
8 hairstyles in style


Hipsters. This word has become more or less familiar to us in connection with the eponymous film released on screens in 2008. This style has become more interested and today it is considered one of the most popular among retro styles. The image includes a lot of things: hairstyles of that time, packed in incredible and very extravagant forms, bright makeup and lush dresses, accessories, shoes, appropriate behavior and even slang.

The word itself means "imitate." In the West, young people imitated artists, movie stars, in the USSR - foreign fashion and Western lifestyles (the US culture used great honor, therefore the second name of the styler is a staff member).

Historical background of the Styles

This current emerged in the 40s of the twentieth century. Time dullness, hard work, monotony of life. In order to get away from this routine, young guys and girls began to imitate and copy the bright, fashionable and diverse life of movie stars and scenes of the time (E. Presley, M. Monroe), dress very extraordinarily, defiantly behave, listen to the blues and jazz, and dance incendiary rock and roll.

Cutetie - This is a protest against dullness and mass. It is a way to individualize yourself as a person, to be like everyone else. This is the way to a free life, without imposed rules and stereotypes.

In the USSR, this direction penetrated a little later, but seeding in the heads of young people (mainly from the upper and middle class) could form, acquire details, and develop into a subculture. It was condemned by the party, society, and even peers. Stiliags could be handed over to the police (so as not to spoil the image of a Soviet citizen), they were driven, expelled from universities, dismissed from work and could even be beaten. But this did not stop them, since the desire to be fashionable, stylish and beautiful was irresistible.

In the 60s it was all over. Hippies and Beatles appeared.

Features style dudes (hair, clothes, behavior)

The main features of the styling style are the following:

  1. unusual, fancy hair styles,
  2. bouffant, coca, babette, high tails, forelocks, curls, "pipes". ,
  3. haircuts boxing and boxing,
  4. use of wide ribbons, rims,
  5. accessories are usually bright, large,
  6. bright and catchy makeup
  7. colorful clothes
  8. easy, self-confident behavior
  9. slang

Today, to create an image of dudes and wind the Babylon on your head will not be difficult, the benefit of styling a great many, unlike the Soviet era. In addition to hair spray and there was nothing. Here the people's wits came to the rescue. Than they didn’t smear their heads so that the styling would hold and not crumble over time: petroleum jelly, gelatin, sugar solution, beer and more.

Women's hairstyles in the style of style (step by step instructions)

Usually, a style is not limited to only one feature or detail, it is a whole complex. Here and here - before you make a retro hairstyle in the style of style, think over the rest of the image (clothes, accessories). That everything was harmonious. Below are a few instructions for creating retro masterpieces at home.

1. Babette

So, we do babette. Steps:

  1. Hair should be clean and slightly damp.
  2. We divide the hair into 2 parts: the front and back.
  3. To comb the front part (no need to comb the bang).
  4. Wrap the back of the curlers.
  5. After drying, remove the curlers, straighten the curls and comb them a bit.
  6. Twist the strands into a harness and lay a shell (you can use a bagel).
  7. Secure the shell with the studs.
  8. Lay the front part of the hair over the shell, overlaid it from all sides.
  9. Secure all varnish.

Brigitte Bardot

2. High and fluffy tail

  1. Stir the whole mass of hair, but not much.
  2. Collect everything in the tail.
  3. Add bright ribbons or bows.

3. Flying high

Simple and incredibly spectacular hairstyle, which is easy to perform the most:

  1. Strands must first be straightened.
  2. In the crown area separate several strands.
  3. Hang them up.
  4. Strands on the temples we get behind the ears and in the back of the neck fasten them with each other.
  5. Fix stealth.
  6. Strand from the crown of the head gently combed and put on top.
  7. Secure all varnish.

4. Curls (like Marilyn Monroe)

  1. Hair should be clean and slightly damp.
  2. Screw everything on large curlers.
  3. Dry and remove.
  4. Put in the right hairstyle.
  5. To fix a varnish.

