the hair, due to which the scalp becomes healthy, dandruff decreases.

Burdock oil with dandruff pepper

Red pepper is more commonly used to activate hair growth. Effective in falling out. In the composition of masks against seborrhea, this ingredient activates the work of the sebaceous glands, thereby increasing the nutrition of very dry scalp. In pharmacies and stores already sold a mixture of oil and pepper. After heating in a water bath, rub it in the usual way.

Important! In some cases, red pepper can aggravate the condition of the scalp, increase peeling. Therefore, the use of the tool on an ongoing basis is possible only if the first experiment was successful.

Professional tools - quick help with seborrhea

Burdock hair oil from dandruff and other folk remedies have the right to exist and use. However, one should not forget that intense and chronic seborrhea is the result of disturbances in the body, which should be identified and eliminated.

A comprehensive solution to the problem should include the normalization of nutrition, the use of folk remedies and professional cosmetics. The latter gives a quick result - after the first application, the appearance of seborrhea will be eliminated.

To combat dandruff, ALERANA has antifungal effect shampoo. Its components not only block the reproduction of the fungus that causes dandruff, but also eliminate the peeling, nourish the roots. Together with the vitamin-mineral complex ALERANA, which solves the problem from the inside, the shampoo provides a lasting result in the fight against dandruff with regular use.

So, burdock oil is a good way to fight dry dandruff and weak hair. However, for quick results it may not be enough. It is necessary to identify the cause of seborrhea, and for a quick effect it makes sense to use professional means for the care of the scalp.

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Composition and main therapeutic effects

Burdock is used in medicine for a long time

Plant extract, which is included in the oil, is obtained from burdock (aka “burdock”, nar.).

You can buy this tool in every pharmacy.

The chemical composition of burdock oil is quite diverse:

  • Contains a vitamin complex, including Vit. A, E, C, P, B,
  • Tannins, polyunsaturated acids that strengthen the hair structure,
  • Protein compounds and amino acids that nourish and strengthen hair roots.

When applied topically, it normalizes the exchange of the scalp, which actually reduces the amount of dandruff in a natural way. In addition to reducing the amount of dandruff, increases the growth rate and volume of hair.

Burdock oil is proven to give hair shine and prevents their thinning. Is a natural prevention of many types of alopecia (loss) associated with deficiency of metabolites of vitamins of group B.

When applied topically, burdock oil improves the blood circulation of the hair roots.

Due to the relatively high concentration of tocopherol (vitamin E), burdock oil prevents the lack of oxygen in the scalp even with microcirculation disorders.

Simply put, even if the patient has objective reasons for the presence of dandruff (mycoses, diabetes, seborrheic dermatitis), burdock oil significantly reduces the amount of dandruff.

Burdock oil helps to dandruff, both when applied topically and as a food product.

The main therapeutic effect has special substances, phytosterols that regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, and effectively eliminate dandruff caused by excessive secretion of sebum. Inulin, which is a part of burdock extracts, is an excellent sorbent and anti-inflammatory agent.

It is worth mentioning at once that burdock oil helps with dandruff, both locally and in the form of a food product. You must carefully study the label of the product, because Not all burdock oil can be used as food.

Getting burdock oil at home

Fresh burdock oil is somewhat more efficient than purchased, so you should learn how to cook it yourself. This requires fresh burdock root (200g) and 300 ml of olive or sunflower (refined) oil. Burdock roots are washed, dried and crushed, then poured oil.

Insist means in a warm place for 3 days, after which it is necessary, while stirring, boil it for a quarter of an hour, and then strain it. Burdock oil is stored in a bottle of dark glass.

Methods of using tools to combat dandruff

Apply pre-warmed burdock oil to the hair roots, then spread out with a comb over the entire length

The easiest way is to apply warmed burdock oil to the hair roots with a syringe without a needle, then distribute the comb along the entire length. Hair must be wrapped with a film or (which is easier), use a bath hat for this purpose. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour, after which the hair is washed with regular shampoo.

