
Hair loss after childbirth - causes and features of treatment


With the onset of pregnancy and throughout its entire length, a tremendous hormonal adjustment takes place in the woman’s body. And this process is reflected in the appearance of a woman: in her figure, hairstyle and skin condition.

After childbirth hormonal background begins to return to normal, which also has external manifestations. Hair loss after childbirth is a problem that overtakes absolutely all new mothers. But it is temporary and goes away by itself.

So is it normal or pathological? In this article we will tell all about hair loss after childbirth: causes and treatment, ways to prevent the development of the problem.

Why does the hair fall out after birth?

A healthy person loses a few dozen hairs on a daily basis. - This is due to the physiology of the body and is the norm.

Pathology is considered only in the case when the process of hair loss increases, hair loses its former thickness, visible gaps and bald patches are formed on the scalp.

Hair loss can be temporary or irreversible, that is, leading to baldness. Temporary hair loss caused most often by external negative effects, stress factors, chemicals and radiation (in the treatment of cancer patients), diseases affecting the scalp: ringworm, scleroderma, syphilis.

To understand the causes of hair loss after childbirth, it is necessary to consider the physiology of their growth. There are three phases of hair growth:

  • active (anogen) - lasts 5-7 years,
  • a transition period (catogen) with a duration of up to 1 month,
  • resting stage (telogen) - lasts from 3 to 6 months.

Hair in a healthy person drop out in telogen stages. During this period, the hair bulb dies off, the hair moves to the surface of the skin and falls out.

In pregnant women, all hairs that are in the anogen phase do not pass into the catogen, but are retained in the active growth stage before the birth of the child. Therefore, during pregnancy, all women note that their curls become thicker and lush, more than ever.

After childbirth, all the hairs that were supposed to fall out during pregnancy (up to 100 per day), go to the resting stage and fall in an increased amount.

Often women, several months after giving birth, when they wake up in the morning, they see a huge amount of hair on their pillow and are horrified. it occurs, on average, three months after the appearance of the child to the light.

Process physiology

The main cause of hair loss after childbirth is changing hormonal background of a woman. During pregnancy and after childbirth, the concentration of three hormones changes in the body: progesterone, estrogen, prolactin.

From the first weeks after conception in the blood progesterone concentration increases.

And seborrhea, in turn, provokes hair loss, which is observed in women in the first weeks of pregnancy.

From the second trimester the amount of estrogen increases or “Beauty hormone”, which normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and prevents the transition of hair follicles from the active stage to the resting phase.

During this period, the woman's skin is cleansed, becomes matte, curls acquire a healthy sheen, become thick and luxuriant.

After childbirth, the leading role goes to hormone prolactin.

Under his influence, the concentrations of estrogen and progesterone decrease, and the hair follicles “resting” 30 weeks of pregnancy “wake up”, go into the telogen phase and fall out.

Unlike physiological hair loss after delivery, recurrence of hair loss is already regarded as pathology, is called "Telogenovy alopecia" and requires adjustment of lifestyle.

Is it possible to stop this?

Increased hair loss after delivery - physiological phenomenon and it is impossible to stop it. The main task of a woman during this period is to prevent a relapse.

Anemia, hypovitaminosis, stress, lack of sleep - all these factors aggravate the process and lead to the fact that the hair follicles under the influence of stress factors begin to move in a timely manner from the active phase of growth to the stage of rest. This means that with an unhealthy lifestyle, a woman should again expect another hair loss after another 3-4 months. On the effect of stress on hair loss, read here.

After all with telogen alopecia, up to 50% of all hair falls out on the head. Therefore, the physiological and emotional state of women after childbirth and during breastfeeding requires increased attention. About hair loss during lactation, read here.

Hair loss treatment after childbirth

With hair loss after childbirth, the following point should be understood: it will not be possible to stop the physiological process, but it is possible to make the new hairs even healthier and thicker. Also it is important to prevent repeated episodes.

Based on the above, the treatment of hair loss in women after childbirth includes the following main points:

  1. Healthy balanced diet.
  2. Reception of additional vitamins of group B, calcium, iron.
  3. Organization of sleep, rest and wakefulness.
  4. Normalization of the emotional state, taking sedative decoctions of motherwort, valerian, chamomile.
  5. Strengthening hair shafts with nourishing masks, based on such folk remedies as: yeast, honey, kefir, aloe, chicken egg, henna, rye bread, oak bark, as well as serums, herbal decoctions of nettle, burdock, hops.
  6. Hair growth stimulation with scalp massage using essential oils.

A woman may experience additional stress, seeing a large number of hairs on a comb, pillow, which sometimes fall out in scraps. And strong stress provokes telogen alopecia. Therefore, it is important to explain to the newly-minted mom that this process occurs in all women during this life period and is normal.

Nervous stress

When a child appears, new problems and fears arise. Besides the fact that childbirth is a serious stress, many women have to take care of the baby on their own. Sleepless nights are coming. Excitements for the health of the baby can adversely affect the condition of the strands. Observed hair loss after childbirth.

