
Alopecia nesting: symptoms, causes, stages


Focal, cluster or partial alopecia are one and the same disease, which is characterized by the presence of baldness sites, usually of a round or ovoid shape, on the scalp. Men also have a mustache and beard. Sometimes such bald spots are called areata alopecia. Statistics show that hair loss affects people regardless of gender and age. Among the general population, about 1.7% of people struggle with this problem.

The causes of the disease

Despite the widespread prevalence of alopecia, its etiology has not yet been reliably studied. Doctors can not say exactly what led to the development of the pathological process in a particular clinical case. The lack of evidence-based aetiological base makes it difficult to compile an adequate treatment algorithm.which in most cases is selected by trial and error.

It was found that the following risk factors may be the causes of alopecia in women and men:

  • hereditary factor (it is proved that 20-25% of cases of pathology are a family disease),
  • previous acute viral infection (any diseases are included: from simple ARVI to more serious nosologies),
  • damage to the body by chronic infectious processes of any localization,
  • strong mental overstrain or constant stay in stressful conditions (baldness may occur in response to a sharp single-stage blow to the nervous system or develop gradually)
  • improper functioning of the endocrine system (the vast majority of hormonal imbalances lead to problems with hair, in particular, alopecia of a focal nature),
  • lack or absence of any vitamins in the body,
  • autoimmune damage to hair follicles,
  • Disorder of the autonomic nervous system, which is directly responsible for the blood supply to the hair follicles (frequent and severe capillary spasms lead to ischemia of areas of the scalp, resulting in thinning hair and falling out).

The doctor for the treatment of nesting alopecia should make the maximum amount of effort and find out the likely cause of the disease.

Despite the universality of the therapeutic approach, the effect on the etiological factor allows for faster and more effective recovery.

The symptoms of the pathological process have the following features:

  • alopecia areata appears gradually (a slight baldness is formed, which continues to grow)
  • the shape of the balding area is often circular or oval,
  • the surface of the hairless area can be smooth and shiny or rough with signs of inflammation,
  • itching in alopecia rarely bothers patients, and pain does not occur at all,
  • A single hair free zone occurs most often, less often patients mark two areas of baldness (when multiple lesions occur, the whole body is usually affected),
  • there is a loss of eyebrows and eyelashes, which can be total, one-sided or partial,
  • problems with the nail plate in the form of thinning, peeling, deformation, and so on (the damage to the nails is due to the fact that they have the same composition as the hair).
Pretty common pathology is a fungal infection of the scalpin which the breaking of the rod occurs without grazing the hair follicle. Such hair loss in women and men requires specific antifungal therapy and consultation with a dermatologist. The following signs will help to recognize mycosis: the presence of black spots in the affected area, redness of the scalp and severe itching.

We must not forget that some forms of mental illness can lead to the fact that the person himself pulls out his hair. This variant of hair loss can not be called alopecia alopecia, and it does not require treatment. Recognize self-disposal of hair by the presence of scraps of different lengths.

The basic principles of treatment of focal baldness are as follows:

  • Conducting psychotherapy with stabilization of the emotional sphere.
  • The use of hormonal ointments to slow down the autoimmune lesion process.
  • The use of injections of corticosteroids (such therapy is carried out with caution and only in the most advanced cases).
  • Taking tableted forms of glucocorticoids (only as prescribed by a doctor with careful observance of the recommended dosages).
  • Phototherapy (implies exposure to the affected areas with ultraviolet light).
  • The use of Dithranol (treatment of alopecia areata in women and men with this drug has been little studied, but the drug still has some effect).
Many patients believe that the most effective method of treatment is a hair transplant on the affected area. Doctors are skeptical about this method of solving the problem, since the operation is expensive, and the hair may simply not settle down.
We must not forget that during the treatment of alopecia areata, great attention should be paid to the etiological factor.

The elimination of the main pathology is the most effective type of therapy.

Completely cure alopecia alopecia is not always possible. Of great importance is the etiology of the pathological process.. For example, temporary hair loss due to beriberi or fungal infection is quickly cured once and for all. With hereditary forms of alopecia or baldness caused by stress, it is very difficult to deal with the problem and it is not always possible even with the help of professional medicines.

In general, focal baldness does not interfere with the patient's ability to work, and the relative unfavorable prognosis is associated with a psychological factor. For many people, the disease causes a closed lifestyle, which leads to an even greater psychological burden and aggravation of pathology.

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Symptoms of pathology

Alopecia nesting does not cover the entire surface of the head. Several small foci of a characteristic round or oblong shape like a nest are formed.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • smooth skin at the site of loss, sometimes there is a slight fluff,
  • empty areas gradually grow, nearby can merge,
  • the shape of the problem zone is round or oblong in diameter from 1 to 10 cm, has clear boundaries,
  • on the border with the zone, the strands are easily pulled out,
  • possible inflammation in the area of ​​baldness,
  • nesting alopecia may be accompanied by itchy skin, but there is no pain,
  • more often, one site is bald, if there are two sites, the pathology extends to the whole body.

Specific manifestations, it is difficult to confuse with other diseases.

The causes of the pathology

Before treatment, you need to establish the cause of the disease. Many factors can affect hair loss. Often, heredity determines whether or not the child will go bald through the male line.

Chronic infections of the respiratory tract that remain untreated, are constantly present in the body, are the culprits of alopecia. Here you can also add permanent caries, ARVI and ORZ, which cease to be treated, taking them as constant companions of autumn and spring.

All these diseases without treatment lead to the fact that pathogenic microbes get into the blood. Infection through the vessels gets into the bulbs. Immunity begins to fight microbes, the hair also gets (many microbes are very resistant against body forces). This leads to the death of the bulb.