Course of treatment: 2 treatments per week for 1 month, then a break of 1.5 months and a second course.

If we talk about taking burdock oil inside - it is enough to use it in the form of salad dressing as an element of vitamin therapy, as well as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is especially effective to do this in the autumn-winter period.

Photo gallery of components for masks with burdock oil

For the treatment of dry seborrhea (scalp dry) apply a garlic mask. The main purpose is to stimulate and improve blood circulation in the scalp. For cooking use one garlic head and 50g of burdock oil. After the garlic is peeled and minced into mush, it is stirred with warm burdock oil. The tool is rubbed only in the scalp, it is not necessary to distribute it through the hair.

The mask is applied for 2 hours, then carefully washed off with any shampoo. It is advisable to add a little aroma oil (2-3 drops) either in the tool itself or in the rinse - this will help get rid of the smell of garlic.

Before applying the garlic mask, conduct a skin test on garlic: apply a little prepared mask on the inner surface of the wrist, and wait 5 minutes. If the skin responds normally to the substance - the mask will be adequately perceived and will not lead to inflammatory (allergic) processes.

In most cases, dandruff substantially regresses after 3-4 procedures. By the end of the course, it almost disappears.

Egg-lemon mask prepared from half a lemon, 2 yolks and a tablespoon of burdock oil, is applied in the same way as a standard mask made from pure burdock oil. In addition to the fight against dandruff, it has a strengthening effect on the hair shaft, and also slightly brightens the hair - with constant use, a rather beautiful “platinum” color appears.

With the constant use of the mask appears beautiful "platinum" color

An apple-lemon mask is prepared as follows:

  • Egg yolks are whipped,
  • Mix lemon juice with beaten yolks,
  • Add to the mixture burdock oil.

The duration of the necessary therapeutic effects - 30 minutes, after which the mask should be washed off.

Egg-honey mask is shown when dandruff is combined with reduced local immunity. It is appropriate after the treatment of the fungus of the scalp, for example. Strengthens the protective properties, contributes to the development of lysozyme and other skin protection factors.

To make an egg-honey mask use 30g of honey, yolk and a tablespoon of burdock oil. The yolk and honey (we use floral, liquid) are mixed to a homogeneous mass, after which we add warmed burdock oil there and apply it on the skin and hair. After half an hour, all this is washed off.

It should be understood that burdock with all its advantages cannot eliminate the underlying disease that causes dandruff, but only alleviates the manifestation of this unpleasant symptom. With abundant dandruff, you should first consult a dermatologist. In this case, you not only get rid of dandruff more quickly, but you can also avoid the risk of serious consequences and complications.

Briefly about the tool

Burdock oil is considered an expert among hair oils. Get it from the roots of burdock (burdock), popularly known as burdock. A small proportion of the useful extract is contained in the seeds of the plant.

The tool is used to combat various problems of hair, it has proven itself in masks for hair dandruff. The extract in a few weeks will get rid of the “snow” in the hair, dryness of the scalp and itching, return shine and silkiness to the curls.

Burdock extract will be useful against dry dandruff. For the fatty type of ailment, the remedy is not suitable, there is a risk to further increase the fat content of the integuments of the head.

Attention! Before you begin treating dandruff, find out the reason for its appearance. Burdock oil will eliminate the cosmetic defect, strengthen the hair, but will not heal the internal organs, does not normalize the bowels, and the problem will reappear.

Composition and use

In cosmetology, vegetable oils are considered to be piggy banks of vitamins, minerals, beneficial saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as a number of other nutrients. Oil extract of burdock in this case is no exception.

It contains vitamins A, C, E and group B, as well as a complex of minerals (magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, etc.). They strengthen the hair from the roots to the ends, enhance the intracellular processes of the scalp, improve blood flow and regenerative functions.

Polyunsaturated acids, tannins, flavonoids are excellent fighters against inflammatory processes, prevent the appearance of tumors and protect against viruses. They also help to strengthen the structure of the hair and improve the condition of the skin of the head.

