Tools and facilities

5 effective mustard hair masks


Mustard perfectly strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. Masks with mustard powder improve the blood supply to the roots: as a result, they get more oxygen and nutrients. Hair recovers faster, grows better (according to reviews for the month, their length may increase by 3-4 centimeters), they become healthier, thicker and shinier. In this article you will find the 6 best recipes for mustard masks to grow and strengthen different types of hair - oily, dry and normal and tips on how to do them correctly.


Important! You can only use homemade mustard masks if you have a healthy, undamaged scalp. They are contraindicated in seborrhea, psoriasis, herpes, diabetes, bronchial asthma, as well as if there are scratches, wounds, pustules or boils on the head. Increased blood flow provokes the development of the inflammatory process. With damaged brittle hair and thin hypersensitive scalp from such funds should also be abandoned. You better suit other recipes masks, which at home can be done with virtually no restrictions. You will find links to some of them at the end of this article.

10 useful tips on how to make a mask more effective

  • Mustard mask can not be used often: it can dry out hair, cause dandruff and breakage of strands. With normal and greasy hair, it is optimal to do the procedure no more than once a week, with dry hair once every two weeks.
  • For the first time, hold the composition for no longer than 10 minutes and watch the reaction. Mustard applied to the scalp significantly "bakes": causes discomfort and burning of varying degrees of intensity. Do not worry: this is normal. Means, means operates. If the burning sensation becomes unbearable, do not wait until the end of the procedure. Wash off the mask and lubricate the irritated areas with any vegetable oil.
  • Do not overdo it. Mustard masks should not be kept longer than 30 minutes. If you do them regularly, soon you will notice an acceleration of growth and an increase in hair density.
  • In order not to overdry the tips of the strands, before starting the procedure, lubricate them with warm oil - olive, coconut, peach, almond or burdock.
  • Apply the product to dry unwashed hair, it will help avoid irritation and burns.
  • Ready mustard from the store for cooking masks can not be used. Use only dry powder (you can buy it at any pharmacy).
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly. It should make a gruel with a consistency of sour cream: not too thin and not too thick.
  • To prepare the composition, use glass or ceramic dishes. Plastic is best avoided.
  • After applying the mask, put on a polyethylene shower cap or cover the hair with a wrap. To enhance the effect, wrap your head with a fluffy terry towel, a warm scarf or a scarf.
  • An excellent effect can be obtained by alternating stimulating and nourishing masks. Make a mustard mask this week. On the next - kefir, olive, gelatin or with aloe. Then again mustard and so on

Classic mustard mask for hair growth and strengthening

Mix 2 tablespoons of dry mustard and the same amount of warm, almost hot water, add 1 raw egg yolk and 1-2 teaspoons of granulated sugar. For brittle and dry hair, add 2 tbsp. spoons of butter (burdock, castor or olive).

Apply the mixture on the scalp with light movements: carefully, but without pressure, rub the substance first into the hair roots, and then spread it over the entire length. Cover your head, and after 15-30 minutes, rinse hair well with warm water. If necessary, use shampoo, and then apply conditioner or rinse the strands with cool water and lemon.

Universal mask for different hair types

Take 1 teaspoon of dry mustard and honey, 1 tablespoon of dry yeast, granulated sugar and milk.

Heat the milk slightly and dissolve the yeast in it. Put in a warm place and give him half an hour to wander. Add honey and sugar, mix well. Keep the composition for 20-30 minutes after application, then rinse with warm water.

The benefits of mustard hair: strengthening and saturation of vitamins

Mustard is not only a tasty seasoning for dishes, but also an effective means for activating growth and restoring hair structure.

Mustard has long been known for its stimulating and irritating properties. Penetrating into the scalp, it activates the blood supply to the hair follicles, nourishes them and stimulates hair growth.

Other useful properties of the plant:

  • Mustard seeds contain a lot of protein, fat, essential oils, trace elements (zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium), as well as vitamins. Iron and zinc are essential elements for hair growth and health. The lack of these minerals leads to thinning of curls, their loss, the appearance of dandruff. No less useful for curls are vitamins A and B. They strengthen the hair follicles, help eliminate dandruff and flaking.
  • Mustard is easily washed off. After applying mustard masks curls will not look greasy.
  • Mustard has no unpleasant smell.
  • After applying mustard remedies, the curls become shiny and voluminous.

Rules for the use of mustard masks at home

10 rules to follow when using mustard products:

  1. Mustard strongly dries the scalp, so it is recommended to use for oily hair.
  2. Before applying the composition should ensure that there are no allergic reactions to its components. To do this, put a few drops of the mixture on your wrist and look at the skin reaction. If it turns red and itchy, then you can not use this tool.
  3. Mask is recommended to do with natural mustard powder. Mustard-based seasonings contain additional impurities that can cause an allergic reaction.
  4. Mustard powder should not be kept on the head longer than the specified time, as there is a risk of skin irritation.
  5. Masks with mustard powder is not recommended to use more often 1-2 times a week.
  6. Apply the product should be on dirty hair.
  7. If you feel a strong burning sensation, you should immediately wash out the product.
  8. Rinse mustard masks with exceptionally warm water.
  9. Mustard can not be applied to areas affected by psoriasis, deprived, as well as in the presence of open wounds.
  10. To create masks mustard can be combined with other products (vegetable oils, herbal extracts, vitamins).

Recipe mask with burdock oil and sugar to enhance hair growth

The mask for the growth of hair from mustard powder is an effective remedy against baldness. This tool improves blood circulation in the scalp, nourishes the hair follicles and strengthens them.

To make a mask, mix mustard powder (4 tbsp) and 2 yolks. Add warm water (4 tablespoons) to the mixture, mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Then add sugar (2 tbsp), which will increase the stimulating effect of mustard and vegetable oil (4 tbsp).

For the preparation of such a tool, you can use olive, burdock or castor oil. Vegetable oils nourish the scalp, moisturize curls and make them shiny.

Apply the mask on dirty hair for 20 minutes (after several procedures, the time can be increased to 30-40 minutes). After the indicated time, rinse the composition with warm water and wash the curls with shampoo.

Mask for hair growth with kefir and yolk

Mustard mask for hair growth with kefir not only helps in the fight against baldness, but also moisturizes the curls, making them shiny and silky.

For the preparation of a stimulant, mix mustard powder (1 tbsp.), 2 yolks and kefir (4 tbsp.).

The yolk relieves irritation and moisturizes the scalp, gives shine shine and makes them obedient.

Kefir contains many beneficial substances (protein, calcium, vitamins B, E), which nourish the skin and restore the structure of hairs.

Apply mustard-kefir mask to dirty curls for half an hour, and then wash off the composition with warm water and shampoo. It is necessary to use this tool no more than 2 times a week.

Mask for oily hair with mustard powder

Mask for hair of mustard powder and apple cider vinegar is suitable for greasy curls.

