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Hair Dye L - Oreal Prodigy


The manufacturer claims that their hair dye has a lot of advantages. The main advantage of paint are micro-oils that are included in its composition. They smooth strands, bring the pigment inside the hair, give them a mirror shine, make the colors more active and fully reveal them. Thanks to micro-oils, the tone is even from tip to root. Moreover, these oils moisturize the hair and nourish the skin, take care of them and saturate them with essential vitamins and trace elements.

The advantages also include:

  • Lack of ammonia. Instead, the paint contains ethanolamine, a softer component, safe for hair. Molecules of ethanolamine are 5 times more ammoniac, therefore they do not dry the skin and do not damage the structure of the strands,
  • Full gray hair painting. If there is a lot of gray hair, keep the composition a little longer (15-20 minutes). Also women with gray hair are advised to select a color a couple of tones that are lighter than the natural color,
  • Resistant painting result - when washing your hair two or three times a week, beautiful intense color will last 6-7 weeks. With daily washing, the shade begins to turn pale after 3 weeks. To prolong the result, be sure to buy a special shampoo and conditioner for dyed hair (preferably L'Oreal). They do not allow leaching of pigments and retain color for a long time,
  • Hair after a session shine and shimmer, become silky and smooth.

How to apply paint?

With the help of hair dye Loreal Prodigi, you can quickly change the image without even leaving your home.

  1. Combine the ingredients of paint in a special bottle.
  2. Put on your hands gloves, shoulders, cover with a towel.
  3. Apply the mixture to the roots, and then spread over the remaining length. It is better to start from the back of the head, gradually moving to the temples and frontal lobe.
  4. Gently smearing the strands, comb them with a comb with rare teeth.
  5. Remember the hair with your hands so that the composition is better absorbed.
  6. Wait for the length of time specified in the instructions (approximately 30 minutes).
  7. Wash off the paint without shampoo.
  8. Be sure to use the balm for colored hair, which will be included (Care-Shine Enhancer).

If you need to paint only the growing roots, brush them with a dye composition for 20-25 minutes, then walk along the length and wait 10 minutes.

Attention! Do not forget to test for allergies! Put a few drops of the emulsion on the inside of the wrist or the elbow bend and wait a quarter of an hour. If you are not beginning to blush or scratch, feel free to proceed with staining.

L’Oreal Prodigy Paint Reviews

Can't make a choice? Reviews of this paint will help you in this matter.

Karina: “I've been buying this paint for a long time. Strong, but pleasant smell, resistant and beautiful color. Filled gray hair, and it was a lot. Dyed her hair herself. It turned out very quickly and economically. The composition is quite thick, does not spread over the neck and forehead. The scalp does not bake, washed off with plain water. Balsam was enough for three times. Hair health after dyeing has not deteriorated. I am pleased with the results. ”

Evgenia: “I always paint in dark color - chocolate, frosty chestnut. This time I decided to choose a paint without ammonia, because it is not so harmful. I was pleased with its composition - useful micro-oils. The smell of the mixture is pleasant, the skin does not pinch, is applied simply. Washed off with water without shampoo, then applied a balm - the hair became incredibly soft. Balm is enough for several times. I liked everything, I will try further. ”

Evelina: “It was painted in tone 6.0 Oak (dark blond). Before that, the hair was a bit darker, so I did not expect any special success. But the results exceeded all my expectations! Color turned out beautiful and uniform. The composition is well mixed and easy to apply. There is no ammonia drop in the paint, but the color was kept for 6 weeks. And this is good news! Recommend".

Margarita: “Having seen the video about L'Oreal Prodigy, I decided that I would definitely try this oil-based product. I was not mistaken in my choice! It was painted in the tone number 1 Obsidian (black). The box has everything you need for home dyeing. Very comfortable gloves - tight-fitting arm. The composition is easy to mix, it is similar in thickness to sour cream. Those flow, not sting. The gray hair was completely painted over, the color turned out to be very bright, the hair glistens and shimmers. ”

Christina: “At Prodigy from L'Oreal, a girlfriend persuaded me — I am skeptical about colors without ammonia. What was my surprise when the shade lasted about 6 weeks! In general, very pleased. Apply on strands quickly, does not spread on the skin, washed off without shampoo, it smells good. And most importantly - does not change the structure of the hair. "

Learn about other colors from the company Loreal -

5 minutes separate gray hair from hair dye Prodigi

The first beauties began to use hair coloring more than a century ago. Experiments with the selection of shades are still ongoing. Manufacturers also strive for innovation in the beauty industry, looking for options with more stable dyes and a variety of palette shades.

Prodigy Hair Dye - Say No to Ammonia That Destroys Your Curls

The internationally recognized brand L'oreal invented and launched the paint-innovation Prodigy L'Oreal on the beauty market.

The main argument in favor of the product is the complete absence of ammonia in it and the filling of oils with microelements.

Benefits funds from L'Oreal

Hair dye prodigy in many ways differs from its predecessors:

  • a bright range of natural ebbs,
  • gives a special glow and specularity,
  • perfectly hides gray hair,
  • uniform staining,
  • impregnation of the strands with moisture when dyeing, giving softness,
  • convenient to use at home,
  • wide range of various color schemes.

What does a woman want from Prodigy?

Of course, color-fast staining. Some may be confused by the lack of ammonia in the composition of the new paint. This element has replaced ethanolamine, its derivative. It is this component that is responsible for the penetration of the pigment into the depth of each strand.

Ethanolamine gently affects the composition of the hair and scalp, bypassing irritation.

The micro-oils included in the Prodigy paint ingredients take care of the hair already during the staining process. It makes it possible to change the tint range from halftones to two tones. The prodigy hair dye palette combines 18 exquisite colors that will appeal to even a capricious and picky lady.

The color palette of Prodigy for all tastes: 7.31 caramel, 7.0, 7.1, 8.1, 8.0, 9.0, 10.21

  1. With gentle blond and medium brown curls will be combined color range - Platinum, Ivory, White Gold.
  2. Light brown strands will perceive colors - White sand, Almond, Sandal, Fire agate, Caramel.
  3. To chestnut shades can be attributed colors - Nut, Oak, Chestnut, Chocolate, Amber, Rosewood.
  4. The chocolate shade in the color scheme will decorate colors - Frosty chestnut, Dark chocolate, Obsidian, Dark walnut.

The path to beauty

Dye-innovation is easy to use and non-professional. The package bundle provides an applicator vial for mixing ingredients, and a developer container is added here. For convenience when painting it is recommended to purchase a bowl and a wide brush. Connect all the components will help the blade.

  • It is proposed to test for the presence of an allergic reaction,
  • before staining process the scalp in the direction of the strands of nutritious greasy cream,
  • mix the paint with the developer to the same type of pasty solution,
  • put the mixture on the root part, then along the length of the curls,
  • keep the paint, following the timing, then rinse with running water, lightly massaging the roots of the strands,
  • wash your hair, treat with a rinse, which contains ceramides, giving softness and smoothness to curls.