Constant stress, prolonged depression depressing effect on the circulatory system. There is an increase in blood viscosity, spasm of small vessels. Microcirculation of blood is violated in many parts of the body, including the scalp. Hair does not receive nutrients and oxygen, this is another reason for their loss.

Failure of the endocrine system can also lead to nesting alopecia. The thyroid gland and adrenal cortex are impaired, which affects the functioning of the pituitary gland. All this leads to the appearance of foci of hair loss.

Another reason is hormonal imbalance. Often this happens during the onset of menopause, during pregnancy, taking hormonal contraceptive drugs. Pregnant women are not treated, the cover is restored independently after the birth of the child. In all other cases, you need to visit a doctor.

Medical science is inclined to believe that the main cause of this type of hair loss is a genetic predisposition. All other factors the body could overcome.

Features of the clinical picture

Only when nesting alopecia occurs a change in the nail plate. It becomes thinner, deformed. Often, it is for changing nails that hair experts (trichologists) draw conclusions about the pathological condition of the bulbs.

Nails and hair have the same composition, so painful changes in the body affect them equally. Also, with focal alopecia, eyelashes and eyebrows begin to fall out. A bad symptom is a noticeable nail lesion, which began earlier than the appearance of baldness areas on the head. This is a sign of serious irregularities throughout the body.


Alopecia nesting has several forms, depending on which treatment is prescribed:

  • Local - in which there is one or two sites of alopecia.
  • Ophiasis Celsus - it is a ribbon-like form, when a peculiar strip of clear skin is formed from the temple to the nape. More often sick in childhood.
  • Subtotal - several sites merge, forming large areas of alopecia.
  • Total - There is no vegetation on the entire head. Sometimes lashes and eyebrows fall out.
  • Universal - hair falls all over. Can then grow back, and immediately fall out. Such paroxysmal periods of the appearance of cover occur. The main part of life goes without hair.
  • Gnezdnaya - proceeds with damage to the nails. This is a severe form of the disease with a poor prognosis.

Forms of baldness can go into each other, the situation deteriorate in the absence of proper treatment, not following the recommendations of the doctor.

Stages of development of pathology

In its development, the disease goes through several stages:

  • Progressive. Areas of fallen hair are expanding. New foci appear. The bulbs lose their strength. Hair is easy to pull out just by pulling on it. There may be a slight itching on the scalp.
  • Stationary. New pockets of baldness do not appear. The skin in the areas of alopecia ceases to inflame, pales, becomes smooth. After strengthening, pulling them out becomes difficult.
  • Regressive. The centers of baldness gradually grow over with new downy hair without pigment. In the future, their thickening and pigmentation occurs, if there are favorable conditions. But an aggravation of the disease may occur, then the transition to the first stage will occur.

Focal baldness and effective treatments

Nesting alopecia can be determined by external signs, which are very characteristic of this pathology. In women, they are the most expressive.

The doctor uses additional diagnostic methods that help him identify why baldness has appeared. When using a dermatoscope, it is possible to examine in detail the bulbs, the skin of the head, to determine their condition. Be sure to study smear for the presence of fungal infections of the body. Although it is believed that such an infection rarely causes alopecia, it is not necessary to exclude this option.

Focal baldness is a sign of certain disorders, so the doctor prescribes individual laboratory tests to identify pathologies. It can be biochemical tests for the definition of infection, endocrine changes, beriberi and other diseases.

Principles of Disease Treatment

To get rid of alopecia areata requires an integrated approach. With it, the effect will be on the symptoms, the causes of the disease. Usually, physicians do not give guarantees on the success of treatment, since too many factors influence the process of restoration of the cover.

The principles of treatment of focal baldness include:

  • conducting psychotherapy sessions to restore a stable emotional background,
  • the use of hormone-based ointments to slow down the processes of autoimmune damage,
  • impact on affected areas for local irritation in order to increase microcirculation,
  • mandatory improvement of the digestive system.

The standard course of treatment takes 2 months. The site of baldness with proper treatment disappears after 6 months. So much time is necessary for hair to grow back.

Final disposal of focal alopecia depends on the causes of its occurrence. If hair loss occurs due to skin damage by fungi or vitamin deficiency, then the recovery is complete. It is difficult to fight pathology if it is caused by a hereditary factor or stress.

Alopecia areata does not affect longevity, performance, for other chronic diseases. But it has a serious psychological impact, some lead a closed lifestyle, which aggravates depression, leading to an increase in the problem.

Means of external treatment

If the focus of alopecia on the head is a single, its diameter is not more than 3 cm, you just need to watch it for 3 months. During this time, it can overgrow. If this does not happen, you need to start treatment.

Getting rid of such a disease should be carried out together with a doctor. Only a specialist will select the right medication, provide for complications, take into account contraindications. Self-medication may complicate the situation.

Glucocorticosteroids are applied topically in the form of ointments and creams. In severe cases, lesions are given at the site of the lesion with these hormonal agents. For example, a solution of Minoxidil is rubbed into the skin. The disadvantage of the method is fragility, it works only on small areas. Not suitable for total baldness.

Another means of external use is nicotinic acid. It is a good antispasmodic, helps to restore blood supply in the affected area. The ampoule is opened, the contents rubbed into the area of ​​hair loss daily. From folk remedies - the use of sea salt. Massage with large crystals will also contribute to the flow of blood to the alopecia site, which will help to restore the cover.

General treatment

With an integrated approach to treatment you need to get rid of the main problem, a symptom of which may be baldness. Immunomodulators, blood supply and vitamin preparations are used. In the presence of infection, it is eliminated by individual therapy.

To improve hair nutrition apply Actovegin, Solkoseril. Nootropic agents are used to relieve vascular spasms. Often prescribed Piracetam, Nootropil. It is important to remove the depressive state, which is often observed in patients with this pathology. Applied Novopassit, Persen.