Available in inulin. It provides deep cleansing of the skin, accelerates the absorption of nutrients from the cosmetic product by the cells, making them resistant to attacks of viruses and harmful microorganisms.

The complex effect of the components of the drug allows you to fight the fungus that caused the appearance of dandruff, soothes the integument, relieves itching and inflammation. After regular use of the product, the hair becomes strong and silky, shine and shine appear, and the amount of white flakes gradually decreases.

Burdock oil at home is indicated for any seborrhea. The drug perfectly moisturizes the scalp and hair from root to tip, softens the symptoms immediately after applying to the hair. At the same time, the phytosterols contained in it have a positive effect on the sebaceous glands, absorbing excess sebaceous secretions.

Who is contraindicated

Despite the naturalness of the drug, not everyone can use it. Burdock hair oil is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to the drug. Before first use, you must conduct a simple test for allergies.

Apply a few drops of the product to the sensitive areas of the skin, as a rule, this is the inner fold of the elbow, the area behind the ear or the wrist. Follow the reaction. Redness, the appearance of itching and allergic rashes indicate the impossibility of further use of the tool. You will have to find another method of dealing with the "snow" in your hair.

With caution to the treatment of burdock need to treat the owners of oily type of hair. The rest of the contraindications and restrictions for the use of burdock extract no.

Features of treatment

To achieve maximum success in the treatment of folk remedies and quick recovery, It is important to adhere to simple but important subtleties of the procedure:

  • Apply thistle oil on a thin layer of scalp. For convenience, use a syringe without a needle.
  • Before use, warm up the burdock in a water bath. So you will increase its effectiveness, accelerate the absorption of nutrients into the skin. Plus, warm oil is more fluid and easier to dispense.
  • Oil masks need to rub into the skin for greater efficiency. Additionally, you can use a comb or comb with rare teeth.
  • The tool is applied to the moist curls, but wash them before the procedure is not necessary.
  • Thermal effect for the oil mask is required. After applying the mixture wrap your head with plastic. You can wear a shower cap, a bag, and wrap a warm towel.
  • To withstand the need to at least 30 minutes. Some users recommend performing the procedure at bedtime so that the mask stays on the head all night.
  • If you do not have time to mix oils and make masks, purchase ready burdock oil with additional ingredients (with chamomile, castor oil and cloves, cloves and pepper, and other combinations). Pre-review reviews about the product, so as not to be mistaken with the choice of manufacturer.
  • The oil mask is washed off using shampoo. In some cases, when washing, it is recommended to add chicken yolk to shampoo.

Making burdock mask correctly

The algorithm for doing a burdock mask is quite simple, it will not cause difficulties and questions even for beginners. Keep the following priority:

  1. Prepare a mask according to the proportions and recommendations in the recipe.
  2. Make a parting, apply a little mixture on the scalp, rub it for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Make the next parting, repeat the action until all the hair has been worked out.
  4. Wrap hair with polyethylene and a warm towel to create an additional thermal effect.
  5. After 30-60 minutes, wash off all remnants of the mixture, use clean water or with the addition of shampoo.
  6. In some cases, it is recommended to rinse the locks with lemon water to eliminate extraneous odors from the hair.

Important! Hair treatment with burdock oil is carried out 2 times a week for 1 month. As a rule, problem flakes disappear after 3-4 procedures. A second course of oil therapy can be performed after 1.5 months, not earlier.

How to make butter at home

Some skilled workers do not trust the finished cosmetic products and wonder how to make burdock oil in the home, non-industrial conditions. To do this you will need:

  • 200 g burdock root (burdock),
  • 300 ml of vegetable oil, better than olive oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash and chop the root of the plant.
  2. Add oil to chopped burdock.
  3. Insist on for 3 days.
  4. Put the container with the oil mixture on the fire and boil for 15 minutes.
  5. Strain the oil through cheesecloth or small strainer.
  6. Pour the prepared extract into a dark glass bottle, store in a cool place.

Garlic mask against dry seborrhea

Operating principle: improves blood circulation in the skin, nourishes and strengthens the cells of the epidermis.