User reviews about hair dye Prodigy 7.31, 9.10 by L 'oreal paris

Svetlana, 54 years old

Began to be painted back in 30 years, the gray began to manifest itself very early. Due to the presence of gray hair, their blond hair faded and acquired an incomprehensible color. I wanted to try to become a blonde, but without the presence of yellowness, as is often the case. The paint, which used before somewhere disappeared. I decided to try on the advice of the seller paint from L'Oreal Prodigi. The result just hit. Thanks to the manufacturers.

The first time asked for advice in the store about staining. There is no gray hair, but I wanted to change the image. I decided to become a red beast. Pleased with the result. I was afraid that it would look like a wig. Recommend.

The result is noticeable, the paint is really effective.

What is especially pleasing is that micro-oils retain the natural color without making it puppet. The absence of the ammonia element has a beneficial effect on the health of the hair, and, therefore, leaves the hair silky and shiny.

Paint "Loreal Prodigi": reviews. New paint "Loreal Prodigi"

Women and girls resort to hair coloring for various reasons. For some, this is a way to stand out from the crowd, others simply paint over gray hair. Paint "Loreal Prodigy", reviews of which will be given in this article, refers to the brands that are popular today. She trusts a large number of women. There are reasons for this.

Differences paint "Loreal Prodigi" from analogues

For many years now, ammonia-free products have been present on the hair color market. Paint "Loreal Prodigy", reviews of which in most cases are positive, refers to this type. Ammonium-free composition is considered more benign. Ethanolamine, which enters the paint, allows the pigments to penetrate into the hair structure, while not harming them.

New paint "Loreal Prodigy", reviews of which can already be found in many publications, has become popular with consumers. All this thanks to a special technology that allows you to enrich the hair with incredible modulations and keep them shiny for a long time. Micro-oils M-Ot enter the paint, they help it to be evenly distributed throughout the hair and provide a natural result.

Opinions of experts about the new paint "L'Oreal Prodigi"

According to the masters, the paint "L'Oreal Prodigy", reviews of which will be given below, is suitable for use at home. The instruction in several languages ​​is clear to everyone.

"L'Oreal Prodigy" is often referred to as medium-lasting paints. The effect of the application on the hair does not last long compared with the effect of ammonia compounds. But "L'Oreal Prodigy" can not be attributed to the tint, as the resulting hair color lasts longer than a few weeks.

As already mentioned, the paint "L'Oreal Prodigy" is one of the most popular on the market today. Palette, reviews of which in most cases enthusiastic, consists of 18 shades. The variety of natural tones attracts many women who want to only slightly change their image.

Among the palettes developed by the company's specialists there are 3 light, 5 blond and 10 chestnut shades (4 of them are dark). They all look natural on the hair.

Customer reviews about the palette

This product is chosen for itself by the fair sex of all ages. New paint "L'oreal Prodigy", reviews of the palette which is almost always positive, suitable for permanent use.

Some dark-color buyers point out that using the Frosty Chestnut shade has an unexpected effect. Hair began to look almost black. Some time after dyeing, the color was washed away to the desired. Girls recommend to be more careful when choosing a purchase.

These surprises are not faced by fair-haired girls who want to update their color to shades of "Ivory" or "White Gold." When used, the effect is as expected.

Paint recommendations

Manufacturers warn that L'Oreal Prodigy can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using it is better to conduct a test. This is especially true of those who first use the product.

The company also recommends removing all jewelry before dyeing, as this may spoil their appearance.

Thus, the paint "L'Oreal Prodigy", reviews of which were collected in the article, is now known in many countries. She is trusted by a large number of buyers. This is due to the high quality of the product and the fame of the brand.

No more buying. Has dried hair, and color has not changed.

Well, I'm looking for the perfect hair dye for myself, I continue to experiment with different manufacturers.

I recently wrote about a failed redhead that I wanted to get with L'Oreal CASTING.

After that, the hairdresser advised me, before dyeing my hair, to wash them with a deep-cleaning shampoo several times, then it will be possible to dye in any color, even if it is light blond,

Actually, that's what I did. And my choice fell on the paint L'Oreal PRODIGY. I really liked the color of 7.31 Caramel Blonde beige. A sort of mix of all the shades I wanted.

The composition of the paint is quite standard, except for exotic gloves, black fine black color. And the amount of balm is very good. 2-3 times just enough.

In general, I put this paint on the specified time. I can note a couple of advantages:

1. Pleasant smell.

2. Convenient application. Paint is absolutely not flowing.

After I washed off the paint, I found many minuses that outweighed all the positive properties of paint.

1. Hair has become very dry, like straw. The tips are just in terrible condition.

2. Color. He has not changed at all. Yes, I understand that the paint is ammonia-free and much weaker in impact, but not so much.

Here is a photo of the hair after. The color has not changed, so the photo Do not, but you can see in what condition they are.

I am sure that the paint L'Oreal PRODIGY no longer buy. In addition, it is not cheap, about 300 rubles. I am sure that it does not justify its value. Nectra Color, for example, I liked a lot more.

I burned my hair !!

I have been using ammonia paint from L'Oreal for a long time - Casting and it is insanely happy: the hair is healthy, shiny, the paint does not damage the hair. Feedback on this miracle tool here-

Having seen a novelty from L'Oreal, without thinking, grab it, hoping that the novelty should be even better than Casting that I love. But in the end she was very disappointed.

Let's start in order.

  • First, the Prodigy color palette is significantly different from casting. I paint the shade 910 "Very light ash-gray", chose 9.10 "White gold", which, according to logic, should have been as identical as possible to the shade in the palette without ammonia paints from L'Oreal. But it turned out to be much lighter. The shade is certainly very beautiful.

Secondly, the manufacturer declares the paint as without ammonia, sparing milking hair. Ammonia in the composition is not, but there is hydrogen peroxideThis component is much more harmful to hair than ammonia. The paint does not have a sharp odor characteristic of ammonia paints, but other ammonia deficiencies appeared in the paint much brighter, the following paint defects

Thirdly, the paint is very dry hair. The quality of my hair has deteriorated significantly (I didn’t expect such an effect from Loreale’s dye, worse than Palleta for 80 rubles. Now I’m trying to restore my hair, but maybe I won’t succeed in it too. Hi kare! (

In order for you to be able to assess the "degree of damage" I attach a photo.

photo after dating with L'Oreal Prodigy

And this is the quality of my hair BEFORE exploring this dye:

Of course, the paint has its positive sides; it is an excellent palette, beautiful blond hairs, convenient application. But all these advantages do not justify the burnt hair ((

Perhaps the dark shades behave differently on the hair, this is my subjective experience.

However, I do not recommend this paint to anyone ((do not repeat my mistakes ((

I like the shade 7, 31

For a long time I was a blonde, for the last couple of years I have been painting Estelle's lightening paint.

But the hair was not noble color. Yes, and constantly had to finish the ends and my hair was square and a little longer. I began to grow my length, but the view became untidy.