During pregnancy in women, blood viscosity decreases and its volume increases, due to which the level of hemoglobin decreases and iron deficiency anemia appears. The situation may be exacerbated by comorbidities that occur when carrying a child, or large blood loss. Often drugs with the presence of iron can not be taken during lactation, so there may be hair loss after childbirth.


During breastfeeding, women limit the diet, exclude products that cause allergies in the child. But the mother's body may require many vitamins and minerals.

There are other cases - young mothers who eat only fresh and wholesome food during pregnancy begin to eat pickled, smoked, salted foods. As a result, vitamin deficiency follows, worsening the condition of the skin and curls. Often, hair loss after birth occurs for this very reason.

Endocrine disorders

The causes and treatment of hair loss after childbirth are interrelated. Often this phenomenon is due to endocrine disorders - polycystic ovary syndrome and an excess of male hormones in the blood. Signs of this condition include:

  1. Hair falls out more than during the year.
  2. Excess weight does not go away.
  3. Irregularity of the menstrual cycle.

With such problems, you should contact a specialist. This will allow the hormonal system to return to normal in a timely manner, to stop the process of hair loss.

How to stop hair loss after giving birth? To prevent alopecia, an integrated approach is required, combining internal and external remedies. If simple means do not bring results, you need to consult a doctor, as probably the causes of this phenomenon are related to health problems.

Proper nutrition

Treatment of hair loss after childbirth should begin with the restoration of the regime and diet. Of course, it will be easier to do this if there is help with the child. Meals should be balanced. The diet should include vitamins E and D, as well as trace elements - calcium, selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids.

If a woman is breastfeeding a baby, then before using a certain product, you need to check if there are any undesirable reactions in the child. Replacement is sometimes required. Dairy products are needed to saturate the body with calcium, but they cause colic in children under 1 year, so you should eat green vegetables instead.

The following products are useful for hair:

  1. Oily fish. For example, salmon is rich in vitamins that strengthen curls.
  2. Linseed oil. It should be consumed by 1-2 tbsp. l in a day.
  3. Green vegetables. They include vitamin A and C, as well as iron, calcium.
  4. Legumes Beans and lentils are rich in protein, iron and zinc.
  5. Nuts They have zinc, necessary to strengthen the hair.
  6. Bird. Such meat is rich in protein, iron.
  7. Eggs The product includes protein, biotin and vitamin B12.
  8. Whole grain foods. There is zinc, iron, vitamin B.
  9. Milk products. Contain calcium, protein.
  10. Carrot. Vitamin A gives shine to hair.

Taking vitamins from hair loss after giving birth will help solve this problem. Multivitamin complexes saturate the body with valuable components. During breastfeeding the following agents are allowed:

  1. Vitrum Prenatal.
  2. "The Alphabet: Mom's Health."
  3. Elevit Pronatal.

The doctor may prescribe other complexes that are allowed during this period. Before taking consultation with a specialist and study instructions are mandatory points.

Shampoos and Balsams

How to stop hair loss after giving birth? The stores sell various professional tools that prevent alopecia and strengthen curls. Apply shampoos and balms should be a complex, using products from one manufacturer.

It should be borne in mind that the funds must be changed regularly. As hair and skin become accustomed to their effects, the result will be less noticeable. And having replaced the looking after means, it will turn out to stop a hair loss.

Folk remedies

According to reviews, hair loss after childbirth is perfectly treated with folk remedies. To do this, use vegetable oils, mustard, red pepper, dairy products, rye bread, brandy. They create masks and perform wraps. Procedures restore blood circulation, nourish the bulbs.

Before using masks, you need to determine your type of curls (fat or dry). You also need to check for allergies - mix the ingredients and put a little on the elbow. If after 30 minutes there is no redness, itching and other skin manifestations, then the tool is suitable for restoring the health of curls.

Mask of onions and honey

With the help of common onion hair loss stops. To prepare a mask, you need 1-2 onions, chop them and squeeze the juice. It will take 1 tbsp. l juice that is mixed with burdock oil (2-3 tbsp. l.) and liquid honey (1 tbsp. l.).

After mixing, the product is rubbed into the skin of the head. You need to wrap up with a towel and leave for 40 minutes, and then wash your hair. To eliminate the peculiar smell, apply shampoo with the addition of citrus essential oils.

Mustard mask

Hair loss in women after childbirth can be treated with mustard. This product normalizes the blood circulation of the scalp, so the curls grow faster. Mustard powder (40 g) and peach or burdock oil (50 ml) will be required.

To these components add 1 yolk and honey (1 tbsp. L.). Everything is thoroughly mixed and some hot water is added. You should get a mixture in the form of thick cream. Mask rubbed into the scalp, and after 15-20 minutes, it is washed off.

Red pepper mask

For the preparation of a remedy, a tincture of red capsicum is needed (it is sold in a pharmacy), which is mixed with the same amount of burdock oil. The mask should be applied at the roots, slightly rubbing the mixture. After that, the hair is covered with a hat and a towel.