5. Additional options (step by step instructions)

Intransigent rebels

Following this image required courage, self-confidence and irresistible love of freedom, because the ideology of the Soviet Union strictly suppressed the influence of Western culture in all spheres of activity. Especially in the period when there was a sharp heat in relations between the USSR and the USA. There was an active propaganda exposing the dude, ascribing the lowest qualities to them, or simply making fun of them.

Hairstyle in the style of

Young people were reprimanded at the places of work and study, expelled from the Komsomol. In some cases, it even reached the physical impact, when “not indifferent” fellow citizens cut off the characteristic long chubas of the guys and embroidered their narrow trousers with wedges. But such tough measures only inflamed the dandies and attracted other wayward adolescents to their ranks.

Styling Features

Distinctive features of styling in the style of style are fancy and original forms that allow you to stand out from the crowd. This lush fleeces, cocoons, tails and pipes, as well as bangs a la Presley. Ribbons, headbands or headbands, bright scarves, colored beads and barrettes are often used to decorate hairstyles.

Among the most popular hairstyles can be attributed to several options:

  • The rim of the world,
  • Babette,
  • Flying high,
  • Cock,
  • Fluffy tail
  • Hollywood curls,
  • High nape.

Such unique styling will be an excellent choice for courageous and self-confident girls who do not tolerate boredom, dullness, restraint and modesty.

How to make a hairstyle in the style of style?

Do you want to recreate this hairstyle at home? These workshops with photos allow you to quickly make a stylish styling without the help of a specialist.

Curls of Merlin Monroe

How to make a haircut that would make you look like a famous actress? Believe me, this is absolutely nothing complicated. The whole process will take you a little more than half an hour.

  1. Separate the hair near the forehead with a horizontal parting.
  2. Divide it into several thin strands.
  3. Wind each strand, carefully remove it from the curling iron and fix the ring with the hairpin.
  4. Just below the horizontal parting again, separating part of the hair.
  5. Similarly, divide it into thin strands and curl. Lock the rings.
  6. Allow hair to cool.
  7. Spin the rings in the lower zone.
  8. Gently comb the curls with a comb with wide teeth.
  9. Putting curls hands, put them in a free bundle and pin it with pins.
  10. Unwind the middle part of the head of hair, gently comb it and lay it in the same way.
  11. Comb the front area on the side parting and lay curls on both sides of the face, bending them inside.
  12. The resulting imitation of the square sprinkle with varnish.

Babette for medium length

Female styling in the style of style is unthinkable without babett. Here is one of the best and most beautiful options.

Vicory Rolls - eccentric tubes

Pipes on bangs - an essential attribute of hairstyles in the style of style. It looks very interesting, bold, bright and beautiful!

  1. Well comb hair.
  2. Semicircle separate a small part for bangs.
  3. Pin it with a clip so that it does not interfere.
  4. The rest of the hair curl curling or ironing.
  5. Divide the curls in half, making a horizontal parting.
  6. Tie each part in a tail.
  7. Release the bang from the clamp.
  8. Screw her curling.
  9. Carefully remove the curler from the hair so that the roller is preserved.
  10. Pinch roller invisible.
  11. Spray your hair with lacquer.

The following photos can easily become a continuation of the same option, and can also serve as a separate MC. It all depends on you!

12. Form a loose and fluffy bundle of twisted tails.

13. Take a beautiful handkerchief, fold it in half and tie it over your head, placing the tips at the top.

Malvinka in style styag

You do not know how to diversify the usual Malvinka? Here is just the perfect way!

  1. Comb all back.
  2. Curl the hair curling.
  3. Separate the hair part horizontally.
  4. Slightly rub it at the very roots.
  5. Lift the strands up, and then lower down, forming a lush fan.
  6. Pin it on the back of your head with a beautiful crab.

Bouffant on loose hair

This easy styling for long hair looks feminine and strictly, so it is suitable not only for theme parties, but also for everyday life.

Beautiful beam with decor

Such a bunch in the style of stylers is suitable for both adult girls and girls. You can easily make it yourself in just 7 minutes.