I have dark blond hair shade, gives to ashes a little.

To even out the hair tone, I bought Loreal Pro Dijdi paint 7, 31 Caramel.

I applied to dry hair, on my own. I kept the paint a little longer than written in the paint instructions. I applied a fairly easy paint, my head was not burned, the smell was not strong, but tolerable, and there was a balm there. Which is difficult to shake out of the jar. From the paint itself, my hair was not affected in terms of dryness, but after dyeing hair loss increased.

I was pleased with the shade, in my opinion it turned out to be darker than on the box, and a more light brown shade, when the head washed the color was gradually washed off. It’s richer for konyaz, as there is a natural shade there and on the bleached kontstsah it was quickly washed away and there was not enough shade after 3 weeks. Maybe if I dyed natural hair color, then the hair would be more evenly colored and the color would be uniform.

And so, the first photo: hair bleached paint Estel, oxide 9%.

The second photo: paint Loreal PRO Di GY Caramel blonde beige 7, 31

The third photo: a month later and more after dyeing hair.

Now the hair is even more washed out, not painted yet

Just a great gentle paint, perfect paint over gray hair. There is one thing but ..

I present another review of the paint, which includes oils.

Because of the early gray hair, I often have to paint, at least once every 10 days I tint the roots.

Because of the constant colorings, you know, your hair does not look like ice, as if you were not caring for them. After all, she always used ammonia paint, because ammonia-free paints are washed off the gray hair just for a couple of hair washes.

I tried already known:

so girls, I have something to compare with. My favorite was, and now remains the Nectra. But in its place could be paint PRODIGY. But. but .. has long noticed one minus allergy for oil paints. I don’t know which component acts on me like this, but the endless scratch haunts me for a long time after using these wonderful new products.

What can I say about PRODIGY .. I have long wanted to try this paint in action, but the price of almost 300 rubles cooled my ardor.

I bought it in the summer for a promotion, it seems, for 220 rubles. Color Dark chocolate.

My hair at that time was dark chestnut color, leaving in almost black. The roots are gray. Hair is dry, wavy and fluffy.

The paint behaved perfectly in the process of dyeing. Applied easily, did not mess her hair like Olya. One pack was enough for shoulder-length hair, even a little left. The smell is minimal when compared with Nektroy or Olia.

I really liked the result. Already dyed hair did not turn coal black, as I have with all the dark shades,

the roots are superbly colored. The difference is not visible, the hair over the entire length is evenly colored. The hair is soft. I am sure that this paint is very gentle. WITH

skin is easily washed off.

The color after dyeing turned out to be a beautiful dark dark chestnut. Kept on the hair for a long time, not lighter and not red, even after several washes of hair. And yes .. even on gray hair behaved perfectly.

Definitely a great paint. Would be in pets if it were not for the lack of which I wrote above, allergies. My head was itchy. But it concerns me. If you do not have such a reaction to other paints with oils, I can safely recommend.

I will not underestimate. The paint is very decent. Recommend

The result of staining L'Oreal Prodigi, photo before and after:

For blond hair, we chose a platinum shade - 10.21 (for more information about all shades, you can read our article - Loreal PRODIGY Palette).
For blondes in the palette PRODIGY there are three shades, we have chosen the warmest.

Cooking paint, mix the contents of tubes 1 and 2. The mixture turned out gray-purple hue with a pleasant floral aroma. For this color, the dyeing time is slightly different from the other shades. Since we first need to dye the regrown roots, we apply the mixture on them for 20 minutes, then the remaining paint on the rest of the dyne and paint another 10 minutes. After applying any discomfort on the scalp was not observed (itching, tingling, redness).

After the time it is necessary to moisten the hair with warm water and massage it for two minutes. Then rinse the hair under running water, wring out with a towel and apply a washable conditioner attached to the paint - it smoothes the hair, facilitating further combing.

What can be said about the result of staining? The shade turned out like we wanted - very light and warm. Hair does not cast ashy or gray. The color looks very natural, the hair shines well in the sun.

As with any clarification, the hair has become a bit dry, but this is solved by applying a good moisturizing balm.

For dark hair was chosen shade of pink wood - 5.50. Since the hair was not colored for a very long time and had a uniform color over the entire length, the coloring mixture was applied immediately to the entire length for 30 minutes.

After dyeing and using the conditioner from the set, the hair acquired a noble dark chestnut color and in bright light do have a soft pink tint. The color turned out to be a little darker than it was indicated on the paint box.

User reviews about hair dye Prodigy 7.31, 9.10 by L ’’ paris

Svetlana, 54 years old

Began to be painted back in 30 years, the gray began to manifest itself very early. Due to the presence of gray hair, their blond hair faded and acquired an incomprehensible color. I wanted to try to become a blonde, but without the presence of yellowness, as is often the case. The paint, which used before somewhere disappeared. I decided to try on the advice of the seller paint from L'Oreal Prodigi. The result just hit. Thanks to the manufacturers.

The first time asked for advice in the store about staining. There is no gray hair, but I wanted to change the image. I decided to become a red beast. Pleased with the result. I was afraid that it would look like a wig. Recommend.

The result is noticeable, the paint is really effective.

What is especially pleasing is that micro-oils retain the natural color without making it puppet. The absence of the ammonia element has a beneficial effect on the health of the hair, and, therefore, leaves the hair silky and shiny.

Operating principle

Microscopic droplets of oils (mineral, argan and safflower) deliver the dye deep into each hair, while enhancing the shine and nourishing them. Instead of ammonia, monoethanolamine, a more gentle, odorless alkaline component, is used in the paint. Special cosmetic polymers make hair smooth, manageable and protect it from damage.

Elena's opinion: “I heard that paints without ammonia do not hide gray hair and are quickly washed away, therefore, she was skeptical about the new product.”

Application features

Everything is standard: wear protective gloves, mix coloring cream with developing emulsion and apply a brush to dry, unwashed hair from root to tip with a brush. After half an hour, rinse them thoroughly with warm water and apply a special conditioner for five minutes. Wash off and dry as usual.

Elena's opinion: “In the black gloves that come with the tool, the hands look like raccoon legs. Very pretty. The consistency and aroma of the paint resembles face cream. It is easily distributed and does not flow. In general, using Prodigy turned out to be a pleasure. I only needed to touch up the roots, but the paint caused such confidence that I could not resist and distributed it over the entire length. ”

Promised effect

A natural shade with many-sided modulations of color, full gray hair coloring, hair groomed in appearance and touch. Manufacturers claim that the content of structural amino acids and lipids in them does not change even after repeated staining.

Elena's opinion: “In my opinion, it’s impossible to guess that my hair is dyed. They are soft and shiny, and their shade looks completely natural. The tone completely coincided with what is depicted on the package. Paint perfectly masked gray hair. The hair color is still not faded, although during these three weeks I spent a lot of time in the sun. ”

Negative reviews

It was bought for tinting the roots, accidentally catching the eye, and selling on the stock

The smell of ammonia is absent, comfortably applied to the hair. It is washed off well, the scalp is clean.