Rinse your head after 40-60 minutes. Applying masks of red pepper and mustard, you need to respect the proportions of the recipe and do not extend the time of exposure, because this can cause scalp burns. If there is a strong burning sensation, then the mask should be immediately washed off.

Mask of rye bread

It is required to steam the crumb of rye bread (150 g), and then knead, add sea salt (1 tsp). The components are mixed to form a creamy mass. An hour later, you can rub the mixture into the scalp, cover with plastic and a towel. Flushing occurs after 20-25 minutes.

Replace the balm or conditioner can infusions of medicinal plants - it is desirable to use burdock root, oak bark, nettles and hop cones. To get a rinse is not difficult - 1 tbsp. l chopped fruits or bark should be filled with water (1 cup), and then rinse the hair.

Liquid pharmaceutical vitamins A, E, B are added to the above components. Masks should be performed 1-2 times a week, alternating recipes for 1 month, and then terminating the procedure for 2-3 months.


In addition to the use of vitamins, complexes, shampoos and masks, you need to follow simple rules that will reduce the physical impact on the hair, make them healthier:

  1. You need to wash your hair at least 2 times a week using natural shampoos without parabens, sulphates and other harmful components.
  2. Do not use metal combs for combing, as they pull out the hair and injure the scalp. But fit a wooden product or brush based on natural bristles.
  3. Drying hair should be done in a natural way, do not comb them in a wet form.
  4. It is important to eliminate the negative impact on the hair - perm and coloring.
  5. Do not use curling irons, tongs and irons.
  6. Do not tie the hair in tight "bunches".

After birth, many moms have hair loss. With the right care, it will be possible to restore beauty and a beautiful view of curls in a short time.

Causes of hair loss

During pregnancy, the woman's body actively synthesizes and accumulates the hormone estrogen, which is needed for carrying a baby, and its strengthening effect on the hair is an additional effect.

Immediately after the baby is born, the level of estrogen begins to gradually decrease., especially if the delivery was performed by caesarean section and breastfeeding had to be abandoned for some reason.

Most often, over time, this problem is solved by itself, since a healthy body restores its strength and returns an attractive appearance.

An ordinary person loses a day about 90-100 hairs and this is the norm, and now it is necessary to add to this amount also those that were supposed to fall out, but remained in place during pregnancy, but could not because of this effect of estrogen - that is why it seems that the hair creeps in shreds.

Some young mummies and their relatives still believe that breastfeeding can also provoke hair loss, since it is breast milk that gives the baby all the microelements, nutrients and vitamins necessary for the development and growth.

However, with a balanced nutrition of the mother, this assumption is more than unreasonable, because the hormonal profile in this case changes gradually, so you should not refuse to feed for beautiful hair.

Another question is that hair loss can be triggered by a mineral imbalancethat occur during pregnancy or a large loss of blood during childbirth, but even this condition quickly returns to normal with proper selection of food rations and additional intake of special multivitamin preparations for pregnant and lactating women.

First of all, hair loss treatment implies proper nutrition and long stay in the fresh air.

Not all young mothers can eat a variety of foods immediately after the baby appears, because babies are very sensitive to various allergens and almost any product included in the mother’s diet can provoke the appearance of signs of exudative-catarrhal diathesis.

It is especially difficult for mothers whose children were born in late autumn and winter, because at this time of year there are very few high-quality vegetables and fruits, and those that are available and fresh are available in bright colors, which means they are forbidden (red apples, oranges, tangerines, persimmon).

On the other hand, a feeding diet implies lack of "harmful" products - sweet drinks, chips, fast food, products with a high content of sugar, preservatives and synthetic dyes and flavors, which can not but affect the condition of the hair for the better.

Selection of cosmetics - it is an individual matter, from the funds with the same effect from different manufacturers, one thing may come up, and the other - not. A lot of time is usually spent on choosing the best means, since you can notice a positive effect only after several weeks of regular use.

If possible, you should leave your child with another family member for at least a couple of hours and go to a beauty salon.

First of all, there you can trim the hair or at least their tips, which reduces the load on the hair follicle.

Secondly, the master can offer to use professional tools and programs to restore the hair structure, the effectiveness of which is clearly higher than that of home remedies or traditional medicine recipes. In addition, a visit to the salon will help get rid of psychological problems and feel not only Mom, but also Woman.

Treatment of folk remedies

Folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of hair loss is recommended to use masks of burdock and castor oil.

One of these oils is necessary 1-2 times a week rub into the scalp, then wrap with a film and a towel and leave for 2 hours. To remove this mask, you need to wash your hair with a shampoo for oily hair, but do not be upset if the oil is not washed the first time and you need to reapply the shampoo, because oils are always difficult to wash off.

Yolk and castorca Masks also have a restorative and trophic effect. For this you need to take 1 egg yolk must be well grind with 1 tsp castor oil, then apply on dirty, but dry hair as a compress. Wash off with shampoo. In addition to castor oil, vodka can be used for such purposes, but such a mask is necessary. rinse off after 40 minutes.

To prepare the mask used lower and middle aloe leaveswhich are cut, washed, dried, wrapped in any paper and removed to the refrigerator for 12 days.