To make a tonic, mix 2 yolks and 1 tbsp. mustard powder, sour cream and apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is the most effective balm for curls. It contains many fruit acids, vitamins and minerals.

Apple cider vinegar not only restores curls, makes them shiny and silky, but softens the water.

This tool can be used several times a week. It is recommended to apply the composition to dirty hair for half an hour.

Mask for normal hair: the composition of the yeast

Today, the normal type of hair is less common. Such curls are quite thick and durable, and therefore need special care.

Normal skin is characterized by moderate activity of the sebaceous glands. When caring for normal hair, it is very important not to overdry the skin.

To prepare the mask, mix in equal proportions mustard powder and honey (1 tbsp each).

Then take 2 tbsp. yeast and dissolve them in warm milk, add to the mixture 2 tbsp. sugar (it is better to use powder).

Divorced yeast send in a warm room for half an hour. After a specified time, add the mustard-honey mixture to them.

Apply the product to dirty hair and wrap your head with plastic and a handkerchief. After half an hour, wash it off with warm water.

Mask for additional volume of roots with egg and gelatin

Using a mask from simple ingredients, you can create the effect of a chic volume.

To prepare such a means, dissolve gelatin (1 tbsp.) In a small amount of warm water. After half an hour add to the gelatin mustard powder (1 tsp) and 1 yolk.

Mixing mustard, gelatin and egg yolk, you can get the volume of hair at home

Apply the mixture to clean hair. After half an hour, rinse off with warm water.

Mustard mask against hair loss: truth or myth?

Like any commonly used folk remedies, the mask with mustard is surrounded by myths and stereotypes. How to distinguish truth from myth and harm from good, and whether a mustard mask actually helps from hair loss - these questions need to be dealt with.

  • Mustard promotes blood flow to the scalp, which contributes to the enrichment of the bulbs with oxygen and vitamins. But already this process eliminates hair loss.
  • Mustard powder without interference can be purchased at any branch of the pharmacyand it has a rather low cost.
  • Mixture Suitable for all hair types, but for each type you need your own specific usage schedule.

  • The mask using mustard powder is absolutely safe for health.

In fact, mustard is a substance that causes severe allergic reactiontherefore, it should be used with caution.

  • The mixture should be applied only to wet hair.

On the contrary mask should not be applied on wet hair - only on dry.

  • For greater benefit, you need to keep the mixture on your head as long as possible.

If you hold the mask for too long, you can burn the skin on the head. Flush need when the burning sensation begins to bring discomfort.

  • Rinse the mask with hot water.


For cosmetic purposes mustard powder is used as an activatorwhich enhances the properties of the other ingredients of the mixture. Mustard warms the skin, from which you can feel a slight discomfort, thereby stimulating blood flow to the hair roots. The blood "brings" nutrients to the head, so that the hair follicles are strengthened.

In addition, such a powder irritates the skin on the head, because of which dormant bulbs begin to function.

Powder also removes excess fat on hair roots, giving the other ingredients of the mixture to get to the bulb and improve it.

Mustard has another useful feature - cleans the skin from germs, fungal diseases, negative effects of the atmosphere of cities and poor quality hair products. Disposal of substances that clog the skin leads to effective treatment of hair and its natural growth.

How to use a mask?

There are several recommendations on how to prepare a mask with mustard powder for hair loss, so that it brings the maximum amount of benefit without negative consequences:

  1. as an ingredient for the mask is not used food mustard (which is harmful for external use), and mustard powder,
  2. the powder should not be diluted hot, but warm water,
  3. from the moment of preparation of the mixture to its application to the skin should pass no more than 10 minutesotherwise the mixture loses its properties
  4. in order to avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction before using the mask as intended, test the mixture on a small area of ​​skin. If you feel a strong burning sensation, it is better to reduce the amount of mustard powder,
  5. apply mass best on dirty unwashed hairslightly moistened with water
  6. apply mass hair roots only,
  7. before using the mixture is recommended first split hair into several partings for comfort,
  8. after application should cover the head with a shower cap or cellophane package,
  9. wash the mixture from the scalp warm waterbut by no means hot, otherwise a burn may occur.

Tip! Each type of hair requires its own frequency of using a mustard mask:

  • for dry type - every 9-12 days,
  • for normal - once in 6-7 days,
  • for fat - every 4-6 days.

In order to achieve a visible effect, you need to make a minimum of 10 hair masks with mustard from falling out.

After the mask is washed off, rinse your head thoroughly with shampoo.

5 best recipes

1 tbsp. A spoon of mustard powder is mixed with 100 ml of water and 150 ml of brandy (vodka or whiskey can be used instead of brandy).

Apply the mixture to the hair roots for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water.

Note: this tool helps people more with oily hair.

With yolks and sugar

2 tbsp. spoon mustard powder mixed with two Art. spoons of oil (choice: vegetable, flaxseed, burdock and more), one egg yolk and two teaspoons of granulated sugar. Mass diluted with two tablespoons of warm boiled water.

Apply the mass on the scalp for 20-30 minutes, rinse with water.

Note: for sensitive scalp, you can add one tablespoon of yogurt or sour cream. This will soften the "burning" effect of the powder and reduce the likelihood of unpleasant sensations.

Aloe + cream

1 tablespoon of mustard powder mixed with one tablespoon of crushed aloe leaf, one egg yolk of one egg, two tablespoons of brandy (or vodka), and two teaspoons of cream of medium fat.

The resulting mixture pour 100 ml of warm water, mix and spread on the head. Wash away the mass in 15-20 minutes.

Sour cream and vinegar

1 tbsp. Spoon of mustard seed powder mixed with two egg yolks, 1 tbsp. spoon of apple cider vinegar and 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream.

Apply the mixture on the head for 20-30 minutes, then rinse.

Note: the mask is suitable for regular use. Most effective for oily hair.

Stir 1 teaspoon of mustard with 1 tablespoon of warm cream. Then in the resulting mixture, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of melted butter.Now everything you need to gently smear on the scalp and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Useful video

Another recipe for mustard mask for hair loss:

It is not necessary to go to the procedure in expensive beauty salons or buy masks and hair conditioners from famous manufacturers in stores. The mask with mustard for hair loss is an inexpensive and time-tested home remedy.

Mustard Hair Masks - How It Works

What are the properties of this hot sauce can help the hair? After all, take it in your mouth more - burn tongue. And what will happen to a poor head if we put a little mustard on it ?! It turned out that I did not know everything about mustard, or rather, nothing, except that she sat comfortably on the table and “flies away with cheers” with meat and fish.

The scalp accommodates the hair follicles. They are alive and require nourishment, moisture, breathing. If these processes are disturbed, the onions freeze, the hair stops growing, becomes dry, brittle, dull, and starts to fall out. Do you know?

Burning components in mustard make the blood rush to the epidermis, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, which contributes to the delivery “to the destination” of vitamins, micro and macronutrients, nutrients. This contributes to the restoration, strengthening, rapid growth and volume of hair. Properly selected ingredients help to cope with greasy and dry hair, fight dandruff, split ends and dullness.