Massage and physiotherapy

There are other ways to help with focal baldness. Well help regular sessions head massage. It should be done by a qualified specialist. The procedure should be carried out in a doctor's office on a special table. The massage lasts about 30 minutes. There is an impact on the site of alopecia, neck and shoulders.

Focal baldness with physiotherapy is effectively treated.It is necessary to remember about the contraindications for such procedures - oncological and infectious diseases, the presence of a pacemaker, pregnancy.

Physiotherapy methods:

  • Electrophoresis - based on the action of current. On the balding area there is a medicine (nicotinic acid), which due to the current penetrates deep into the skin. Vessels expand, local blood circulation improves.
  • Galvanization - under the influence of current, the scalp is heated. Exchange reactions improve, blood flow stabilizes.
  • Darsonvalization - Darsonval apparatus is used. With the help of a special nozzle, a baldness zone massage is carried out for 10 minutes. It is the stimulation of the blood supply and growth of the bulbs.

For all physiotherapy, it is enough 10 - 15 times to see positive results.


The last stage of focal baldness is not treated with medication. It remains a surgical treatment - hair transplant. This, too, cannot be considered a universal remedy, because exacerbation of pathology can lead to loss of transplanted hair.

It is necessary to establish the cause of nesting alopecia, eliminate it. With genetic predisposition, there are no ways to solve the problem. You can only postpone the period of hair loss. For this you need to learn how to deal with stress, to emerge victorious from depressive states.

Causes of illness

The causes of nesting alopecia are not precisely established. It is assumed that the pathology has an autoimmune nature. The human body begins to perceive the hair follicles as an alien substance, and rejects them. First, a small round area of ​​baldness appears on the head, which then increases.

The following factors can provoke the development of the disease:

  1. Heredity. Often, focal baldness is observed in parents and close relatives of patients.
  2. Chronic respiratory infections. Undertreated caries of teeth, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza cause bacteria and viruses to enter the blood. These microorganisms are deposited in the hair follicles. When a person’s immunity fights infection, not only the destruction of germs occurs, but also the destruction of hair follicles.
  3. Stress and neurotic disorders. In depressive conditions, the blood supply to the hair deteriorates, which leads to their loss. In addition, the stress affects the functioning of the immune system, and the body begins to struggle with its own hair follicles.
  4. Endocrine diseases. Pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and pituitary also affect the condition of the hair.
  5. Hormonal imbalance. Alopecia areata in women often appears during pregnancy, menopause, or when taking hormonal contraceptives. During gestation, baldness is not treated; usually, the condition of the hair returns to normal after childbirth. In other cases, you must visit a doctor.
  6. Worm infestation. Alopecia areata sometimes occurs on the background of helminthiasis. The immune system fights against parasites and at the same time affects the hair follicles.

The main role in the occurrence of the disease is a hereditary factor, which is why the disease is intractable. All other causes of baldness can be eliminated.

Stage of the disease

In its development nesting alopecia goes through several stages:

  1. Progression. At this stage, the hair follicles lose strength. On the head there are areas of baldness with inflamed skin. Sometimes there is a slight itch. The hair looks thin, and is easily removed from the bulb when pulled.
  2. Stationary stage. Baldness stops progressing. Inflammation of the skin disappears. Hair stops falling out.
  3. Stage of regression. On the affected areas grow fluffy blond hair. Under favorable conditions, they are strengthened, pigmented and turn into normal hair. But with an exacerbation of the disease, baldness can begin again.


The first sign of the disease is the appearance of baldness areas. They usually have a round shape and size from 1 cm to 10 cm. The lesion has clear boundaries. Usually there is a single portion of alopecia, but in some cases there may be several. Balding zones can merge with each other.

The skin on the affected areas is changed slightly. Sometimes there is a slight redness. Crust and peeling is not observed. The hair near the alopecia zone does not hold well in the follicles and is easily pulled out.

There is increased fragility of hair. They have a normal root, but a very thin base of the rod. Often the hair breaks on a length of about 3 mm.

There is a special kind of disease (ophiasis), in which a bald patch has not a round, but a longitudinal shape in the form of a strip. The nails may also be involved in the pathological process, their condition deteriorates significantly. These types of alopecia are considered the most malignant and are difficult to treat.

Alopecia areata in women usually occurs between the ages of 15 and 35 years. More often this disease affects patients with dark hair. Pathology usually proceeds more favorably than in men. Estrogens predominate in a woman's body, which prevents severe hair loss. However, if a patient has hormonal disruptions, baldness can be significant. Due to alopecia, women often experience stress and depression, which, in turn, increases hair loss.

Alopecia areata in men begins most often from the crown. In the upper part of the head a center of baldness is formed. If you do not take action, the area of ​​hair loss over time grows. In advanced cases, the patient completely loses his hair.

Peculiarities of baldness in children

Alopecia areata in children is a rather rare occurrence. Very often, skin ailments join the disease: atopic dermatitis, allergic rashes, vitiligo. With alopecia, the child often loses not only the hair on his head, but also his eyebrows and eyelashes.

Most often, this disease affects children over 3 years old. A bad prognostic sign is the addition of atopic dermatitis, nail damage and the onset of the disease at an early age. In these cases, the pathology is cured with great difficulty. However, malignant forms of the disease are rarely seen in children. In most cases, the hair can be fully restored.


When the first signs of alopecia appear, it is necessary to consult a trichologist. Usually, for the diagnosis is enough external examination of the patient. In some cases, it is necessary to conduct additional laboratory tests:

  1. Trichograms Several hairs are pulled out from the patient near the affected area and their structure is examined under a microscope.
  2. Biopsy. From the affected area, skin particles are taken for examination. This allows you to separate focal alopecia from the lesion of the scalp with lupus and lichen-free lesions.
  3. Studies using a dermatoscope. The structure of the hair follicles and skin condition are studied.
  4. Smear from the affected areas for fungal infection. This study helps to distinguish focal alopecia from ringworm.