Those leaves that have turned black need to be thrown away, and the rest should be crushed, squeezed out juice, rubbed into the scalp a couple of times a week. This tool can be stored in the refrigerator.

Red Chilli Peppers poured 70 degree alcohol in the ratio of 1:10, infused week, then filtered. After that, 10 more parts of ordinary water are diluted and up to 3 times a week are washed into the hair part of the head.

Dairy products (kefir or yogurt) put on hair for 30 minutes, cover with a film, then wash hair with shampoo.

Some "advanced" modern moms advise their girlfriends in adversity to try to get pregnant again in speed, and hair density will be restored.

But nothing effective, except for a temporary increase in the amount of estrogen in the body, will not happen, and after repeated births the problem will reappear, only with more unpleasant symptoms.

In those cases when hair loss is accompanied by a constant depressed mood, malaise, the appearance of edema on the limbs, the cause of which is impossible to determine, is consult a qualified endocrinologist and conduct a study of the profile of not only female hormones, but also the thyroid gland.

These phenomena may be the first signs of hypothyroidism (insufficient thyroid function) that occurs on the background of relative or absolute iodine deficiency in the body, and the treatment of which should begin as early as possible.

You should never make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment yourself., but to take care of sufficient intake of iodine in the body with high-quality meat, vegetables and fruits can be at home.

To do this, you must comply with the correct technology of cooking and take into account the fact that during heat treatment the amount of iodine decreases rapidly.

What happens to hair during pregnancy

Hair follicles are extremely sensitive to hormonal changes occurring in the body. During the 9 months that the pregnancy continues - the most beautiful time in a woman's life - there is an increase in female hormones (estrogens), and the horny layer of skin thickens. A larger number of flakes appears on the surface of the hair, so they appear thick and thick.

At the same time, increased skin greasiness: pregnant women rarely face the problem of dry hair, rather the opposite - they are worried about excessive greasiness.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes anti-aging processes and beneficial vitamins are accumulated. Roots become strong and hold more hair. They look better, stop falling out.

What happens to the hair after childbirth

During lactation (feeding), especially from 3-4 months after birth, the body returns to its normal hormonal state: the level of estrogen decreases, and hair without stimulation begins to fall out particularly intensively.

This state does not need to be scared: the bulbs simply can not cope with the volume of hair that appeared during pregnancy. You just need to wait until the body processes are normalized. This usually occurs at 6-8 months after delivery or after cessation of feeding. But you need to keep in mind that women who continue breastfeeding for a longer period, the problem of hair loss is not expressed so clearly. This is due to the fact that hormonal levels level out gradually.

How to treat hormonal hair loss after giving birth

Although six months after birth, intensive hair loss stops naturally, I want to be beautiful here and now. Waiting for the “miracle”, when after each shampooing the bath no longer becomes clogged by the falling strands, you can additionally help the body.

  • Compensate for the lack of vitamins. During breastfeeding, nutrients and trace elements are “washed out” from the body. As a result of blood loss, which is accompanied by childbirth, anemia occurs, there is a lack of iron and vitamins B and C, which are very important for hair growth. You can replenish the balance with proper nutrition, and taking special vitamin-mineral complexes - but the doctor must prescribe medications!
  • Try to avoid stress and lack of sleep.. Funny to say! The first months after childbirth - one continuous wakefulness at the baby’s crib, day and night. However, regular full sleep will have a positive effect not only on the state of the nervous system, but also on your beauty. As soon as an opportunity arises, do not refuse it!
  • Eat right. Your healthy menu must include lean meats, dairy products, vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables that do not belong to allergens. Vitamins and microelements contained in products compensate for their deficiency in the body - you may not have to take vitamin complexes.

Help "outside": we do homemade masks for hair restoration after childbirth

Take a moment to take care of the beauty when doing household chores. We offer you simple recipes for masks from natural ingredients that will effectively solve the problem of postpartum hair loss.

  • Nourishing mask for all hair types. Mix vegetable and sea buckthorn oil in a ratio of 1: 9, rub the mixture into the hair roots, put on a cap and let stand for 1 hour, then rinse with shampoo. The course is 10 treatments twice a week.
  • Nourishing mask with olive oil. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil (not to boil!) And rub into the scalp, then comb your hair with a comb and wrap your head with a warm towel (you can heat it on the battery). After washing the hair, apply conditioner.
  • Mask with burdock oil for hair growth. Rub burdock oil into the hair roots and put on a plastic hat or plastic bag. Wrap your hair with a warm towel for 2 hours, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

Additional tips on preserving hair after childbirth

While you are treating your hair for falling out after giving birth, you can additionally help or at least not harm it.

  • Try to limit the use of styling products and appliances.
  • Do not dye your hair during treatment.
  • Do not wear uncomfortable hairstyles with metal hairpins, strapped tails. And better, make a haircut, in which you will be easier to care for your hair.
  • Perform a head massage with a wooden brush.
  • Purchase special products, for example, from the ALERANA ® series to treat hair loss.