For a more lasting result, you do not need to wash hair with shampoo after dyeing! - but it didn't help either

Balm with a pleasant aroma, makes the hair soft and they comb well. The volume was enough for the entire length of the hair, on the shoulder blade. 60 ml - more than in other paints

The color turned out as in the picture.

It all started after washing the head again = (The paint was washed off every time more and more noticeably.

And in the end, after 3 weeks, the hair was left with a strange hair color.

I will not take this paint anymore, it’s better to buy with ammonia and the result will last for a couple of months until the roots grow.

I decided to buy one of the most expensive paints, from those that were present in the Lyubimiy shop (Komsomolsk-on-Amur). The choice fell on L''Oreal Prodigy - it cost about 400-450 rubles.

She bought paint for her mother, that is, it was necessary for the paint to paint over gray hair well:

Before mixing the paint it was inconvenient to squeeze the components out of the tubes, they literally did not squeeze out:

With the second tube, I also suffered from squeezing + there was a very strong smell, there is no ammonia in the paint, but by its aroma there is chemistry, which gives not the best odor:

Then I got this consistency:

On application I can say that the paint L''Oreal Prodigy is not the easiest. The smell was really present, so I do not share the reviews here, where they write that it smells good.

Also included is a standard rinse balsam. As a result, the paint painted over gray hair on a solid four, which is pretty not bad:

after immediately after dyeing the hair had a nice shine, the hair began to look better.

However, after 1-2 days, we noticed the first "side" effects of this dye: the hair began to electrify godlessly. Before using this dye, her hair was not electrified, I painted my mother in winter - in January she wore a hat naturally both before and after dyeing, but before her the hair was not electrified at all.

And also after a month has passed since the painting, another, more serious side effect was discovered: hair became flattery, and on a scale different from the norm. I will say right away that my mother (unlike me) is in harmony with her body and in her 53 years was able to adjust his work in such a way that she does not suffer from sharp harmonic vibrations and other things that can affect his work. L''Oreal Prodigy dye served as the only external factor causing a strong fall of hair.

Therefore, I highly recommend this paint, I will not buy it again for my mother, and I also advise you not to use it!

Odorless ammonia, not colored scalp, does not pinch, comfortable application, does not flow

Not very consistent with the stated color, a small amount of paint, an ugly yellow shade of the root

Once again, I was led to advertising, packaging and an interesting name .. This is another disappointment from L`oreal Paris Prodigy. Somewhere in the depths of my soul, I understood that nothing would come of it, but I hoped that my pale red roots would ease the situation. However, the result shocked me. The roots have become more reddish, the length has absolutely not changed, and the ends have become even whiter. Of the benefits - the paint smells pretty pretty, the smell of chemistry is felt only when washing the paint. So the structure of the hair has not undergone any changes, probably because I used the whole bottle with conditioner at a time. I do not think I'll buy again. I advise only clarified to blonde and only for the purpose of toning. Mood again spoiled, money spent on the wind. By the way, it costs twice as much as my favorite from Lakme.

Odorless ammonia

Ugly yellow shade of roots, dries hair

I want to write about this terrible paint. I chose 9.3 opal in the store, beautiful in the picture, very light brown, golden, I wanted to paint the roots. It is written that the paint does not harm the hair, because it does not contain ammonia. Led on it. Only at home I read that it contains peroxide. During the application of a terrible smell was not, but the paint burned in places! skin But this is half the trouble, when I washed it off (I did everything according to the instructions) my roots became eerie red-yellow, at the temples - the feeling that I was getting rich was generally transparent! The impression that I painted the cheapest paint for 30 rubles. I have not had such horror yet. I do not recommend to anyone, but on the contrary I warn against such a little thing.

My native hair color is light blond. In school, she was blonde. At the end of the school sharply repainted in black. Then gradually turned into dark brown tones. And so she went for many years, sometimes changing a little shade.

The last couple of years Londa painted the color "Burgundy", and was like this:

This winter I decided to experiment (mock) with your hair. I made a few washes, lightening, and managed to paint myself a couple of light-brown shades a couple of times. (maybe I'll write about it later) Became such:

I decided to bring the hair color to natural, I want a beautiful light brown color, not very light, maybe with an ashy tint.

And, naturally, I restore hair after all these experiments. (maybe later I'll write about it)

Now we will talk about the paint Loreal Prodigi color 6.0 "Oak / dark blond"

I chose this paint because

  • she is ammonia free + also with by somemicro oils,
  • liked the shades (I chose between 6.0 "oak" and 4.15 "frosty chestnut", took the one that is lighter),
  • attractive packaging immediately catches the eye,
  • discount price 218 rubles. in the shop "7 days" (in another store I saw her for 350 rubles)

Only when I came home with a purchase, I decided to read the reviews .. I was a little upset, because I didn’t impress me very much and I didn’t impress me very much. I even regretted that I didn’t take Frost Chestnut .. But it wasn’t

As soon as I opened the box I had a very pleasant aroma (I have associations with Elseve shampoos / balsams).

In the box: paint, emulsion, balm, gloves, instruction

Instruction simple, clear, illustrated:

Gloves black in density - the usual (as in most paints):

Coloring cream in a metal tube (squeezed out easily):

Developing emulsion in a plastic tube (completely squeeze out problematic and inconvenient):

There is a smell of paint, but not strong, it seemed to me pleasant, and my husband said that he stinks)))

The consistency is watery. Constantly there was a feeling that the paint is flowing, now and then grabbed a napkin to wipe, but, like everything is ok.

My hair is thin, the length below the shoulder blades. Spread the paint completely, with a vengeance (you can see it in the photo above), and about a third of the paint remained .. I think it was possible to dissolve half of it.

I didn’t keep up with the exact time, but kept about 40 to 60 minutes.

Wash off easily (at first washed off under a stream of water, then 1 time washed my hair with shampoo)The hair becomes very tough.

Balm volume of 60 ml, the smell is strong and pleasant, the consistency is thick, it is well distributed throughout the hair, it is economical:

After applying the balm hair instantly became soft and docile. Kept balm on hair for about 5 minutes, then washed off.

Stunning brilliance (like girls from other reviews) on my hair I did not notice ..

Here is flash photo:

Photo without flash (more realistically conveys the resulting color):

Although there is a shine on this photo (with flash):

On the street (completely different color):

Hair became dry, confused. When combing electrolyzed.

But I liked the color!

So bought another paint box (so far with discount). I will fight dryness with masks

Ambiguous review turned out)))

All the same, I will not recommend the paint, because it does not work very well on the hair (although, without ammonia) .. If I were not satisfied with the color, I would not have bought it again.

I want to add a review ..

I saved my hair from dryness very quickly with the help of various masks.

After 3 weeks I am painted again, because the color is very faded, peeled off and almost completely washed away. I will not sin, that this paint is not resistant, in my case there are several other reasons:

- previously lightened hair, now the paint (of different manufacturers) is very quickly washed off from the bleached part of the hair,

- I restore and grow hair after washing and lightening, I make different masks in which I use different oils. I read that the oils wash out the paint.