Sometimes alopecia is a manifestation of beriberi, as well as endocrine and infectious diseases. In order to identify such pathologies, serological tests, blood tests for biochemistry and hormones are prescribed.

Medication Treatment

If there is a small center of baldness (no more than 3 cm) on the head, then dynamic observation is necessary within 3 months. If during this time the site is not covered with downy hair, then a course of treatment for nesting alopecia is required.

Topically prescribed corticosteroid ointments and creams: "Celestoderm", "Dermoveit", "Clobetasol", "Ftorokort". They are applied to areas of baldness. Also used corticosteroid drug "Diprospan" in the form of a solution. It is administered subcutaneously in the affected areas. This treatment helps with hair loss no more than 50%.

In the treatment of nesting alopecia in women, the drug "Cimetidine" gives good results. It has an anti-androgenic effect and normalizes hormones in the patient's body. It is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and solution for injections. Men should not take this medicine, as it can adversely affect the production of androgens.

In the treatment of nesting alopecia in men, the drug Finasteride is used. It prevents the accumulation of the hormone dihydrotestosterone in the area of ​​the bulbs and prevents hair loss. This remedy is not recommended for children and pregnant women. The drug can cause genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

In the treatment of male and female patients, Dithranol ointment is used. It has a local irritating effect. At the site of the drug there is a slight redness of the skin. Immune cells are activated to fight inflammation and are distracted from the hair follicles. Anthralin drug, tincture of red pepper, lemongrass, burdock oil also has irritating properties. Such tools can be used in the inpatient stage of the disease when hair loss has ceased.

Good result gives the drug "Minoxidil". This is a solution that is rubbed into the skin on areas of baldness. It stimulates hair growth.

In addition to local drugs, prescribed medications for oral administration:

  • vitamin complexes "Perfectil", "Pantovigar", "Nutrikap".
  • sedatives: Persen, Novopassit.
  • drugs that improve blood flow: "Nootropil", "Actovegin".

In severe cases, immunosuppressants are used: "Cyclosporin A", "Timopentin", "Groprinozin". They are able to affect the autoimmune nature of the disease. It is possible to take such potent drugs only by prescription. These drugs have many side effects.


Physiotherapy complements the medical treatment of baldness. To improve the condition of hair prescribed the following procedures:

  1. Electrophoresis with nicotinic acid. The drug is injected into the skin using galvanic current. It helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism in the dermis. The drug penetrates the bulbs and stimulates hair growth.
  2. Microcurrents. The affected areas are affected by electrically. As a result of this treatment, the nutrition of the hair follicles is improved.
  3. Laser treatment. The rays penetrate the bulb and stimulate hair growth.
  4. Darsonvalization. With the help of a special apparatus, currents of small impulses are fed to the affected areas. As a result, the blood supply to the follicles and hair growth are improved.

To achieve the result, it is necessary from 10 to 15 physiotherapy.

Treatment reviews

There are many positive reviews about the treatment of nesting alopecia by darsonvalization. Patients stopped hair loss after 7 - 10 treatments. After some time a new hair appeared on the balding areas. For many women, this method has helped with postpartum baldness associated with hormonal disorders.

There are also reports of good efficacy of Minoxidil. It helps even with severe forms of nesting alopecia. In the reviews, it is reported that after the course of treatment, patients began to gradually grow areas of baldness, both on the head and on the body. This tool has been effective even with hair loss more than 60%.

In some cases, irritants have helped to stop hair loss. If good reviews on the use of burdock oil and bitter pepper tincture. However, these tools help to stabilize the process of hair loss. With an active focus with a loose scalp, irritant irritants can exacerbate baldness.


If a person has a tendency to hair loss, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen them. To do this, you must regularly wash your hair with special shampoos with vitamin supplements, as well as use herbal teas for rinsing and treatment masks. You should not wear tight hair and strongly hair. It is necessary as little as possible to resort to staining.

It is also important to eat right and, if possible, avoid stress. At the first signs of enhanced hair loss, you need to visit a trichologist. This will help prevent the development of alopecia.

Causes and pathogenesis

The causes of alopecia areata are not established. Alopecia areata is a heterogeneous clinical syndrome, in the play of which emotional stress, acute and chronic infections, physical trauma, genetic factors play a role. The genetic heterogeneity of this disease explains its clinical polymorphism, which is well-known to doctors.

Nestal alopecia is considered as an organ-specific autoimmune disease, as evidenced by hereditary predisposition, increased frequency of detection of organ-specific antibodies and impaired T-cell regulation of the immune response.

Symptoms of alopecia areata

Symptoms of the disease begins with the sudden appearance of a round focus of alopecia without subjective sensations, only some patients note paresthesias. The boundaries of the focus are clear, the skin within it is not changed or slightly hyperemic, sometimes the consistency of the consistency and easier than healthy, is collected in folds, the mouth of the hair follicles are preserved. In a progressive stage, healthy-looking hair at the edges of the outbreak is easily epilated (a zone of loose hair), a pathognomonic sign is the appearance of hair in the form of exclamation marks. This is club-shaped hair about 3 mm long, the distal end of which is split and thickened.

The further course of the disease is unpredictable. Sometimes hair growth in the outbreak is fully restored. New foci may appear, some of them may merge due to loss of hair separating them. Perhaps diffuse thinning hair without the formation of foci of baldness. The long existence of foci can lead to dystrophic changes and death of follicles.

The first foci more often occur on the scalp. Possible hair loss in the area of ​​beard growth, loss of hair on the body, in the axillary and pubic areas. In many cases, eyebrows and eyelashes fall out. 10-66% of patients have a variety of nail dystrophy.