Why do young mothers lose hair

The causes of hair loss after childbirth are partly due to the natural processes occurring in the body, and partly due to the lifestyle of the young mother.

  1. The main reason is a change in hormonal levels. During pregnancy, the production of female sex hormones (estrogens) increases many times. Under the action of these hormones, the body literally rejuvenates, the rate of cell renewal is very high. The natural process of hair loss during this period is reduced to a minimum: those hairs that have already stopped their active growth do not fall out, but remain in place, in parallel with this new ones are actively growing. Increased blood volume also plays a positive role in growing luxurious hair during pregnancy. After delivery, hormonal changes in the opposite direction. The amount of estrogen decreases, and the whole miraculous effect of them disappears. Hair falling out during this period is the one that should have fallen out anyway, but was delayed for physiological reasons. They just start falling out quite abruptly and in large quantities, so the situation may frighten the young mother.
  2. Stress factor. The birth of a child, strange as it may sound, is a great stress for a woman, even though he has a plus sign. Adaptation to a new social role, new worries, lack of sleep, even against the background of the joy of motherhood, weakens the body forces. Against the background of stress, the condition of the skin can deteriorate, the immunity weakens, hair loss intensifies.
  3. Lack of vitamins and minerals. It is believed that during the carrying of the baby all the nutrients are “sent” to the child, and mom gets something by the residual principle. During the breastfeeding period, the same thing happens, only the needs of the newborn baby are much higher, so the mother gets even less.

How to stop hair loss

Immediately it should be said that completely stop hair loss is impossible. That part of the hair that was supposed to leave the head, still leave it. However, this does not mean that you should not take any action. The best treatment in this situation is increased hair care and fortifying agents for the whole body.

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  • On the physical level, it is worth treating the hair very carefully: do not comb wet hair, do not tighten them in a tight "tail", refuse to frequent combing (especially with metal teeth), do not use hair dryers, irons and curling irons, do not dye hair and do not perm;
  • Cosmetic masks, both industrial and home-made, help hair loss well. Recipes for homemade masks can be easily found on the Internet, but you need to take into account that young mothers usually have very little time for procedures and personal care, and such masks take time: mix the ingredients, apply, wash off in time. In this sense, store supplies are more convenient. Of the store is very effective oil masks, which are specially prepared mixture of essential oils. The main components of these masks are burdock oil and oil solutions of vitamins A and E. By the way, vitamins A and E can be added as a solution to shampoos, balms and other hair products, making them healthier.
  • In the period of hair loss, it is worth reconsidering all the means to care for them. Shampoos and balms of the mass market is better to postpone for a while and replace with special therapeutic agents sold in pharmacies. These shampoos not only give a light cosmetic effect, but also, thanks to the active ingredients, have an effect on the scalp, causing a rush of blood to the hair follicles, and thus, increasing their nutrition,
  • A mandatory condition for combating hair loss is a healthy good nutrition.After all, food is the main source of vitamins and nutrients. The menu must be protein, calcium, vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables.
  • Not superfluous will support the body with the help of vitamin preparations., especially since nursing mothers usually treat many foods with caution, refuse fruits and vegetables, or eat them in minimal amounts. During breastfeeding, you can take the same vitamins as during pregnancy (Multi-tabs Perinatal, Vitrum Prenatal, Elevit Pronatal). Additionally, you can take calcium supplements (Calcium D3) and iodine (Ydomarin, potassium iodide). However, overloading the body with pills is not worth it. Drugs need to drink courses, giving the liver a rest from the increased load.

If the process of hair loss continues too long or is very intensive - it makes sense to consult a specialist. Usually, massage and mesotherapy are prescribed to combat hair loss.

On average, hair loss begins 3-4 months after childbirth and lasts 2-3 months. It is necessary to take measures against active prolapse while observing a very important condition - the calm emotional background of the mother. Rest and a positive attitude - the key to victory over any problem.

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Hair loss after delivery: treatment

By and large, it is impossible to oppose hair loss after giving birth to something that would solve the problem fundamentally. However, hair loss can be minimized if treated with increased frugality. The simplest treatment for hair loss after childbirth is the enhanced care of them. For example, you do not need to comb them while they are wet (after all, at this moment they are the most fragile). It is better not to use very thin hair, they are too tightly pulled by the hair. It is also advisable to refrain from styling hair in the tail or any other of the ways in which the hair is strongly drawn out. As for the various dryers or curling irons - they should also be abandoned.

One of the few ways to treat hair loss after childbirth is the use of vitamins. Let's start with vitamins of group B. The inclusion of foods rich in vitamins of group B in the diet of a woman who has just given birth can help her cope with postpartum hair loss. One of the reasons for the effectiveness of these vitamins is related to the fact that they are directly involved in the delivery to the scalp of nutrients and oxygen that are necessary for hair growth. For example, vitamins B6 and B12 are very important for the production of red blood cells that carry nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. And in addition to diets consisting of foods rich in vitamins of group B, doctors also recommend the use of shampoos containing biotin, which is also part of this vitamin complex.