Because I already bought another package of paint, then I painted it again. I wanted to divide by 2 times, because the last time I had left the unused 3rd part. But, it is simply UNREAL. A tube with an emulsion is very large and does not appear through at all, it is absolutely incomprehensible how much emulsion there is / remains, therefore it is impossible to divide it by 2 times. I had to breed again completely ..

For myself, I decided that I would not buy this paint anymore.

See also my review on more benderless paint.

L'Oreal CASTING Creme Gloss (shade № 513 "Frosty cappuccino").


Beautiful box, Nice tubes, the presence of gloves is a plus, affordable anatation, Nice smell.


Not convenient packing of the oxidizer, there is no way to extract the contents in the right quantity! Allergy sufferers smell too strong

As for the dye I have no questions, but I am not happy with the packaging. Since it is not possible to extract the contents from it, the tube with the oxidizer is meant! take action. Because most of the product remains in the container!


Pleasant smell, you need to keep 10 minutes.


Little paint, color does not match the color on the package, you need a separate bowl.

Good day to all.
I want to share with you my review about hair dye Loreal Paris Rrodigy, the color of chocolate is golden and light chestnut.
I usually use Casting hair dye from the same company, but I really liked this color and I took a chance and took it, I note that I have never used it before.
And so, here is the packaging. The color should have turned out with a red tint.
On the packaging you can find out what color it will turn out, considering your hair color, my color is chestnut, so that it should turn out to be a beautiful saturated color.
This is what the manufacturer promises us.
Inside the package is the instructions for use, quite simple and clear, easy to understand.
There is also a developing emulsion, in such a nice package.
Behind the package there is an instruction and composition in Russian.
Also in the box is a coloring cream with some kind of micro-pigments. Also in a pretty white packaging.
The package also has instructions for use in Russian.
Also in the set is a balm for hair after dyeing.
But on it the instruction was cheated by the Russian language. But all that is needed is in a separate instruction attached to the paint.
The set includes special gloves, for some reason black.
That's so funny they look on hand)
Immediately I’ll probably say the minuses of this paint in my opinion, in Casting it was not necessary to dilute the paint in a separate bowl, and everything was mixed in a special jar that immediately went in the set, in Prodigi I had to urgently look for a bowl that I did not have, so I used improvised means in the form of a conventional container for food (of course it is now in the trash).
So, we breed paint according to the instructions, the emulsion has a white color, and the paint itself is a beautiful peach color. It smells very nice, does not irritate the nose and eyes, as happens with cheaper paints.
It all mixed up properly and the paint began to change its color; from beautiful peach it became some kind of dirty lilac.
But on this metamorphosis did not end and the paint again changed its color to dark purple.
The paint turned out to be disastrously small, all the time I was afraid that the opinion would suffice to paint and I would have to run for another package, but with grief in half I had enough of it. I note that I have rather short hair, to the middle of the neck, that is, if you have longer hair, then you cannot do with one package unfortunately.
And so, here is my hair color before dyeing, not very dark, rather even light brown, and not chestnut. Paint the way, it is advised to keep no more than 10 minutes.
But the result.
Where does that beautiful color from the packaging ask? Good question. The most interesting thing is that the redhead appeared on the very top of the head, but everything else just went dark for a few tones.
Conclusion: it would be better if I took Casting and did not steamed, and now I obviously need to repaint, and that is sad. Very upset of course because of this. More to buy this paint, I will not, and I do not advise you.

I saw the novelty of this paint in the online store, there were no reviews anywhere, so I bought it “for good luck”, and I liked the palette, so I took 4 shades at once, but in vain.

My shade is 6.32 Walnut, dark blond and golden.

Immediately, the obvious and very huge minus is that you need to mix paint components in your bowl, that is, there is no mixing bottle in the kit. Therefore, I bred in the bank, as there was simply no other unnecessary capacity.

The paint as a result of the consistency is very liquid. Moreover, I had to climb into the not-wide neck of the jar with my hand, so the paint flowed both onto the clothes and the nearby territory.

There is also a huge plus - this is that the paint smells very nice, and when applied to hair, there is practically no smell at all, apparently you are just smelling fast.

Aged paint for 30 minutes. And further, it is washed off with water. After that, as advised by the manufacturer, it is necessary to apply the applied emulsion to the hair for 5 minutes. This is where I was stupid. I felt it was better to put on a regular moisturizing mask. From the applied emulsion sense zero. It does not make the hair soft and silky at all, but on the contrary, the hair after it turned out to be tough, like tow, which cannot be styled at all. I was able to comb them only after sprinkling with a special liquid - this is the time. And two is that when washing off this emulsion, the hair got out in huge scraps, which was never, under any conditions and condition of the hair, and I have been dying for 20 years for sure.

What do I have in the end? Hair dyed - this is a plus. But they have become terribly tough and can not be laid - this is a minus. Bottom line: this paint will not advise anyone.

Does not dye hair, slightly dries hair, color discrepancy, price

I used somehow a shampoo for my non-clarified color, “trying on” auburn hair. I liked the result so much that I began to think about more stable staining. And then, to my misfortune, this Prodigy paint turned up with a discount of about 50%, i.e. for 150 p.

As they say, a mouth is filled for free, so I grabbed the paint without hesitation. Well, what, cheap and a pack healthy, then the paint is enough for the entire length of me.

I’ll say right away that I didn’t lose with this, I really had one pack of thin hair up to the shoulder blades of the usual thickness.

Of the benefits, the paint also has a pleasant smell, even the instructions say “apply it on your hair, enjoying the aroma.” This is the end of the advantages.

So, here is what we had:

The hair is not bleached, a little shabby after dyeing with Estelle shampoo, at the ends a tone or two lighter than the roots.

Well, that's what happened after staining, held for 30 minutes. according to the instructions. It is good that I thought of putting it on the ends first, otherwise I would have gone completely with carrot roots and the ends of my color.

As you can see, the color lay uneven. Not only are the individual sections not painted over (well, you can write it off on the curvature of my little hands), the color is also completely different. In some places it gives to copper, in some places to raspberry.

In life, it all looked even sadder. Given that the color comes out pretty bright, all these transitions are noticeable and spoil the impression.

So, I can say that the disadvantages outweigh: not only does the color not correspond to what was stated on the pack, it falls unevenly, does not even out the tone of the hair, but on the contrary aggravates everything. And still hair after coloring is much drier. If we recall that without a discount, the paint costs around 300-350 rubles, then it is very sad.

So I do not recommend L'oreal Prodigy paint in this shade.

Update: added a photo a month after staining. Surprisingly, the color is washed off relatively evenly, the shade is pleasant, the surrounding people even make compliments) So, perhaps, this is the only plus of this paint.