Again, I will not say that I tried everything, but I really liked some of them. Now, from time to time I spend the course of such masks in order to restore, so to speak, “historical justice” and an elegant hairstyle.

How to use mustard for hair

Before going directly to the recipes, I want to talk about the rules that must be followed to achieve this goal, so that the work done is effective and enjoyable.

  1. You need to use only dry mustard powder, in any case not purchased ready-made mustard, as preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers and other “muck” are added to it, which we, unfortunately, eat.
  2. The main dry ingredient must be diluted with a warm liquid - water, oils, dairy products. If it is water or oil - take above 40 ° С. Otherwise, the substance will begin to release toxic substances that do not in the best way affect the health in principle, and the scalp in particular.
  3. Before use, you need to test for allergies. We dissolve a pinch of mustard powder in a small amount of water and apply it on the wrist. Slight burning is permissible. If the sensations are too uncomfortable, rash and itching will appear - mustard masks, alas, not for you.
  4. Remember, when adding sugar or honey, the burning sensation will be more pronounced - sucrose and glucose increase the effect of the active ingredient.
  5. It is better to make masks with fatty components. Kefir, cream, sour cream, mayonnaise (ideal if homemade, but also purchased will be suitable), vegetable oils are components that will have an additional effect on the scalp.
  6. How often can you do? Once every seven to ten days for one and a half months. It turns out 6 masks with an interval of seven days. More often it is not desirable, you can dry out the skin and dandruff will appear.

Attention! Treat regularly with courses. Only this approach will help get rid of the existing problem, improve your hair and make your hair irresistible.

Classic recipe

I didn’t meet a simple and effective mask. Recipe without special additives in the form of essential oils, alcohol, dairy products and other ingredients that are commonly used in such cases.

  • 2 large spoons (no slides) of mustard powder,
  • warm water (I pick up the proportion every time, bringing thick cream to the consistency).
  • 2 more spoons of vegetable oil (burdock, olive, almond),
  • 1 yolk,
  • 1 small spoonful of sugar (according to the classics, but I do with honey)

I warn you, for the first time, it is better not to add sugar or honey, let the skin get used to simple mustard, and not “enhanced” by the sweet component.

Mix mustard with water and beat thoroughly until the "bezmochnoho" state. Separately mix the yolk and butter (in the future here also add sweetness). Combine both substances and bring to a homogeneous mass. Apply only on the roots, do not wash the head before it. It does not matter if the hair is dry or wet.

Keep the mixture should be from 15 to 30 minutes - how much stand. My first time was enough patience for only 17 minutes. If it burns badly - flush right away, do not tolerate.

Now I hand over my own secret, which was discovered by the method of scientific tyke :). Mask mustard is applied only to the roots. And I also split ends. And I made a “knight's move” - mustard to the roots, and castor oil to the tips. The result is amazing. Try it - you will not regret.

Wash off with warm water with the usual shampoo. But it must be done twice, the oil after the first time, not everything is removed. For rinsing, use decoctions of chamomile — for blonde hair, nettle (it is generally difficult to overestimate the use of nettle for hair) and burdock root — for dark ones. Apple vinegar can be added to water. Then there will be no trace of oil.

This version of the procedure is more suitable for both oily and dry hair. And with the addition of oil, it can even be carried out twice a week. I do it periodically, but my friend restored growth with her, coped with dandruff and achieved a stunning sheen.

  • a teaspoon of mustard,
  • 2 large spoons of kefir,
  • 1 whole egg.

Sour milk is heated and mustard is introduced into it. Stir until smooth. Beat the egg into the foam and add the kefir-mustard mixture to it. Put on the roots (before that, do not wash your head!), Cover the “household” with a plastic bag or a bathing cap and warm with a towel.

How much to keep depends on your feelings, but not more than half an hour. Rinse with warm water and shampoo. The course of such masks, if you do them twice a week - a month. Hair before and after application - two big differences.

With yeast

How do yeast masks on the hair, I wrote, but specifically with the mustard has not done. According to reviews of friends, it effectively moisturizes the scalp and makes hair vibrant and shiny.

  • 2 large spoons of kefir,
  • The same spoon of baker's yeast,
  • Sugar and honey on a small spoon,

  1. In warm kefir with sugar, dissolve the trembling to swell for half an hour.
  2. As soon as the mass begins to increase in size, add mustard and honey into it.
  3. Again leave for 5-7 minutes for fermentation.

Apply on the scalp evenly, then warm and leave for a time that you can withstand. Must be at least 15 minutes for the first time, and no more than an hour for all subsequent. Rinse off in the usual way and rinse with water and apple cider vinegar or herbal decoctions. The hair after the mask does not immediately change dramatically, but after 3-4 procedures the result will be noticeable.

Aloe and Cognac

This mustard mask is effective against hair loss and for hair growth.

  • on a large spoonful of aloe juice and mustard powder,
  • two large spoons of brandy (if not at hand, use a tincture of herbs in alcohol),
  • 2 egg yolks,
  • 2 small spoons of sour cream or cream.

In the preparation of no great wisdom - just mix all the ingredients until smooth. Apply to dry, unwashed hair. And this is exactly the case when it can be distributed over the entire length. Wrap a hat and a towel, leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with shampoo and rinse with chamomile decoction.

Gelatinous "bulk"

Masks with the addition of gelatin give the effect of lamination. With their help, you can achieve "sealing" split ends. And if you add to the mustard, then it turns out "the beauty of what it is."

Immediately tell how to do, because the ingredients are few.

  1. Pour a teaspoon of gelatin (normal, not instant) with warm water so that it rises above the powder by about a finger (about a centimeter) and leave for a couple of hours.
  2. We put on the water bath swollen gelatin, and heat to a liquid consistency. It is desirable to filter the composition, so that there are no pieces of undissolved agar-agar.
  3. Mix 1 egg yolk and a teaspoon of mustard powder to form a foamy mass.
  4. Combine both substances and apply to the hair. Starting from the roots, distributing the comb over the entire length.
  5. Keep 20 minutes under the "insulation". Warm up, as during lamination, is not necessary. Here the warming effect will be enough.
  6. Rinse without shampoo, just warm water.

I usually make such a mask at the weekend. My shampoo head before going to work. The trick is that in two days or at least a day gelatin will saturate the hair and make them stronger. Well, mustard warms the scalp, contributing to the nutrition of the bulbs.

Mask with mummy

I haven't tried it either, but they say it works well. Who dares to try it out on yourself - drop a few lines, like it and that!

I tell from the words "eyewitnesses". And so: you need to take three tablets of mummy and dissolve them in a quarter-cup of warm water (about 50 grams of liquid are obtained). Add a small spoonful of mustard powder and a large spoonful of honey. Apply to dirty hair, after having smeared the tips with olive or burdock oil. Rinse after 15-30 minutes with warm water and shampoo.