Another vitamin that experts recommend for treating hair loss after giving birth is vitamin C. Its antioxidant effect can protect hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. In addition, vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, which is an important part of the structure of the blood vessels that serve as a transport system through which nutrients and oxygen contained in red blood cells enter the scalp.

Finally, another vitamin that plays an important role in the treatment of hair loss after childbirth is vitamin E. It is known primarily for its antioxidant properties, but this is not its only advantage. In addition to being responsible for protecting the body against the damaging effects of free radicals, vitamin E also protects the cell membranes throughout the body and contributes to the health of blood vessels. All this helps to ensure uninterrupted delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the scalp and hair.

Why it happens

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the woman’s pituitary gland begins to produce an increasing amount of estrogen. It affects the healthy appearance of hair and skin. Therefore, during this period, hair loss stops, and their volume increases by about a third. After childbirth, the amount of this hormone in the maternal organism gradually decreases and after 4-6 months its level returns to its original rate. Accordingly, the intensity of hair loss increases. And since they are much larger than usual by the time of birth, they also climb more strongly.

In fact, those hairs that have had to change in the last months of pregnancy fall out intensively, but due to hormonal changes in the body and disturbances of the growth phases did not fall out during that period.

Approximately six months after birth, the hormones normalize and the intensive loss of strands stops. If this does not happen - then the woman should seek the advice of a specialist - trichologist. However, as statistics show, such cases are isolated. And in most cases, the problem goes away as the body recovers after delivery.

An uneven hair loss, the presence of distinct pockets of baldness on the head should alert the woman. Usually, after childbirth, hair intensively changes over the entire surface of the scalp. If in some place they are completely absent and a bald patch forms, then a doctor should be examined. He usually recommends a thyroid gland examination and prescribes a series of tests to determine the exact diagnosis.

Another reason for weakening hair after childbirth is a decrease in the level of vitamin D, magnesium and calcium in the female body. A huge amount of vitamins and microelements, the mother's body gave up the growth and development of the baby, so their lack primarily affects the condition of the teeth, head cover, nails and skin. One of the first steps aimed at strengthening the bulbs of the head should be the introduction of products with a high content of essential vitamins and microelements into the mother's diet. And before using special drug complexes, a nursing woman should consult with a pediatrician to confirm the safety of the drug for the child.

What to look for

It should be noted that a woman can independently reduce the intensity of hair loss and accelerate the growth of new ones, if she pays enough attention to her regimen and nutrition, and will also carefully follow the recommendations of doctors to care for her hair.

  • In the diet of women after childbirth must be necessarily lean meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
  • Chronic sleep deprivation and stress have a great effect on the state of hair.
  • By giving most of her time to the baby, mom is not able to give herself as much attention as before. In this regard, women often violate the basic rules of hair care, which immediately affects her appearance.

Care rules

So, let's get acquainted with the basic rules for the care of hair, the implementation of which will help reduce the adverse effect on the hair of surrounding factors, increase hair strength and growth intensity.

Do not wash your head with raw tap water. It contains a huge amount of various salts, phosphates, perchloric acid and other harmful substances. After washing with hard water, the strands lose their natural luster and softness, become brittle and dull, begin to split and grow worse. Soften tap water using the following methods:

  • boil it
  • let stand for 6-12 hours (or even better from the evening of the previous day), and an hour before use, acidify the water with lemon juice or add a few drops of ammonia,
  • add some glycerin or a borax spoon to the water.

If the curls are washed only with softened water, they will be softer and more pliable.

Do not wash your hair with hot water. High temperature water adversely affects hair, making it dry, brittle and dull. The most optimal for washing the head is water with a temperature of 35-40 oC. There is an erroneous opinion that the fat strands should be washed only with hot water. In fact, even at 35-40 degrees shampoos are well removed from the hair oily film.

Should carefully choose shampoo. When choosing a shampoo, you should not be guided by beautiful labels and advertising promises, but carefully study the composition of the product. The fact is that shampoo can be very effective in terms of cleansing hair, but at the same time contain aggressive components that will destroy their structure. Or vice versa, to be fairly harmless, but completely useless and ineffective. Therefore, the most important thing is to choose such a shampoo that will satisfy the rule of the golden mean: clean your hair well and at the same time harm it to the minimum. Since now the names of the components are usually written in a foreign language, it should be remembered that the safest are shampoos containing TEA Lauryl Sulfate / TEA Laureth Sulfate, obtained using tea tree extracts. Shampoos with Sodium Lauryl Sulfate / Sodium Laureth Sulfate are considered more harmful. But if among the components of the shampoo there is the word Ammonium in various combinations of substances, then it is wiser to refuse such a remedy.

Often a woman has to try many different tools before she can find the right one for her. If the choice is difficult to make, you can turn to professional series (which are much more expensive than regular shampoos) or prepare the product yourself according to an individual recipe.

Since after birth the hormonal balance in the woman's body changes all the time, the state of the locks also changes with it. Therefore, the first six months is very difficult to opt for any one brand of shampoo.