What is alopecia

In essence, this ailment belongs to the pathological lesions, which is known to mankind for a long time. But the exact causes of the disease has not yet been established. The most likely is this version: the human body accepts already existing hair follicles as something alien to him, and tries to get rid of them.

A distinctive feature of alopecia from other types of baldness is that hair loss is circular, that is, hair loss begins in the form of a small circle, which gradually expands.

The disease affects both sexes equally. And the most terrible thing in this type of baldness is that it mostly affects only young people (under 25) and children. Agree, older people can more easily accept that they are balding than young people.

The following varieties of alopecia areata are distinguished:

  • diffuse. Hair falls out at the top of the head,
  • local In this case, hair loss occurs at one site. In this case, the lesion has clearly defined boundaries,
  • total alopecia. Hair loss occurs throughout the scalp, with complete. This form of the disease in children is not marked,
  • subtotal. More than forty percent of the hair on the head falls out,
  • ophialysis Loss in this case occurs at the edges of the hair of the head,
  • universal form. In this case, the hair falls out all over the body.This form often develops in children.

The occurrence of lesions spontaneous, to predict where the next lesion will jump out is impossible. They can remain in their original form, they can grow, and just disappear spontaneously.

Starting to appear alone, the lesions often develop easily and quickly to a universal or total form. At the same time, the transition between forms is almost unnoticeable.

Causes of illness

As mentioned above, the exact causes of the disease are still unknown. But that's all, all doctors recognize that the origins of the disease must be sought in the patient's childhood. Also, the cause may be the failure of the immune system, as mentioned above. That is, the immune system for some reason recognizes the hair on the body, in particular on the head, alien to the human body and begins to get rid of it.

The disease can be caused by exposure to environmental factors, in particular, poor environmental conditions. Hair loss begins after strong emotional experiences.

Due to the uncertainty of the reasons, the treatment is different in men and in women.

Treatment of alopecia areata

Due to the fact that the exact causes of the disease has not been identified, there is no universal treatment method. In each case it is selected individually. But everything is something in common.

For example, the use of glucocorticosteroids is widespread. They can be artificial or natural. In the latter case, the synthesis of the substance is carried out from the adrenal cortex of animals - dogs, rabbits or horses.

But, before you begin treatment with hormones, it is common to use irritating agents. Anthralin, ammonium, carbolic acid, crotonic oil, hot pepper are used as the latter.

It was found that after such therapy, the scalp is able to recover. Even if several years have passed after baldness. But there is one “but”: this method is effective only in one case, if not more than 50% of the hair fell out. Otherwise, it is not even possible to start treatment with this method.

Another method of treatment is with the help of sensitizers, drugs that increase cellular sensitivity. Otherwise, this method is called topical immunosuppressive therapy. This technique is recognized as the most successful in treating false baldness. In addition to sensitizers, this method uses immunotropic drugs that have a detrimental effect on white blood cells and immunity cells - lymphocytes and white blood cells.

Photochemotherapy is often used in treatment - this is when the skin is exposed to phototherapy. The method works most effectively when used together with sensitizing drugs. The only drawback of such treatment is that it can harm the patient. So, during the treatment process, the victim's immunity is suppressed, and any infection can affect him. Even the simplest.

Some help is provided by external treatment with turpentine ointment, keratinocyte stimulants - these are cells of the outer layer of the epidermis. They contribute to the rapid growth of hair.

Physiotherapy is not forgotten either - scalp massage, paraffin therapy, current therapy (currents d, Arsonval). Well, the classical methods - acupuncture and electro-puncture.

Doctors often use the placebo effect. - this is when the patient simply believes that this remedy will help him, and accepts it, but at the same time this remedy does not possess these characteristics.

For those who do not want to take various drugs, there is one way - this is waiting. Some doctors call this method lazy treatment. It lies in the fact that you just need to wait a certain time. About half a year. As practice shows, in most cases, the emerging bald patch just begins to regrow. And, there is hope that there will be no relapse.

Usually, the waiting method is recommended by the doctors themselves to those patients whose baldness is in the first stage.

Drug treatment: the choice of drugs

Depending on the alleged reasons, you should choose drugs for the therapeutic treatment of alopecia. So, with a lack of vitamins in the body and anemia, iron supplements are recommended:

Together with them, vitamin B-6 or 2 vitamin complexes are often prescribed.

If baldness is caused by fungal infections, are indicated for the purpose:

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Read more about how to make natural shampoos here.

In endocrine pathologies, when not only oxen on the head, but also eyebrows are affected, are prescribed:

  • levothyroxine sodium and the hormone T4: L-thyroxin and its analogues,
  • Eothirox,
  • Tireocomb and Yodocomb, Jodtirox and Tireoto within the framework of complex hormonal treatment.

Preventive measures

In case of strong nervous shocks, it is recommended to consult such specialists as a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. Do not think anything bad. Just if eyelashes and eyebrows begin to fall out with the hair, then rarely anyone stays in peace. This is especially true of women.

If the cause of a strong hair loss became mischievous nerves, then in this case everything can only get worse. Therefore, the help of specialists will be necessary.

With hair loss a person has a feeling of discomfort and therefore it is necessary to reduce its manifestation. For example, use in the hot season sunscreen. Such as ointments, creams, sunglasses. A wig or some kind of headdress is required on the head.

For more details on the occurrence and treatment of alopecia, see the video.

Treatment of nesting alopecia

Treatment of nesting alopecia is carried out by introducing glucocorticosteroids into the pathological foci, the meaning of this therapy lies in the immunosuppressive effect of the drugs. If the lesion area is more than 50% of the skin of the head, on which hair growth occurs, then treatment with corticosteroids does not have the desired effect.

To date, topical treatment with drugs containing corticosteroids has been found to be ineffective, even in combination with carriers that promote a deeper penetration of hormonal drugs.