What you need to know to not harm

And so, like the basic masks I told you. Rather, those that I know from personal experience and reviews of friends. Now something else about this.

On the Internet you can find recipes for masks with mustard and red pepper. I tried once to make a mask just with pepper (I don’t remember what was still in it). The head burned like a blast furnace. Just afraid to imagine if these two ingredients are mixed in a bunch - an explosive mixture will work! I highly recommend it.

With a separate story, mustard is not advised to mix with it.

Having considered all the pros and cons, you can see that there must be contraindications for mustard masks.

  1. We have already spoken about allergic reactions, be sure to consider this.
  2. If there is any damage to the scalp, the mustard is taboo until it is cured.
  3. Increased pressure, headache, migraine - is also impossible.
  4. Any inflammatory diseases, especially those accompanied by increased body temperature.

Is it harmful for pregnant women to make such masks? Doctors say that it all depends on the individual. In an interesting situation, you may experience allergies to products that did not cause problems in a “normal” life. Therefore, the test for portability, consideration of all contraindications and mandatory consultation with the gynecologist who leads the pregnancy - mandatory conditions.

If all the conditions of the “problem” are fulfilled - then why not?

In general, ladies, today we talked about hair masks with mustard from falling out and for growth. If you have any questions, please contact us. Subscribe to updates and share your own experiences. Believe me, there is still a lot of interesting and useful things ahead, so come in, I will be glad.

The recipe for a mustard mask for normal hair

1 tbsp. l Combine mustard with half a cup of kefir / yogurt and add 1 egg yolk. Mustard will enhance hair growth, the yolk and kefir saturate them with amino acids, proteins, calcium and other useful elements.

Gently rub in light massage movements. Keep the mask on the hair is recommended 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

For greasy hair

In this recipe there are only two ingredients, but it is suitable only for hair prone to high fat content, as it reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

3 tablespoons of dry mustard powder mixed with 3 tbsp. l warm water. Apply to the head, wrap the head with polyethylene, and cover with a towel over it.

In this mask, you will need to mix 1 teaspoon of mustard, burdock / sea buckthorn / olive oil, 35 percent cream (you can substitute sour cream) and butter. Lightly heat the cream. Remove butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft and pliable.

All components need to be mixed well to get a homogeneous gruel, put on the skin and roots, hold for about half an hour. At the end, first rinse the hair with hot water, then rinse with cool.

There are many other options for mustard masks to strengthen hair and accelerate their growth. They are mixed with cosmetic clay, kefir, yogurt, honey, rosemary essential oil, herbal infusions and other ingredients. Here is one of these recipes.

Mask with tea for hair loss

You will need 1 tbsp. l mustard and 2 tbsp. l freshly brewed green or black tea (herbal teas such as nettle or chamomile can be used instead).

Mix all the ingredients to the consistency of the cream. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair roots. Keep the mask on the hair for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with shampoo. In the final, use air conditioning.

Recipe number 1 "activation formula"

Due to active blood circulation, hair follicles intensively begin to receive nutrients.

If you apply a mask at intervals of a week, you can grow hair from three to five centimeters!

Mustard powder - 1 tsp.
Water - 1 tsp.
Onion Juice - 2 tablespoons,
Garlic juice - 1 tablespoon.
Cooking technique:
To properly prepare the product with mustard, you must take a ceramic bowl and dilute it with the specified amount of warm water. While stirring, add the main ingredients - onion juice and garlic in an arbitrary sequence. Quickly mix the resulting slurry. Using a brush, apply a mask evenly on the hair roots, avoiding the temples. Also, do not need to put a mask on the ends of the hair. It is not necessary to cover the head, since the enhancement of the thermal effect is not required. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes with a silicone-free shampoo.
1. Do not apply this mask if the skin has a rash, irritation or wounds.
2. It is not recommended to use a hair dryer after this procedure.
3. If you do not wash off the mask after 15 minutes, the hair can get burned and dehydrated.
4. Watch your feelings. If the consistency gives you pain or discomfort, it should be immediately washed off.
5. Before the procedure, it is desirable to lubricate the tips of grape seed oil. Also effective masks with pepper tincture for hair growth

Recipe number 2 "Restoring"

The main repair component of the mask base is yeast. They deliver micronutrients into the hair. Expansion of the constricted pores and their gentle cleansing also occurs.
Mustard powder - 1 tsp.
Dry yeast - 1 tablespoon,
Granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon,
Honey - 1 tsp,
Milk - 2 tablespoons.
Cooking technique:
Dissolve the yeast in warm milk with added sugar. For the fermentation process, the resulting mixture should be left in a warm dark place. After that, add mustard and honey to the yeast mixture. Apply to dry or wet hair over the entire length. Wrap the head with a bag or put on a shower cap. Keep a mustard mask is recommended for at least 50 minutes. Since the content of mustard powder in it is limited, the mask will not cause strong burning sensations. Rinse the head with a revitalizing shampoo or conditioner.
1. If you can not keep the mask for 50 minutes, you can use a hairdryer. Heat your head periodically to keep your hair warm.
2. You can add aloe juice. It speeds up the regeneration and healing. In order for the active substances to develop, a leaf of aloe need to be wrapped in a thick cloth and put in the refrigerator for two weeks.

Recipe № 3 "With a moisturizing effect"

A moisturizing mask with olive oil will relieve the problem of dry hair. Oils cover hair with an invisible film, retaining moisture inside the hair.
Mustard powder - 1 tsp.
Water - 1 tsp.
Mayonnaise - 1 tsp,
Butter - 1 tsp,
Olive oil - 1 tsp.
Cooking technology:
In a heated pot, mix softened (preferably homemade) butter with mayonnaise. Constantly stirring, add olive oil to the mixture. Dissolve the mustard powder in warm water in a separate container. Add the oil mixture to the mustard solution. Stir and apply. Using a comb, distribute the mask evenly over the entire length. For a more effective result, you should wear a hat and wrap the hair in a towel. After 50 minutes, rinse the head with plenty of shampoo.
1. In order for the oils to penetrate deep into the hair, the application temperature must be at least 40 ° C.
2. Mayonnaise is better to use their own production.
3. Shop mayonnaise can be replaced with fat cream in proportions of 1: 1.
4. A couple of drops of essential oil will give your hair a scent. Want to learn how to lighten hair with cinnamon at home, we recommend that you read our article.

Recipe number 4 "From the high fat curls"

Clay, which is part of the mask, absorbs fat from the surface of the hair and scalp. With regular use, normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.
Mustard powder - 1 tsp.
Apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons,
Clay (white, blue, black or green) - 2 tablespoons,
Arnica tincture - 1 tablespoon.
Cooking technology:
For proper preparation of this mask it is necessary to mix clay and mustard in a separate bowl. Arnica tincture pour in ceramic container and add vinegar. Add a solution of vinegar and arnica in the powder mixture gradually, constantly stirring. The mass should be homogeneous, no lumps are allowed. Apply the mask with a brush, carefully rubbing into the hair roots. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes.
1. The resulting composition must be washed no later than 30 minutes. Since the clay has a pronounced drying property.
2. Apple cider vinegar can be replaced with wine.
3. Tincture of arnica eliminates dead skin particles, reduces the production of sebaceous glands, gives hair volume.
4. Be careful and do not allow arnica tincture to get into your eyes or open wounds.