Need to properly select the air conditioner. For nutrition and strengthening of the hair, you can use medical balms and masks, the choice of which is now also quite large. In order to weak dry hair less confused and electrified, should be after their use of air conditioner. It makes the curls more fluffy, facilitates combing. You can make masks of such vegetable oils as olive, burdock, sea buckthorn. They also prevent hair loss and moisturize the scalp.

Well strengthens the decoction of herbs from herbs that you can do rinsing after washing your hair. Chamomile is an affordable and effective way to make such decoctions. No less well strengthened curls decoctions of the leaves and stalk of nettle, burdock roots.

Washing and Combing Technique

Worse hair health can the wrong technique of washing. Trichologists are asked to follow the following recommendations when washing their heads:

  • do not wash your hair under the stream from the shower, as the constant foaming of the shampoo does not allow it to be completely washed off, which causes the hair to get fat faster and dandruff on the skin,
  • Do not apply concentrated shampoo on your head, but first dilute it in your palm with a small amount of water and lather,
  • Do not overstay longer than necessary time masks, balms,
  • Do not comb wet hair, do not pull tightly tangled strands,
  • comb the comb with the rounded edges of the teeth;
  • iron combs replace wooden or plastic,
  • do not dry your hair too strongly with a hair dryer, curling iron, but it is better to stop using them for a while,
  • do a daily massage of the scalp in the form of hundreds of other movements comb,
  • temporarily abandon the use of varnishes, mousses, gels, paints and foams for styling or at least minimize their use.

If the mother will pay enough attention to her health every day, then over time she will notice that her hair is climbing less and less. As the body recovers after giving birth, the condition of the hair will also improve. If the above recommendations do not help to reduce the intensity of the fallout and it will continue even after 6 months, then a woman is better to seek help from a qualified specialist.

1. Physiological alopecia during pregnancy

In the period of childbearing, due to hormonal adjustment, the female body suffers significant changes. In addition to the growing abdomen, there is also an acceleration of hair growth, an increase in their thickness, and in general the hair looks much better, in addition, most pregnant girls say that they have almost no hair fall out.

After childbirth, the hormonal background of women normalizes, and as a result, the curls gradually become the same as before pregnancy.

Due to the smaller supply of hair follicles, which should return to a state of rest, the death and loss of hair occurs.

2. Stress and Surge

Childbirth is always a stress for the female body. Future sleepless nights, fatigue, postpartum depression, overwork and, of course, a sharp decline in immune defense are added to this difficult physiological process. All these and many other minor problems can be one of the main factors for the loss of a large amount of hair.

3. Anemia during pregnancy

During the period of childbearing, the viscosity of the blood decreases significantly, but the volume of blood, on the contrary, increases, which is a direct way to reduce hemoglobin levels. With the intake of complex vitamins and proper nutrition, the process of normalization of hemoglobin level in the blood after childbirth occurs much faster. But when problems arise during pregnancy, preeclampsia, for example, in the postpartum period, a low level of hemoglobin is usually noted. The same reason can be serious blood loss during childbirth.

According to most experts, it is iron deficiency - this is one of the most common causes leading to excessive hair loss. With the ban on taking iron supplements after childbirth, the deterioration of the hair and the body as a whole is noticed. Usually this happens at birth of a child with a diagnosis of jaundice and the admission of additional iron in this case is unacceptable, of course, if the child is not on artificial feeding.

4. Lack of vitamins and minerals

Due to the lack of essential vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy hair growth, a significant increase in hair loss has been noticed. Most often, the lack of these elements in the female body is caused by breastfeeding. It is known that in the first months after birth for women breastfed can be prohibited from the use of certain products, in order to avoid diathesis (food allergies) in a child.

With insufficient intake of vitamins and other elements from food due to the restriction of the diet, avitaminosis is observed. In such situations, complex vitamins are prescribed to replenish the vitamin and mineral balance. But only a doctor should prescribe them, and after taking the first pills, it is necessary to monitor the child's reaction.

5. Endocrine pathologies and disorders

Usually, endocrine disruption occurs in women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). To determine the exact diagnosis and prescription of therapy, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Symptoms of endocrine disorders:

  • hair falls out more than a year after delivery,
  • lack of weight normalization after delivery for a long time,
  • problems when re-conceiving a child.

6. Androgenetic alopecia after childbirth

In this situation, baldness is due to genetic predisposition. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in the fair sex during menopause. However, as a result of hormonal changes or disorders, to which both pregnancy and childbirth can be attributed, this process can also develop at an earlier age.

Symptoms inherent in androgenetic alopecia:

  • hair loss for a year or more,
  • lack of growth of new hairs on the spot fallen out
  • thinning of curls, they become noticeably dimmer, brittleness appears, which contributes to the gradual shortening of the length,
  • noticeable parting, sometimes they say that it seems to be lit,
  • significant reduction in hair density.

7. General anesthesia and caesarean

The human body reacts negatively to anesthesia and any surgical intervention. At the same time, hair loss after cesarean is one of the consequences of anesthesia.

Of course, it is not always possible to avoid this surgical intervention, but it must be borne in mind that with such a delivery the woman's body is more weakened than with natural childbirth, since the recovery process is much longer.