  1. Comb the hair on the side parting.
  2. Stir your hair with a round brush - the pile should start at the level of the chin.
  3. Collect strands in a high tail, combing the fringe on its side.
  4. Lift the tail up and twist it into a roller.
  5. Reaching the head, form a beautiful bun. To do this, grab the edges of the roller with both hands and stretch them to the sides. Move in a circle around the base of the gum.
  6. Pin the bundle with studs.
  7. Carefully smooth the loose hairs.
  8. Spray your hair with lacquer.
  9. Decorate it with a ribbon, barrette, flowers or a scarf.
  10. The bangs can be smoothed or twisted with the tips up and securely fixed (first, the roller is punctured with stealth, and then coated with varnish).

One of the most famous style style options! If you get such pipes, you can consider yourself a real expert!

  1. Brush well.
  2. Separate the hair at the crown and the parietal area by a horizontal line.
  3. Strand the bottom with a crab, so as not to interfere.
  4. Comb the upper section carefully with a thin scallop, throwing strands to the opposite side and lifting them at the roots to recreate the volume.
  5. Make a side parting.
  6. Depart from it by 1.5-2 cm in both directions and make two paths of stealth.
  7. Again, throw all the hair on the side of the parting, which was wider.
  8. Sprinkle the root zone with varnish.
  9. Curl curling the first part of the hair. Spin the device inside.
  10. Carefully remove the curling iron from the roller and place it in such a way that the invisible track is completely covered.
  11. Securely fix this part of the stylish bangs invisible and varnish.
  12. Repeat the process for another part of the hair. Screw it with curling iron and lay the roller on top of the second track from the stealth. Make sure the rollers fit snugly together, although this is not critical.
  13. Dissolve the strands at the bottom.
  14. At the level of the base of the neck, make another track of the invisible.
  15. The tips curl.
  16. Curls curl into light flagella and lay in a wide vertical bundle.

Attention! If you want to do styling Vicory Rolls for short hair, go without a bun. Just iron the lower part of the hair and leave the curls free.

Style styling with curls

This romantic styling hairstyle is perfect for medium length hair. The main thing is that the strands keep curls well.

1. If the hair is naturally smooth, wrap it on a curling iron or thermal curlers.

2. Separate three strands of hair from the face - one in the middle and two on the sides. The side pieces should be slightly smaller. Observe strict symmetry is not required.

3. Take the middle strand of hair by the tip and twist it into a neat ring. Lay the ring, imitating the shape of the shell. Pin it with a stud.

4. Spin the side to add extra pomp.

5. Twist it into a ring, lay with a roller and fasten.

6. Repeat the whole process with a strand on the other side.

7. Collect the rest of the hair in the tail and decorate its base with a large decorative hair clip.

Fluffy retro tail with a coca fringe

Another popular and beautiful option, which can often be seen on female style fan.

  1. Comb the hair on the side parting.
  2. Separate the part for bangs.
  3. Lift it up and add a little at the roots. The tip can be screwed.
  4. Lay a lock with a roller and fasten securely.
  5. Tie the rest of the hair on the back of the head.
  6. Wrap a thin gum wrap, hide the tip in your hair and slaughter it invisible.
  7. Twist the ends of the tail upwards.

Hairstyle with curls on bangs

This option is suitable for hair of any length - from short car to long, luxurious braids.

  1. Comb all the hair back, leaving a small portion for the bangs near the forehead.
  2. Twist the French roller from the bulk of the strands and fasten it with pins. The tips can be hidden inside or released on the forehead.
  3. Fold the scarf with a triangle and place it on the head so that the base is on the back of the head and the tips are at the top.
  4. Tie a handkerchief in a beautiful knot.
  5. Divide the ends of the shells and bangs into thin strands.
  6. Each of them curl in the form of spiral curls.
  7. Beautifully lay curls using stealth.
  8. Sprinkle bangs with lacquer.

  • How to choose a haircut with bangs? 15 options
  • Weave braids for short hair
  • Wedding hairstyle with veil - feminine and cute
  • 9 haircuts that do not need to be laid

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Selection of hairstyles on the photo:

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Home »Beauty» Hair Care »Variants of original women's hairstyles in the style of style with a step by step description

Who are the dudes?