Topical immunosuppressive therapy for alopecia areata can be performed using dinitrochlorobenzene, squaric acid dibutyl ester and diphenylcyclopropenone.

Properly selected systemic use of steroids can reverse rapidly progressing alopecia alopecia.

Suppress active lymphocyte clones by immunotropic drugs.

In some cases, photochemotherapy is effective, as well as some adjuvant methods of influence on the lesions.

When choosing methods of treatment of nesting alopecia, the features of the constitution of patients, background diseases are taken into account.

The use of biogenic stimulants accelerates tissue repair processes. For the correction of some blood parameters, preparations containing leech saliva extract can be recommended. In some forms of alopecia areata, zinc preparations may be indicated.

The external means of concomitant therapy include a wide range of irritating agents (turpentine ointment, efkamon), stimulators of the process of proliferation of creatinocytes, drugs that improve the nutrition of tissues, as well as help improve tissue microcirculation. Drugs containing silicon can also be used externally, which can improve the structure of the hair, or drugs whose therapeutic effect is due to exposure of the affected skin to the placenta.

We give a list of the most popular methods of treatment:

In practice, the treatment of nesting alopecia is widely used drugs from naphthalan alcohol, tincture of hot peppers, Spanish flies, chilibuha. Their effectiveness in some cases can be explained by a small stimulating effect, but in most cases a placebo effect occurs.

Patients may be recommended massage or cryomassage of the scalp, applications with paraffin (ozokerite), a ten-day course of treatment with currents of d'Arsonval, diathermy of sympathetic glands in the region of the cervical vertebrae, ozone therapy of the scalp of the skin of the scalp.

Of the methods of physico-pharmaceutical effects, electrophoresis with a solution of reserpine, aminophylline, etc. is most often used.

In some cases, it is effective physico-biological effects based on reflex therapy effects. The most popular treatment of nesting alopecia of all the variety of techniques today received classical acupuncture, electro-puncture, as well as exposure to certain types of electromagnetic radiation, the use of a laser, ultraviolet radiation, microwaves.

The author of the article: Herman Olga Leonidovna, trichologist, especially for the site

Alopecia in women is a pathological hair loss caused by hair loss. The disease leads either to a partial thinning of the integument, or to its complete disappearance in some parts of the human head and body. There are several types of baldness in women - it is focal (breeding), diffuse.

Many men around the world are faced with such a problem as loss of hair. Despite the fact that representatives of a strong half of humanity are most susceptible to alopecia, this problem is not of exclusive sexual nature. Women are also prone to baldness, but in view of.

Proven popular recipes for hair treatment include ingredients that are used in professional medical cosmetics - amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other substances that stimulate hair growth, activating hair follicles.

Before a particular treatment strategy is chosen, the doctor will perform a comprehensive hair diagnosis. For this, an ultraviolet or infrared lamp can be used. If other health problems are found, it will be necessary to involve doctors of other specialties in the treatment process.

In addition to the term focal alopecia, you can find the phrase nesting alopecia, or alopecia areata. All this will mean the same pathology. As for the reasons why hair begins to fall out, they are still not precisely defined. In addition, it is unknown how the disease will proceed in the future.

Loss of hair as a result of age-related changes occurring in the body of a man is called male androgenic alopecia. This process depends on the production of hormones - androgens. This form of baldness is found in males more often than others. In this connection, trichologists receive many complaints like this.

Patients are often interested in the question of whether the transplant operation will be in vain. After all, hair that is transplanted by surgery can fall out just like your own, and the operation itself takes a lot of time and is not cheap.

What is alopecia areata?

In essence, this ailment belongs to the pathological lesions, which is known to mankind for a long time. But the exact causes of the disease has not yet been established.

The most likely is this version: the human body accepts already existing hair follicles as something alien to him, and tries to get rid of them.

Alopecia Alopecia

A distinctive feature of alopecia from other types of baldness is that hair loss is circular, that is, hair loss begins in the form of a small circle, which gradually expands.

The disease affects both sexes equally. And the most terrible thing in this type of baldness is that it mostly affects only young people (under 25) and children. Agree, older people can more easily accept that they are balding than young people.

The following varieties of alopecia areata are distinguished:

  • diffuse. Hair falls out at the top of the head,
  • local In this case, hair loss occurs at one site. In this case, the lesion has clearly defined boundaries,
  • total alopecia. Hair loss occurs throughout the scalp, with complete. This form of the disease in children is not marked,
  • subtotal. More than forty percent of the hair on the head falls out,
  • ophialysis Loss in this case occurs at the edges of the hair of the head,
  • universal form. In this case, the hair falls out all over the body. This form often develops in children.

The main reason for the pathology of doctors is a failure in the immune system. The body perceives the hair follicles as something alien, and displaces them.

A lesion affects areas, but not the entire hairline, because follicles may have a different structure, so only certain hairs become the object of an immune attack.

These assumptions are based on clinical trials. Doctors still argue that it is the impetus for such an immune attack.

They call several provoking factors.

The main causes of focal hair loss

Causes of alopecia areata:

As mentioned above, the exact causes of the disease are still unknown. But that's all, all doctors recognize that the origins of the disease must be sought in the patient's childhood.

Also, the cause may be the failure of the immune system, as mentioned above. That is, the immune system for some reason recognizes the hair on the body, in particular on the head, alien to the human body and begins to get rid of it.

The disease can be caused by exposure to environmental factors, in particular, poor environmental conditions. Hair loss begins after strong emotional experiences.

Due to the uncertainty of the reasons, the treatment is different in men and in women.