This is not a paint, but a coloring shampoo! Smear all the towels! And in the end it will not be clear what color on your head, in a month you will have strands of different shades and colors on your head! Do not waste money and nerves


I decided to dye my hair black (before that, the hair was natural, not dyed). I have my own color chestnut. Reluctantly, I still dared to spoil my natural hair by dyeing it black. bought in Rive Gaucher for 400 rubles. almost, the seller so praised! Dyed her hair, began to wash off! I washed it off for a very long time, but it wasn’t completely washed off, the water was still dark, and so the towel was dirty. Her hair turned black as I wanted. But my joy was not long! During the month when washing hair, the paint was washed off and left marks on the towel. As a result, there is no trace of black color! Now I don’t have a clear color on my head, and in some places the paint almost disappeared, strands of different colors. I'm shocked! And the hair was ruined by this chemistry, and the color is gray-brown-crimson, and threw out the money. I have the impression just disgusting left! I will never use paints by L'Oreal again! Spent money and nerves, and on my head do not understand what!



The quality of the hair after it is terrible and the shade does not look like the one claimed.


I bought the color "ivory" and was disappointed. The color is completely different from that stated, I am blonde and the shade turned out to be creepy and some kind of lifeless hair.

Acquired paint 7.40 "fire agate" in the early summer of 2014. Moreover, when I choose paint, I never look at the name or the tone, I blindly trust the photos on the box. After painting, I was shocked! The resulting color was not the same as it was written, and certainly not the same as on the model.

I prefer the natural red color, usually took "caramel" (caramel was painted for two or three years, sometimes alternating it with other colors). caramel caramel caramel

The color on the box, and on the model, I was satisfied - rich, dark red. What was my surprise when I saw the result on my head!

It turned out really fiery! Naturally, the color was gradually washed away, like any paint, and became more or less adequate. Photo 1.5 weeks after staining:

This painting was the "last straw" in the process of using my "chemical" hair dye. Although it should be said that I waited only 3-4 weeks when the color will become normal, like "caramel". After that, I began to use regular henna, and began to notice that my hair became stronger, did not "float away with the paint when washing my head."

Bottom line: The color matches the name of the paint, but not the photos from the box. This paint is not recommended for those who are accustomed to natural shades, if you like hot colors - then this paint is for you!

Ammonia odorless, healthy looking hair, beautiful color, soft hair, natural color, not colored to

Not resistant, it is quickly washed away

Completely changed my mind about this paint. Because she does not hold on to her hair at all. Each time brown hair flows from the hair until it is completely washed off. At first I thought the problem was in my bleached hair, I thought I should just just fill it with color. In the end, I painted 3 times with this paint and three times it was washed off. And as you flush your hair became red! It's a pity. After all, immediately after painting the color is simply amazing - very natural, without any extraneous shades.

Neutral reviews

Odorless ammonia, beautiful color, durability, convenient application, does not flow

In general, I like hair dye from L'Oreal. However, the Prodigy bezamiachny dye my hair is pretty dry. Say that he is completely harmless, I can not! But I like this dye, because its shades are very rich and resistant. This paint will completely paint over gray hair. I used shade 3.0 - dark chocolate. He dyed my hair exactly in the shade that is shown on the package. For me, this is a definite plus, because very often the stated shade on the hair does not appear, this is especially characteristic of non-diam dyes. Paint Prodigi smells very nice, well applied and does not flow. In the set are high-quality gloves and high-volume balsam, which is enough for several applications. But the only thing I didn’t like was that the hair after dyeing has become more dull and dry. On my hair, the harm from this non-cobalt dye manifested as well as from normal. But I applied a hair mask a couple of times, which allowed me to quickly get my hair in order. I recommend this paint, because I really like its color palette!

Ammonia odorless, not colored scalp, does not pinch

Not very consistent with the stated color, a small amount of paint, a little dry hair

And so) I took the color of 8.34 for myself, I decided that he should lay down well on the bleached hair

Photo before, just and with flash before, just before, with flash. It was set up as it was written, I would immediately note that I did not feel the smell of ammonia, there was a light smell firstly floral, and after applying some kind of chemical.

Such a gruel came out, does not flow, but it is not very convenient to apply, I barely had enough packaging on the shoulder-length hair, and usually I even had paint. I put the time on it. After 13 minutes I noticed that my head was dark brown in color O. But kaaak? How did it happen, would it really turn out so dark? I thought and ran to flush.

I don’t even know if I washed off or badly, my hair was of course colored

photo without flash photo in daylight Color even remotely, As for me, did not resemble the color on the packaging, of course you can walk like this, but still expected another.

Odorless ammonia, do not pinch

Not very consistent with the stated color, a small amount of paint, a little dry hair, uncomfortable

In pursuit of caramel hair color, I decided to buy this dye. I really liked the shade on the package and the numbers like 31-gold-beige. I think let me stay golden caramel.

A set of standard-gloves, tube of paint, developer, instruction, balm.

The paint is mixed quickly 1 to 1 (60 to 60). Smell floral. It is applied hard and consumed quite economically. I barely had one box on my short shoulder-length hair. You need to hold for 30 minutes, but I kept it for 10, when I saw how quickly my hair darkened.

Oil paint, it is true, terribly muddled and dries hair. After drying with a hair dryer and masks, they look good, but when you wash off the hair falls a lot.

But the most interesting thing is that the color of my bleached hair went to a dull blonde. No gold. As if I was painted with deaf ashes. It is not very dark .. but I want to wash it off, so I don’t like it at all. My poor hair .. I may have to be toned again by casting 1021 to return, as I understood my favorite blond, in which I feel comfortable and warm .. I hope my hair will not die completely .. I dreamed of a beautiful golden caramel color. Bummer. Now I have to spend the whole day with this blond gray dim hair color, which doesn’t suit me at all and makes me very upset ..

So, be careful, in a shade of 7.31 caramel and gold is not. Eh .. here we are women, something bangs on the head, and then go suffer for your own stupidity.

I put three stars, only for the fact that the hair is not badly damaged, I remove 2 for the color mismatch.

I didn’t find any special advantages in this paint, ordinary, household, the same casting is better.


no ammonia, rich, deep color, shine, pleasant balm included


need a mixing tank


Brunette - not just hair color, it is something more. maybe even a state of mind, if you want. A saturated, burning, deep, black hair color is close to me, it is for this reason that I am engaged in coloring. It is possible that tastes may change, but at this stage it is my choice, my image, harmonious and perfect for me. So I feel, I feel, I want.

Recently I tried a new hair dye, first of all I preferred these two:

Hair Dye L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss - Definitely "yes" to this paint

Resistant cream-hair dye Schwarzkopf Nectra Color without ammonia - eclipsed everyone else. At the moment this is my favorite hair dye

I do not exclude for myself the possibility of trying something new, in the end I found paint that I liked a lot more than all the ones I tested before. Now she is completely satisfied with me and there is no desire to switch to something else.
So, what I wanted to initially get? My requirements for hair dye can be summarized as follows:

-Salting staining as possible
- Lack of ammonia
-Saturated, deep, black color
-Shine hair
- resistant color
-Effective balm (as a rule, I do not have much enthusiasm for all the balms that come with paint).