The most popular hairstyle - Babette

The youth subculture, dubbed the "dudes", appeared in the USSR in the 40s of the 20th century. The heyday of this unusual culture, falls on the era of the Khrushchev thaw - until the mid-60s.

The word "dudes" is translated as "imitate, copy." Cultivating a new style, the youth, thus, wanted to be closer to the West and expressed protest against dullness and ordinariness.

The second name of the style is staff members (from the word “states”), as young people and girls preferred the American style in clothes. Hipsters behaved provocatively in society, wore unusual hairstyles, made bright makeup, dressed unusually and even expressed themselves on their own slang, incomprehensible to others.

Against the background of ordinary Soviet people, dressed for the most part equally and grayly, the staffers looked like white crows. Hipsters were considered immoral individuals and were persecuted. For example, a Soviet student could easily be expelled from the institute if the university management received information about its belonging to this culture.

But a girl with an intricate haircut, the valiant warriors could cut their hair short on the street without any ceremony.But young people who did not want to be “like all the others” didn’t scare at all the barbaric methods used to fight them. Still, after all, they had such role models!

These are Glenn Miller, and Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot, and the legendary Beatles, and, of course, Elvis Presley are extraordinary representatives of world culture and fashion, since these two concepts are not separable.

Variants of original women's hairstyles in the style of style with a step by step description

Hipsters - youth subculture, which appeared in the 60s of the twentieth century. This direction is characterized by a non-standard appearance - bright outfits that cause hairstyles and makeup. At that time, all this in combination with frank style of behavior and jazz music was actually forbidden, therefore it attracted a lot of attention to the youth movement and made it megapopular.

Style features

The term "dudes" came from the merger of two English words: steal - steal and style - style. That is, the stylers called those who copied a foreign way of life and imitated it.

In the period from 1940 to 1960 appeared hairstyles, which belong to the style of style. Bizarre and uniqueness - the main features of such hairstyles. With their help, the youth of those times wanted to stand out from the gray crowd. Examples to follow are Western movie stars and pop.

Despite the lack of styling tools, fashionistas of that time managed to make hairstyles with original forms. The following options were especially popular among girls.

This hairstyle is a symbol of 60s style. She gained popularity after the film “Babetta Goes to War” with the legendary Brigitte Bardot in the lead role.

To create a hairstyle you will need:

  • hairbrush,
  • scrunchy,
  • foam roller to add volume
  • invisible and studs
  • varnish

To collect from hair a high horse tail. Throw it over the forehead and pin it with studs and stealth to the base of the foam roller.

The tail should be returned to its original place, covering the hair roller. Tie the ends with a rubber band, tuck it under the hair and pin it down with additional pins. The hair straightened so that the roller was not visible. At the end fix the hair with lacquer.

This styling styling style can be done on short hair using chignon. In this case, your hair should be laid smoothly, and the attachment point of the chignon should be hidden with a wide ribbon or a beautiful hairpin.

Another hairstyle in the style of style, which is ideal for long and medium hair - waves. It can be easily and quickly performed independently.

To do the laying of the waves you need to prepare:

  • mousse and lacquer for fixation,
  • comb with large teeth
  • hair dryer and curling iron.

Apply mousse to clean damp hair and blow-dry. Make asymmetrical vertical parting.

Slightly departing from the roots, wind all strands with a curling iron or large curlers. The main thing is to get soft and smooth waves, not curls. Then the curls should be carefully combed with a comb with large teeth and fix varnish.

Look at the options for the most creative women's haircuts and hairstyles

This way of laying is very characteristic for the style of the style. It was the bouffant that made hairstyles more voluminous and high.

For hairstyles with a pile, you will need:

  • varnish
  • curling iron
  • tape or gum,
  • comb with fine teeth.

First you need to comb your hair well. Then make a pile from the roots to about the middle of the length. Twist ends on curling.

After creating a pile, the hair should be divided into two parts by a horizontal parting. Tie the upper half in the tail at the back of the head so that the volume is obtained at the top of the head. Spray the finished hair with a strong hold.