Cooking: 1 clove garlic chop into mush. Add to it 1.5 tbsp. l warm burdock oil. Mix well.

Features of the mask: the tool is not applied to the length of the hair, only on the scalp. The effect of this mask lasts 2 hours, then the remnants of the mixture are washed off using shampoo. To eliminate foreign garlic odor rinse locks with lemon water or water with the addition of aroma oils.

Oil mask

Operating principle: An oil mask is used to combat dryness and dandruff. The composition includes coconut, burdock and olive oil. Be sure, such a mask will provide a quick recovery, strengthen curls, return them shine and silkiness.

Cooking: melt 1 tbsp in a water bath. l coconut oil. Add 1 tsp. burdock and olive oil.

Application: rub the oil composition in the scalp, distribute the remnants of the funds on the curls. Oil mask for dandruff hair must be kept on the hair for at least 1 hour.

Burdock mask with lemon and yolk

Operating principle: mask nourishes, strengthens the scalp and hair, prevents the development of fungus, normalizes metabolic processes, eliminates dandruff, stimulates the growth of curls.

Cooking: mix half lemon juice with beaten chicken yolk and 2 tsp. warm extract of burdock. The mass should be homogeneous.

Application: rub the mixture into the skin, it is recommended to apply part of the mask on the strands. Keep the mask on the head for half an hour at least.

Honey Mask

Operating principle: Honey refers to a product that is rich in vitamins and nutritional components, so it will be true allies in strengthening and healing the head skin. Honey-burdock mix restores hair, relieves inflammation and itching, fights dandruff.

Cooking: Mix whipped yolk with 1 tsp. liquid natural honey and 1 tbsp. l burdock oil extract. Mix the ingredients thoroughly so that the mass is homogeneous.

Application features: apply on curls and rub into the skin. After 30 minutes, rinse off with shampoo.

Attention! Honey is a strong allergen, so before applying the mask, you must make a test for an allergic reaction.

Mask with onions and egg

Operating principle: The onion mask has a high anti-inflammatory, firming effect and is used for dandruff hair.

Cooking: Chop 1 small onion to a mushy state, add whipped yolk, 1 tbsp. l regular shampoo and warm burdock oil.

Application: rub the mixture in the scalp for 4-5 minutes. Be sure to wrap hair with plastic and a warm towel. After 1 hour, remove the residue with warm water and shampoo.

Rinsing with lemon water or a weak solution of apple cider vinegar will help to get rid of the smell of onions.

Burdock oil against oily dandruff

Operating principle: get rid of oily seborrhea will help the composition with the addition of kefir. Kefir mask perfectly tones the integument, reduces inflammation, and the acidic environment helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and is unfavorable for the development of the fungus.

Cooking: in the same proportions, mix the oil of burdock extract and low-fat kefir, you can yogurt.

Application: The mixture is rubbed into the skin, as well as distributed over the entire length of the curls. The duration of the mask is at least 1 hour. After a while, rinse the mixture with shampoo water.

Vitamin cocktail against oily seborrhea

Operating principle: Vitamin mask is a great option to eliminate cosmetic defect and return beauty, silkiness and shine to curls. It is recommended to use with a fat type of seborrhea.

Cooking: mix 1 tbsp. l grapefruit juice and the same amount of warm oil of burdock, add 1 tsp. grape seed extract and 5 drops of bergamot esters of lemon. Stir the mixture until smooth.

Application: The prepared composition for hair dandruff must be thoroughly rubbed into the integuments of the head. Add heat and leave for 1-2 hours. After washing off the usual way.

Burdock oil - a green doctor for your curls, is a great fighter against snow-white flakes in your hair. Regular use of herbal extract-based mixtures ensures that seborrhea symptoms are alleviated, but it is too early to talk about a complete cure. Consultation and examination by a specialist will help identify the cause of the defect and prevent the recurrence of the problem.

Claiming a 100% cure of dandruff with burdock oil can not, but in any case, the course of procedures will benefit the head of hair. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone use the folk method!