Video "Why does hair fall out after giving birth?"

Informational video with answers to common questions about alopecia after childbirth, as well as recommendations of a professional trichologist.

Fight for beauty or what to do if hair falls out after giving birth

Perhaps, before starting treatment and somehow correcting the situation, it is necessary to find out the exact cause of alopecia. It is unlikely that this will be done independently, therefore it is recommended to seek help from the trichologist. After passing through a specific examination, the specialist will find out the reason, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

1. Hormones - what to do with them?

The thyroid gland is the organ responsible for the production of hormones. But in the period of carrying a child, the ovaries, corpus luteum and placenta are connected to the thyroid gland. After the birth, all these organs go into the so-called sleep mode, the rest mode. To stabilize the state of the body after giving birth, more attention should be paid to the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Seek advice from an endocrinologist, or at least a therapist. In order to maintain proper thyroid function, iodine preparations can be prescribed, as well as a diet that includes more meals and products with iodine. With the help of this substance hormones are easily normalized.

But there are situations when destabilization is quite acute and requires more radical intervention, namely, hormonal drugs and phytohormones.

Strong hormonal disruptions signal about themselves usually with such signs:

  • sharp and strong fluctuations in weight
  • stressful states and emotional overstrain,
  • manifestation of severe swelling (face, legs and hands),
  • frequent dizziness,
  • the sharp appearance of extensive rashes, acne,
  • painful menstruation, cycle disturbances.

To confirm or refute this problem, you must pass certain laboratory tests.

When confirming the guesswork, in no case can you try to solve the problem yourself. Since even an excess of iodine can adversely affect the state of your body and baby's health. Hormone therapy should be prescribed only by an endocrinologist, after a thorough examination.

Improper hormone treatment can lead to serious consequences.

2. Dealing with stress

Control over your emotions and consultation of an experienced psychologist will help to overcome stress.

It should be noted that stress has an indirect effect not only on the human nervous system, but also on its appearance. So, follow simple guidelines to avoid the stress of hair follicles, as a result of which hair loss after childbirth increases significantly:

  1. For washing the head is perfect water at room temperature. Using too cold or too hot water can adversely affect the condition of your hair.
  2. Do not use non-natural hairbrushes. The best option would be a wooden comb or comb made of natural bristles. It is also not necessary to comb the hair immediately after washing, as wet hair is more susceptible to traumatization.
  3. Minimize use of hair dryer and styling products to a minimum. If you urgently need to dry your hair, use only a cold stream of air, at a distance of at least 20 cm. For greater safety, it is also recommended to protect the hair with a special foam or styling spray.
  4. Wait a while with hair painting. Painting is an additional stress for the hair as a result of a chemical reaction. This will cause even greater brittleness and hair loss.

3. Vitamins for hair loss after childbirth

For the prevention of alopecia after childbirth, it is recommended to follow a certain diet, which includes a lot of meat and fish dishes, during the childbearing period The more varied the diet, the more useful elements the future mother and the child receive.

It is better to give preference to the steam treatment of products, since with such a temperature effect all the vitamins remain in them, while there is an excellent disinfecting effect.

Products recommended for use both during pregnancy and after childbirth:

  • olive oil,
  • butter,
  • raw and baked apples,
  • cheese,
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

All products should be consumed in moderation. For girls with a tendency to hair loss after childbirth, it is desirable to maintain an enhanced diet for a greater supply of vitamins.

Due to the wide choice of pharmacological drugs, today in pharmacies you can find vitamin complexes for pregnant women and breastfeeding. They are perfect for improving the condition of the hair and the whole body.

In addition, there are vitamins that are designed directly to combat baldness, brittle nails. But when breastfeeding, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions and consult with the pediatrician so as not to harm the baby.

General recommendations

Of course, in order to improve the condition of the hair, it is necessary to choose the most suitable cosmetic cosmetics. Choose shampoos on a natural basis, which are aimed at enhancing growth and the fight against hair loss. It is better to use professional shampoos.

Do not do without the use of balms and masks for hair. Do not forget to use indelible balms, as they provide protection from external factors, thereby preventing additional fragility and loss.

Masks can be used as ready-made, purchased, and do them yourself. Even today, oil masks for hair are considered the most effective. They nourish the scalp, delivering the most necessary substances directly to the hair follicles, follicles.

Coconut oil, almond, wheat germ, olive and castor oil have a special effect. For easier washing the hair after the masks, you can use mustard powder added to the shampoo in a small amount.

Essential oils also have a great effect, which can be added to shampoo with every hair wash. It is best to give preference to such esters:

With the latter should be careful, especially in the summer. It is better not to use it in the morning, as this may lead to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to invent a universal remedy for hair loss after childbirth. Each organism is individual, so the approach should be so. But by acting on the problem in an integrated way, you can quickly deal with it.

Video "How to get rid of hair loss after pregnancy and childbirth?"

Informational video with tips bloggers to help reduce the amount of hair lost after pregnancy and childbirth.

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Watch the video: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. PCOS. Nucleus Health (July 2024).