Corolla of peace

With the style of dudes most often associate this particular hairstyle.

To create it, it is necessary to draw a line on the top of the head, thus dividing the hair into two zones. Secure the lower half with a clip.

The rest of the hair is good to comb and split side parting into two parts. Sprinkle each part at the roots with lacquer and wrap along the entire length into a large curling. Curl must be removed from the curling very carefully, so as not to disrupt its shape. Secure rollers with studs and fix well with varnish.

The hair on the back of the head is divided into curls, screwed onto the curler, combed and formed into a bundle. Once again fix the hair with lacquer.

The bow of the hair can be as an independent hairstyle, as well as complement many styling.

To create a bow at the crown of the head, you need to collect a high tail rubber band at the crown. Fold it in half in the form of an eyelet and intercept it with another rubber band. The loop is divided into two equal parts and pin each invisible to the head. Through the center of the bow to throw the ends of the hair and secure them invisible.

The bow can be created in another way.

Tie a tail on the crown and divide it with rubber bands into three parts. Every gum hide under the strand of hair. Lay the tail to the side, as shown in the photo and stab the tips of the invisible.

Lush tail

To stand out from the crowd in the 60s, girls had to make a magnificent tail. This style does not require special skills and is suitable for everyday wear.

To create such a tail can be useful:

Clean mousse and clean hair in two tails over each other - one at the top, the other at the back of the head. Make a full-length bouffant or create volume using tongs. Secure the result with a strong lacquer.

If desired, you can grab the tail with rubber bands in several places, and twist its ends slightly.

Flying high

Popular with the stylers was uncomplicated, but quite spectacular styling - "High Flight".

To create it can be useful:

To begin with, it is necessary to level the hair with an iron, having previously treated them with a heat protection spray. Select the two side strands, lead them to the back of the head and fasten stealth, sprinkle with varnish. Hair in the parietal zone comb. Smooth the hair back and gather in the voluminous hairstyle.

A bezel, a beautiful hairpin or a motley bandage will help to complete the image.

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Hairstyles in the style of the style - as they see the modern women of fashion

One of the brightest pages of world fashion of the last century are hairstyles in the style of style. Exalted femininity in combination with bright clothes and styling of a special, unique, sometimes bizarre form singled out fans of this bold style of the period of total deficit.

It was not easy to look stylish in imitation of movie stars when it was only hairspray that could be found in stores with styling tools. But in spite of everything, resorting to the most diverse tricks and tricks, young people created hairstyles that cause envy and admiration of stylists of our time. And it doesn't matter that to create the styling one had to use sweet water, beer, petroleum jelly or other improvised means, nothing could stop the progressive part of humanity in striving for perfection.


The main features of the style

Hairstyles in the style of stylers are puffy hairs, curls and tails, decorated with various ribbons, headbands and rims. You will immediately understand what kind of installation, looking at the photo.

They are ideal for long hair, but if you try, then with the help of modern styling tools you can build them from medium-length strands and even on short curls.

Typical for this direction are different variations of bulk beams and babett using overlay rollers or fleece. Making hairstyles in styled style is now much easier due to the presence of a large assortment of modern styling tools.

Babette - extremely feminine hairstyle. That is why it remains popular in our days. Women often turn to her to create festive hairstyles.

Magnificent bouffant in combination with interesting modern styling elements, such as bows of hair, elegant braids, and others, as well as exquisite headbands and tiaras make it possible for modern women to make beautiful original hairstyles in the style of style based on the classic babette.

In the photo you can see how with the help of such elements the usual babette turns into a stylish sample of hairdressing.

A step-by-step instruction with a photo of each of the stages of styling will help you learn how to make a babette with a bow of hair by yourself at home.