Recipe № 5 "From dandruff"

There is a myth that a mustard mask cannot be used for dandruff. However, with the right combination of components, you can achieve the effect of moisturizing the scalp and completely getting rid of the manifestations of seborrhea.
Dry yeast - 1 tsp,
Mustard powder - 1 tsp.
Milk - 2 tablespoons,
Granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon,
Honey - 2 tablespoons,
Water - 2 tablespoons,
Colorless henna - 1 tablespoon.
Cooking technology:
Heat the milk to 40 ° C, add yeast and granulated sugar. Put in a warm place for fermentation. In the yeast mixture enter honey and mustard powder. In a separate bowl, mix colorless henna with water. Pour in the yeast mixture, mix and immediately apply to the strands. You can keep this mask up to 40 minutes. Rinse hair with room temperature water and vinegar. Read reviews about the bread mask for hair growth here
1. We strongly advise to test for allergies before applying the mask, since colorless henna can cause it.
2. Colorless henna strengthens hair, makes it shine. With regular use, you can notice a thickening of the hair structure.

General application rules:
1. The mask must be applied with a brush or comb. Since to achieve the best result, the mixture should be evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair.
2. If you can not keep the tool a specified number of minutes, you can use a hairdryer. Heat your head evenly with a stream of warm air. This procedure will speed up the reaction of active substances with hair.
3. Apply a homemade mask to dry combed hair. It is better to wash your hair the day before application.
4. Do not mix dry mustard powder with boiling water. Since the fumes contain volatile toxic substances, they irritate the mucous membranes and can cause asphyxiation.
5. Trust your feelings. If you feel discomfort, burning or pain - wash your hair and apply a soothing balm.
6. To maximize the preservation of useful properties, the mask can not be stored for more than three hours.

With constant use of the mask of mustard curls grow at least 3 cm in length.

Appears natural volume and shine. Hair gain elasticity and elasticity. The problem of the appearance of split ends is eliminated. Hair follicles become strong, which reduces hair loss. The amount of gray hair is reduced. The scalp is cleared of dead cells, dandruff disappears. At home, you can prepare masks for silkiness and smoothness of hair.

Want to learn how to make a mask with dimexid and vitamins, read our article.

Mustard masks can be an excellent alternative to well-known growth accelerators, serums and other chemicals with chemical composition. In the preparation of such masks are very simple, and in every home there are all the necessary ingredients.

Video: step by step preparation

Want to learn how to make your own mustard mask for growth and against hair loss, we recommend to watch our video.

Margarita, Moscow
I often experiment with hair. I paint them every month, straighten the iron and the land with a hairdryer. Hair became dry and lifeless. No pharmacy masks and lotions do not save! I decided to try the mask with mustard and mayonnaise. Girls, the result is simply stunning! Hair as if filled from the inside. Only a month - and my curls came to life.

Alina, Taganrog
After a perm, treat only curls with a mustard-like regenerating mask. Finally began to grow healthy and young. Mustard is very effective, and most importantly, it turns out very cheap!

Marina, Ryazan
Long could not cure seborrhea! Because of this, I was embarrassed to wear loose curls. But the usual remedy with mustard and yeast helped me cope with this ailment. After a couple of applications, I noticed an improvement. So I advise everyone!

Alexandra, Kharkov
I have sensitive skin, so the mustard composition caused discomfort and a strong burning sensation. I had to immediately wash off the mask. So this tool did not suit me.

And moms of teenagers will also be interested in reading in more detail about haircuts for boys with a picture.

Mustard mask with yolk and decoction of herbs


  • 2st.l. mustard
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 hl sugar (honey)
  • herbs for cooking broth (chamomile, nettle or burdock)

The first thing you need to cook strong decoction of herbs. To do this, pour boiling water over the selected dry grass and leave to infuse for several hours, after wrapping the container with the infusion with a warm towel.
When the decoction is ready, you will need mix mustard, yolk and sugar and pour all obtained infusion of herbs, mix thoroughly.
Apply the mask to the scalp is required very carefully, you can use with a special brush for dyeing. Warm your head on 15-30 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly, rinsing with the rest of the decoction at the end.

Mustard mask with oils

This mask is more suitable for dry hair and scalp.

  • 2st.l. mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of warm water
  • 1-2 hours. Sahara
  • 3-4stl. base oil (you can use any - olive, burdock, castor, almond, etc.)

All ingredients are required to combine and mix thoroughly, then apply the resulting mass on the scalp, avoiding contact with the length. The tips can also be smeared with any fatty oil, so that they do not desiccate in case of accidental contact with mustard.
Keep this mask you need 20-30 minutes then rinse with shampoo, washing the hair several times, otherwise the oil will not be washed out completely and the hair will look untidy.


  • Sensitive scalp.
  • The presence of damage to the skin (wounds, scratches, inflammation).
  • Pregnancy (when using a mask may increase the temperature of the body).
  • It is undesirable to use with dry scalp.
  • Individual intolerance of individual components of the mask.

Independent hair coloring will not cause any difficulties if you follow the recommendations of experts.

It is possible to lighten hair not only with aggressive store supplies, but also according to popular recipes:

Indications and Contraindications


Mustard mask is shown primarily for oily hair, because it normalizes the work of the root sebaceous glands and controls their production of sebaceous secretions. It is known for its drying properties. In addition, it is recommended to use when:

  • slow hair growth
  • their loss (how to deal with this disease, we have already told)
  • dullness
  • stiffness
  • insufficient volume
  • weakened follicles,
  • dandruff

Keep in mind. Mustard will eliminate oily hair only if it is caused by improper functioning of the sebaceous glands or insufficient care. If it is dictated by internal diseases, the mask will not help.


  • Allergy to mask components,
  • white hair color (both natural and acquired after dyeing) - after the mask it can get an unpleasant greenish tint,
  • pregnancy,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • lung diseases,
  • inflammations, wounds, scratches, cuts, ulcers, boils on the scalp,
  • advanced form of seborrhea requiring medical treatment,
  • individual intolerance,
  • damaged, brittle, dried hair,
  • psoriasis,
  • high sensitivity of the scalp.

Caution! The sharp smell of fresh mustard can lead to headaches or increase pressure. Therefore, hypertension and the tendency to migraines are considered relative contraindications for such a mask.

Side effects

  • Hyperemia,
  • headache,
  • burning, itching
  • runny nose
  • heavy dandruff
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes due to additional blood flow,
  • scalp burn
  • pressure increase
  • asthma, asthma attacks,
  • rash,
  • peeling and formation of weeping ulcers.