It is impossible to establish them precisely, this type of alopecia can begin randomly for a person, but there are a number of factors that can lead to the appearance of this disease:

  • Heredity. Children get their genes from their parents not only good signs, but also various diseases. If baldness was observed along the male line, then it can also manifest itself in their children.
  • Autoimmune processes. The cells of the immune system block the hair growth or destroy it. But the treatment under which these cells are affected does not give a particular improvement, therefore such a reason is still unprovable.
  • Infectious diseases. Severe diseases can cause hair loss, not only on the head. Such a deviation can be observed with various fungal infections of the skin.
  • Stress. In some patients, baldness began after suffering a moral shock.
  • Injuries and cuts. Sometimes, a person hitting his head can damage his curls and severely injure their follicles, which can shed hairs.

The reliable cause of the disease has not been studied until now. In the development of the disease involve the following pathologies:

The lack of knowledge of this pathology today does not allow to fundamentally name the causes of the disease with focal alopecia. At the moment, it is only possible to identify certain risk factors that are likely to lead to the onset of the pathological process.

Psychological factor

Many experts are inclined to believe that stressful situations do not influence the development of alopecia alopecia directly, but only contribute to the launch of genetically determined mechanisms, as a result of which they are not included in the list of possible causes, considering them indirect.

But, since the mechanism of the development of the disease is not yet sufficiently studied, it is also not possible to completely eliminate the influence of stress factors.

Various disorders of the peripheral nervous system

According to modern concepts, the causes of focal alopecia lie in a combination of genetic predisposition with provoking factors that trigger autoimmune disorders in the skin and hair follicles.

The main causes of the disease:

  1. Genetics.
    At this stage, 8 genes that affect the development of focal alopecia are already deciphered. Most likely, the disease has a polygenic type of inheritance.
  2. Autoimmune mechanisms.
    In focal baldness, hair follicles are attacked by their own immune system with the development of a typical autoimmune inflammatory reaction.
  3. Infectious diseases.
    There is definitely a link between infections and alopecia. This is especially true for cytomegalovirus, measles and rubella viruses, as well as local skin infections.
  4. Physical factors.
    There is evidence of heat shock proteins (HSPs) with the appearance of immune lesions of the connective tissue. Other physical injuries (ultraviolet, radiation, etc.) also negatively affect the condition of the hair follicles.
  5. Insufficiency of local blood circulation.
    The theory of microcirculation disorders in the scalp tissues, as the main cause of alopecia alopecia, is currently not sufficiently proven.

The starting factors for the onset of the disease most often serve:

  • emotional stress
  • vaccination,
  • systemic antibiotic therapy
  • physical injuries
  • acute diseases (somatic and infectious).

The factors leading to the development of focal alopecia are still unclear. It is assumed that in 20% of cases there are hereditary reasons.

Although the cause of the disease is not known, it is assumed that genetic factors, stress, mental disorders, disorders of the endocrine glands, and immunological factors have a significant effect.

There are also many other hypotheses concerning the basis of the disease.

One of the factors leading to excessive hair loss are hormones responsible for the development of male features. They adversely affect hair follicles and lead to loss of their function.

Damaged hair follicles are not able to produce hair or produce them in violation of the structure. Alopecia can also be associated with temporary hormonal changes (for example, pregnancy or menopause in women) or with drastic changes in hormone therapy.

Excessive hair loss can be caused by mechanical factors (for example, hair pulling out), harmful (for example, heavy metal poisoning) or the result of concomitant diseases.

Many drugs, such as cytotoxic drugs, immunosuppressive, antithyroid and anticoagulants can also leave behind a “trace” in the form of baldness.

In the end, hair loss can be caused by a long-lasting inflammatory process.

Some scientists see the cause of focal hair loss in disorders of the hair follicle cycle, namely, too rapid transition from the anagen phase to the catagen phase.

Until now, this theory has not been confirmed and the factors responsible for the beginning of the entire balding process have not been determined. One thing remains valid is the fact that hair loss has the nature of inflammation, despite the absence of visible changes in the inflammatory process on the skin, in the form of redness or fever.

Alopecia areata in most cases develops under the influence of an autoimmune mechanism. The body's defenses may incorrectly recognize the hair follicles, confusing them with foreign tissue.

In patients with severe focal alopecia, immunoglobulins are often detected in the structure of the follicles, and plasma immunoglobulin pathologies and a lack of immunity are diagnosed.

This disease is more affected women with dark hair.

Stage disease

Nesting baldness has several main stages:

  1. Active (sometimes referred to as progredient) stage - diagnosed redness of the skin, swelling and burning sensation. Along the edges you can feel a tingling sensation. Trichologist, at the reception, may note that the torn hairs are similar to exclamation marks. It will also determine the area in which the hair has a weak root, i.e. at the slightest effort they will fall out or they can be pulled out. Most often, the boundaries do not exceed 12 mm. If you conduct a more thorough inspection, i.e. To examine the hair under a 100-fold increase, then you can see the thinning and dystrophy of the ends, in fact, they look like a torn thick thread.
  2. At the stationary stage, the skin of the lesion will turn pale, but at the same time, there is no zone with weak hair.
  3. Stage of regression - in the zone of alopecia, guns of colorless fine hair begin to appear, in some places you can notice the growth of ordinary hair, but already with pigmentation.

Changes in the nail plate are not isolated in a separate stage, as it enters a mild form of alopecia. The disease is characterized by deformation of the plate, in most cases, it is pressed in, and it becomes similar to a thimble.

Sometimes, the plate gets longitudinal scratches, features, but the regrown edge is no longer even. 12 out of 100 people who suffer from mild baldness have this strain. When diagnosing other types of alopecia, about 95% of people will have such a change with their nails.

It is characterized by the presence of dystrophy of the hair roots and additional unpleasant phenomena: itching or burning in the area of ​​baldness, redness and inflammation of the skin in the nidus of the disease.

The generally accepted international classification (ICD-10) identifies such diagnoses within the framework of the disease “nesting alopecia”.