  • Gather the hair in a high ponytail. Tie another one at a short distance from the main elastic band.
  • Put the tail forward on the face.
  • Take a special roller, and pin it invisible with the base of the tail to the hair on the crown. It depends directly on the size of the roller how volumetric the hairstyle will be. Therefore, select its size individually, in accordance with the desired result.
  • Lower the tail on the roller, and drag it with another rubber band.
  • Straighten your hair to completely hide the roller.
  • The remaining tip of the tail is divided into two equal parts, and attach each of them invisible to the head.
  • Bundle on each of the strands, and lay them in the form of a bow.
  • Seal the bow in the center of the invisible.
  • If your hair is long enough and the bow has loose ends, curl it into playful curls.
  • If the length does not allow to make curls, hide the ends under the ears of the bow and decorate the middle part with a beautiful barrette.
  • You can add solemnity to the image by wearing a bezel or an elegant tiara on your head.

How to easily and quickly make a beautiful babetta shown in the video.

Hairstyles in the style of the style can be done without using a roller, and creating a lush volume on the hair using a pile.

For example, it may be a magnificent shell, as in the photo.

It can also be learned to do at home, using step-by-step instructions and photos of the main stages of its implementation.

  • Divide the hair in a horizontal parting in two.
  • Secure the top with a clip.
  • Screw the bottom of the French shell and secure with studs.
  • Separate a small strand from the top of the hair and rub it well.
  • Do this with the entire mass of the upper part of the hair: separate the strand and comb it.
  • Treat the hair with hair spray.
  • Smooth gently the upper part of the pile.
  • Collect the ends of the combed hair and hide them in a shell.
  • Secure the result with studs.
  • In the end, steal styling hoop, ribbon or beautiful hairpin.

This styling can be combined with bangs: straight or oblique. You can leave your face with loose curls, laid with an ironing or curling, as in the photo.

How to make a shell with a pile look at the video.

Subculture care and modern style renaissance

Over time, many of the prohibitions were lifted and the curtain hiding the Western world, opened a lot. The youth styling subculture gradually faded away in the late 60s, losing the pedestal to the Beatlemania and the hippie movement.

In the XXI century, interest in Styleg again increased. Now this is a more refined and discreet style in clothes and hairstyles, conveying the cheekiness and mischief of the "staff".

Hairstyles for women in the style of "style"

Ideas for styling hair dandies borrowed from foreign magazines, postcards and movies

To create a harmonious image of the girls took into account the length of their hair. For example, the hair "dudes" for long hair and medium:

  • "Babette"
  • "Corolla of the world"
  • "flying high",
  • "Lush tail",
  • "VicoryRolls" or simply ─ "pipes".

Hair "hair" for short hair was chosen from the following list:

  • Hollywood curls,
  • high nape.

Guys dudes paid their haircuts no less attention.

Most of them took the basis of the hair of Elvis Presley, called "Kok".

Cock Hairstyle

How to make hairstyle dudes with their own hands for children and adults

In the middle of the last century, Soviet fashionistas used many tricks to create a spectacular look to their hair. About going to the hairdresser could not be a question.

Hairstyle in the style of styled do it yourself with the help of beer, sugar water and vaseline

Now there is no shortage of styling products and qualified hairdressers, but in order to feel like a real “styling”, you can give your hair the original shape yourself.

"Babette" for long hair step by step at home

Named in honor of the heroine of the then popular film Babette Goes to War, performed by the beautiful Bridget Bardot.


To build a "babette" will require:

  1. Divide the straight strands of the transverse part into 2 parts.
  2. Stabbed back in the tail at the crown.
  3. Front strands alternately combed and put into shape resembling a roller.
  4. Secure hair with hairpins and stealth.
  5. To fix a varnish.
  6. Decorate hair with colored ribbon to match the dress or exquisite decoration for more solemn occasions.
  7. For thin and sparse hair, additional volume will help to create special models for “babette” that are masked by strands.

Mummies for babetta

A bit of history

Hairstyles in style dudes appeared in the 40-60s. Distinctive features of such styling can be considered a wayward, fanciful, unique shape. With the help of hairstyles, dandies and appropriately young people tried to stand out and show their individuality. Since in Soviet times, bright hairstyles, eye-catching make-up and unusual clothes were banned, this further stirred up various youth progressive movements, where hairstyles of styles became more and more popular. Stars and cinema stars of the West were models for the girls of that time.