Another caveat. In case of hair loss on the use of a mustard mask, it is better to obtain permission from the trichologist, so as not to harm yourself. It does not help with all types of alopecia, and in some cases may even aggravate the situation.


For the preparation of the mask mustard powder is required. It is diluted with the liquid indicated in the recipe. It does not have to be water: depending on the ultimate goal of the product, it can be replaced by milk, kefir, healing extracts of herbs, and even juices. The main thing is to make them warm or hot. Cold, they can not give the mixture the necessary consistency and often lead to the formation of lumps that will be stuck in the hair. Boiling water is also not suitable, because when it comes in contact with it, mustard produces toxic compounds that can harm the skin, clogging its pores.

It is better to mix the main ingredients in wooden, glass or ceramic dishes. The main thing - not in metal and not plastic. Try to avoid the formation of lumps.

Honey, cosmetic and vegetable oils are preheated on a water or steam bath to 35-40 ° C. But be careful if you interfere with the mask eggs, ethers or ampoule vitamins. From high temperatures, the first can curl and spoil the mixture, and the second and third - to lose some of their beneficial properties.

The mask can be applied both on dirty and clean skin. In the first case, it will also work as a natural shampoo. So wash or not head before the procedure - decide for yourself. However, at the time of application, the hair must be dry.

Opinion of experts. Many trichologists recommend applying a mask without first washing the head, so that it works as efficiently as possible.

Mustard is a powerful irritant, which often causes severe allergic reactions. Even if you safely eat it, it does not mean that everything will be just as good when applied to the skin. Therefore, protect yourself from trouble and make a preliminary test.

  1. Apply the mixture to the wrist, the inner fold of the elbow or the skin behind the ear.
  2. Wait a quarter of an hour.
  3. In the absence of unpleasant sensations and allergic manifestations, the mask is used in accordance with its intended purpose.
  4. If available, you need to find another tool.

It should be noted that such test checks do not provide a 100% guarantee of the absence of allergy in the future. It may not appear immediately, but after some time. Especially with regular use.

How to apply


If the task is to act on the roots (activate growth, suspend fallout) or scalp (eliminate dandruff), only apply on them, rubbing the mixture with massage movements. If you also need a cosmetic restoration of the hair itself (to make it less oily, more shiny), distribute the paste over the entire length of the palms. Scratching is not necessary, so that the mustard does not hit the tips: it can enhance their cutting. It is recommended even to dip them in warm oil (burdock, coconut, castor olive) so that it protects them from the aggressive effects of the mask.

Opinion of experts. Some trichologists do not recommend applying a mask along the entire length, claiming that it is necessary only for the roots. However, there are many positive reviews that this use of the product improves the appearance of the hair. This issue should be approached with caution and taking into account the individual reaction.


Hair growth, due to the mustard mask, is largely due to the saturation of the follicles with essential nutrients. To enhance their penetration into the skin, it is imperative to make the insulation. An increase in temperature will accelerate biochemical reactions. The bottom layer is either a plastic shower cap or a plastic bag. The top one is a woolen scarf or a terry towel.


Due to the blood flow to the scalp due to the irritating action of the mask after it is applied, burning and itching may be observed. They need to be able to control. If the sensations are completely tolerable, it is considered normal, and it is not necessary to be afraid and take any action to eliminate them. But if they hurt and become unbearable, you need to rinse the mixture urgently and either pick up another recipe with mustard, or find another means to solve your problem.

How much to keep on hair?

Those who first make a mustard mask, it is undesirable to overdo it, even if the test showed no allergies. The optimal time is 10 minutes. If there were no painful sensations, there were no side effects, and I liked the result; with each subsequent time the session can be prolonged for another 5 minutes. Maximum for a classic recipe without auxiliary ingredients and with good tolerance - half an hour. If the composition is still aggressive substances that irritate the skin (alcohol, pepper) - no more than a quarter of an hour. If, on the contrary, the effect of mustard is softened with butter, kefir or egg, up to 40-50 minutes.

  1. Remove the insulation.
  2. With water of room temperature (the main thing is not hot), wet the head slightly.
  3. Apply a soft shampoo (preferably on herbs). His task is to soothe irritated skin, remove redness. Beat in foam.
  4. Wash off with water (not hot).
  5. Once again, more carefully, wash your hair with the same shampoo.
  6. Wash off the shampoo and rinse with a solution of the healing broth of any herb.
  7. Wet the hair with a towel (do not rub or twist).


Balsams and conditioners do not apply. It is necessary to dry the head after such a procedure only naturally without the help of a hair dryer. Scratching is possible only after complete drying, otherwise irritated scalp will be seriously injured. Styling products are not recommended to be used for 12 hours in order to give a foothold to the action of a mustard mask.

A little bit about varieties. For the preparation of masks it is better to use either white or Sarepta mustard. Black is too hot and aggressive for that.

Additional recommendations

To make an effective mustard mask at home, you need to know a few more secrets of its preparation and use.

The mask is made with mustard powder, and not ready store product in liquid form. The latter contains too many harmful substances (dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc.). It will be perfect if you purchase the powder in a pharmacy.

Do not exceed the amount of mustard indicated in the recipe.

Keep the mixture and use it twice can not - use it all at once. Discard the remainder.

Avoid getting the mixture in your nose, mouth, and eyes. If this happens, you should rinse them as quickly as possible with cool running water.

If you feel that you are overworked (itching and burning are unbearable), after washing, lubricate the scalp with ordinary vegetable oil for 30 minutes.

Do not use the mask too often, otherwise the result will be excessive drying of the hair. They will begin to break and split. For fatty it will be enough 2 times a week, for normal and combined - 1 time per week, for dry, painted and damaged - 1 time in 10 or even 14 days. Every 10 procedures you need to take a break in a month.

A special effect can be achieved by alternating mustard masks with other, less aggressive ones: kefir, olive, egg. This will reduce stress levels for hair and scalp.

Did you know that ... Mustard should be stored in a tightly closed dark glass jar at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C? It has antibacterial properties, which allows it to never deteriorate (it is not afraid of mold).

Classic recipe

For accelerated growth, against fat. Dilute dry mustard with warm water in equal quantities. It should make a creamy mixture. The consistency can be controlled by diminishing or increasing the amount of water.

All other recipes are prepared on the basis of this mixture by adding other auxiliary ingredients.

On a note. Many people use this recipe not as a mask, but as a shampoo for greasy hair. The effect is amazing: they are less dirty, they become shiny and thick.

Mustard, egg, honey

Nutritious. Mix 20 ml of honey with dry mustard, diluted with water to a creamy consistency (50 g). Add 1 beaten egg.

Minus: on the hair can remain an unpleasant egg smell. To remove it, when rinsing in water, add a few drops of your favorite ether. This applies to all mustard masks, which include eggs.

With mustard and burdock oil

One of the most benign. Even when applied to the entire length of the hair, the risk of damage will be minimal due to the enveloping properties of the oil. Both ingredients are mixed in equal amounts.