Homemade Mask Recipes

There are several recipes that need to be done twice a week for at least 1 month. After the fungus disappears, it is recommended to do procedures for prevention twice a month. For the simplest mask, only 1 ingredient is sufficient:

The bottle with the medicinal composition is heated, otherwise it will not be absorbed well and will not reach the subcutaneous layer, therefore it will not bring the desired effect. Means to warm up in a water bath.

  1. Using a pipette or syringe, evenly distribute the composition of the roots, and then the entire length of the strands. Make a light massage of the head.
  2. Create a greenhouse effect. To do this, wrap the head with a package, and reconcile wear a hat or towel.
  3. After 1 hour, thoroughly wash the hair with regular shampoo.

The following recipe is not suitable for those who suffer bad smell of onions. That he is one of the ingredients. Take:

  • 1 yolk,
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 tbsp. l shampoo
  • 1 tbsp. l burdock oil.

It is advisable to prepare a solution for rinsing, which will help to quickly wash off the mask and eliminates unpleasant odor. To do this, add apple vinegar to 1 liter of water.

  1. Connect the yolk with the chopped onion, add the remaining ingredients.
  2. For 5 minutes, massage the massage into the skin. The mask should be absorbed as much as possible.
  3. Cover curls with film and towel.
  4. After 1 hour, wash the hair with shampoo, then rinse with apple vinegar solution.

The use of oil from the fungus is effective if you add honey to it. Take:

  • 2 tbsp. l burdock
  • 1 tbsp. l honey
  • 2 yolks.

Honey, take any. The main thing that he was not candied.

  1. In a glass bowl, mix the honey with the yolks, add the burdock product,
  2. Apply the composition to the roots of the strands.
  3. After 30 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

Another mask recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. l facilities,
  • 1 tbsp. l crushed leaves of celandine,
  • 2 leaf aloe,
  • 1 cup boiling water.

Celandine fit any. Can take fresh or dry.

  1. Prepare a decoction of celandine. To do this, fill it with boiling water, boil until boiling, then cool and strain. Aloe hold a couple of hours in the freezer, then chop and squeeze the juice.
  2. Mix 3 tbsp. l decoction with oil and 1 tbsp. l aloe juice
  3. Rub the composition into the skin, massage and leave for 45 minutes.
  4. After a specified time, carefully wash the hair.

Judging by the reviews, garlic is effectively fighting dandruff, which is added to burdock. Would need:

  • garlic head,
  • 1 tbsp. l facilities.

The mask has an unpleasant smell that can remain on the hair. To eliminate it, add a couple of drops of any essential oils to the shampoo.

  1. Peel the garlic cloves, crush in a garlic dish, mix with heated oil.
  2. Rub the composition into your head.
  3. After 2 hours, wash your hair with shampoo.

Precautionary measures

The tool really helps get rid of the fungus, but it must be used with caution. Check the skin for an allergic reaction. To do this, put a little money on your wrist and after 15 minutes look at the result. If there is no swelling or redness, then you can use this product.

Burdock oil is not suitable for treating oily scalp dandruff. It is itself very fat, fat, so it can aggravate the situation. In this case, it is better to use other drugs.

When using the product, wash it thoroughly with hair. Sometimes it takes 2-3 times to lather his head. If you do not rinse the hair, it will look greasy.

User Reviews

Used oil to remove fungus and severe itching. The result is not entirely clear. The tool got rid of the problem - there are no questions here. But now my curls quickly become greasy, I have to wash them more often.

After pregnancy, due to the restructuring of the body began to fall strands, dandruff appeared. To buy this product from a well-known manufacturer - I was advised by a pediatrician daughter. After the first time, I did not notice the result, but after 1 month I discovered that dandruff disappeared. Now I use for prevention.

I had to buy the product when the shampoos did not help. There are no particular complaints. Coped with the problem perfectly. But the hair had to be washed for a long time, because it was washed only from the 3rd time.