In Soviet times, that variety of styling products did not exist, as now, basically, only hair sprays could be found on the market, so various home remedies were used to create hairstyles: sugar with water, vaseline, beer, etc. With the help of hairstyles, the youth tried to go against the imposed stereotypes and at least for a while to feel free.

What are hairstyles in the style of style?

Hairstyles in the style of style include bouffanting, tails, babetty, curls. To create such styling, you must use a large number of different hair styling products. It is also important to use a variety of accessories: bandages, ribbons, headbands. Hairstyles in the style of the stiggs are ideal for long hair, but you can also find your own version for medium or short hair.

The video shows in detail how to make a bouffant for the hair style in the style

How to make a hairstyle in the style of style

To make a hairstyle in the style dudes, you must first decide on the image that is most suitable for the type of appearance, length of hair. Of course, the hairstyle made in the salon will be more accurate and original. But after reading our instructions and watching the video tutorials on creating hairstyles in the style of style, you can easily perform the most complex styling.

The most stylish female version is the babette hairstyle, which became fashionable after the popular movie with Bridget bardo in the lead role. After this film, a huge number of girls sought to be like a heroine. This stylish and spectacular hairstyle does not lose its relevance at the present time, it is especially noticeable in the season of proms and weddings.

To perform this styling, you must wash your hair, dry them. Then it is necessary to divide the hair into two equal parts, making a part from the temple to the temple. Further the front part is combed and rolled up by a roller. The rest of the hair is wound on the curlers, heated by a hairdryer, and after being released from the styling devices, they are rolled into a shell.In order to fix the hair, it is enough to use stealth and nail polish. Ribbons or hair bands are perfect as decoration; for a solemn occasion, you can use a tiara.

Hollywood curls

This hairstyle has never lost its popularity. Making it is not difficult at all, therefore “Hollywood curls” is a godsend for those who want to look stylish and fashionable with the help of only their efforts. To create a “Hollywood curls” styling, it is enough to wash your hair, dry them and wind them up on large curlers, or use an iron.

Hairstyle in the style of styag on short hair

Stylish hairstyles are always of interest to others.

Girls with long hair can choose from any of the above. And how to make a hairstyle in the style of style for short hair? Believe, it is very easy, you will need a tape, bezel or diadem:

  • Separate a bang or a separate strand if you wear a haircut without a bang.
  • Stir the back of the hair. Lightly brush to prevent damage to the volume created by the fleece.
  • Put on the tape and fasten it to the back of your head.

Haircut "Kok"

Haircut should have a short whiskey, a long bang. Some men grow whiskers, but they are not for everyone. How to make styling:

  1. Apply mousse or foam to clean damp hair.
  2. Dry hair with a hair dryer, winding a long fringe with a round comb.
  3. This should be done up from the forehead.
  4. Result fix varnish.

So, if you are ready to experiment with your appearance, these original hairstyles are just what you need!

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Vicory Rolls

Spectacular and original hairstyle is not so difficult.

Vicory Rolls Hairstyle “Vicory Rolls”

  1. The hair is divided into the occipital and crown parts.
  2. The crown part is divided into two halves by a vertical parting. It can be located strictly in the middle, and with a slight offset to the side.
  3. The front hair is combed up and each half, starting from the ends, twists towards the base of the strands, that is, towards each other. It is fixed using invisible and varnish.
  4. The back of the head fits as desired, but most often it is frizzed.

"High Nape"

For short or medium hair, we do a hairstyle with a voluminous occipital part, which is separated from the crown with a straight horizontal parting (it is then decided to decorate it with a wide color ribbon).

High nape

The hairs on the back of the head are combed and covered with several smooth, pre-pushed back strands. The tips of the hair curl out.

Men's hairstyle “dudes” is performed on the basis of a haircut, characterized by short hair at the back of the head and temples, and an elongated front part.


To create it, long locks are combed and raised up, and their ends are directed to the parietal part.