Burdock oil in this recipe without loss of effectiveness can be replaced by any other according to the type of hair and the problem that needs to be solved (castor, olive, coconut, etc.). If this loss, then pick up the oil will help our previous article.

Minus: the oils are washed off hard, leaving a greasy gloss on the hair, which makes them seem dirty. To facilitate this process, for the first time it is recommended to apply the shampoo on your head without wetting and try to foam it dry. It is difficult, but possible. But at the second washing from oil there will be no trace.

With mustard and honey

Nutritious, regenerating. Its properties resemble the previous one. Both ingredients are mixed in equal amounts. Honey should be as fresh and melted as possible.

Minus: if the hair is badly rinsed, they will stick together due to honey.

With mustard and egg

For growth and shine, from falling out. 1 egg, beaten to a state of foam, mixed with 100 g of mustard diluted with water.

With mustard and kefir

For growth, from alopecia. The powder is mixed not with water, but with kefir. The proportions remain the same. For oily hair, 1% or 1.5% fermented milk drink is needed. For normal and combined - 2.5%. For dry - 3.5%.

With mustard and yeast

Turbo accelerator growth. Powder yeast (15 g) diluted in warm milk (about 50 ml), add sugar (15 g). Leave for half an hour - you need to mix the ferment. Add 20 g of honey and 50 g of mustard diluted with water.

With mustard and sugar

Plain sugar enhances the effect of mustard in all directions. The mask with it becomes 2 times more effective both for growth, and from loss and fat content. Mustard powder and sugar can be mixed immediately (50 gr each), then pour warm water until a paste of the desired consistency is formed. You can first prepare the mustard mixture (according to the classic recipe), and then add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Minus: very dry. If the hair is initially dry, splitting, brittle, dyed, add 100 ml of any oil to the mask.

With yolk

Stimulates growth, stops falling. Main indication: for dry hair. 50 g diluted in water mustard mixed with the yolk.

With green tea

Variation of the previous recipe. It gives a beautiful shine. Mustard powder initially needs to be mixed with good-quality leafy green tea in equal proportions (30 g each), pour hot water (50 ml), mix thoroughly, leave for a quarter of an hour. Add yolk, mix well again.

With mustard and gelatin

Prepare separately mustard and gelatin pastes. Gelatin powder is poured with water (warm or room temperature) in a ratio of 1: 3. Knead, so as not to form lumps. Left for half an hour. If done correctly, the gelatinous mass will grow in volume by 2 times. You can heat it in the microwave (seconds 15) or on a water (steam) bath for 5 minutes. Connect both masses.

Note. Gelatin gives the effect of lamination, therefore it is applied along the entire length onto exceptionally clean hair (for more details on lamination with masks based on gelatin, see the “before” and “after” procedures, see this page).

With mustard and vitamins

Nutritious, suitable for any type. Mix 60 g of mustard paste, 1 crushed yolk, 20 ml burdock (or any other) oil, 10 ml of oil vitamins A and E (can be replaced with ampoules).


For accelerated growth and shine. Mix 60 g of mustard paste, 20 g of mayonnaise and olive natural oil, 10 g of melted butter.

Note. Designed for dry hair, but is contraindicated for oily.

With essential oil

For easy combing and shine. Dilute 50 g of mustard powder with 100 ml of kefir, mix thoroughly. Add 1 yolk, 10 g of honey, 20 ml of almond (or any other) oil, 5 drops of rosemary ether.

With aloe

Regenerating. Mix 60 g of mustard paste, 2 yolks, 30 ml of aloe and cognac juice, 20 g of heavy cream.

With onion juice

Accelerates growth, stops falling. Mix 60 g of mustard paste, 20 ml of onion juice (skip the onion through a meat grinder or blender and squeeze the liquid using gauze), 20 ml of aloe juice, 10 g of honey. To heighten the effect, many add a little more garlic juice, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account how hot the mixture will be.

Minus: the irritating effect is magnified several times. Therefore, the exposure time is reduced to a quarter of an hour. To remove the unpleasant smell, add a few drops of any ester to the rinse water.

Mustard, egg, sugar

A milder variation of the previous recipe. In the mustard-sugar mixture (100 g), add 1 beaten until frothy state egg.

With yogurt and oatmeal

Nutritional, stops the loss. Dissolve 50 g of mustard powder 50 ml of yogurt, mix thoroughly. Add 20 g of honey, 20 g of oatmeal, 20 ml of lemon juice.

With cranberry juice

Nutritious, enriched with vitamins. Dilute 50 g of mustard powder with 100 ml of cranberry juice and mix thoroughly. Add 1 yolk, 20 g sour cream (its fat content is determined by the type of hair), 10 ml of apple cider vinegar.

With clay

Against fat content. Mix 60 g of mustard paste with 20 g of blue clay powder, 20 ml of arnica and apple cider vinegar each.

With brandy

Stimulates growth. Mix 50 g of thick mustard paste with a small amount of brandy (so that the mask does not flow).

With pepper

Growth activator, against fat. Dilute 60 g of mustard powder with 50 ml of red pepper tincture. Add 100 ml of kefir.

Note. Be careful: the mask is burning and aggressive, despite the presence of kefir. Apply it better with gloves.

With henna

Nutritious, regenerating. Mix 20 g of mustard powder with 20 g of colorless henna. Fill with water to make a creamy paste.

With infusion of herbs

Regenerating. Dilute 50 g of mustard powder with 100 ml of chamomile extract (or oak bark, or St. John's wort, or any other herb suitable for your hair type). Add sea buckthorn oil (20 ml). Leave for half an hour.

With nicotinic acid

To strengthen the roots, against hair loss, dandruff. Mix 20 g of mustard powder with 20 g of colorless henna. Fill with water to make a creamy paste. Add 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid.

Mustard hair mask is designed primarily to care for oily hair and accelerate growth. However, by adding different ingredients to it, you can soften its aggressiveness and change the direction of action. With proper use, it can moisturize and repair damage.

Secrets of cooking mustard mask for hair growth

How to prepare a mask of mustard powder to maximize the effect?

First, use only fresh and natural mustard powder. You can buy it at the store, but a mustard mask from seeds ground at home will bring much more benefit to your hair. Immediately after grinding, mustard powder contains the maximum amount of essential mustard oil, which is necessary for hair growth. Over time, it gradually evaporates.

Secondly, it is important to pay attention to the water temperature. Hot water deactivates mustard enzymes and reduces its "stinginess" property. Therefore, try to dilute the powder with warm water - with a temperature not higher than 40 ° C.