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Composition and properties

Burdock oil contains some vitamins and other complex compounds that cause the effect of the application for treatment of the scalp:

  1. Vitamins A, E, P, B, C - are a complete set of those substances that restore skin cells, provide energy potential, improve and regulate all metabolic processes of the skin and glands, help to proceed to the reactions in the cells in the normal mode.
  2. Inulin - helps to restore the protective functions of the skin and makes it easy to assimilate all incoming nutrients,
  3. Protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids - they complete the missing elements of the cells, restore their structure, start the exchange processes inside the cells and provide food.
  4. Tannins - these are those due to which the hair becomes stronger, silky, adds thickness.

Terms of use

To eliminate flaking of the scalp, can apply burdock oil, as an independent means. Exists a large number of assortment in the sale of this oil, there are even with special devices for application to the scalp, which facilitates the task.

Action algorithm simple:

  • should be applied to not very fresh hair, but not at that moment when the amount of subcutaneous fat appeared in an amount that is felt under the fingers,
  • can be applied as a dispenser, or just hands,
  • parsing the hair on the partings, the burdock oil is rubbed into the scalp,
  • very comfortable partings indented in 1 cmso you can be sure that not a single area of ​​skin will be missed,
  • after the entire surface of the scalp is treated with oil, you can gently massage the head to finally distribute the tool,

  • wrap hair should not be, because the burdock oil requires free gas exchange, so that it can "earn",
  • hold on the head composition is necessary from half an hour to twothen wash off
  • application is recommended twice a week (maximum three), the result can be obtained after the first procedure, and after a few weeks.
  • So that the product is washed off more easily shampoo can be foamed first and immediately rinse, causing re.

    And after the second foaming, leave for half a minute, then rinse with water.

    Dandruff mask with burdock oil

    If there is an opportunity and desire to apply not just burdock oil, even though it is a self-sufficient agent, then you can use the maskwhich prepare and applies as follows:

    1. Medium-sized onion, or very finely chopped, or scroll through a meat grinder or blender.
    2. Using ceramic, glass or earthenware, mix onion gruel, yolk and add over a tablespoon of brandy and burdock oil.
    3. About five minutes to rub into the scalp, leave on the head for an hour, wrapped hair with a polyethylene film and a towel.
    4. To prevent the hair from smelling onion after the mask, you can rinse it after washing the mask with a weak solution of acetic or citric acid.
    5. Rinse the mixture off the hair without using shampoo.

    Application such a composition recommended two to three times a weekThis will constitute the entire course of dandruff treatment If after the third procedure dandruff is still there, then you need to extend the course.

    Natural shampoo will require a very large amount, which is not worth spending in this case.

    Additional measures

    Burdock oil helps dandruff, but no such treatment is required in the event that the cause of its occurrence solely due to external factors. If dandruff arose for any other reasons, then you should do the following:

    • find out what caused the deterioration of the scalp,
    • if stress was the cause, then you can drink special drugsrestoring the nervous system
    • The reason may be improper nutrition or adding something new and unusual to the diet. In this case, the diet is revised,
    • hormonal disruptions can also cause seborrhea, but in such a situation without the help of a doctor is not enough.
    • the only thing to do not worthusing burdock oil is use vitamin complexes independently, because in some cases it is possible to bring the concentration of vitamins in the body to an excessive level, which is not very beneficial for the body.

    Action on the scalp

    Due to its composition, burdock oil helps relieve itching and alleviate the condition of a person suffering from seborrhea, after a single use. With regular use, it helps to completely get rid of dandruff, as it directly affects the cause of its appearance.

    Burdock roots contain substances active against fungi and microorganisms that cause seborrhea, as well as inulin, which promotes the spread of beneficial microflora on the scalp and normalizes lipid metabolism. Due to this, the pathogens are destroyed, the scalp is healed, and the normalization of the function of the sebaceous glands prevents the occurrence of a problem in the future.