Features hairstyles in the style of style

The hairstyle was easy to recognize by such nuances:

  1. Required hair volume. It does not matter that it will be a bun, a tail or a pile.
  2. In her hairstyles there could be clear curls.
  3. A lot was important decoration. In the course were rims, ribbons, bows. Their colors must be bright and unusual.
  4. Strong fixation styling. Although in those days there were no modern styling products, it was necessary to fix the hairstyle. For this, petrolatum or sweet water is often used.

Long hair hairstyle

For such hair, the Babette hairstyle was most often used, and even now she helps the girl to make a bright statement about herself. The styling option will suit almost any girl, regardless of the shape of her face. This hairstyle can be done with a bang or without. In any case, she looks festive and feminine. You can decorate the hair with various hairpins, tiaras, bows, ribbons. Some girls use this option for the wedding.

Step-by-step instructions for performing installation "Babette":

  1. Clean hair must be picked up in a high tail. There should be no creeping strands. When performing this stage at home, there may be difficulty, but with a certain dexterity, everything will turn out easily.
  2. Pull back a little from the gum and make another one.
  3. Throw tail towards the face.
  4. Choose a roller of the required size, which must be carefully fixed on the tail with pins.
  5. Throw tail back and distribute the strands on the roller so that it was not visible. Thus, the roller closes the strands. Fix stealth.
  6. Only tail tips will remain. They can be accurately fixed under the bundle in the form of a bow. Or hide, disguised under the beam itself.
  7. Fix laying varnish.
  8. Decorate the bundle with ribbons, hairpins at its discretion.

Difficulties creating hairstyles at home:

  1. It is not always possible to make a high tail from the first time. For this you need to practice. It is important to remember that there should be no strands. Styling styling always performed clearly and smoothly.
  2. If the hairstyle is performed for the first time, there is a risk of uneven fixing the roller.
  3. The disadvantage is that there is no possibility to fully appreciate the work from behind.

As mentioned above, "Babette" is performed on long or medium length hair. At selection of the roller it is necessary to consider this parameter. So, for long strands you can choose any size roller, depending on which bundle is needed.

Hair "Babette" may have other options. You can make a bundle without using a roller, but simply combing your hair. In addition, you can not take all the hair, but only the part that is located on the back of the head.

On medium hair

This style looks feminine and well-groomed. If the hair of a girl is of medium length, then it is possible to make a hairstyle in the style of style. Shoulder length is very well suited, for example, a bob.

Step by step instructions for creating styling:

  1. Apply styling products to clean hair. Suitable foam or mousse, preferably a strong fixation.
  2. Comb the hair back.
  3. Comb with fine teeth gently comb the strands on the back of his head.
  4. If there is a bang in the haircut, then it needs to be straightened and laid so that it does not stick in different directions.
  5. The ends of the hair must be twisted upward so that a clear line is created.
  6. Fix the resulting hair with lacquer.
  7. Decorate with a bright ribbon or rim.

With well fixed strands, special care is not required. However, during the evening, you can twist strands with hairbrush brushing. But only if they lost the desired shape.

Hairstyle for short hair

If the hair is above the shoulders, then here you can make a hairstyle for the image of the dude. You can simply twist the hair and put them in the style of Marilyn Monroe.

Step-by-step instructions for creating hairstyles for short hair:

  1. Apply styling products to clean, dry hair. Namely: foam or mousse of desired fixation.
  2. Give hair volume, while making hairs at the roots.
  3. Large curling need to twist the strands alternately.
  4. Put curls in her hair and fix styling varnish.

Here it is necessary to take into account that the curls should be clear and elastic. Splitting and combing them is not worth it. If the hair is very short, then you can make soft curls, but it is clear.

To create a variety of hairstyles, you must have long hair, then you can create anything you like on your head. If the girls had short hair, then used overhead strands. It is not forbidden to resort to this method now.

To create hairstyles styling should not be sorry for styling tools. Such hairstyles should not lose shape even with strong wind. They always remained clearly fixed in the past. A variety of modern tools will help make the perfect fixation for a long time. Moreover, each girl can choose the right styling product for her.


Watch the video: 8 easy messy bun hairstyles. hairstyle trick. hair style girl. cute hairstyles. hairstyle (July 2024).