Attention! The following rules are also very important:
1. Mustard hair mask should not be used for psoriasis, eczema, ulcers and wounds on the scalp, as well as for high sensitivity and tendency to dandruff.
2. The procedure for the preparation and application of a mustard mask should be carried out with extreme caution - to avoid deterioration of the hair and burns. Before applying, check the prepared mixture on the elbow. If you feel severe irritation or burning, then you should use less mustard powder or discard it altogether. Adding water can solve this problem, but the mask should not become too liquid.
3. If you have the opposite problem, and you almost do not feel the burning of mustard, then add some sugar or honey to the mixture, which will increase the thrill.
4. For dry and damaged hair in a mustard mask it is recommended to add components with moisturizing properties - natural oils, egg yolk, sour cream or others. In addition, in this case you should not leave the mask on your hair too long.
5. Moderately add olive or any other oil to the mixture. The more oily the mask, the more difficult it will be to wash it off.
6. Do not put a mask on the ends of the hair - only on the roots. Remember that mustard has a certain drying effect.
Now let's move on to different ways of making a mustard mask.

Recipes mustard masks for hair growth at home

Regular use of a mustard powder mask will allow you to have the hair of your dreams! Mustard stimulates hair follicles, strengthens weak and thin hair, reduces the appearance of dandruff and stops hair loss. How soon will the result be noticeable? It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But if you apply it regularly for 2 months, you can grow up to 6 cm in length. After the 4th time, you will notice an improvement in the condition of the hair and an acceleration of their growth.
Below you will find the most popular mustard mask recipes for different hair types. You can adjust their proportions depending on their needs. However, do not neglect the individual components, as they were included in the composition for a specific reason.

Mask for hair growth of mustard powder, oil and eggs

  • 1 tablespoon mustard powder,
  • 2-3 tablespoons of lukewarm water,
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil,
  • 1 egg.

First mix the mustard powder with water, then add the butter and egg, whisking until a smooth paste is formed. Olive oil contains antioxidants and, in combination with mustard, provides a stunning effect!

Homemade mustard hair mask with lemon juice

  • Mustard powder - 1 tablespoon,
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp.
  • Honey - 1 tsp,
  • Kefir - 2 tablespoons.

Milk proteins in kefir nourish the hair cuticle and reduce itchy scalp. Lemon juice contains acid, which helps eliminate dandruff. This recipe for a mustard mask will help soften dry and brittle strands, while providing hair with a healthy shine.

Recipe for mustard hair mask with sea salt for extra care

  • Mustard powder - 1 tablespoon,
  • Sea salt - 1 tsp,
  • Honey - 1 tsp,
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp.
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp.

Lemon juice neutralizes the excess oil, not allowing them to disrupt the sebaceous glands and keeping the scalp fresh. Sea salt nourishes the hair with iodine, calcium, iron and other beneficial trace elements.

Mustard mask with mayonnaise for dry and damaged hair

  • Mustard powder - 2 tablespoons,
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon,
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

Homemade mayonnaise is best for this recipe. Apply the mixture to the hair roots with gentle massage movements. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Mask for hair growth of mustard powder and garlic

  • Mustard powder - 2 tablespoons,
  • Garlic juice - 1 tablespoon,
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon.

Dissolve the mustard powder with warm water, without making the mixture too liquid. Grate the garlic and squeeze the juice. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mask on the scalp with massaging movements. Similarly, instead of garlic juice, you can use 2 tablespoons of pressed onion juice. If after applying you will feel an unpleasant smell on your hair, then next time add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mask.

Onions and garlic contain a lot of sulfur, they destroy microbes, stimulate hair follicles, prevent premature graying of hair and promote their rapid growth.

Mustard-Yeast Mask for Accelerated Hair Growth

  • Mustard powder - 2 tablespoons,
  • Sugar - 1 tsp,
  • Yeast - 1 tsp,
  • Milk - 1 cup,
  • Honey - 1 tsp.

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk and move the bowl aside for 15 minutes. Add sugar. When milk is sour, combine all the ingredients and mix well.

Yeast contains a B-complex of vitamins, which are very important for the structure of the hair and their healthy growth. Minerals such as calcium, copper, chromium and iron help to maintain color and prevent loss. This recipe mustard mask is ideal for weak hair.

Mustard mask for strengthening hair with aloe juice

  • Mustard powder - 2 tablespoons,
  • Herbal tea (nettle, chamomile or calendula) - 3 tablespoons,
  • Aloe vera juice - 1 tablespoon,
  • Yogurt - 1 tsp,
  • 1 egg yolk.

Dissolve the mustard powder in the herbal infusion, then add the remaining ingredients. Aloe vera juice will help strengthen your hair, making it healthy, thick and strong.

Hair growth mask recipe with mustard and almond oil

  • Kefir - 100 ml,
  • Mustard powder - 1 tablespoon,
  • 1 egg yolk,
  • Almond oil - 1 tsp,
  • Rosemary essential oil - 4-5 drops.

Almond oil is rich in magnesium, zinc and calcium, which play a crucial role in the growth and health of hair. A mask with almond oil and mustard will strengthen your hair follicles and significantly improve the structure of the hair.

Mask of mustard powder and tomato puree

  • Mustard powder - 1 tablespoon,
  • Tomato puree,
  • Castor oil - 2 tablespoons.

Mash one ripe tomato with a fork or blender. Add the other ingredients to the puree and mix well. After applying this mask, we recommend that you rinse your hair with a solution of 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice in 1 liter of clean water. This mask is ideal for treating oily hair. Tomato helps to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, and also enriches hair with vitamins and iron.

Mustard mask with beer and cocoa for shiny hair

  • Mustard powder - 1 tablespoon,
  • Cocoa powder - 1 teaspoon,
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon,
  • Beer - 3 tablespoons.

Pour the beer into the bowl. Pour the cocoa powder and mix well, alternately adding the other ingredients.
Sulfur in the composition of cocoa promotes shine and softness of hair. Cocoa powder is also used to add chocolate to it. Therefore, this mustard mask is not suitable for girls with blond hair. Beer contains hops, malt and yeast, which perfectly moisturize and nourish all types of hair.

How to apply homemade mustard masks

1. The shelf life of any mustard mask homemade - no more than 10 days from the date of preparation. Since all components are of natural origin, they cannot be stored for a long time and even lose their useful properties in the refrigerator.
2. Apply a mask of mustard powder to dry roots and scalp, avoiding the hair itself. Massage with your fingertips, but do not rub, otherwise the burning sensation will be unbearable.
3. Keep the mask on your hair for 30-45 minutes.
4. With normal hair, it is recommended to repeat the procedure 1 time per week, with dry hair - once every 2 weeks, with oily hair - once every 5 days. Do this 10 procedures, and then stop for a few weeks in order to avoid addiction.
5. Do not stand in the shower while washing your hair. Simply rinse your hair under the tap to prevent the mustard from getting into your eyes and other sensitive areas.
6. To enhance the effect of the mask, put a shower cap or plastic bag on your head, then wrap your head with a towel. Due to the heating of the mustard, blood circulation will increase, thereby accelerating hair growth.

Please share your thoughts, experiences and tips on how to use mustard masks to accelerate hair growth. Stay beautiful forever!


Watch the video: Extreme hair growth in just 10 weeks. DIY Mustard Hair Mask (June 2024).