    In addition, there are many vitamins in burdock oil, which have a beneficial effect on curls and epithelium, fatty acids that prevent dry and brittle hair, tannins, dry small wounds on the epithelium and relieve itching. As a result of applying this product at home, not only dandruff disappears, but also hair becomes stronger, their growth improves. This is especially noticeable when burdock oil is used together with other oils, including essential oils - tea tree, lemon, eucalyptus and others, as well as products such as egg yolk, honey, which are considered the best for hair care. In addition to burdock, castor oil often lies at the base of the masks - it is also quite effective for dandruff. Used for this purpose and coconut.

    In the pharmacy, you can buy burdock oil not only in its pure form, but also already mixed with other oils that are useful for treating dandruff, including essential oils.

    Mask Recipes with Other Oils

    Together with other oils, burdock helps to dandruff better, besides, multicomponent masks affect the hair in a complex way, improving the condition of the hair as a whole.

    Castor oil from dandruff in traditional medicine is used almost as often as burdock. An even better effect can be achieved if you mix them in equal proportions, and then apply them in the same way as one burdock.

    • Burdock and coconut oil from dandruff.v

    Take coconut oil in the amount of one tablespoon and melt it in a water bath (initially coconut oil is too thick consistency). Add a teaspoon of burdock and olive oil. Rub into the skin, distribute through the hair, use a hat and towel to create a "sauna effect". Wash off in an hour. Coconut oil in the mask will not only get rid of dandruff, but also improve the hair structure throughout their length, return them to a healthy shine.

    • Mask to eliminate itching.

    The basis of this tool are also burdock and coconut oil. Coconut (tablespoon) as in the previous recipe, you need to melt and mix with a teaspoon of burdock root oil extract. Then add to the mixture eucalyptus ether (2 drops). It can replace the essential oil of tea tree, it is equally effective for dandruff.

    • With tea tree oil.

    The basis of this mask is usually burdock oil, but you can use olive, coconut or castor oil instead. For 50 ml of the base, essential oils are taken in the following quantities: tea tree ether - 5 drops, lavender and bergamot essential oils - 2 drops each. All these components are thoroughly mixed - and the mask is ready. The recommended time of exposure is 30 minutes.

    The union of several oils allows you to deal with seborrhea more effectively.

    Recipes masks with other products

    If such masks as yolk, honey, and garlic are included in the masks, then burdock-based masks will not only help eliminate dandruff, but will also increase curls and restore the structure of hair rods.

    • With yolk and tea tree ether.

    Heated on a water bath burdock oil (30 ml) is ground with yolk. Then, Australian tea tree ether (7-8 drops) is added to the yolk oil base. The resulting mass is applied to the roots, the loan is distributed over the entire length of the hair. The head must be wrapped, wearing a shower cap. Wash off such a mask in 30-40 minutes. Tea tree ether not only helps to eliminate dandruff, but also refreshes, leaving a pleasant chill on the skin.

    Pass through the press 5-6 cloves of garlic, squeeze garlic juice. Mix it with 50 ml of burdock oil extract. If desired, you can add lemon essential oil (5 drops), which will help in some degree to neutralize the unpleasant odor. Mask need to keep 20-30 minutes.

    For the preparation of this tool need lemon juice (from half of the fruit), yolk and 10 ml burdock oil. If the curls are long, then the number of components should be proportionally increased. 60 minutes is recommended to keep an egg-lemon mask on the head.

    • Egg and honey.

    For one yolk you will need a tablespoon of oil extract of burdock root, which must be heated in a water bath and mixed with a teaspoon of melted honey. With yolk, this mass is pounded after cooling to a temperature of about 30-35 degrees. On the head, this mask after application should be left for 40-50 minutes.

    Even if the hair mask is not intended to treat dandruff, but contains burdock oil as part of it, it will be effective against it.

    Burdock oil extract well helps in the treatment of dandruff. When properly applied, it eliminates itching, normalizes lipid balance, destroys the pathogens that cause seborrhea. In combination with other products in the composition of masks, it contributes to the improvement and improvement of the appearance of curls, strengthens from the roots to the tips.


    Watch the video: Dandruff. How To Get Rid Of Dandruff 2018 (July 2024).