Stages of the disease

Three stages of the disease:

  1. It all starts with active symptoms: swelling and redness of the skin in the epicenter of the focus. On its border there is a sensation of tingling and a slight burning sensation. Very quickly the alopecia zone in diameter reaches 1 cm. On examination of the affected area, the “hemp” left over from broken hair is clearly visible. The same strands that are still preserved in the hearth are loose and easily removable.
  2. The next stage of alopecia is stationary, i.e. hearth ceased to grow. The skin took a pale color, and along the border of the “nest” there are no diseased strands.
  3. In the regression stage, the alopecia process is reversed; in the focus, you can observe the appearance of new hair. Some of them resemble a colorless down, part has a dark pigmentation.

The nature of alopecia nesting is not fully revealed by scientists. It is not clear why the focus is first formed abruptly, then it stops growing and for several months (or even years) is in a steady state. Then, on their own, the hearth grows with new hairs.

The behavior of the disease is not entirely predictable, nesting baldness can manifest itself in different ways.In men, all the signs of selective baldness are immediately evident. While nesting alopecia in women can not be detected immediately. Some may live for several years without paying much attention to the unpleasant sensations that accompany the progressive stage of alopecia. Everything will depend on the form in which the disease manifests itself.

Female nesting alopecia when examined by a doctor trichologist.

Forms of alopecia areata

  • When the process of falling strands on the head is pronounced, they speak of a diffuse form of alopecia. It affects the entire surface of the hair section.
  • Local pathological alopecia is manifested by separate rounded foci with clear boundaries.
  • Baldness at the edge of hair growth is an ophasic shape. Sometimes only the temples and the forehead or the back of the head can be affected. Alopecia in this case has the form of a tape.
  • In the subtotal form, 40% of the hairline is affected. Here, small foci of the local type begin to merge with each other, forming large areas of damage.
  • Nest total alopecia affects the entire scalp, making the person bald. Sharply fall hair on other parts of the body.
  • There is also a universal form, when the alopecia foci are manifested not only on the hair part of the head - the disease affects the eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair. In men, you can see pockets of bald patches on the chin. With this form of alopecia, the regressive stage can again become active, destroying the emerging fluff.
Forms of alopecia: focal, total and local.

This type of baldness is distinguished by various forms, differing from each other in the degree of damage and localization. Universal alopecia in repeated progress can manifest itself in any other form described above and be light in nature, which complicates its treatment. Each of the types of focal alopecia can proceed easily and slowly, and can immediately begin quite aggressively. In the latter case, the disease and the nail plate are affected.

One person can manifest several forms of alopecia alopecia at once, or one of them will gradually turn into the other. This behavior of the disease makes it difficult to treat.

Causes of disease

  • Chronic respiratory tract infection, acute respiratory diseases, dental caries, inflammation of the internal organs that have developed in the body, if left untreated, lead to microbes entering the bloodstream. With it, the infection spreads through the system and reaches the hair follicles. The affected bulbs are perceived by the immune system as foreign bodies and undergo an autoimmune attack.
  • When an endocrine system fails, the thyroid gland and the adrenal cortex are impaired. This is reflected in the work of the pituitary and hypothalamus. All this leads to the development of focal alopecia.
  • The nervous vegetative system can cause a violation of the microcirculation of blood, which is why there are spasms of arterioles and precapillaries. Blood viscosity increases, which slows down its current. The bulbs, which did not receive nutrition, start to suffer.
  • Spasms of blood vessels lead to stress. They are the cause of a failure in the immune system, which suddenly becomes selectively "blind."

Any alopecia alopecia has causes that are not always easy to handle, especially since the disease is among the pathological. It is believed that the cause of all autoimmune syndrome. All these factors could not affect the development of alopecia areata, if the person was not predisposed to it genetically.

In the majority of patients, the development of alopecia is associated precisely with the hereditary weakness of the follicles.

Nesting alopecia should not be ignored, in whatever form and degree it manifests itself. The sooner treatment is started, the easier it will be to cope with the disease. For single minor lesions, restorative therapy will suffice. It includes taking individual vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP) and iron supplements. The doctor prescribes a complex of minerals and vitamins in combination with amino acids. More serious forms of alopecia require radical treatment, which includes drug and hardware effects.


  • Begin a course with local influence on focal alopecia corticosteroid hormones. This may be ointments or lotions that are applied to the affected areas. If the condition of the patient allows, then it is worth applying subcutaneous corticosteroid preparations with injections. Drugs like "Diprostan" or "Triamcinolone Acetonide" give a fairly quick effect.
  • In some cases, applied topically "Anthralin". The drug provokes the development of contact dermatitis, thereby "diverting the attention" of antibodies to themselves. Due to this effect of the agent, the activity of the autoimmune system is blocked.
  • In cases where the defeat of alopecia reaches more than 30%, immunomodulators of the type are used "Diamincyclopropenone". It is risky to use it without a doctor's supervision, so they prescribe the drug only in the hospital.
  • Strengthen the effect of local drugs on alopecia helps phototherapy.
  • Excellent results can be achieved with cryotherapylaser treatment Darsonval etc.


  • In the presence of infectious foci, drug therapy is prescribed to eliminate them (in each case, its own).
  • To improve the microcirculation will help vasodilators: "Kavinton", "Troxevasin", "Trental", etc.
  • Nutrition tissues of the hair areas will provide "Actovegin", "Solcoseryl."
  • Vascular spasms are removed by nootropic drugs: "Nootropil", "Piracetam".
The result of treatment of alopecia areata in the example before and after treatment.

Treatment of any form of focal alopecia should be carried out by a doctor and have an individual character. It should not be limited to one drug or procedure - the therapy should be comprehensive, aimed at suppressing the autoimmune syndrome.


Watch the video: My Alopecia Areata Story Hair Loss + Products I used to grow my hair back! (July 2024).