My choice fell on the shade of obsidian black. So beautiful, quite intriguing and original title. It is this color that I always aspire to - rich, deep.

Everything is included, as usual - coloring cream, developing emulsion, gloves and a caring hair conditioner.

I got used to paints, such as L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss using which all mixes in one bottle and there is no need for any bowls, etc. In this case, I was somewhat unusual, but not so critical.

And of course after dyeing balm, which my hair definitely liked. Not to say that the ideal, but he is definitely not stupid, as sometimes happens: as I noted above, I often don’t have much enthusiasm for the balms that come with the paint, often they are called “about anything”. But you certainly want to get the maximum - maximum care, maximum light, maximum power, etc. This balm copes well with this. Even if we compare it with L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss, then it surpasses it in all these parameters.
Also, I can not fail to note the pleasant aroma of this balm.

Included, as expected, gloves.

Mixing cream and developing emulsion.

During the painting there is no unpleasant, obsessive smell, an exceptionally pleasant process, no discomfort. This is a huge plus.

Here such the consistence turns out.

If the hair is stained for the first time, the exposure time is 30 minutes. If the goal is to refresh the color of previously dyed hair, as in my case, then 20 minutes is enough. Paint beautifully dye your hair, giving it a deep, rich color. After dyeing for a few minutes, apply a balm that gives hair softness, smoothness, enhances shine and facilitates combing. Its consumption is minimal and I usually have such a balm for a long time, I use it after each washing of hair to maintain the effect obtained, to preserve the color and protect it from leaching.

According to the results of this hair dye, I was pleased. At the moment, this is my favorite among many others. Henceforth, I will most likely again give preference to her: I see no reason to try something else.

Thank you for attention.

Positive reviews

I'm a gray mouse! The natural color of my hair is blond!

The color looks beautiful in bright light, in summer - when my hair burns out in the sun, it is generally wonderful, but in winter, when everything is sad and gray, my hair seems to merge with this landscape! In a word, I decided to paint myself !!

I went for a long time with my natural color, afraid to spoil the quality of my hair, but now I was led to advertising and praise, I chose non-ammonia paint from L'Oreal Prodigy, color 9.10 White gold and lower signature - very light brown ashenYes, that's what I wanted to be!

About dyeing process:

The paint smells nicely, not harshly, the consistency is also quite comfortable, it is quite liquid, which makes it possible to distribute it well over the entire length, but does not flow at all.

Result of coloring, color:

What I didn’t expect was the fact that non-ammonia paint can highlight the hair quite strongly, I thought the maximum was a shade, and when I washed out the paint I realized that the hair became lighter by at least 2 tones or even more. What did I see in the mirror? The hair turned yellow.

White gold? light brown ashen? no, I have not seen! Light yellow chicken, light red, yes!

Hair quality after dyeing:

I can say that the hair did not suffer much, they also shine and comb easily, but the paint definitely dried the hair, I noticed this because I used to wash my hair every other day, but now the interval between washings has increased to two days! This side effect I really liked!

What can I say to sum up: I need to urgently repaint!

Ammonia-free paint can brighten hair quite strongly, while not spoiling them much, it is checked on itself! But the shade will have to pick up through trial and error!

I hope my next paint will give the desired shade!

P.S. Hair, all the same, the paint has dried off and now after washing my hair I can not comb it if I don’t use it


from Loreal, which I put on wet hair.

I did not repaint, saved CONCEPT tint balsam.

Here is my review of it.

Home deodorant feedback (Very simple and effective way)

Feedback on chemist's cream for wrinkles (unexpected result in two days)

Lip balm that removes peeling in one application



The paint is almost professional and for use at home - just perfect. I buy color for myself - frosty chocolate (I like it very much). It is not washed off, as some other known paints. And it smells nice. And balm is a miracle! I looked only for balm in the stores separately, but I did not find it.




I often dyed my hair. I experienced a lot of brands but did not receive full satisfaction, then the color is dull, then it is not at all. But then I bought the paint L'oreal Paris Prodidgy and was just delighted with the color of super hair shining! And this paint is very light in application and there is no sharp smell. And now I only use it! AND MORE IMPORTANT CAN BE MIXED SHADES. Girls, I advise you to paint L'oreal Paris Prodidgy do not regret it!


Without ammonia smell, it is well applied and washed off, the color is saturated!


There are no cons!


Words will be superfluous! Paint super!
Burns nothing, does not dry, the color is excellent!
I use 4 months! And I did not notice any flaws!

Hair coloring technology

L'Oreal Prodigy paint, like all other paints, can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before use, it is imperative to test for allergies. This is especially true of those who use the company's products for the first time. Before staining, you should also remove jewelry, so as not to spoil their appearance.

To prepare the paint you need to mix the cream paint and the developer until smooth. At first, the mixture will have a light color, but then it will change color from pale lilac to chestnut.

Dyeing the entire length of hair

Put on gloves and apply the dye mixture to the hair roots. Distribute the remaining paint over the entire length of the hair. So that the paint is better absorbed, gently massage the hair and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse the hair well until the water is clear. Over the entire length of hair, apply the Shine Grooming Enhancer. Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse well with water.

Paint on regrown roots

Put on gloves and apply the dye mixture to the hair roots, dividing the hair into separate strands. Leave for 20 minutes. After that, the remaining paint evenly spread over the entire length of the hair. For better absorption, gently massage the hair and leave on the hair for 10 minutes. Wash your hair well with warm water. Apply the Shine Glitter Care and leave for 5 minutes. After that, rinse hair well with warm water.

The kit includes the following:

  • 1 Coloring Cream (60 g),
  • 1 Developing Emulsion (60 g),
  • 1 Glitter Care enhancer (60 ml),
  • Instruction,
  • A pair of gloves.

Photo: set.

Loreal Prodigy paint palette

Paint palette - 19 natural shades. Among them are shades familiar from other colors of the brand L'Oreal. This is dark chocolate, frosty chestnut, amber. If you like these shades in colors Preference or Casting, then you can try Prodigy. The palette of shades is divided into groups from light shades to black.

Available shades:

  • 1.0 - Obsidian
  • 3.0 - Dark Chocolate
  • 3.60 - Pomegranate
  • 4.0 - Dark Walnut
  • 4.15 - Frosty Chestnut
  • 5.0 - Chestnut
  • 5.35 - Chocolate
  • 5.50 - Pink tree
  • 6.0 - Oak
  • 6.32 - Walnut
  • 6.45 - Amber
  • 7.0 - Almond
  • 7.31 - Caramel
  • 7.40 - Fire agate
  • 8.0 - White sand
  • 8.34 - Sandalwood
  • 9.0 - Ivory
  • 9.10 - White Gold
  • 10.21 - Platinum

Photo: a palette of colors and shades.

Photo before and after coloring

Author sorrysorry, the girl chose 7.40 - Fire agate, quite pleased with the result:

Author kash90, chose 9.10 "White Gold", but she did not like the result:

Jodelle chose a shade 6.45 "Amber", was very pleased with the result, before and after photos:

Unknown Lady dyed hair tint 9.0 Ivory, the result is very pleased with the girl, the photo before and after dyeing, see below:

L'Oreal Prodigy Paint Reviews

Elena's review:
Bought paint a long time ago. Just saw a new product at a discount. Finally it is time to dye your hair. I opened the box and felt a strong but pleasant smell. In the box was a developing emulsion, coloring cream, balm, gloves and instructions. Paint diluted as always (mixed emulsion and cream). The consistency of the paint turned out like a thick cream, a sharp smell is absent. The paint is applied to dry hair, the scalp does not bake. Washed off the hair well. Balm is enough for 20-3 times. I liked the result after dyeing, the condition of the hair has not changed.

Feedback Eugene:
I always fall into a dark brown-haired one, take a tone of 3.0, sometimes 4.0. I use different paints. This time, my choice fell on the paint L'Oreal Prodigi, without ammonia, oil-based, but at the same time resistant, not semi-permanent. The package has a standard set: balm, instructions, gloves, dye and oxidant. Personally, I did not like the fact that there is no dispenser in the package. This caused inconvenience to me, as the paint flows. It is very uncomfortable to apply it with a brush. The smell of the paint is pleasant, the scalp does not pinch. Soaked on the hair laid time and washed with warm water. During the wash, the hair was elastic and soft, but the paint had to be washed out for a long time. Loved the balm. I had it enough for three times. After him, the hair is soft, lively and shiny. I liked the paint, but it is expensive. There are cheaper counterparts and at the same time they are no worse.

Eli's feedback:
Hello! I want to tell you about the paint L'Oreal Prodigi oak dark blond. Before that, my hair was dyed a darker color, so I didn’t wait for a special result from dye (I needed to paint gray hair and slightly update hair color). The paint mixes well and is easy to apply on hair. The roots are painted well, the hair color has become much more beautiful than it was. Hair looks healthy. The paint is really resistant (after 5 times washing the head did not wash off). I liked it, I recommend to try.

Svetlana's review:
A couple of months ago, it was painted with a paint-free paint Revlon ColorSilk. I liked the result, but after seeing the paint advertisement, L'Oreal Prodigy decided to try it, by all means. Chose shade number 1 - obsidian (black). The paint is expensive, but I did not regret about my purchase. In the box there is an instruction, gloves, well-fitting arm, bottle of cream, with a developer and balm. The paint is mixed easily, the consistency resembles a low-fat sour cream. I thought it would flow, but this did not happen. Applied to the hair with a brush. Kept on hair for 30 minutes, then washed off. The result is very pleased: the gray dyed, the hair became shiny and soft. I recommend to try.

What is the best way to dye your hair with L’Oreal Prodigy?

Before proceeding to staining, the skin should be tested for an allergic reaction, as well as before using other paints. It is necessary to remove all jewelry in order to avoid damage to their appearance. Then you can start stirring the cream and the developer in a special bowl. The mixture should be a uniform light color, but later it will change either to light lilac or chestnut. The paint can be applied to the hair along the entire length or on the regrown roots.

The entire length of the hair

In gloves, apply a dyeing mass, starting from the roots of the hair, then spread over the entire length. For better absorption you need to massage your hair a little and hold the paint for thirty minutes. Next, wash the paint to a clear water color and apply a grooming enhancer to the hair. It must be kept on the hair for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

First, with the help of gloves, you should apply the coloring mass on the root zone of the hair, while separating them with separate strands. Time staining in this case will be no more than twenty minutes. Then you need to apply the remnants of the dye mixture to the entire length of the hair, do not forget to massage and hold for another ten minutes. Next, with the help of warm water, wash off the paint and apply the gel to the hair and shine it. After five minutes, wash it off thoroughly.

Thus, the L’Oreal Prodigy paint kit consists of: a coloring cream, a developing emulsion, a grooming gloss enhancer, one pair of gloves and instructions. It does not require additional funds for staining, everything is already in the package.

Recommended to read: Color palette and Estelle paint reviews

Prodigy hair color palette contains 18 saturated natural shades. They are the most relevant in our day. The following groups of shades are distinguished:

  • The first group: light brown shades. These are the colors of white gold, platinum and ivory.
  • The second group:light brown shades. It includes the colors of fire agate, white sand, sandalwood, almond and caramel.
  • Third group - it is chestnut colors: chocolate, nutty, chestnut, amber, the color of oak and rosewood.
  • Fourth group it is filled with dark - chestnut tones: dark chocolate, frosty chestnut, obsidian, dark walnut.

You can read about L’oreal TM other not less popular paints in the article L’oreal Best Hair Dyes, color palette.

Main advantages

  • Hair dye L'Oreal Prodigi very carefully colors the curls, without destroying their composition. Thanks to micro-oils penetrating hair, L’Oreal Prodigy strengthens them, nourishes and moisturizes. Therefore, the curls have a healthy, brilliant, soft and strong look.
  • L’Oreal Prodigy effectively and uniformly paints gray hair completely.
  • It gives hair a long lasting color, even without ammonia, which persists after frequent washing off.
  • Evenly colors strands, including the roots and the tips themselves.
  • Her color is as close to natural as possible, thus creating a natural look to the curls.
  • It has a wide variety of palettes with bright, deep and attractive shades.
  • L’Oreal Prodigy is produced using a unique technology that gives hair a charming shining color with modulations.
  • The paint is quite affordable, sold in many chain stores.
  • The cost of paint is quite acceptable and is about four hundred rubles.
  • It is very convenient to use, suitable for self-use at home.

disadvantages L’Oreal Prodigy paints, according to experts, are that this non-ammonia paint is medium resistant. It is able to save color less time than the colors, which include ammonia. However, L’Oreal Prodigy is not a toning agent.

Basic recommendations for use

  • if the strands are long enough, more L’Oreal Prodigy paint will be needed,
  • for a comfortable uniform application should distribute the curls on the strands,
  • wash off the paint after a two minute head massage with the addition of a small amount of warm water, foaming the mass for dyeing,
  • Do not use the paint with sensitive and damaged scalp,
  • not dyeing L’Oreal Prodigy with hair already dyed with henna, hair shampoos or balms,
  • avoid contact with eyes, otherwise wash off immediately with water,
  • hair should not be exposed to chemical attack for two weeks after dyeing.

L’Oreal Prodigy paint is a good choice as a staining agent. You can not be afraid for your hair, and the result will cause only positive emotions. The color turns out gorgeous, uniform and justifies the desired. Thanks to an exclusive combination of the finest pigments for dyeing, a very rich, stunning hair color is born with a maximum attractive shine with millions of tints.

The L’Oreal Prodigy dyeing method, which includes micro-oils, gives the hair a smooth, mirror shine and shine. Most of the customer reviews of this paint are only positive, everyone is happy with the color and it coincides with the image on the package.
